Chapter 115 : Black Spider-Man

In the command room, Pierce looked at the battle below and asked the cloaked man, "Aren't you going to help?"

"Twenty elite lizardmen plus a particularly powerful Winter Soldier are more than enough to deal with those superheroes. I don't need to take action. The purpose of my creation is to deal with the Blood God. Hey, Spider-Man is here too?"

The cloaked man had no interest at all, but suddenly saw the Spider-Man jumping around, his eyes lit up, and he stood up and said, "I'll go down and kill that Spider-man, call me if you need anything, and I'll be right back."

After that, without waiting for Pierce to agree, the cloaked man disappeared.

Pierce's face was a little ugly. He thought and asked about the Helicarrier: "How long will it take to take off? We don't have much time."

The agents inside the Helicarrier replied: "Sir, please give us another five minutes. After five minutes, we will repair the engine and restore the attack system."


Pierce nodded. At this moment, the voice of President Ellis suddenly came from the TV next to him. He turned his head sharply and saw that President Ellis was giving a speech on the TV.

"I know, you must be wondering, why am I here? The reason is very simple, I was not captured, I was just leading the snake out of the hole.

For the specific content, I will tell you all the details in "Trish Talk" after the events are settled.

Now, please rest assured and wait for the result quietly. God will bless America and everyone. "

After speaking, the TV screen switched. The audience was stunned for a moment and then cheered. The president is fine, which means that the United States is fine, and they are fine.


A New Yorker thought of something and asked his wife, "What the president said, could it be the Dragon God?"

"You think too much, besides us New Yorkers, who else believes in the Dragon God?"

His wife sneered: "The president should be talking about God."

The New Yorker laughed at himself: "Yes, I think too much."

This New Yorker didn't know that what President Ellis meant was the Blood God. If it weren't for the strong opposition of his staff, he would directly say Blood God on TV.

With so many troubles in New York, which one is not solved by the Blood God?

President Ellis went on TV and said almost nothing, which may seem like a superfluous but necessary thing - if he doesn't show up now, no one will believe him when he explains it later.

Using the President as bait? Please, third-rate screenwriters can make up a better plot than this right?

"President Ellis was rescued?"

Pierce's expression changed. Could it be that the battle in New York is over? If this is the case, it will be troublesome, the Blood God will appear at any time.

"Now I just hope that Dr. Lizard's trump card really works."

Pierce turned his head and glanced at the assembled machine, his face full of uncertainty - Although Dr. Lizard said he was very confident, it was the famous Blood God!

At the same time, the man in the cloak found Spider-Man, and when Spider-Man saw him, he had a very strange feeling, as if he had met his kind.

Spider-Man frowned and asked, "Why are you wearing a cloak? Are you uglier than those lizardmen?"

"Yes, I'm super ugly, ugly enough to break through the sky."

The man in the cloak was not angry, but very happy. He took off the cloak, and inside it was a suit that was almost identical to Spider-Man - only the colors were different, Spider-Man was red, and he was black.

Seeing the other party's dress, Spider-Man couldn't help but be stunned, and then said: "Well, I'm sorry, the copyright of Spider-Man's suits belongs to me and the Watchmen Company. You will be accused of plagiarism."

"Is that the point?"

The black Spider-Man was too lazy to say anything, raised his hand, and shot a black spider web at Spider-Man. Spider-Man had Spidey-sense and avoided it in advance.

"You also have a Web Shooter?"

Spider-Man was stunned, and at the same time fired a spider web at the black Spider-Man. The black Spider-Man also avoided it ahead of time. He rushed in front of Spider-Man and kicked him. Spider-Man avoided and smashed the black Spider-Man's head with a backhand.

The black Spider-Man ducked to avoid it, and then swept his right foot toward Spider-Man. Spider-Man jumped up and launched a spider web at the black Spider-Man's face, and the black Spider-Man tilted his head to avoid it.

The two of them went back and forth for more than ten rounds, but they didn't touch each other, it was like a pas de deux.

Spider-Man frowned, and he asked incredulously, "You also have spider-sense?"

"Of course."

The black Spider-Man laughed, suddenly jumped to the wall, and stuck there firmly. Spider-Man was stunned. The web launcher can be copied, but Wall-Crawling is his unique ability.

Spider-Man asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Of course, I'm Peter Parker."

The black Spider-Man laughed and took off the hood. It was Peter's face. Spider-Man was stunned. He thought of something and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and put it on. My identity cannot be revealed, otherwise, Aunt May will be in danger."

"Idiot, you have powerful abilities, but you live like a blind mouse."

The black Spider-Man smiled disdainfully, he put on the hood, and said with hatred: "Spider-Man, I will kill you to avenge myself."

"Who are you? Hey, wait, are you my long-lost twin brother? That's not right. Spider-Man's abilities cannot be inherited."

Spider-Man grabbed his head in confusion, and now he kind of understood why Mr. Wang asked him to come over.

"Think slowly in hell."

Black Spider-Man stopped talking nonsense, clicked with both hands, and shot spider webs one after another at Spider-Man, Spider-Man dodged again and again, and shouted at the same time: "Are you my brother? I always wanted to have a younger brother! "

"Why does it have to be a younger brother, not an elder brother? You are so weak and so stupid, why should you be the elder brother?"

Black Spider-Man seems to have inherited the attributes of Spider-Man's talkativeness, and taunting while attacking. Under his offensive, the space for Spider-Man to avoid is getting smaller.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the black Spider-Man took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and spewed out a mass of fire, Spider-Man had no time to escape and was burned.

The black Spider-Man laughed: "Hahaha, is it a roasted spider now?"

At this moment, Spider-Man jumped out of the fire and asked in surprise, "Why can you breathe fire? I can't even spin webs."

The black Spider-Man asked in disbelief: "Why are you okay?"

"The clothes on my body were made by Mr. Wang with tens of millions of dollars, and they are invulnerable to fire and water."

Spider-Man pulled his clothes and said, "By the way, my suit is full of special functions with high-tech equipment. Some of them, Mr. Wang, said that I was too young to use them, and I was about to ask my friend to help crack them. …"

"Go to hell."

The black Spider-Man was too lazy to listen to Spider-Man's nonsense and opened his mouth to spray poison gas at him. As a result, Spider-Man was still fine.

Spider-Man said: "Didn't you listen to me? This is high-tech equipment, and anti-virus is a basic function, just like Mr. Stark's armor. There is an oxygen circulation system in the suit which can ensure that I can breathe in the sea."

"Go to hell."

The black Spider-Man got angrier, his hands lit up with crackling electricity, and he shot at Spider-Man, but Spider-Man was still fine, and the little spider on his chest lit up.

Spider-Man rambled and said: "This suit is also resistant to electric attacks. By the way, the spider on my chest can fly. It is very useful. It can not only help me find my way but also produce electric shocks."

"Shut up!"

Black Spider-Man gritted his teeth, he was jealous, jealous that Spider-Man had such good equipment.

"You don't have to be so angry, right? Although this dress is good, it was super expensive. I've always been afraid of breaking it. I don't have the money to repair it."

Spider-Man said: "If only I could have as many abilities as you. Game developers don't even have to design unique moves when developing Spider-Man games."

"You have no idea what the price of these abilities is, Spider-Man, I'm going to kill you, I don't have to suffer like this at all."

The black Spider-Man appeared next to Spider-Man out of thin air, and then kicked him fiercely. Although Spider-Man avoided the first time, the black Spider-Man was too fast, and he was kicked out.

"Teleporting? Isn't this too cheating?"

Spider-Man yelled, seeing that he was not an opponent, he took advantage of the wall to escape into the building next to him, and the black Spider-Man immediately chased in. In any case, he wanted to kill Spider-Man and avenge himself!

At the same time, inside the Quinjet, Jemma held up the test tube and excitedly said to everyone: "Everyone, good news, we have developed a potion that can deal with the elite lizardmen."

"Very good."

Everyone couldn't help being overjoyed. Natasha said, "The research on the new antidote is really fast."

"This is not a new antidote, the elite lizardmen can no longer turn back into humans."

Dr. Connors shook his head and said hatefully: "That bastard Dr. Lizard is not worthy of being a scientist at all. He mixed the blood of monsters into the serum of the lizard."

"Blood of monsters? No wonder they have various abilities. It turned out to be the abilities of monsters."

Everyone suddenly realized, Dr. Connors said: "Yes, the ability of monsters, the success rate of this new serum should be extremely low, otherwise it won't be so small.

Not to mention this, the new potion developed by Jemma and I can make the elite lizardmen lose their combat effectiveness due to blood conflict. However, this potion must be injected to take effect. "

"Enough, Jemma, hurry up and dispense the potion, at least thirty."

Natasha asked Fitz, "Fitz, is Black Widow (Armor) repaired?"

Fitz said: "It has been temporarily repaired, but it can only last for half an hour. After that, it will be completely damaged and needs to be replaced with a new one."

"Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. can reimburse me, uh, S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have closed down."

Natasha frowned and said to Coulson, "Will the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau be reimbursed?"

"Yes, the richest man in the United States is behind the S.W.O.R.D.Bureau." Colson said: "Also, they don't have a single corrupt person,"

"The greatest embezzler in American history."

Natasha couldn't help shaking her head, she said: "I heard that Fury also wanted to join the war, but Steve told him, don't come here to cause trouble. If the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents see you, they might directly surrender to HYDRA."

Coulson smiled bitterly, and Skye couldn't help asking, "What is the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau?"

"I'll tell you later, make the potion now."

Coulson hurriedly changed the subject, and soon, the potion was finished, and Natasha put on the black widow battle armor and returned to the battlefield with the potion.

Natasha was not in a hurry. She first used the communicator to notify others about the potion and then used the stealth function to quietly deliver the potion to everyone.

While dealing with the Lightning Lizardmen, Carter said, "Ready."

Danny repelled the sturdy lizardmen and nodded, "I'm ready too."

Patton, Human Torch, and those few unmanned battle armors were also ready soon.

"Natasha, this Winter Soldier is difficult to deal with, you come and help me."

While avoiding the ice of the Winter Soldier, Tony shouted to Natasha. Natasha nodded and said, "You attract his attention, I will sneak attack."


When everyone was ready, Steve immediately ordered, and then he smashed his shield at the teleporting lizardman on the opposite side, and the lizardman immediately teleported and appeared five meters away.

Steve activated the jet boots on his feet and appeared in front of the Lizardman in an instant. He slammed it down with a punch, and the Lizardman couldn't teleport a second time in a short time.

Steve seized the opportunity and stabbed the needle in the shoulder of the teleporting lizardman. The teleporting lizardman didn't care at first, but soon lost his strength and fell to the ground crying in pain.

At the same time, Carter, Barton, and others also succeeded, only Tony and Natasha failed.

Natasha successfully attacked the Winter Soldier, but Winter Soldier realized that something was wrong, and immediately froze the needle and part of his blood, and then punched Natasha, pulled out the needle tube, and threw it away.

Tony gritted his teeth and said, "This guy is troublesome. If you deal with other lizardmen, I will transfer the unmanned battle armors back to kill this guy."


The others had no opinion. With the help of everyone, the lizardmen were quickly defeated, and only a few were left struggling.


Pierce was shocked and angry when he saw this scene. He thought of something and shouted to the Winter Soldier: "Winter Soldier, take off your mask."

Winter Soldier did as he told, and a handsome face with vicissitudes appeared in front of everyone. Tony sneered: "What's the use of taking off the mask? You are dead today."

Tony was about to attack when Steve and Carter simultaneously shouted incredulously, "Bucky!"

"Who's Bucky?"

Tony and Winter Soldier asked at the same time, Pierce laughed from above: "Yes, Steve, he is your best friend, Bucky Barnes, when he fell off the cliff, he didn't die. He was saved by HYDRA, we washed away his memories and turned him into the Winter Soldier."

When the Winter Soldier heard this, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he regained his composure and continued to attack Tony.

"I don't care who he is."

Tony was about to continue the attack. Steve and Carter rushed over, Steve shouted: "Tony, no, he's Bucky."