Chapter 72 : War (I)

After entering the building, War Machine and Peacemaker separated to save people. War Machine heard the voice calling for help in the distance, and flew over in a hurry, and saw several gang members surrounding a woman with bad intentions!

War Machine immediately shot and killed the gang members, and the woman shouted gratefully, "Thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, leave now!"

War Machine waved and turned to save the others. At this moment, the woman suddenly turned into a lizard and gave War Machine a kick from behind. War Machine staggered a few steps and fell to the ground with a thud.

In the city hall, many people were bought by Kingpin and, generous Kingpin turned all these people into lizardmen, this woman is one of them, she has been waiting for reinforcements to take the bait!


War Machine rolled on the ground, dodging the attack of the lizardmen, and then fired wildly at the lizardmen.

At this moment, another lizardman jumped from upstairs, cut off the connection of the machine gun with one claw, and then smashed the visor of War Machine frantically with the machine gun.

War Machine raised its hand and used the pulse cannon to knock the lizardman flying, but the other lizardmen immediately surrounded him and beat him, and he was suddenly in a critical situation!

At this moment, six miniature missiles were fired, and several lizardmen were blown away on the spot, their flesh, and blood flying, but except for those who were blown to the head, the others were not dead, and they were even recovering quickly!

Tony flew over with the BGM and sneered: "I said earlier, the battle armor on your body is inferior!"

"I said it earlier, the battle armor on your body is just your toy!"

War Machine reminded: "Don't use powerful weapons, there are still many survivors in the city hall!"

"I Know!"

Tony shot the Lizardmen who rushed up with an arc pulse cannon, and then said: "Deal with the Lizardmen here as soon as possible, and I have to save the police! Although they are a little ungrateful, the magnanimous Iron Man still cares about them. !"

War Machine smiled wryly, and flew from the ground to fight alongside Iron Man!

It took the two of them several minutes to deal with all the remaining lizardmen. At this time, the Peacemaker shouted through the communication channel: "Come and help, there are so many lizardmen, I can't stop it!"

Tony laughed: "I said your suits are of inferior quality, wait, I'll go with the big move!"

War Machine said with disgust: "The ultimate move that can only be used once!"

"You don't even have one!"

Tony snorted coldly, flew to Peacemaker, and used the laser beam to kill five or six lizardmen in an instant!

The lizard people were frightened, they all took a step back, but immediately rushed up again, and the three of them fought, almost demolishing the building!

As more and more lizardmen joined in, the three of them gradually became a little unsupported. At this moment, a fighter plane appeared outside, shooting at the lizardmen, and the lizardmen avoided one after another!

Immediately afterward, Hawkeye and Natasha of S.H.I.E.L.D. jumped from the Quinjet to the building with a group of heavily armed agents, Hawkeye shouted: "We are reinforcements of S.H.I.E.L.D., and there will be more to come.!"

"I propose to rescue the survivors of the city hall and bomb it here!"

Tony shouted that the lizardmen are very strong and will heal themselves. Even he can't deal with a few. The best way is to bomb directly.

"No, it's not allowed." Natasha shook her head and said, "This is New York City Hall, the face of New York."

"You need to save face, in this situation!"

Tony cursed and said, "If you can't blow up, you can only fight head-on with the lizardmen. This will not only waste a lot of time, but it's also very dangerous. I'm talking about you."

"I can't do it, We can only fight head-on!" Hawkeye shouted: "The lizardmen are, here again, everyone gets ready to fight!"

"Kill these monsters!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and the battle broke out again!

At the same time, in the police headquarters, the sound of explosions kept ringing. It was not the explosion of a rocket, but the explosion of a railgun!

In the face of the endless stream of Lizardmen, Electro Man has been unable to care about anything, and frantically fired super-electromagnetic cannons. Every coin bombarded one or even several Lizardmen. Even the Lizardmen were terrified to be killed!

"Max, after this battle, your popularity will rise sharply!"

Wind demon said enviously, and then rolled up three lizardmen and flew into the sky together. The bullets were ineffective against him because he was just a gust of wind!

Electro said with a grim expression: "I just want to kill all these lizardmen now!"

There are far more lizardmen here than in the city hall. After all, the police are the most hated by gang members!

"Electro Man has a trick, I'm envious. When will I have a trick? If there is no trick, it's not easy to play the game!"

Inside the building, Spider-Man kicked a lizardman flying and said enviously. Chief George used his rifle to repel a lizardman, and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, and drive out all the lizardmen who rushed in!"


Spider-Man saluted, and before Chief George got mad, he charged at the other Lizardman and fought it out.

Lizardmen are also afraid. Seeing that they can't break through the line of defense of Electro and Wind demon, they can only retreat, hide behind the building and shoot at the police.

"Electro, you are indeed very powerful, but we are very clear about your weakness!"

A lizardman in a hat shouted as he fired, "You're just a battery. After fighting for so long, do you still have electricity?"

Another lizardman also shouted, "Yes, Electro, we'll tear you apart when you run out of electricity!"

"You idiots, Mr. Wang has already made up for this defect for me!" Electro laughed disdainfully, he tore his clothes, and an ark reactor on his chest gleamed: "Haha, stupid? I have my power bank!"

"You bastard!"

The lizard people were furious, but there was nothing they could do. The Railgun was too powerful. Although they could regenerate, they did not include the heart and head.

The battle situation was stalemate like this. After a while, several police cars drove over from a distance, but it was not the police who came down, but a group of blood-covered lizardmen!

The lizardmen-headed sneered: "You can't do it, we've all blood-bathed a division, and you haven't beaten this place yet!"

The previous Lizardman boss said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, take this place together, and boss Kingpin is watching us."

"Then kill!"

The lizardmen laughed and joined the battle with a group of fresh troops, and the defense line of the General Bureau gradually began to be unsustainable.


Hearing that a branch was fallen, Chief George gritted his teeth angrily. He took a rifle and personally went to the front line to cheer up the police officers. In any case, the defense line cannot be broken!

Just when the line of defense was in jeopardy, with a bang, a bullet hit the head of a Lizardman accurately. The bullet seemed to be specially made, and it directly shot the Lizardman in the head!

Immediately afterward, rumbling explosions sounded one after another, and the lizardmen were blown away one by one.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a group of people in black and red uniforms walking towards this side with howitzers, and the man in sunglasses shouted, "Chief George, the Vampire Clan Police Department is ordered by the Blood God to come to support you!"


Many policemen and gang members shouted at the same time, and Blade shot a lizardman, and said coolly: "It seems that I have a lot of fame!"

Melinda, the deputy chief of the Vampire Clan Police Department, complained, "No, they just recognized your sunglasses. By the way, did you charge Mr. Wang, $1 million for the appearance fee for these sunglasses?"

"The sunglasses are me, of course, there is an appearance fee!"

Blade said: "It will continue to appear in the "Vampire Police Station" series, and the appearance fee is still one million!"

Melinda was speechless, saying, do you want to find a body too?

Seeing the Vampire clan police station coming to help, Chief George was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Kill these damned lizardmen together, and leave none of them!"

"Not a single one!"

The police shouted at the same time, and at this moment, a flaming battle armor flew from a distance at high speed and roared: "No one will be left!"

But it was Damon, the Ghost Rider, who came back. When he saw the tragic state of the police station, he was furious. With a wave of the burning chains, he directly swept the three lizardmen into two pieces!

"It's stable now!" Wind demon blew a whistle, there is no problem at the head office!

On the street, a homeless man was injected with inferior products and was distorted and deformed. A green and black homeless man was holding the door of the car and slammed the door of the store. The people in the store were trembling with fear. They desperately called the police station, but there was no one to help!

At this moment, an electric shock bullet hit the mutant monster, the mutant monster twitched a few times, reached out and dug out the electric shock bullet and threw it on the ground, then turned around and roared at the flying Hell sisters!

"This monster is so disgusting, let's throw the pumpkin bomb!"

Jessica said irritably, it's okay to go out at night to save people, the monsters are more disgusting to deal with!

Trish said, "No, the bomb will hurt people in the store!"

"Then I'll do it!"

Jessica jumped into the glider. She first avoided the car door thrown by the mutant monster, then rushed forward and punched the mutant monster's chest hard. Even the mutant monster was hit by her huge force and flew out!

Immediately afterward, Jessica turned over and grabbed the mutant monster's chest, and threw him into the street. Trish fired the machine gun at the mutant monster's head, and the monster's head exploded like a watermelon.

The people in the shop cheered: "Hell Sisters!"

"Stay in the shop and don't come out, everything will be back to normal before dawn!"

Trish shouted, and immediately rushed to other places with Jessica. There are still many monsters, and superheroes are far from enough!

Iron Fist Danny Rand, who was also cleaning up the monsters, saw the Hell Sisters leaving in a glider and said enviously, "People can fly, but we don't even have a car. The efficiency is too low!"

"There should be bikes on the street. !"

Daredevil said with an expressionless face, but he was thinking about the invitation from S.H.I.E.L.D. some time ago. Now that New York is getting more and more chaotic, it seems that it is impossible to fight alone!

The problem is that the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have a special hobby!

"Bikes? People ride on gliders, and we ride bikes?"

Danny sighed and said, "Daredevil, when can you help me get the Rand Corporation back? I want to be rich."

"Your lawsuit, if you don't have a background, it's impossible to win. Deal with the monsters first!"

Daredevil shook his head, and then the two got on their bikes and rushed to the place where there were monsters!

Power Man, Fireman, Water Demon, and Earth Demon, are also saving people. Under the circumstance that the police are all dragged down, these superheroes are the only support for the citizens!


"Mr. Wang, with all due respect, why did you deploy a lot of troops to protect the Oscorp?"

At the Oscorp Building, Coulson couldn't help but ask, "Shouldn't they be sent to deal with the monsters in the city?"

"Coulson, if you care a little bit, you will not be confused!"

Bert shook the red wine in the glass and said, "Didn't you find it? Kingpin never showed up!"

Coulson asked, "You mean, Kimpin's goal is here?"

"Before, it was only 50% sure, but now it's 100%!"

Bert said: "Kingpin besieged the police station and the city hall, not only for the rebellion but also for the isolation of the Oscorp Building. In this way, he can bring the main force to attack the Oscorp Building and snatch The Ganali Device!"

"Ganali Device? What is that?"

Coulson was stunned, and after listening to the introduction, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Wang, you must not let The Ganali Device fall into Kingpin's hands, otherwise everyone in the city will become lizardmen, I suggest destroying it immediately! "

'It's not yours, that's why you are so generous!' Bert sneered: "Don't worry, with me, Kingpin can't get The Ganali Device!"

"How can you rest assured? Kingpin's main force must be very powerful!" Coulson said anxiously: "Mr. Wang, your troops may not be enough!"

"Didn't you say before that the Oscorp has too many troops?"

Bert said angrily: "Relax, you worry too much, it's easy to lose your hair. You don't have much hair to lose, to begin with!"

Coulson felt that he had been severely hit, and Bert thought of something and said, "However, sooner or later, you will have to go bald. It's normal for your hair to fall out."

"You mean that a bald head is a standard for the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Coulson was speechless. He walked aside and called Director Fury and said Bert's judgment!

"I knew there was going to be a problem with the Oscorp!"

Fury scolded and said, "I'll try to send some reinforcements over there, be careful yourself, Kingpin may be on his way soon!"

Coulson was about to answer, but saw the scene of the street below through the floor-to-ceiling window, and sighed: "It's not very soon, it's already here, Mr. Wang guessed it right!"

On the street, more than a dozen trucks drove to the door of the Oscorp. Then, the door of the carriage opened, and a large number of lizardmen jumped out of the carriage, and looked at the Oscorp with a hideous expression. !

Kingpin, who was still in human form, got out of the car last. He glanced at the Oscorp, raised his hands, and shouted to all the lizardmen: "Attack, take down the Oscorp, and establish the lizardmen kingdom!"

"Long live the Lizardmen!"

The lizard people shouted and rushed towards the Oscorp fiercely!

"Waiting for you, for a long time!"

Frank and Ivan flew out of the building and threw bombs one after another towards the bottom, booming, and a large number of lizardmen were blown to pieces and died tragically on the spot!

At the same time, in the Oscorp, the security company opened the windows and fired with howitzers and rocket launchers downward. The outside of the Oscorp suddenly became a purgatory, blood, and flames were everywhere, and it took less than two minutes. Hundreds of lizardmen fell by half!

"Is this a war?"

Coulson clicked his tongue. He didn't know that any battle that fell into Frank's hands would turn into a war!