Chapter 41 : Tony's Recklessness

At night, in the Malibu mansion, Tony Stark raised his glass to Bert and said, "Bert, congratulations on your successful acquisition of the Oscorp!"

"Congratulations to you for making a lot of money!"

Bert raised his glass in response, Tony took a sip of wine, and smiled: "I made a lot of money, I promised you the profit, I will let Pepper use other ways to transfer it, say, Bert, the Oscorp's stock doesn't seem to go up any time soon, huh?"

"It can't rise, the energy sector has been crushed by you, and the weapons sector has been completely cut off by the Ministry of Defense. If it weren't for the biotechnology sector, the stock price of Oscorp would be even lower!"

Bert shook his head, and Tony said proudly: "It seems that my Stark Industries is too capable."


Pepper shouted, and then said to Bert: "Bert, I have a win-win proposal, I wonder if you are interested?"

Bert said, "Tell me about it!"

"Our Stark Industries can buy your Oscorp's energy division at a high price!"

Pepper said competently: "If you agree, we can open up some of Stark Industries's weapons channels to you."

"It is indeed a win-win situation, but no need!"

Bert shook his head and said very frankly: "I have a way to solve the Oscorp's problems. In a few months, Oscorp's share price will recover!"

Tony didn't believe it: "Really, you have the ability like me?"

Bert turned his head and asked Yinsen, "Yinsen, when you were working with Tony, did you ever think about beating him?"

"I thought about it, not much, just a hundred times!"

Yinsen smiled and said, "It's torturing to work with him!"

Tony exaggeratedly said: "Yinsen, you hurt my heart so much, I thought we were good friends!"

Yinsen shrugged: "That's why I didn't beat you!"

Bert smiled and said, "It's not difficult to solve the problem of the Oscorp, as long as you get a small Ark Reactor and a Steel Battle Armor."

"It's not difficult, you should be able to do it in ten years!"

Tony shook his glass and said, "Or twenty years? You guys are better than Hammer Industries, they need at least thirty years!"

Mercury sneered beside him, the arrogant Tony Stark never imagined that the Oscorp already owns a small Ark Reactor, and the Battle Armor will be ready soon!

"That's how you answered the Ministry of Defense?"

Bert said: "I heard that they have been forcing you to hand over your Battle Armor, and even used commercial means for this, such as interrupting some contracts between the military and the Stark Industries!"

"Don't even think about it, the suit is a part of me, I won't give it to anyone!"

Tony snorted coldly, and he said proudly: "The military will come back and beg me. No one can replace the products of Stark Industries!"

Bert gestured to Pepper: "Pepper, you've worked hard! You have to take care of such a brat!"

"Who's the brat?"

Tony was angry, but Pepper laughed: "It's okay, I've been taking care of him for more than ten years! I'm used to it!"

"Your little brat won't pay you!"

Tony said angrily and then gave Pepper a look. Pepper took Mercury and Yinsen to the backyard to prepare materials. Only Bert and Tony were left in the hall!

"Aunt Carter has already told me everything. I didn't expect that Hydra still exists."

Tony put down the glass and said, "I hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database a few days ago, but I didn't find any clues, Bert, can you tell me everything you know?"

"Hacking into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database?"

Bert frowned, and he said, "Tony, when did you become so reckless?"

Tony said: "Reckless? I don't think so, they can't find out anyway! I'm Tony Stark.! "

"You are not reckless, you are floating! It seems that during this period, the praise of Iron Man by major media in various countries has made you completely floating!"

Bert snorted coldly, Tony was arrogant before, but he finally had a degree, and now it's completely gone, and at the back, he even claimed that world peace depends on him!

"Floating? They're just telling the truth, I, Tony Stark, the greatest genius in the world!"

Tony said arrogantly, he had said this before, but he was just boasting, but now, he really thinks so!

Bert sneered: "You are so powerful, why can't you even solve the palladium poisoning?"

"You know? It seems that you have secretly studied the Ark Reactor!"

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: "No problem, it won't take long for me to develop alternative elements!"

Bert understands why Tony kept using steel armor even though he knew he would be poisoned — in the early days, he thought he could research alternative elements, so he waved as much as he could. In the later stage, although he found that no element could replace palladium, the poisoning was already deep, so he simply breaks the jar, and kept going!

Bert shook his head: "You can't go on like this. Once you are discovered by Hydra, you will be in danger!"

Tony disdainfully said: "I will be in danger? I am Iron Man! They coming for me is better, I'll just lead the snake out of the hole and solve them!"

"You think they're so stupid that they will fight you with a sword and a gun? They're going to fight you, and it must be when you're not wearing Battle Armor!"

Bert sneered: "Also, they might attack Pepper!"

Tony was speechless, but he didn't want to bow his head and said stubbornly, "They can't find me!"

"I have nothing to say to you now!"

Bert shook his head and turned to leave.

"Wait, tell me about it!"

Tony hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Bert's shoulder to prevent him from leaving. Who knew that a force suddenly erupted, and Tony flew out and fell to the ground?

Bert turned around and said indifferently: "Tony Stark, in terms of handsomeness, you are not as good as me, in terms of charm, you are not as good as me, in terms of wealth, you are still not as good as me, in terms of strength, your shabby suit, I can remove it in three seconds, I am not arrogant, so why are you arrogant?"

Tony was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was about to retort, when he heard the movement, Pepper rushed out and shouted: "Tony!"

"Pepper, I'm sorry, Mercury, let's go!"

Bert was too lazy to stay, turned around, and left, and Mercury hurriedly followed. When passing Tony, she snorted disdainfully. Compared with the Blood god, what is so arrogant in him?

Tony shouted at Bert's back in anger: "Bert, today's business is not over!"

Bert didn't bother to pay attention to Tony, he took Mercury and drove the sports car away like lightning!

Pepper and Yinsen helped Tony up, and Pepper asked inexplicably, "Tony, why do you keep pressing Bert?"

Tony snorted coldly: "When did I want to crush him? I was above him, he's just a high school student!"

Bert, some of the richest people in the United States, education, high school - what a life!

"Why do you want to investigate him so clearly? Also, didn't you realize that you were always very arrogant and domineering in front of him?"

Pepper sighed, "You know what you look like when you see Bert, like a rooster ready to fight!"

"Pepper, your analogy is too much. You should say like an eagle ready to fight, no, when am I ready to fight?"

Tony said dissatisfiedly: "Pepper, I will meet with a few traditional energy dealers tomorrow. I want to make the energy department of the Oscorp completely out of business."

"You said you're not ready to fight?"

Pepper was speechless, and Yinsen shook his head too. It was normal for Tony to want to press Bert's head. He, who was always proud, was deflated in front of Bert!

On the sports car, Mercury asked Bert, "Blood God, do I need to do something?"

"No, he just floated away."

Bert shook his head and said: "In my name, send an internship invitation to Peter Parker and let him go to the genetics department for an internship! Just treat it as a benefit I gave him. If he performs well, I will help him pay for college."

"There are such good benefits for a sparring partner?"

Mercury was a little speechless, she said, "I see."

Although I don't know if Dr. Connors needs Spider-Man to complete the lizard serum, it's right to get Spider-Man over. As for whether Peter and Gwen will spark, it depends on their fate!

After thinking about it, Bert said: "By the way, I have already read the candidate list of assistants you gave me. The one named Lilith is not bad. Let her come to work tomorrow!"

Mercury asked in amazement: "Blood God, why did you choose her?"

Bert smiled and said, "She must be extraordinary to have a name like Lilith."

"That's why you choose her!"

Mercury smiled, but secretly complained, because she has the best figure and the most beautiful face among the candidates, right?


In a mysterious underground research room in New York's Hell's Kitchen, Kingpin was listening to a crazy-looking bald doctor's introduction: "The formula you gave me is the original formula of human enhancement serum."

Kingpin asked, "Original formula? What do you mean?"

"It's an unimproved prescription. The Osborn's human body strengthening serum has been able to suppress the side effects to 20%!"

Dr. Bald Head said: "And your formula, after taking it, not only has a 50% chance of side effects, but also a 10% chance of completely failing and becoming an irrational lunatic."

Kingpin's face was a little ugly: "It seems that guy kept his hand!"

"It was my mistake that made him escape."

Wesley apologized and said, "But didn't that guy give you two recipes?"

"The other one is even worse, it's not finished at all, and it's still stuck on the last step!"

Dr. Bald Head said: "However, this formula has great potential. Once completed, it will be an epoch-making revolution!"

Kingpin said: "Then complete it! Also, the human body strengthening serum, keep looking for ways to improve it."

"Not that simple."

Dr. Bald Head said: "The former requires a lot of money, calculated in billions, while the latter requires a lot of experimenters to obtain data, although it does not require much money!"

"In billions?"

Kingpin frowned a little. Although he has money, he spends more money, such as money laundering, buying officials, etc. In a short time, he really can't get hundreds of millions!

"Configure the human body strengthening serum and sell it on the black market!"

Kingpin also thought about it and said, "In this way, not only can we get funds, but we can also get a lot of experimental data!"

"Kingpin, you have a dark heart, but I like it!"

The bald doctor laughed wildly: "Science requires sacrifice, and those humane rules are completely hindering the progress of science!"

The decision of Kingpin and Dr. Bald has made the crime rate in New York skyrocket in the future, and has also completely opened the era of superheroes and supervillains!


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the time has come to September. Today, the weather is very hot, and what is hotter than the weather is the smell of sin!

The bell rang, the siren of a bank in Queens rang loudly, and several pedestrians at the door fled away, yelling, "Come on again, how many times has a bank robbery happened this month?"

Soon, five strong figures rushed out of the bank carrying bags. Just as they were about to get into the car, a few spiderwebs fell from the sky and snatched their bags away.

Spider-Man leaned on the wall and said, "Guys, it's not right to rob a bank, I suggest you turn yourself in immediately!"

"Spider-Man, we're not afraid of you now!"

One of the five-strong tattooed men violently tore off his clothes, revealing his muscles, and then he pulled the sign out of the concrete and threw it at Spider-Man!

"It's a booster again! Do you know that the serum you inject has great side effects!"

Spider-Man flexibly avoided the sign, then raised his hand and shot a spider web toward the tattooed man!

Before the spider web reached the tattooed man, it was smashed by something thrown by another strong man. Looking closely, it was a car door.

"Another strong man!"

Spider-Man exclaimed. To his dismay, the remaining three strong men also tore their clothes. They are all enhanced people!

Spider-Man complained: "Where do you get so many, enhanced people? Also, why do you all have to tear your clothes? You won't transform!"

"Spider-Man, return our money!"

One guy slammed towards Spider-Man on the wall, Spider-Man quickly climbed up, and the hapless Enhanced Man slammed into the wall with a bang, smashing the bricks into the wall.

"Dude, this can't be done, this is my domain."

Spider-Man is habitually talking, and at this moment, the two fortified people lifted the car beside him together and smashed it hard at him!

"Foul, foul!"

Spider-Man shouted while fleeing, he was dodging the car, but the car continued to fly toward the two pedestrians. Spider-Man was shocked and was about to pull it with a spider web. A dazzling electric light lit up, and the car was thrown directly to the side.

"The Electro Man is here!"

The onlookers cheered one after another, and along with their voices, an electric light shot from a distance and turned into Electro man Max wearing a blue uniform in the air!

Compared with before, Max was much more cheerful, and he greeted the surrounding citizens in a very sunny way, which attracted a lot of cheers.

Spider-Man greeted: "Friend, you are here!"

"You're not my friend, you don't even remember my name!"

Max snorted in dissatisfaction, raised his hand, and shot an electric light at the tattoo-enhanced man below. The enhanced man was blasted out on the spot, and his chest was charred black!

"It's the Electro man, run away!"

The expressions of the remaining four fortified people changed drastically, and they hurriedly turned to run away. At this moment, two gliders flew over, and the citizens began to cheer again: "The Hell Sisters are here too."

"With us here, you can never escape!"

Standing on the glider on the left is a superhero called Hellcat in a yellow uniform and a cat-face mask. She let out a coquettish cry and pulled the trigger of the stun gun in her hand. The enhanced man immediately collapsed with convulsions all over his body.