Chapter 39

"Snowman is watching over him at Osborn Manor with the guards!"

Mercury replied: "However, he didn't plan to notify his son to come back. He only wrote a letter to his son to explain some things. We checked the letter carefully, and there was no problem!"

"He should be worried about us dealing with Harry."

Bert snorted coldly: "Norman is not a person who gives up easily. Keep an eye on all the people who come into contact with him! By the way, have you found that guy named Nels?"

The Harry Osborn of this world has been studying abroad, closer to the setting in The Amazing Spider-Man movie!

Mercury said: "We went to the place where Norman told us, but Nels has already left. It may be that Norman is secretive!"

"Find him."

Bert said: "In addition, I will officially sign a contract with Norman tomorrow and take the shares of the Oscorp!"

Mercury nodded excitedly: "Yes, Blood God!"


Witnessed by lawyers, Bert and Norman Osborn signed a share transfer agreement!

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Osborn, I will handle the rest of the formalities!"

The lawyer took the contract, shook hands with the two, and left. Lying in his bedroom, Norman looked at Bert and said with hatred: "Bert, I hope you will abide by the agreement, otherwise I will not let you go.!"

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise!"

Bert smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Osborn, tomorrow is an auspicious day, please die in peace!"

Norman glared at Bert, gritted his teeth, and said, "I will die of illness tomorrow!"

"I'll prepare a funeral for you!"

Bert left with a smile. Norman smashed the bedside table with an angry punch. Snowman looked at all this indifferently, did nothing, and stood there quietly watching Norman!

The next day, Norman 'died from illness, and Bert looked at his body and said, "Everyone else get out, Mercury, Snowman, Natalie stay!"

Everyone exited according to their words, and when the door was closed, Bert said: "Snowman, you disappointed me a little bit, Norman did tricks under your nose, but you didn't find anything!"

"Blood God isn't Norman already..."

Snowman was stunned for a moment and was about to defend himself, but when he saw Mercury's stern gaze, he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Blood God, I was negligent!"

"Good attitude, I can't blame you all for this. Norman is too cunning!"

Bert said: "He prepared a lot of means in the bedroom in advance, for example, suspended animation, that's why he had to go back to the bedroom to lie down!"

"Fake death?"

Everyone was stunned, but Snowman couldn't help but said: "Blood God, you mean, Norman is not dead? Didn't his heart stop?"

Bert smiled and said, "He died, but it wasn't suicide, he was killed by Natalie!"


Everyone was more and more astonished, why did they turn to Natasha again? Natasha asked innocently, "Blood God, what are you talking about?"

"Mercury, take off the ring on her left hand!"

Bert instructed, Mercury had long been displeased with Natasha. Hearing that, she immediately walked over to grab her left hand and took off the gem ring on her middle finger. Natasha did not resist, because she knew it was useless to resist!

Mercury checked the ring and said to Bert: "Blood God, this ring has a small needle!"

"Natalie used the needle to stab Norman in the arm."

Bert said slowly: "I don't know what toxin is on this needle, but it can slow down a person's heartbeat, causing the effect of suspended animation!"

The Snowman's eyes filled with murderous intent: "Is she a traitor?"

Natasha asked, "Blood God, how did you find out? Also, what do you mean by saying I killed Norman?"

"Norman's own fake death drug also slows down his heart rate!"

Bert said with a sneer: "He is an enhanced human, So both you and he increased the dose of the toxin, so the fake death drug turned into a real death drug, and his heart really stopped, so you killed Norman Osborn! "

Everyone was shocked. It turned out to be the case. Norman Osborn was unlucky, but then again, even if it didn't happen, he would be dead, because Bert had already seen everything!

"It's not easy to explain to the director!"

Natasha sighed, and she asked Bert: "Blood God, you knew early on that I was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D., right?"

Bert asked, "How can you see it?"

"Because you haven't touched me, and you've deliberately played tricks on me, it's not normal. Any man who sees me will want to push me down as soon as possible! After all, I'm beautiful!"

Natasha said: "I always wondered why you didn't touch me, but now I know, you don't touch me, not because I'm not attractive enough, but because you already knew I was a spy!"

Bert and the others were speechless. Although the conclusion was correct, the reasoning process was too strange, right?

"Natalie, can you be more narcissistic?" Bert complained, and Mercury deliberately stayed away from Natasha, so as not to be infected by her!

Natasha snorted coldly: "I've never been narcissistic, I'm only telling the truth, for example, you are a scumbag!"

Bert said dissatisfiedly, "What did I do? I've never touched you?"

Natasha said confidently: "This is the worst part about you. You don't touch a beautiful woman like me in front of you. How dare you say that you are not a scumbag?"

"What sturdy logic!"

Mercury and Snowman are both speechless, this woman is not a normal person at all, right?

Bert looked at Natasha with a little pity, and said, "Others are inferior and arrogant, but you are inferior and narcissistic!"

"I feel inferior?"

Natasha smiled disdainfully, raised her chest, and said, "If I have low self-esteem, wouldn't other women jump into the sea to commit suicide?"

Mercury looked at Natasha's chest, and then looked at her own, and unknowingly put her hand on the hilt of the samurai sword. Amazingly, she is in good shape. Believe it or not, I will cut them off.

Bert shook his head and said, "Don't say that, call Nick Fury and ask him to exchange a tube of Captain America's blood for you!"

"What do you want Captain America's blood for?"

Natasha asked in astonishment, and Bert said: "I have my use, Snowman, take her down, allow her to make calls, but don't let her run away, she is the top secret agent!"

"I will never let her run away!"

Snowman solemnly guaranteed that he made two mistakes in a row, and if something happened again, he would have no face to see the Blood God!

"Scumbag, I officially inform you that you have lost the only chance to get this beauty!"

Natasha snorted at Bert and left the bedroom with her head raised as if she were a winner!

"I'm not interested in short legs!"

Bert said lightly, Natasha's face froze, and she turned around and stared at Bert, do you know what you said, you said the worst thing you should say, you are dead, scumbag!


Snowman pushed Natasha away in dissatisfaction, and when they left, Mercury asked, "Blood God, Natalie killed Norman, can we do something about it? She was sent by Nick Fury of all people!"

"It's not necessary now. Do it later when you need it. Anyway, this kind of thing will not expire!"

Bert smiled and said, "Find a forensic doctor to perform an autopsy on Norman and list the cause of death. Natasha doesn't know. I have installed 18 ultra-clear cameras in this room!"

Mercury understood, she nodded and said, "Yes, Blood God!"


The day after Norman Osborn's death, Electro Max was on TV. With Tracy's introduction, the audience knew who he was and why he became Electro and sympathized with him, and even the audience went up to hug Max, which moved Max greatly.

Then, Max sighed that he didn't know what to do in the future. Trish suggested with a smile that he should become a superhero, and let him demonstrate his ability to control current on the spot, which caused a burst of exclamation!

Max was a little excited but afraid that the citizens would not accept it, Trish took the opportunity to launch a TV survey. The final result showed that 90% of the people supported Max as a superhero!

As a result, Max decided to sign a contract with the newly established superhero star company under the Blood God Group, the Watchmen Company, and make his debut as a superhero!

On the same day, New York Police Chief George Stacy announced with the Green Goblin helmet that the Green Goblin had been dealt with. The police also rescued eight homeless people who had been subjected to illegal experiments by the Green Goblin. These eight homeless people had all been enhanced. They decided to join the police and jointly maintain order in New York!

There was a sensation all over New York. There were reporters everywhere at the gate of the police station. The public's support for the police finally began to recover, and even the stock price of the Oscorp stabilized!

It was also on this day that Nick Fury sent someone to exchange the Captain's blood for Natasha - S.H.I.E.L.D. has lots of Captain's blood, and back then, they often draw blood from the Captain.

Nick Fury also sent Coulson to contact Max, hoping that he would join S.H.I.E.L.D., but Max firmly refused.

On one side are secret agents who may be murdered by their people, and on the other side are superhero stars who are famous and admired by thousands of people. Everyone knows who to choose!

Nick Fury didn't give up and ran to pry at the corner of the police station, only to be kicked back by Chief George, who has the support of the city government. The law and order in New York have been so bad recently, both the police station and the city government are under great pressure.!

On the same day, the original Picasso of Kingpin, the underground emperor of New York, was stolen, and Kingpin smashed several guards to death with a stick on the spot.

Kingpin's confidant, Wesley, waited for Kingpin to vent his anger before saying, "According to my investigation, Felicia stole it!"

"Black cat?"

The majestic fat man Kingpin was stunned for a moment.

Wesley said: "She has now become the secretary of the Blood God!"

"In other words, this is a warning from the Blood God? It's overbearing!"

Kingpin understood, he first snorted coldly, and then sighed: "Wesley, now is the era of enhanced people, we don't have enhanced people in our hands, and sooner or later we will be eliminated!"

Wesley said with a smile: "Yesterday, a man named Nels contacted me and said that he has the technology of the Green Goblin. As long as we help him leave North America and escape the pursuit of the vampire clan, he will give us the technology. "

"Green Goblin's technology?"

Kingpin's eyes lit up and said, "Promise him, if there is a chance, keep him whole!"

"I know what to do!"

Wesley nodded, Kingpin took a few steps back and forth, and said, "Keep this secret, don't let the vampires find out, and when the Oscorp changes hands, send a bottle of red wine in my name. To the blood god!"

"Okay!" Wesley nodded!

There was a lot of hustle and bustle, and it was July. On this day, Bert completed all the formalities and officially became the major shareholder and chairman of the Oscorp!

In the chairman's office, Bert proudly said to Ivan Vanke, "This is the military industry group I promised you. Are you satisfied?"

Ivan smoked a cigar and said, "Forcibly, it's enough to build battle armor!"

"You are demanding!"

Bert sneered, and then he asked Mercury to put the contract in front of Ivan and said, "First I'll give you 1% of the shares and board seats, and within five years, I will give you another 4%!"

As soon as these words came out, Frank and James were both shocked. Although the stock price of Oscorp fell sharply, it still has a market value of about 100 billion. 5% of the shares are more than 5 billion US dollars. Is this person worth so much?

Even Ivan, who has always been rebellious, was a little stunned. He didn't expect that someone would value him so much!

Ivan did not pretend to refuse, he simply signed his name and said, "In five years, I will double the market value of Oscorp, otherwise, I will not want this share!"

"This guy is mad!" Everyone clicked their tongues, this Russian is quite arrogant!

"It's not difficult for you!"

Bert asked Mercury to put away the contract archive, and then asked, "Has the miniaturization of the Ark been completed?"

"It's done, but there is a small problem, the palladium in it will cause poisoning!"

Ivan said: "However, as long as the protection is well done, it is not a big problem. After all, it is impossible to wear battle armor all the time, and we are not that unlucky Tony Stark!"

Speaking of Tony, Ivan was gloating at the misfortune. Bert smiled and continued to ask, "How long will it take you to finish the battle armor?"

"A month or two."

Ivan said: "My suit must be stronger than Tony Stark's sissy suit!"

"You mean the Iron Man suit?"

Frank asked in surprise, how could this arrogant Russian make an Iron Man suit?

"Of course."

Ivan said proudly, how can I take so many shares without this ability?

This time, Frank and the others finally understood why Bert valued Ivan so much!

Bert said: "Ivan, make a few more suits, one for you, one for Frank, one for Mercury, one for Blade, er, if you have time, make me a set too, I don't need a regular one, I have weapons, so focus on flying and pulling the wind!"

"Flying and pulling the wind?"

Ivan was speechless, if it weren't for his boss, he would kick the opponent, he said: "There are so many sets, it takes a lot of time, and a lot of money, and each set of battle armor alone costs hundreds of millions of dollars! "

"Don't worry about money, I have more!"

Bert smiled and said, "The main force is to make you, Frank, and the suit of mercury, maybe it will come in handy soon!"