Chapter 133 : Negotiations

"Why is it impossible?"

Bert's voice sounded from behind Black Bolt: "Imitate body temperature and various external manifestations with Chi, and I can easily hide from the scanning of the instrument."

Everyone turned their heads and saw Bert standing behind Black Bolt, Black Bolt said with a wry smile, "I lost."

"I also admit defeat."

Tony fell from the sky, he was not angry or disappointed, but very happy: "Bert, I'm not far from you, you even need to use tricks to win me."

"Boss, why do I feel you are getting weaker?"

Earth Demon asked with a frown. Although Bert just now was still very strong, he didn't have the feeling of crushing everything before.

Steve and others who were watching the battle also nodded, and something was wrong with Bert.

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded from the balcony: "Tony, you can't even fight against a clone of me, yet you dare to say that you're not far from me. You have thick skin."

Everyone turned their heads in shock and saw Bert leisurely eating oranges on the balcony.

Susan was stunned, "Why are there two Mr. Wang?"

Tony pointed to the avatar that suddenly became sluggish behind, and asked Bert in shock: "Clone? Is this just your avatar?"

"Yes, the spoils I grabbed from Romania some time ago can make clones."

Bert beckoned, and the clone turned into a ray of blood and flew back to his body. He smiled and said, "Tony, guess, how much strength he has from me?"

"Let's fight again, you use your real body."

Tony shouted unwillingly, he has worked so hard for so long, but he can't even beat a clone of Bert, how can he, who has always been proud, accept it?

Black Bolt typed: "Mr. Wang, I also want to fight you again."

Bert smiled and said, "Okay, but Tony, if you lose, you'll be responsible for tidying up my lawn."

"Sure." Tony nodded, and Black Bolt and the others lined up again.

Bert threw the orange peel down and said, "Look, I'll take action when the orange peels hit the ground."


Tony nodded, when the orange peel fell, he immediately activated the sonic cannon, but at this moment, Bert's voice sounded from behind him: "I'm sorry, you lost."

Tony turned his head in disbelief and saw Bert grabbing Black Bolt's neck with one hand and holding him up high.

Tony shouted incomprehensibly, "How could it be so fast?"

Not only Tony couldn't understand, but everyone watching the game was stunned. This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Black Bolt was a little suspicious of life, am I not the strongest?

Bert put down Black Bolt and said lightly, "Tony, it's not only you who are getting stronger, I am also advancing by leaps and bounds."

The last time the Demons invaded, Bert got the blood of Dimension Demon Beast.

"Is there any reason for this? Shouldn't a Boss like you stop in place and wait for us warriors to level up to challenge?"

Tony complained: "Why is your level rising faster than ours?"

"Because the protagonist of this game is not a Warrior, but a Devil." Bert laughed: "Warriors are no longer popular."

Tony scolded: "I hate this subject."

"I quite like it, because I am the Devil." Bert laughed.

Earth Demon on the side said with a smile: "This is the real boss, the previous clone is much worse."

"That's true, the two are not the same level at all."

Susan nodded, Bert's clone is at a normal level, it is also very strong but if they spare no effort, there is still a chance to defeat it.

And the real Bert, gives the impression of only despair, no matter how hard they try, they can't beat the opponent.

Black Bolt typed: "I didn't expect that the Earth has a strong person like you."

Bert said: "I am not the strongest on Earth, I am just the next guardian, not the current one."

Black Bolt was stunned: "Is there anyone on Earth stronger than you?"

"Yes, the Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One."

Bert nodded, he said to Black Bolt: "Black Bolt, no matter how things develop this time, your Inhuman kingdom will never return to what it used to be."

Black Bolt typed: "You want to annex the Inhuman kingdom?"

"Of course not."

Bert smiled and said, "I would like to invite your Inhuman kingdom to join the Earth Federation and become a part of the Earth."

Black Bolt fell into contemplation: "Earth Federation?"

Tony walked out of his armor and asked Steve in a low voice, "Hey, when was the Earth Federation established, why don't I know?"

Steve replied: "If nothing else, in a few years."

Tony complained: "A few years later? He invited others to join the organization that's gonna form a few years later. If Black Bolt knew the truth, would he beat him?"

"Wait, no, there's no way the Earth Federation will be formed in a few years."

Thinking of something, Tony shook his head and said: "In fact, let alone a few years, it may not be possible in decades. Which country is willing to give up power?"

"It depends on human effort."

Steve laughed: "Bert is persuading President Ellis to take the lead in forming the Earth Federation."

"How could he possibly agree? America is the most powerful country." Tony sneered: "Bert is a little too naive."

"If the Earth Federation is completed, President Ellis will become the first Speaker of the Earth Federation."

Steve said: "At that time, his evaluation in history will even surpass that of Washington, do you think he is not interested?"

Tony rubbed his chin and said, "Can't blame him, even I'm a little excited, why don't I run for the next president?"

Steve shook his head: "Bert is standing behind President Ellis."

"I was just kidding."

Tony thought for a while and said, "The Stark Industries will help Bert to persuade them that if they want to step into the interstellar age, the Earth must be unified, even if it's just federalism."

On the other hand, Bert continued to persuade Black Bolt: "Black Bolt, the Earth will soon enter the interstellar age, and then there are only three ways for your Kingdom, one is to go far away, the other is to fight against us, and the third is to join us."

"Attilan can't travel far again."

Black Bolt smiled wryly, Attilan was not only the city of the Inhuman Kingdom but also their air fortress.

"Cooperation with Earth can easily solve the biggest problem of your kingdom, which is the lack of resources."

Bert said: "At that time, all your people will be able to live a good life, and they will no longer need to mine every day. By the way, your system is really bad. I believe that Attilan will have many uprisings."

Black Bolt was silent for a while, then typed: "If there are enough resources, I will find a way to improve the system."

"If you have time, you can look at the history of our Earth. I believe that will help you."

Bert smiled and said: "Also, you don't have to worry about the Earth annexing you, I can give you a promise that I will protect Attilan, just like protecting the Earth."

Black Bolt's face was solemn, and with Bert's strength, this promise was extraordinary.

Black Bolt typed: "Mr. Wang, I need to discuss such a big matter with Medusa and the courtiers."

Bert smiled: "Don't worry, I will help you rescue Queen Medusa."


Black Bolt typed: "By the way, I have a few courtiers on Earth, I hope Mr. Wang can help find them."

"Small things."

Bert laughed, Steve came over and said, "It's a small matter, our S.W.O.R.D. Bureau is best at finding people."


Black Bolt nodded, asked Bert for a drawing board, and drew all the appearances of several of his subordinates.

Steve immediately sent the portrait to the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau and used the technology of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau to find those people.

"Black Bolt took the initiative to name those people. It seems that he was persuaded by Bert."

Tony knew it well, and he sighed secretly in his heart, this guy Bert is as reliable as ever, but unfortunately, he is too lazy and needs others to do everything.

S.W.O.R.D. Bureau, Steve explained in detail what happened two days ago to the representatives of the five permanent members.

"There are Aliens involved? As I said earlier, Inhumans are unreliable."

The representative of Russia snorted coldly. He is the one who opposes the Inhumans the most. If it wasn't for the Blood God, he would not agree with the previous decision at all.

Steve said: "Those Inhumans are different from the new Inhumans that were just born, and we can't push the new Inhumans to them."

Russian representative wanted to say something, but Congressman Malik interrupted: "The attitude towards Inhumans has been decided at the last meeting, and there is no need to discuss it again. Steve, how are your S.W.O.R.D. Bureau going to deal with this crisis?"

"We plan to take two steps. The first step is to solve the Inhumans on Earth and pacify internal troubles."

Steve said: "In the second step, Blood God leads the superheroes to the moon to face the Alien fleet, and at the same time helps Black Bolt to suppress the rebellion and regain the throne.

Unlike the rebels on Moon, Black Bolt is willing to live in peace with Earth and even establish diplomatic relations. "

"Blood God is indeed powerful, and can even go to the moon."

Malik and the others breathed a sigh of relief, it would be good to have Blood God, even an alien invasion could be easily dealt with.

No wonder President Ellis shouts 'Go to New York and invite the Blood God' every day.

"I don't doubt Blood God's ability, and I also believe that he can solve the Aliens."

Russian representative suddenly said: "But for such a big thing, don't our five countries do nothing, just cheer at the back?"

Congressman Malik didn't see any problems at all, he said: "America's War Abomination and War Machine will join the fight, plus we can provide funding."

The representative of Russia gave Malik a scornful look and said, "I think that our five countries should directly participate in the war. This is our responsibility. If everything is solved by superheroes, what else do we have to do? Also, we will enter the interstellar era sooner or later, and it is not a bad thing for us to participate in an interstellar war in advance."

Everyone was stunned, and the representatives of Britain and France all nodded secretly. Superheroes have begun to influence the authority of the government and cannot be ignored.

Congressman Malik said: "It's not that I have a problem with this, but may I ask, how is our army going to the moon?"

This sentence silenced everyone, and the British representative said: "Doesn't the Blood God can open the portal?"

"He does can open a portal, but if he can go to the moon, what's the point of us sending troops to fight?" Congressman Malik said, "Isn't it up to him?"

The Russian representative thought about it and said, "I remember that Wakanda's spacecraft can go to the moon, and we can ask them to help transport troops."

Several countries were very excited, and Congressman Malik asked Steve, "Steve, what do you think?"

Steve said: "If you are willing to join the war, I will naturally welcome you, but on the Wakanda side, you need to discuss it yourself, the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau has no such face."

Congressman Malik nodded: "No problem, I believe Wakanda will give us face, after all, this is a matter of the whole Earth."

Steve nodded, got up, and left the conference room. Immediately afterward, the holographic projection of King Eric of Wakanda appeared.

Eric said indifferently: "What is the matter?"

Congressman Malik asked straight to the point: "Your Majesty, can your spacecraft carry people to the moon?"

Eric replied: "Yes, very simple."


Everyone was speechless. To be honest, they couldn't understand Wakanda's idea at all. It had such strong technology, but they were in a corner, and even pretended to be a poor country to receive relief from the United Nations.

'Aren't you embarrassed?'

Congressman Malik said the matter again, and then continued: "We hope to borrow Wakanda's spaceship and go to the moon to participate in the war to defend the Earth."

Eric said happily: "No problem, I can lend the spaceship, but I have one condition."

Congressman Malik said: "Please speak."

Eric said: "I want to become a permanent member."

"America agrees."

Congressman Malik nodded immediately, and the other three agreed, only the Russian representative frowned and said, "I'll think about it."

"This time, the four of you agree, Russia opposes, next time Russia agrees, America opposes, and again, England opposes..."

Eric laughed sarcastically: "Do you think that our Wakanda is a third-world country that has been plucked by you to become permanent?"

The five representatives were suddenly a little embarrassed, they did think so.

Eric said: "Other third-world countries might beg you. But for Wakanda, we don't need to beg you."

After a pause, Eric continued: "Actually, it is not difficult for Wakanda to enter the world, as long as the African countries are unified, but I don't want to do that, Wakanda does not have such big ambition."

The expressions of the five representatives were a bit ugly, and the Russian representative asked: "Since Wakanda doesn't have such great ambitions, why do you still want to become a permanent member?"

"For self-preservation."

Eric said: "Wakanda needs the ability to protect itself, both now and in the future Earth Federation."

Hearing the Earth Federation, the expressions of the five representatives did not change. They had known about this matter for a long time. This matter is currently being discussed within each country, some are in favor and some are against it. The situation is quite complicated.

Eric thought of something and said, "Speaking of which, this battle on the moon may be a rehearsal for the war of the Earth Federation."

The five representatives looked at each other, and Congressman Malik said, "We have to go back and discuss it. We can't decide on such a big issue."

"Okay, I'll get the spaceship ready."

Eric nodded, the holographic projection disappeared, and the five representatives sighed. These days, it's getting harder and harder to fool around.