Chapter 75 : Alien's Blood

At dawn, the lizardmen and gang members were either killed or fled. The chaotic night was finally over!

At the entrance of the General Bureau, in front of the corpses, Chief George sat on the ground helplessly. Although he defended the General Bureau, he was not happy at all. More than 200 police officers died in the General Bureau alone, not to mention other branches.

I heard that the city hall also suffered heavy casualties, and the citizens were killed by monsters, this night, too many people died in New York.


Damon came over, sat on the ground tiredly, and reported: "The National Guard has entered the city, and the city is safe."

"They're too late!"

Chief George shook his head and asked with red eyes, "Is Kingpin dead?"

Damon said: "Forget it, Bert plans to transform him into a war lizard!"


Chief George scolded happily, then let out a breath and said, "Kingpin is dead, and I can step down in peace."

Damon said: "Chief, Bert asked you to find him, he should have a way to keep you!"

Chief George shook his head and said, "It's unnecessary, I'm taking it upon myself!"

Damon comforted: "It's not your fault!"

Chief George shook his head, stood up, and said resolutely: "I have one last thing to do, and that is to issue a death notice, which is my responsibility! Damon, after I leave, the NYPD will depend on you! "

Damon stood up and assured very seriously: "Chief, I won't let you down!"

Although the fighting has subsided, for safety reasons, New York was still under martial law for a day. Frightened citizens kept asking the city government on the Internet what happened and where did those lizardmen come from?

Also, what is the NYPD doing, and why can't a single police officer be seen when a disaster strikes?

Reporters all over the world are also asking frantically, and all kinds of gossip are flying around!

The city hall was taken over by the lizardmen, and there was no way to make a sound. The White House only declared martial law without specifying the specific situation.

At this time, Trish stood up and told the story in detail on the "Trish Talk" program!

The Green Goblin stole the Oscorp's formula, and the Green Goblin's subordinates sold the formula to Kingpin, who experimented with the formula to create enhanced humans and lizardmen, and Kingpin led the lizardmen to attack New York, wanting to build a kingdom of lizardmen. The Oscorp and the police teamed up to defeat!

The citizens finally knew that everything was done by Kingpin, the bastard. On this day, Kingpin's eighteenth-generation ancestors were greeted countless times!

In addition to scolding Kingpin, the citizens also scolded the city hall and the police for incompetence, and many people demanded the resignation of Commissioner George and the surviving Mayor of New York!

Some people scold the Oscorp, but not many. After all, they were the ones who dealt with the lizardmen. Trish also followed Bert's instructions and directed the blame to another group of people - the people who provided funds to Kingpin!

The citizens were furious when they heard that someone was supporting Kingpin and his research. They demanded the government to investigate and arrest all those bastards. Seeing that there was a way to divert the conflict, the devastated government immediately said that those bastards would be brought to justice!



Director Fury wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, contacted his subordinates with an encrypted phone, and asked them to get their tails done quickly.

"That vampire can really divert conflicts!"

Director Fury cursed, put away the phone, turned, and walked into the room.

The sobered Captain America, Steve Rogers was watching the news in the room. He looked at the terrifying lizardmen and sighed, "It's still better in our time. At that time, I represented the highest technology in the world."

Carter handed the apple to Steve with a smile, Steve took the apple and looked at Carter affectionately: "Fortunately you are here, otherwise I don't know how to live in this era!"

Carter said softly: "I will always be with you, and when you recover, we will go dancing right away!"

Director Fury couldn't help but cough. Since Captain America woke up, these two guys have been sending dog food non-stop. Please, you are all in your 90s, okay? Also, I have been single for many years!

Director Fury said: "Captain, this world is full of danger, we need you!"

"The world will always need me!"

Steve sighed and said, "But I'm really tired, Director Fury, I'll think about it again!"

Director Fury persuaded a few more words. Seeing Steve still shake his head, he could only leave first. After he left, Steve asked, "Is he a Hydra?"

"I don't know, but there must be a Hydra in the core of S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Carter said, "Steve, I know you don't want to deal with this anymore, and I don't want to, but Hydra is our responsibility!"

"Yeah, that's our responsibility!"

Steve nodded, and he said, "I'll do what you say, in this day and age, you're everything to me!"

Carter said affectionately: "You are my everything!"

Fortunately, there is no one in the room now, otherwise, they will die from boredom. Two lovers who have been separated for more than 60 years can't wait to stick together and never be separated!


On the third day, the closure of New York was lifted. The first thing the citizens did was not to celebrate but to protest. The mayor unsurprisingly took Chief George as a scapegoat, but the citizens were not satisfied and were still protesting, demanding that the city, to promise that this will not happen again in the future!

The mayor gave assurances, but in fact, he didn't even believe those assurances, but that's okay, anyway, his term is coming to an end, that tattered City hall, that unfortunate chair, whoever likes to sit on it, can do. He will not run again anyway!

First Abomination, then Ghost Rider, and now a Lizardman, is it the alien's turn next?

Not only the mayor but also a large number of police officers. In the Lizardman incident, the police were killed and injured countless times, and they would be blamed by the public afterward. Many police officers could not bear the pressure and chose to resign!

Being a police officer in New York is the most dangerous profession!

The lack of police forces has led to plummeting security in New York. Although the City Hall is actively recruiting people, no one is willing to come. After all, it is too dangerous. Moreover, the City Hall has not increased the salary of the police!

It's not that the city hall doesn't want to improve, it's that they have no money!

In the Oscorp Building, Bert sent off a few councilors and sat in a chair dissatisfied and said, "The mayor, councilors, all come to me to ask for money, do you think I am a cash cow?"

Who told me? The city hall has no money?"

Lilith said: "I heard that they can't even pay the police's pension, and now the police's families are protesting at the city hall."

Bert said unhappily: "That's too bad, Chief George will definitely ask me for money after a while!"

"The richest person in New York is you. Who do you ask for if you don't?"

Lilith said: "By the way, the military is very interested in the War lizards and decided to accept our $2 billion offer, and they want to order five more sets of battle armor!"

"You can handle this, but it's still easy to make money from the military!"

Bert nodded with satisfaction and said, "Hey, I accidentally made billions!"

Bert laughed and asked, "How about the superhero side? Are the citizens dissatisfied?"

"Not only is there no dissatisfaction, but the support rate has greatly increased!"

Lilith said: "According to the survey, citizens believe in superheroes more than the city hall and the police. After all, this time, only superheroes have been saving the citizens, and the sales of Hell Sisters and Powerman merchandise have greatly increased."

"Very well, the era of superheroes is here!"

Bert nodded and instructed: "Let the Watchmen Company develop more superheroes, but there should be no problems with their character. Also, let the superheroes patrol more these days to increase their prestige."


Lilith nodded, and at this moment, Felicia called in: "Mr. Stacy is here!"

"Mr. Wang, I'm here to ask you for help!"

As soon as the much older George Stacy came in, he immediately pleaded with Bert: "The families of those police officers are so pitiful that they can't even get their pensions. I hope you can help them."

"If it's someone else, I'd say it's the responsibility of the city hall, but since Mr. Stacy has spoken, I'll donate tens of millions to the city hall!"

Bert smiled: "In addition, the Oscorp is researching mechanical prosthetics, and I can provide for the injured police!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, thank you so much!"

George was so grateful that he could finally face the family members of the police. These days, he was tortured - not by his family, but by his conscience.

"You are welcome!"

Bert asked George to sit down, and then asked, "Mr. Stacy, I wonder if you are interested in running for the next mayor?"

George almost spits out a sip of coffee. He asked in surprise, "Running for mayor? Mr. Wang, are you kidding me? How can I have that qualification?"

After a pause, George smiled wryly: "Actually, my reputation is so bad right now that someone even called my family to scold me!"

"If I said you are qualified, you are qualified!"

Bert said: "As for the reputation, I can help you clean it up, trivial matter!"

George knew that Bert didn't brag. With his financial resources, it was a trivial matter. He hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said, "Mr. Wang, I don't think so!"

"New York will become more and more chaotic in the future, and it needs a responsible and strong-armed figure to sit in, and you are the best fit."

Bert said: "Mr. Stacy, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. New York needs you, and the police department also needs you."

George smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wang, I have self-knowledge, I don't have the ability!"

Bert asked, "Do you think you are worse than the one on stage?"

"That's rubbish!"

George scolded disdainfully, and Bert said, "Since he can be, why can't you? Do you want to give New York to another waste?"

George hesitated, and Bert said, "Mr. Stacy, go back and think about it! If you agree, I will do my best to push you into that position!"

George was silent for a moment, nodded, and left. He was moved!

Lilith said: "With his character, even if he becomes the mayor, he will not become our puppet!"

"I don't need a puppet, I need an honest and capable mayor!"

Bert said, at this moment, his mobile phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Dr. Sterns calling!

Dr. Sterns said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, I have created a special kind of blood that can become a new food for the Vampire race!"

Bert stood up abruptly and asked in surprise, "Have you got artificial blood?"

Dr. Sterns shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Wang, I didn't get the artificial blood, I just created a new blood that the vampires can drink!"

Bert puzzled: "Isn't it the same?"

"The special blood I made is not artificial. Whether artificial blood is artificially synthesized hemoglobin or artificial red blood cells made from natural hemoglobin, it cannot be researched in a short time."

Dr. Sterns said, "Uh, I can't tell you on the phone, Mr. Wang, can you come to the laboratory? I'll introduce you in person!"

Bert immediately said: "Okay, I'll come there right away, Lilith, cancel all trips, and come to the laboratory with me!"


Lilith nodded. She was also very interested in Dr. Sterns's research. In fact, any vampire would be interested.


In the laboratory, Dr. Sterns took a test tube of fresh blood and introduced it to Bert: "Mr. Wang, through the potion you brought back, I have created a new kind of blood.

This kind of blood can be drunk by vampires, but cannot be used by humans, so it is not artificial blood, it is just new food! "

"The potion I brought back, which one?" Bert looked blank. he thought of something and asked, "The blood of Thor? That's not a potion"

"The Thor's Blood is still being researched, there are many locks on it, and we have not been able to unlock it!"

Dr. Sterns shook his head: "I'm talking about Raza!"

"Raza, Potion? Oh, I remembered, is there anything special about that potion?"

Bert remembered that he got a potion from Raza(a man under the Mandarin), and he also asked the Mercury to be handed over to the blood research department for research.

Because the blood research department has not been able to study the results, Bert gradually forgot about it. He did not expect that Dr. Sten would give him a surprise!

"It's very special!"

Dr. Sterns said: "The technology content of the medicine is very low. The reason why it can make people strong is that it contains a special kind of blood."

Bert asked, "What kind of special blood?"

Dr. Sterns said: "This kind of blood does not belong to the earth. In short, it is alien blood!"

"Alien blood?"

Bert was stunned, 'Mandarin actually used alien blood to make potions?'

"Yes, alien blood, the owner of this blood, is a very powerful creature. Even if its blood is made into a potion, it still maintains a certain activity. Of course, this is also related to the low level of the person who made the potion."

Dr. Sterns nodded and said: "After the people in the blood research department got the medicine, they froze it in time, so this activity has been retained!

Some time ago, I figured out a way to separate this alien blood from the potion, and then use Hulk's blood to restore its activity! "

"Hulk's blood? Aren't you afraid that Dr. Banner might beat you?"

Bert was speechless, these scientists are so daring, they dare to do anything!

Dr. Sterns smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said: "After that, I fed the alien blood with animal blood and found that it has a strong phagocytic ability, and after swallowing, it will regenerate new blood, if I didn't guess wrong, its body has a self-healing function!"