Chapter 93 : Short War

"Appeared in my manor out of thin air? Amnesia?"

Butler's words made Bert a little stunned. He thought for a while, and then whispered: "Continue to investigate, and also, keep an eye on her!"

Butler nodded respectfully: "Yes, Blood God!"

After Bert and the Butler finished talking, Little Hela said coldly and arrogantly: "Destroying lives is not the purpose, and making them surrender is the purpose. Only the threat of death can make people obedient."

Bert smiled and said: "To make people obedient, Death is indeed a means, but it is not the best means, nor can it be the only means!"

'Death Isn't the best means?' Little Hela snorted coldly: "You are wrong, death is the best means!"

"What you need to learn is not the method of killing, but the method of ruling!"

Bert shook his head and said, "I will find a teacher to teach you history. At that time, you will know what kind of ruling method is the best!"

"Death of course!"

Little Hela still wanted to argue with Bert, but Mindy couldn't listen anymore and coughed fiercely!

Little Hela gave Mindy a dissatisfied look, and pouted, "I am willing to worship you as my teacher!"

"Very good, study hard in the future!"

Bert nodded with satisfaction, and then the two little girls served him tea together. After he drank it, he officially accepted the two disciples.

Without any hesitation, Bert threw them to Madame Gao to teach them. Mindy despised: "Master, you are so lazy.!"

"What do you know? Your master is busy with national affairs!"

Bert touched Mindy's head angrily. Mindy was about to say something when Frank came. Seeing so many children, he gestured to Bert with his eyes!

"Look, another national event is coming again!"

Bert spread his hands to Mindy and took Frank to the study!

In the study, Frank said straight to the point: "Bert, the military called me back, and they want to attack Wakanda."

"Unsurprisingly, the United States will not allow anyone to be stronger than itself, and the government needs to deflect the conflict caused by the alien invasion."

Bert sneered, and he asked, "Has the military moved?"

"Not yet, but the Fifth Fleet has reached the coast of East Africa, and the army is landing!"

Frank said, "The military is asking me, War Abomination, and War Machine to return immediately!"

"Reply to the military, War Abomination, and your Punisher needs to be repaired and cannot return!" Bert said: " Oscorp will send three unmanned combat armors to support!"


Frank nodded first, then asked, "Bert, are you not optimistic about the military?"

Bert said: "In this battle, the U.S. military will undoubtedly lose. The technology of the two sides is too different, and it is not at the same level at all. Well, it's time for the U.S. military to show off its power after so many years, and it is time to learn a lesson!"

Frank frowned: "The soldiers are innocent, and if the U.S. military is defeated, the scale of the war will expand!"

"Only after small defeats will they expand. If it is a big defeat, even the United States will choose to admit it!"

Bert said: "Frank, don't worry so much, because it's useless if you worry!"

Frank directly gave Bert a middle finger, Bert smiled and said, "No kidding, don't worry, I will keep an eye on this matter, and there will be no major problems!"

Frank breathed a sigh of relief and said, "With your words, I'm relieved!"

Bert smiled. He looked at the TV on the wall and said, "If I guessed correctly, the government will soon start the public opinion propaganda!"

The public opinion propaganda came earlier than Bert imagined. That night, the government started it!

"A lot of people have asked me recently why the U.S. military is going to attack Wakanda, causing War Abomination to leave New York. Here, let me explain!"

The spokesman said: "On the surface, Wakanda is a poor country receiving relief from the United Nations, but in fact, they are a high-tech country with great strength..."

The speaker first introduced Wakanda, and then accused Wakanda that it had powerful technology, but did not help to deal with aliens, and also suggested that Wakanda might have colluded with aliens!

Under the government's lead, many in the United States have developed anger towards Wakanda.

"You are so powerful, yet you receive the subsistence allowance from the United Nations. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Pretending to be weak, there must be something wrong, maybe they are alien's lackeys!"

"Loki invaded the earth, maybe it's the way they pointed!"

"Down with Wakanda and defend the Earth!"


In general, public opinion is one-sided. Although some people defended Wakanda, not many people care about it. Even black people didn't help Wakanda very much!

'You didn't help us when we were being trafficked, so why should we talk to you now?'

In the turbulent crowd, the United States issued an ultimatum to Wakanda, asking them to surrender and let the United States enter the real Wakanda for an investigation, otherwise, the United States will start a war!

"Standing on the moral high ground, wielding a moral stick to beat people, America is still the same old way!"

King T'Challa of Wakanda snorted, quite disdainful, while Prince T'Challa frowned and asked, "Baba, are we going to go to war with America?"

"It's not that we're going to war with America, it's that America's going to go to war with us!"

T'Chaka said: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the scale of the war will not expand. We will beat them up in one battle. The worst development is just a cold war!"

"The problem is, they have Blood God!" T'Challa said: "We can't stop the Blood God!"

"The Blood God may not be able to take action, he is a vampire, not a human!"

T'Chaka said: "Even if he does make a move, we are not afraid. Shuri is researching how to deal with him, and we have the Panther Goddess!"

"Panther Goddess?"

T'Challa was stunned. Although the Panther Goddess, Bast does exist, it has never really appeared! His father believed in this myth, while he did not

Seeing that T'Challa was still a little hesitant, T'Chaka handed him a document. T'Challa was furious after reading it. The friend he made some time ago was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

T'Chaka said: "This battle must be fought. Only in this way can we block the greedy eyes from outside!"

T'Challa finally made up his mind, and he said, "Baba, how should we fight?"

"This battle is easy!"

T'Chaka nodded with satisfaction and said, "Send a large number of The Royal Talon Fighter using stealth technology to sneak over the Fifth Fleet, and then launch EMP Bombs and energy cannons to smash them!

Afterward, we reveal ourselves and force the American troops to surrender, and if they didn't, we destroy the Fleet and sank it!

After doing this, we can go home and wait for the United States to send people to negotiate! "

"Baba, this is a good way!"

T'Challa thought. The best thing about this method is that not many people would die!

T'Chaka laughed: "Soon, the whole world will know that Wakanda is not a fish for them to slaughter!"


"The Fifth Fleet was defeated? The War Machine was captured? All the US troops surrendered?"

At the White House, President Ellis roared with a bit of panic and a bit of disbelief: "Didn't you tell me that even if we can't beat Wakanda, we can still get out? What's going on now?

Do you know that once this news spreads, I will be impeached and stepped down immediately? "

A military boss smiled bitterly: "We didn't expect Wakanda to be so powerful, there's no other reason!"

"That is correct, there is absolutely no reason. They are so powerful, why should they hide? Wouldn't it be better to directly unify the world?"

Another general also said that the reason why they dare to attack Wakanda knowing that Wakanda has energy weapons is because of this - since they hide, they must not be stronger!

Who would have thought that Wakanda could crush them, now, all the military is sitting on wax!

"Is there a way to defeat Wakanda and save our people?"

President Ellis asked a little crazy: "For example, use a nuclear bomb!"

The military executives looked at each other and shook their heads: "President, with their technology, it is difficult for our nuclear bombs to take effect. More importantly, they can retaliate!"

"Damn, what should we do? Are we waiting here to step down?"

President Ellis scolded: "I'm telling you, If I am going to step down, I will drag you all together with me!"

The senior management smiled bitterly, and Senator Stern said: "President, there is another way!"

"What method? Uh, you mean?"

President Ellis was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly shouted: "Go to New York and invite the Blood God!"


In the manor, Bert looked at the holographic projection of President Ellis and said, "President Ellis, it's not that I refuse, but I'm not a human, so I can't help you fight the civil war."

President Ellis said, "Blood God, Wakanda is an alien spy!"

Bert smiled and said, "President Ellis, stop kidding!"

"Blood God, please help! The lives and deaths of the thousands of officers and soldiers of the Fifth Fleet are all up to you!"

President Ellis begged bitterly, and if the Blood God did not take action, he would be finished.

Bert pretended to hesitate for a while and said, "Well, I will help you to negotiate with Wakanda to see if you can get the prisoners back! However, I have one condition."

President Ellis was overjoyed, and he hurriedly said: "Blood God, what conditions do you have, just say it!"

Bert said: "I want to build a space station in space, a space station that may be equipped with weapons!"

"A space station equipped with weapons?"

President Ellis was stunned, he hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "I will let the military sign it, but it must be supervised!"

For President Ellis, keeping the position is the most important thing, and the rest will come later!

"This is natural, I just want a better way to protect the earth!"

Bert smiled and said, "President Ellis, I don't dare to promise anything else, but I will help you get the thousands of officers and soldiers back!"

"That's great!"

President Ellis said happily: "Blood God, I will send a professional team to you, everything is up to you, and I will honor all the conditions you promised!"

Bert laughed: "President Ellis if you don't get re-elected, it will be a loss for America!"

President Ellis smiled bitterly: "There have been two such big things in a row, and it would be good to end this term smoothly!"

"Not necessarily!" Bert didn't say much, he said: "When your team is formed, I will set off immediately!"

"Okay, Blood God!"

President Ellis nodded and stopped the communication!

Frank on the side couldn't help sighing: "Although I know that Wakanda is strong, I didn't expect them to be so strong. The Fifth Fleet is not their opponent at all!"

"Interstellar-level versus planet-level, crushing is normal!"

Bert said: "Not to mention, the Fifth Fleet knows almost nothing about the true strength of Wakanda!"

Frank said, "Bert, do you want me to come with you?"

"No, this time, I'm alone is enough !"

Bert shook his head. At this moment, the Butler came in and reported: "Blood God, Kamar-Taj's mage, Wong, come to visit!"

Bert hurriedly said: "Hurry up and invite him in!"

Soon, Wong walked in with a pile of books, Bert got up and said with a smile: "Wong, we met again. By the way, why didn't you send it directly to me?"

"That's impolite!"

Wong put the book in his hand on the table and said, "These are the books that Ancient One lending to you. Remember to return it after reading it!"

"Ancient One lends me books?"

Bert was stunned, he picked up the top book, and there was a line on the cover: "Space Overview!"

Bert asked, "A book about space?"

"Not only that but there are also books about Hell and souls!"

Wong said: "Ancient One said that if you want to use the Tesseract, you must first master the corresponding knowledge! As for Hell, Mephisto will not give up!"

"Thank the Ancient One for me, I will read these books carefully!"

Bert said knowing that, this time he has to study hard and make progress every day!

"I hope so, Ancient One treats you very highly!"

Wong said with a complicated look, there are not many people who can let Ancient One deliver the book in person. There is a saying in Kamar-Taj now that Bert is the illegitimate son of Ancient One!

Bert thought of something and asked: "By the way, Wong, have the defense nets of the three major temples been repaired?"


Wong said: "However, some of the monsters that slipped into the earth last time have not been resolved. We have been busy chasing them recently!"

Bert said: "If you need anything, feel free to come to me!"

"If necessary, I will!"

Wong smiled politely. He didn't think Kamar-Taj needed help from others at all. He said, "Blood God, the situation in Kamar-Taj is very busy, I'll go back first!"

"Sure, I'll visit you when you're not so busy!"

Bert said, Wong nodded, opened the portal, and left, Frank exclaimed, "Although it's not the first time I've seen it, it still feels amazing!"

"Magic is of course magical, I'm going to read these books.!"

Bert smiled, sat on the sofa, and flipped through the "Space Overview", Frank got up and said, "I'll make a round of patrol before I get off work."

Bert waved his hand, signaling Frank to decide for himself.

Half an hour later, Frank came back from patrol and found that Bert had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed. He immediately said with contempt, "So you are also a student who gets sleepy while reading!"