Chapter 80 : Captured

"That trash, Hillick, seems to be dead?"

On the private plane flying to Stuttgart, Mephisto glanced in the direction of the United States, his expression a little unswerving, he thought he would be able to pit the Blood God, but he died so quickly!

"Damn Blood God... Forget it, this side is more important!"

Mephisto scolded secretly and turned his attention back to the man in green in front of him!

This man was watching the movie "Thor", and while he was watching, he yelled: "The idiot who played Loki doesn't look like me, my hairline is not as high as his!

Wow, the actor who played Thor is too similar, right? When I conquer the earth, I will arrest him and let him play the drama of Thor being beaten every day for me!

Huh, wait, that's not right, why does the writer know that I'm not Odin's son? Thor didn't know about it at the time."

Loki's brows furrowed deeply, Mephisto glanced at him, his body turned into a plume of black smoke and flew quietly into the Scepter beside him.

'Mind Stone, Space Stone, Cosmic Fleet! Blood God, Ancient One, it won't be long before I give you a surprise, a big surprise, hahaha!'

Loki didn't find Mephisto's existence from beginning to end. He watched the whole movie and stood up unhappy. At this time, Hawkeye came over and said, "It's time to go to Stuttgart!"

"Very good, everything went according to plan!"

Loki nodded, his body flashed, and the green suit turned into armor!


Hawkeye responded and took a group of mercenaries out of the private plane to the research institute to snatch the metal iridium!

As for Loki, as in the movie, he went to the concert to pretend to be a jerk, but the ending is slightly different!

In the movie, Loki surrendered immediately after Iron Man arrived, and was taken into the Helicarrier unharmed, but in reality, Loki was beaten by the vindictive Ivan and Iron Man in turn, and he couldn't be more miserable!

"God, it's nothing more than that!"

Ivan swung the electric whip around Loki, and Loki was twitched by the electric shock, but he didn't die, he didn't even get hurt, but his hair stood up - the body of a God and the suit of a god, it was powerful!

"You can't, I'll do it!"

Tony smiled disdainfully, a miniature missile blew up on Loki, and with a bang, Loki was blown away, and his whole body was charred!

"Don't hold me back!"

Ivan shouted in dissatisfaction, and at the same time waved the whip at Loki again, Tony shot Loki away with a pulse cannon, and then sneered: "It's you, don't hold me back!"

Loki gritted his teeth for a while. These two bastards didn't even give him a chance to surrender. He came today to make a fake surrender, okay?

Steve couldn't stand it any longer and shouted: "You two, pay attention, Loki can't die before the Cube is found!"

"Let's see who knocks him out first!"

Ivan shouted to Tony, and Tony said, "Who's afraid of who?"


Loki was furious, and at this moment, a dazzling thunder suddenly lit up in the sky, and Loki cried with joy: "Brother, you are finally here!"

"Why are you so happy?"

Tony asked suspiciously. At this moment, two thunderbolts slashed in front of him and Ivan. Then, Thor, the God of thunder, came down from the sky with a hammer and said angrily to the two: "You dare to hit my brother?"

Seeing Thor, the besieging masses exclaimed!


Tony and Ivan did not recognize the wrong person, and Ivan hurriedly shouted: "Thor, I am Bert's subordinate, do you remember?"

"Bert's men?"

Thor was stunned for a moment, then recognized the armor of Tony and Ivan, and said, "I remember you, you are all Bert's subordinates!"

Tony angrily said, "Who is that guy's subordinate?"

Thor ignored Tony. He looked back at Loki and became furious again: "Why did you beat my brother like this?"

"What's the problem?" Tony said without fear: "He killed more than 100 people in two days!"

Thor was short of breath, he said, "He's adopted!"

Everyone was speechless, it was a plastic brotherhood, Loki also glared at Thor, so you are the big brother?

Meanwhile, the crowd of onlookers took pictures of Thor and whispered!

"He can fly, he is the real Thor! The one just now was also the real Loki!"

"Haha, I knew that "Thor" was real. I'm going to post the photo of Thor on Twitter to see what the bastards have to say."


There were a couple or more comments from "onlookers", saying that the actor who played Thor in the "Thor" movie, looks the same. How did the Norse mythology thor become an Asian..etc

The author made thor an Asian-looking man in this novel. Had to remove all of those, if you guys want an Asian Thor, lemme know, and I'll re-edit this chapter.


Not to mention the thoughts of the onlookers, Black Widow flew the Quinjet and shouted from above: "What are you doing, guys, let's go back to the mothership, there are more and more onlookers around!"


Everyone nodded and flew into the sky with Loki - Captain America stepped on the glider provided by Carter!

Looking at the people who flew away, one of the onlookers thought of something, and muttered with some worry: "Thor and Loki appear at the same time, shouldn't there be another alien invasion?"


Unfortunately, the concerns of the onlookers were right. On the Helicarrier, Thor said to everyone: "He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."

"An army? From outer space?"

Dr. Banner frowned, and he said, "That is to say, Loki wants to use the Tesseract to build a portal to bring the Chitauri into the earth. He took Dr. Selvig for this!"

"Hawkeye stole the metal iridium, it should be used as a stabilizer for the portal!"

Tony said next to him: "The question now is, why did Loki come to the door and be caught by us? This is a problem!"

Natasha suggested: "We can torture him, he doesn't look like a tough guy!"

Thor said loudly: "No, he is the prince of Asgard, you can't torture him!"

Natasha and Ivan both frowned secretly but did not refute it, after all, Thor is very strong, and he has Asgard standing behind him!

"Then you can only play psychological tactics. I'll discuss it with Fury!"

Natasha left, and Tony leaned over to Thor and asked about the details of the Nine Realms. He didn't want to put the safety of the earth on this muscular man!

In the specially made cage of the Helicarrier, Loki was arranging his hair while gnashing his teeth and thinking: "Ivan Vanko, Tony Stark, you two bastards, I must make you pay the price!"

At this moment, an agent came out of the cage. He and Loki looked at each other and he walked away silently.

"Everything went well! The show will start soon!"

Loki's eyes flashed slightly, and he continued to arrange his hair. This hairline could not be higher.


Meanwhile, the African Wakanda (outer tribes) is invaded by a group of mercenaries who yelled to get the villagers together and then go to their homes to hunt for valuables.

In the monitoring room of the base, Frank looked at the scene on the screen and frowned: "General Hale, isn't your approach too rough?"

"I also think it's too rude.!"

Rhodes nodded, and Hale, a female general who looked very resolute, said coldly: "We must find out Wakanda's strength as soon as possible. Only in this way can the Navy formulate a detailed attack plan."

"Are you going to go to war directly?"

Frank said dissatisfiedly: "General Hale, war is no child's play!"

"America does not allow threats."

General Hale glanced at Frank and said very frankly: "Also, the people above are very interested in Vibranuim Mountain!"

Frank sighed and said, "I am a mercenary, and I am not qualified to question your decision. However, I hope you are careful. Someone told me that Wakanda has the strength to fight interstellar warfare!"

"If that's the case, then it's even more important to find out their strength."

General Hale said, at this time, the scene on the screen changed, and a group of Wakanda soldiers rushed into the village and fought with the mercenaries!

Looking at these soldiers, General Hale frowned: "Spear? Are they not natives?"

Frank glanced at it and said, "That's a Vibranium spear!"

"What a luxury! Such a spear!, how many firearms can I change?"

Deep greed flashed in General Hale's eyes when the mercenaries fired at the Wakanda soldiers, who pulled up their cloaks and used them to block the bullets.

There was a burst of laughter in the base, it was primitive, but the next scene made everyone stunned - the cloak lit up with energy rays, blocking all the bullets!

Immediately afterward, the Wakanda soldiers in the back row aimed their spears at the mercenaries, and a beam of energy shot out, and the mercenaries were directly shot through.

"Wakanda Forever!"

The soldiers in the front row used their cloaks as shields and moved forward all the way. The soldiers in the rear row kept firing beams of energy from their spears. The mercenaries were not opponents at all and were quickly defeated and fled everywhere.

There was a dead silence in the base, and General Hale said solemnly: "Energy weapon, energy cloak! It seems that the information we got is correct!"

Rhodes smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I hope I'm wrong."

General Hale ignored Rhodes, and she asked Frank, "Can War Abomination handle them?"

Frank said, "It depends on whether they have Vibranium planes or Vibranium tanks."

Rhodes couldn't help but said: "General Hale, let's get in touch with Wakanda first. Maybe it can be resolved peacefully!"

General Hale said: "When the army is overwhelmed, we will slowly get in touch with them and pass the video just now to the navy!"

Immediately, a soldier replied: "Yes!"

Frank and Rhodes looked at each other and couldn't help sighing. Rhodes whispered, "It seems that war is inevitable!"

"Wakanda has such strength and will not give in!"

Frank nodded, and he said, "Now I just hope that the scale of the war will not be too big!"


Early the next morning, a fierce quarrel broke out in the aerospace carrier. The reason is very simple. Tony Stark, the "repeated criminal", invaded the Helicarrier system and found that the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. studied the Tesseract was to create weapons of mass destruction.

Steve took the energy weapon he found and said loudly to Nick Fury: "You are no different from Hydra!"

"Of course, there is a difference, we are here to protect the world!"

Fury pointed at Thor and shouted: "I just don't want the rest of the earth to be destroyed by aliens like the small town of Antiguo!"

"None of my business, that was destroyed by Loki!"

Thor, the God of thunder, said dissatisfiedly: "You study the Tesseract, which is equivalent to declaring to the universe that you are ready for advanced warfare, all of which are brought by yourself!"

"We brought it on ourselves? We didn't invite you to come to Earth!"


A group of people became more and more fierce, and almost all superheroes participated in it. They did not find that the Scepter on the table was glowing faintly!

Their emotions were all affected by the Scepter!

At this time, Hawkeye took the No. 66B transport plane to the Helicarrier. Then, he took out his bow and shot the No. 3 engine of the Helicarrier with one arrow. Then, the arrow exploded with a bang, and the entire engine was blown up. Torn apart!

The Helicarrier shook violently, and Dr. Banner and Natasha broke the glass and fell into the next floor together!

When the shaking stopped, everyone quickly got up from the ground, and Steve shouted: "Enemy attack, Tony, put on your armor quickly!"


Tony, Ivan, and Rumlow hurriedly ran to the warehouse, while the others worked separately. For example, Nick Fury went to the command room to find out the situation!

As soon as the three of them came to the warehouse, several electric shock bullets were shot at them. Tony and Rumlow were shot and fell to the ground and convulsed. Only Ivan escaped in time. He had practiced!

Seeing those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents pointing their guns at him, Ivan turned around and ran away, with no intention of saving people at all, please, he might consider it if it was someone else, but Tony Stark? Oh, the weather is nice today!

As for Rumlow, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with him!

Seeing that Ivan had escaped, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents did not pursue them. The leading agent said, "The second target has been captured, and we will take him and Rumlow there immediately!"

Tony fell to the ground and asked feebly, "Target No. 2? Shouldn't I be Target No. 1?"

The lead agent lowered his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Stark, the No. 1 target is Ivan, not you!"

"Where can Ivan compare to me? Why is he number one?"

Tony was very dissatisfied. At this time, he thought of something and asked suspiciously: "Wait, your voice is familiar to me!"

"It's an honor for Mr. Stark to remember me."

The lead agent wiped on his face, took down a high-tech mask, and said with a smile: "Mr. Stark, long time no see!"

Tony exclaimed: "Coulson!"

"Yes, it's me. I sneaked in early in the morning. By the way, the prototype of this high-tech mask is the UV protection mask you researched for vampires!"

Coulson smiled slightly and dragged the two to the cage with his men.

In the cage, Loki had already escaped and brought back the Scepter. He looked at Tony and sneered: "Did you enjoy the fight last night?"

Tony said frivolously: "I'm pretty cool, but I don't know how you are?"

Loki snorted coldly, and the scepter was placed on Tony's chest, Tony's eyes quickly turned blue!

In the movie, Tony has the Ark Reactor on his chest, so it's okay to be stabbed, but in this world, Tony has already removed the Ark Reactor!

So, Tony Stark, the Iron Man who claims to protect the world, is under control!