Chapter 95 : Condemn

Bert's mind moved, and his body turned into a rolling river of blood. Then, a large number of vampires and monsters' souls floated from the blood river, like white spots of light!

This is the river of blood that contains the souls he swallowed!

Bert took all the other souls back to the blood river, leaving only Erik's soul light spot to continue to float in the air. Then, his soul came out of the body and floated beside Erik's soul light spot!

"No problem with the theory, now let's put it to practice!"

Bert waved his hand gently, and Erik's soul light spot flew into his soul, and then he injected a large amount of soul power into Erik's soul.

Erik's soul struggled instinctively but was quickly suppressed by the power of Bert's soul. As the power of the soul gradually increased, Erik's soul turned red!

When Erik's soul turned red like Bert, his appearance began to change, and after a while, he became similar in appearance to Bert's soul!


Bert, who seemed a little weak, was overjoyed and immediately released Erik's soul, and then sent it back to Erik's body along with the blood.

After doing this, Bert's soul returned to his body and changed back into a human form. Because of the weakness of his soul, he almost couldn't stand still, so he quickly leaned against the bulkhead behind him!

"It's almost like splitting my soul."

Bert shook his head. Now there is only one last step left, that is, Erik's body recognizes his new soul. As long as the two are successfully fused, this new ability is complete!

Without letting Bert wait for long, Erik opened his eyes, the two looked at each other, and both laughed!

Bert greeted Erik through consciousness: "Hello, my avatar!"


Erik replied, yes, Bert's new ability is to create clones, and the two can communicate through consciousness and even share memory.

Bert asked, "Can you fully control the body?"

Erik nodded and said: "Yes, after all, my essence is still Erik, but I was eroded by you, like a system that was rewritten and covered!"

"90% is Erik's soul, and the rest 10% is my soul!"

Bert said: "This trick should be used sparingly in the future. My soul will need to rest for at least three months before it can recover."

"Will it affect your combat effectiveness?"

Erik asked: "The people of Wakanda are nothing, but the Panther Goddess is not easy to deal with!"

"In the whole earth, it was the only one that was not driven out by Ancient One, of course, it is not easy to deal with!"

Bert said: "I can still exert about 80% of my strength. With Ancient One, the Panther Goddess should not dare to come in person.

Even if she does come, it is not a big problem. I'll just threaten her with a nuclear bomb. She is the patron saint of Wakanda, and she will not sit back and watch Wakanda's destruction! "

Erik smiled and said, "You are becoming more and more like a villain!"

"No way. I'm forced to do this. I'm burdened with a glorious purpose!"

Bert shrugged and said, "The Panther Goddess may not take action. After all, the prince's seizure of the throne is an internal matter of Wakanda."

Erik smiled and said: "Of course!"

Bert laughed and recovered a lot. He stood up straight and said, "I'll pass you some Chi, master it in a while so that you can defeat the Black Panther tomorrow!"

Erik said confidently: "With your experience and my body, T'Chaka is not my opponent unless they cheat and didn't lift the Black Panther's strength that is given by Heart-Shaped Herb!"

"It's still a safety point. I don't want to be capsized in the gutter and change the plot from a superhero movie to a funny movie!"

Bert shook his head: "When I recover a little, I'll help you with Chi!"

With Bert's current cultivation level, he can help people quickly get Chi, but it can only be at the lowest level!

Erik nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked with a little doubt: "You say, If I have a child in the future, who's will it be, mine or Erik's?"

Bert thought for a while and said, "Genetically, it should be Erik's!"

Erik asked, "Erik has a girlfriend!"

Bert was silent. After a while, he patted Erik on the shoulder and said, "A great king doesn't need women. In the future, just focus on reading at night, women will only hinder you from swinging your knife., - without a woman in your heart, draw a sword and be a god!"

"You just want me to help you study, right?" Erik said with a blank face: "Help you fight during the day and studying at night, can I resign?"

"Young man, there's no harm in reading more books!"

Bert laughed. He didn't expect the clone to have this effect. Unfortunately, the consumption is too high. Otherwise, if he made a few more, this scumbag will become a master of the school.!"

Erik directly gave Bert a middle finger. After Bert left, he became familiar with his memory. From now on, he will be the Erik Killmonger!


In the Wakanda Palace, T'Chaka heard T'Challa's report and said in shock, "What? N'Jobu's son fell into the hands of the Blood God?"

"Yes!" T'Challa nodded, then asked, "Baba, did you kill Uncle N'Jobu?"

T'chaka was silent for a while and said, "Yes, but it was a mistake. I originally wanted to bring him back for interrogation. Your uncle Zuri can testify!"

T'Challa chose to trust his father, asking, "Baba, what should we do next?"

"Leave it to me, I will block the Blood God and save Erik!" T'Chaka said.

T'Challa nodded and turned to leave!

After T'Challa left, T'Chaka immediately walked to the computer and searched for Erik's information.

"Never let this murderous guy enter Wakanda!"

T'chaka made a decision. He used Kimoyo Beads to contact the defense force and instructed: "Once you see this person, kill him as quickly as possible!"

Then, T'Chaka passed Erik's photo to the defense force. As the king of Wakanda, he will never allow anyone to disturb Wakanda, and Erik is the source of the trouble!

It's just that T'Chaka didn't expect that at noon the next day, he met Erik in the palace, and next to him was the Blood God!

" Blood God, why are you here? Guards!"

T'Chaka's complexion changed drastically, and he was on guard. How did the Blood God enter Wakanda? With his strength, he can kill most people of Wakanda within an hour!

Hearing T'Challa's shout, T'Challa and Dora Milaje's escort, composed entirely of women, rushed in immediately and aimed their spears at Bert and Erik!

Bert said lightly: "King T'Chaka, this is not the way to entertain guests!"

T'chaka shouted, " Blood God, how did you get in?"

"I brought them in!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from outside, and T'Chaka turned his head and saw W'Kabi, the defense and military commander of Wakanda, walking in with a group of elders.

"W'Kabi, you betrayed Wakanda?"

T'Challa asked incredulously, W'Kabi is his friend and also the fiancé of General of the Dora Milaje, Okoye!

"Although the Blood God brought Ulysses Klaue to me to avenge my parents, I did not betray Wakanda!"

W'Kabi shook his head, pointed at Erik, and said: "Everything I do is in line with Wakanda's traditions, elders, this is the son of N'Jobu, N'Jadaka (Birth name)!"

"What? Son of N'Jobu?"

The elders were stunned, and an elder with a plate in his mouth asked, "What's the proof?"

Erik took off the necklace, and said, "This is the proof, I am the son of N'Jobu, and I am here to indict your king T'Chaka!"

The elders examined the necklace and asked, "What is his sin?"

"He has three sins!"

Erik said loudly: "The first, killing my father, Prince N'Jobu! This is my father's autopsy report, with obvious Panther claw prints on it!"

Erik projected the report with his smartphone. The elders looked at T'Chaka in astonishment. T'Chaka said, "That was a mistake. I didn't intend to kill him!"

Erik continued to accuse: "King T'Chaka's second sin is knowing my existence, but not taking me back to Wakanda, leaving me alone in America!"

"King T'Chaka, did you kill N'Jobu just by mistake? We'll talk about it later!" An elder said dissatisfiedly: "But why didn't you bring him back? He has royal blood on him!"

All the elders nodded, T'Chaka was silent and did not answer, Erik snorted coldly, and continued: "King T'Chaka's third sin is, he tried to prevent me from returning to Wakanda, intending to murder me!"

T'Challa shouted, "It's impossible, Baba wouldn't do it!"

Erik looked at W'Kabi, W'Kabi released yesterday's order and said, "King T'Chaka ordered us to kill Erik, that's why I brought Erik in!"

Everyone was in an uproar, including T'Challa, who looked at T'Chaka in disbelief. T'Chaka explained: "I am protecting Wakanda, he has already taken refuge in the Blood God!"

"My master, Blood God, is a hero who fought against aliens and saved New York. How could he endanger Wakanda?"

Erik said loudly: "King T'Chaka, today, I, N'Jadaka, challenge you as a member of the Wakanda royal family!"

T'Chaka shouted: "You are not qualified to challenge, you have taken refuge with outsiders!"

"Erik is my apprentice. Today I am here to ensure fairness."

Bert said lightly: "If your Wakanda is fair, then I will not do anything, but if you are unfair and bully my apprentice, then don't blame me for what will happen."

T'Chaka asked, " Blood God, are you threatening us in Wakanda?"

"Asking for fairness is a threat?" Bert sneered: "Is Wakanda so domineering?"

What else did T'Chaka want to say, the elder of the merchant tribe said: "King T'Chaka, N'Jadaka is qualified to challenge you!"

"Yes, you have to pay for what you did!"

The other elders also said, "Whether you can keep the king's position or not, you must explain your three sins to us afterward!"

Seeing that the elders were all standing on Njadaka's side, T'Chaka was about to nod and agree to the challenge, T'Challa stood up and said, "My father is injured, I will fight in his place!"

Erik said: "I have no opinion!"

T'Chaka glanced at T'Challa and said, "Three days later, above the waterfall, decisive battle!"


Bert nodded with satisfaction, he said, "In these three days, we will live in the frontier tribes!"

"The Frontier Tribes welcome you!" W'Kabi immediately said.

T'Chaka's face was ugly, but he couldn't drive the Blood God out of Wakanda. He could only say: "Okay, but Blood God, you can't wander around Wakanda!"

"Don't worry, after three days, I will have more time to go shopping!"

Bert sneered, Erik left with W'Kabi, and the other elders also left!

T'Chaka motioned for Dora Milaje's guards to step back, then turned to T'Challa and asked, "Are you confident?"

T'Challa took a deep breath and said firmly, "Baba, I will try my best!"

"I believe you won't let me down, go get ready!"

T'Chaka smiled and patted T'Challa's shoulder, T'Challa nodded, and left!

"What I want is not to try your best, but to win!"

After T'Challa left, T'Chaka shook his head, went to the laboratory to find his daughter, Princess Shuri, and asked, "How is the research on the Blood God?"

Only sixteen years old, but already the super genius and leader of the Wakandan Design Group Shuri said confidently: "It's almost finished, I'm sure to control the Blood God!"

"Very good!"

T'Chaka was overjoyed, and he warned: "Shuri, this instrument is of great importance, and there must be no mistakes!"

Shuri laughed and said, "Baba, when have I let you down?"

"That's good!"

T'Chaka nodded with satisfaction, his eyes were very firm, no matter what, Erik should not become the king, otherwise, Wakanda would be over!


At the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., consultant Tony Stark sat opposite Acting Director Hill and asked, "Director Hill, what's the matter with calling me in such a hurry?"

Director Hill said with a headache: "After Director Fury was arrested, the World Security Council sent someone to check the accounts, and it was found that Fury had embezzled a lot of public funds."

Tony shrugged and said, "This is very normal. Isn't it? The first time I saw him, I thought he must be the type of guy who was greedy for money! "

"The problem is that he is not so greedy. Let's not talk about other things. Last time, the council approved hundreds of millions of funds to defend against foreign evil gods, but he used up about two-thirds of it for other things!"

Hill sighed: "I always knew that he was corrupt, but I didn't expect him to be so corrupt. To be honest, his image in my heart has completely collapsed!"

"Two-thirds? I suggest shooting him immediately!" Tony said.

"The council also proposed the same!"

Hill said: "Because of this incident, the council was furious and cut off the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D. and sent someone down to check the accounts! Tony, S.H.I.E.L.D. has no money, and even coffee can't be supplied!"

After speaking, Hill looked at Tony with hope, and the meaning couldn't be more clear: 'Gold master, sponsor some money!'

//** I made some changes here and there in the conversations, like that 'Glorious purpose' reference. If you all like the changes lemme know. I'll try to add some funny references. **//