Chapter 78 : Helicarrier

The next morning, Bert received three messages one after another!

The first news was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D., The Tesseract was stolen. S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to borrow Dr. Banner and Ivan to help and hoped that he would be prepared, there may be big events next!

The second piece of news was personally sent by the head of the Vampire police station, Blade, that there was an accident at the Vampire police station in California, and a large number of Vampires surrounded the Vampire police station!

The third news is brought by the War Machine Rhodes, the military needs War Abomination and War Lizards as soon as possible. !

"There are so many things in the early morning, and everything is a big event!"

In the office, Bert thought for a while and said to Lilith, "Reply to S.H.I.E.L.D., Dr. Banner and Ivan will help!"

Lilith nodded: "Okay!"

Then, Bert asked Rhodes to come in and asked straight to the point: "Rhodes, why did the military dispatch War Abomination and War Lizards? These two are big killers. Aliens appeared again? "

"I don't know either, I'm only responsible for transporting War Abominations and War Lizards!"

Rhodes smiled bitterly: "The military seems to have a big move, and the Fifth Fleet has received orders and is ready to go!"

'Fifth Fleet? Could it be Wakanda? Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D., kept it hiding from the military?'

Bert was stunned. He thought for a while and said, "The War lizards have not been debugged yet. You can bring the War Abomination. Also, ask the military if you would like to hire Frank?"

"That big-tempered soldier?"

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'll ask, the military should be willing!"

"Okay, you go to the base, and I'll let someone help you transport the War Abomination!"

Bert nodded, and after Rhodes left, he took out the phone and wanted to call Nick Fury, but after thinking about it, he called Frank!

After connecting, Bert and Frank talked about the military, and Frank asked, "Bert, what do you want me to do?"

"I want to know the purpose of the military, I suspect they want to attack Wakanda!"

Bert said with a headache: "It's fine at other times. This time is really not suitable for war!"

"The high-tech Wakanda you said?" Frank was stunned, and he said, "I'll take a look at it and report to you when the time comes!"

Bert said: "Okay, by the way, if you face Wakanda, hide behind!"

Frank asked, "Is Wakanda that good?"

"It's more powerful than you think. Their technology is even enough to fight interstellar warfare."

Bert put down the phone and asked Lilith to call Blade and Melinda in!

After the two were seated, Bert asked with a sullen face, "Tell me, what happened in California?"

Blade looked at Melinda and motioned for her to speak, Melinda said with a blank face: "York, The deputy chief of the California Vampire Police Department, secretly arrested a few Vampires for experiments!

Last night, this incident was discovered by other vampires, York fled back to the police station, and a large number of vampires came to the police station after hearing the news, surrounded the police station, and asked Chief Babu to hand over York!

Babu refused, and the vampires were very dissatisfied. They gathered outside the police station and refused to leave, and conflicts might break out at any time. "

Blade said: "Babu did the right thing. The police should not surrender to the thugs, let alone hand over the prisoners to the thugs because of their grudges."

"He did the right thing!" Bert nodded and asked Melinda, "What do you think York should do?"

Melinda said without any hesitation: "It will be dealt with according to the internal rules of the police station. Besides, he is the Deputy Chief, and the crime is one more class!"

"Since you have no conflict, why did you come to me together?" Bert asked inexplicably, "Can't you handle this yourself?"

Blade said: "The reason why we came to you together is that we found that someone wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble!"

Bert narrowed his eyes: "Take the opportunity to make trouble?"

Blade nodded and said, "California's Vampires are all gathering in Los Angeles, obviously to participate in this demonstration."

Bert sneered: "They want to overthrow the Vampire police station? Are they floating, or is your blade not good enough?"

"They don't have the guts, my blade is still very sharp!"

Blade said coolly: "Their purpose should be the blood of hope!"

"Blood of Hope?"

Bert narrowed his eyes, the blood of hope is the new Vampire food researched by Dr. Sterns. After strict testing, after confirming that there is no problem, mass production and sales have begun!

"Yes, the blood of hope is delicious (you can add different flavors when diluted), and the high concentration can enhance the strength, and more importantly, it is cheap, many Vampires want to buy it!"

Blade said: "But we only allow registered vampires to purchase in limited quantities, and many vampires who have not registered are very dissatisfied."

"They want to force us to release the sale of Blood of Hope?" Bert snorted coldly and said, "Who is behind it?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be the old pure-blood family in California, the Hillick family!"

Blade said: "In California, they are the only ones who can summon so many vampires in a short period."

"Hillick family?"

Bert turned to look at Lilith, and Lilith replied, "Hillick family is the first pure-blood family to come to the United States. However, they are very low-key. They have not participated in the parliament and have been staying in California."

"In this case, their strength should be preserved well, no wonder they dare to make trouble!"

Bert asked Blade and Melinda, "You want me to fix this?"

Blade said: "I don't want to move against a big family like Hillick! Only you can do it!"

"The timing is so coincidental!"

Bert sneered: "Since someone wants me to leave New York, then I will leave, Blade, you sit in New York, look after the Vampire police station, and keep all the police on standby."

Blade asked, "What's going to happen?"

"Something Big!"

Bert didn't say more, he said: "You ask Babu to spread the news that I'm coming there. I want to see how hard the Hillick family's neck is?"

Blade shrugged and left with Melinda. On the way, Melinda made an excuse and secretly reported the matter to Nick Fury!

Director Fury gritted his teeth: "Coulson!"

Melinda was stunned: "What does this have to do with Coulson?"

"It doesn't matter, Melinda, be vigilant and report anything at any time!"

Director Fury hung up the phone, his face was very ugly, Coulson, this bastard, how come he has never seen him so scheming before, is he born to be a villain?


On the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Ivan, Banner, and Betty got off the Quinjet. Black Widow shook hands with them and said with a smile, "Dr. Banner, you seem to be happier than before. "

"Have a good fiancée, a good job, a good boss, why shouldn't I be happy?"

Banner laughed: "I'm fine with everything now, except for a child who is not very obedient and grumpy."

Betty said dissatisfiedly: "Banner, don't say that, Hulk will be angry!"

Banner said helplessly: "Betty, I think you care about Hulk more than me now!"

Betty said funnily: "Don't tell me, you are jealous of Hulk?"

At this moment, a strong man with a shield came over and nodded to everyone: "I'm Steve Rogers, welcome you all."

Three months ago, Captain America officially joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as a special commander. His appearance surprised all three of them. Banner stepped forward and shook hands with him, smiling: "I heard that you came back before. It's a pity that I haven't had a chance to see you, you are my idol, remember to sign for me later!"

"It's mine too. I wanted to beat you since I was a child, so I also learned to fight."

Ivan said carelessly, and Steve asked in surprise, "Aren't you a scientist? Carter once told me about you!"

Banner complained: "He's a scientist, boxer, crime expert, and lifelong spokesperson for Vodka!"

Everyone laughed. At this time, the Black Widow said: "Okay, everyone, go in, it will become impossible to breathe here in a while!"

Banner asked in surprise: "Don't you tell me that this ship is a submarine?"

Black Widow was just about to introduce when Ivan said: "This is the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., it can fly, Bert has a comment on it!"

"That guy knows about the Helicarrier?"

Black Widow was a little surprised, she asked, "What's the evaluation?"

Ivan said: "Bert said that he dares to fly into the sky, even without protective gear. But this Helicarrier, there's an 80% chance, that it will fall!"

Banner shook his head: "Ivan, this is not a funny joke, if this ship falls, we will die!"

"Don't worry, this ship won't fall!"

Black widow said confidently, at this time, the Helicarrier started, and the four huge turbine engines rotated at a high speed, while the seawater was expelled, the Helicarrier slowly rose!

"Turbo engine? It's an antique! If you have money, I will design a plasma engine for you!"

Ivan walked to the side and glanced at it, and sneered. At this time, along with the BGM, a golden and red figure fell from the sky, it was Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony walked out of the suit and said dissatisfiedly: "Natasha, why do you want to invite this lunatic? I can do what he can, I can do it even better, but he can't!"

"I didn't know you could be beaten up every day."

Ivan sneered, seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Black Widow hurriedly took them into the cabin, where a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were controlling the mothership!

In addition to these staff and Rumlow, there are Daredevil in red and Iron Fist Danny Rand, who just joined S.H.I.E.L.D. some time ago - Daredevil is to fight criminals better, and Danny Rand Rand is to get his company back!

After a few people introduced each other, Director Fury came over and said, "Everyone, the Tesseract is of great importance. We must find it immediately. Dr. Banner, the Cube will emit gamma rays. You are an expert in this field."

"Tune the spectrometer for me, and I'll make an algorithm to find it!"

Banner said neatly, and Director Fury nodded with satisfaction. At this time, Tony suddenly asked: "Director Fury, I want to know why the Fifth Fleet suddenly sailed to Africa and asked for War Abomination to accompany them. Is it about The Cube, that was stolen?"

Director Fury looked at Tony with one eye and said, "This is a military secret, I can't tell you!"

Tony said without giving up: "If you want us to help, you must tell us everything!"

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded, including Ivan!

Director Fury was silent for a while and said, "It's related. They went to Africa for Wakanda!"

Tony recalled for a moment, frowned, and asked, "Wakanda? That super poor country that got relief from the United Nations?"

Ivan said with contempt: "Sissy, Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country in the world, and they still have a whole Vibranium Mountain!"

"The most technologically advanced country, Vibranium Mountain? Madman, are you sure you have no problem with your brain?"

Tony sneered and said that many people have the same idea as him, Ivan snorted, looking disdainfully!

Director Fury sighed and said: "Ivan is right, Wakanda is indeed the country with the most developed technology on earth! This secret S.H.I.E.L.D. has been kept from other countries to avoid war!"

Director Fury added: "But Coulson and Hawkeye told the American military about this, and their purpose should be to keep us out of the military's support and to turn off the War abomination and the War machine!"

Tony frowned: "I don't believe that Wakanda is so powerful, why no one knows and still eat the subsistence allowances of the United Nations?"

"How do I know what brain circuits those people have?"

Director Fury took out his mobile phone and played the original video of the fighter jet hitting the mountain!

Tony took a deep breath after reading it: "Energy defense cover? How is this possible, shouldn't they be aliens in disguise?"

Others were also surprised. Director Fury shook his head and said: "Wakanda, leave this for later. We will talk about finding the Cube. By the way, there is even worse news."

Steve shook his head and said, "What could be worse than war? After I woke up, everyone told me that the war was over and the world was back to peace. Now it seems that everything is the same as it was seventy years ago!"

Director Fury said: "Blood God, Bert, just got on the plane an hour ago and went to California!"

"Is there any problem? He goes to the West Coast at a time like this?"

Black Widow stunned: "Director, won't you stop him? He is the strongest fighting force on our side!"

Steve and the others also frowned. They had read the information and knew how important Bert was. If it wasn't for him, the Lizardmen from the last time might have been more troublesome.

Director Fury shook his head and said, "California is a little troublesome, and I can't stop it."

"What if Bert isn't here, will the sky fall?" Tony said arrogantly: "With me, Tony Stark, the world will be safe and sound!"

Ivan said disdainfully: "I hope your naïveté will collapse!"

"If don't count on me, is it possible to count on you? Besides destroying, what else will you do?"

"I'll beat you up!"

"It's just you? I just upgraded my suit recently, so I can beat you with one hand!"

"I don't even need a hand to deal with you."


Seeing the two quarreling again, Banner sighed and said, "Director Fury, I'm going to get the algorithm, do you have a special room?"

"Of course, Natasha, take Dr. Banner with you!"

Director Fury said, he looked at Tony and Ivan who were on fire, and everyone who was very estranged from each other, frowning secretly, can this team save the world?

Director Fury thought to himself: 'You must try, I can't always rely on Bert, he is a vampire!'