Chapter 175 : Orb

"President Ellis certainly believes in you, but other countries may not," Lilith said in response to Bert's plan. "The Church has a great influence on Earth, and there are countless believers."

"Because of this, we must solve them in advance, otherwise, when the Angels come, things will become very troublesome," Bert added.

"It doesn't matter whether those countries believe it or not, I only need them to stand by and tell them for me. This matter is related to the life and death of the earth, and I will not make any compromise.

Don't blame me for being ruthless if someone dares to mix it up," Bert said firmly.

"I know what to do," Lilith nodded, with a rare excitement in her voice. The idea of the vampires cleaning the church made her feel emotional.

"Very good, I'll leave it to you," Bert said with satisfaction. He then had another thought, "Create a spin-off movie for Vampire Police Station, the content is that the Angel wants to exterminate human beings and is stopped by the vampires.

Other plots don't matter, but there must be a section where the Angel calls the believers to besiege the Vampire police station. In addition, Gabriel is set as the behind-the-scenes boss, saying that she has an affair with Lucifer."

Lilith gave Bert a speechless look and said, "I will take care of it, but the movie has little impact."

"Just in case," Bert replied. "The power of the Angels is too great, and I will do everything in my power to prevent them from coming to Earth."

"I understand," Lilith nodded. At that moment, President Ellis' voice came through the television above: "Many people say that I am the most unlucky president in the history of the United States because during my tenure, there have been multiple alien invasions. It is true, not just one, but several. Aliens do exist and they do not have good intentions towards us. They do not even give us the chance to surrender.

To protect our planet, we must take action and become stronger.

So, on behalf of the Earth Federation, I officially announce that Earth will accelerate into the interstellar age. All of our efforts will focus on advancing into this age. For example, we will make every effort to develop new energy sources, artificial intelligence, space technology, and genetic technology.

Bert nodded with satisfaction, Earth is finally moving towards the interstellar age, and his efforts were not in vain.

'Universe, here we come.'


Xandar, the shooting base of the Titanic (interstellar version),

"Cut!" Bert shouted in dissatisfaction at Lorelai on the spaceship. "Expression, Lorelai, can you give me some expression? You should be enjoying this rare freedom now!"

Lorelai said a little aggrievedly: "I have already given the expression, and I told you early on that I can't act. But you insisted that I be the heroine."

"How was I supposed to know you can't act? As the goddess of charm, shouldn't you be proficient in acting and deception?" Bert shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Why should I act to deceive people? If I say a word, those men will obediently kneel under my war skirt," Lorelai retorted.

Bert was speechless. He sighed and said, "The crew is all suspended, Lorelai. You go to Xandar Film and Television Academy to study acting first."

Bert had originally planned to show the original movie in Xandar, but it turned out that Xandar was not a popular place for theaters - people here liked to watch movies on holographic projections in their homes.

Bert knew the Earth classic movie had a good plot but other aspects were too backward, it can only be remade in the holographic version.

In order to turn Lorelai into a big star in the universe, Bert designated her as the heroine for personal gain, but reality gave him a critical blow: Lorelai can't act at all!

Hearing that there was no need to shoot any more, Lorelei breathed a sigh of relief. She jumped out of the spaceship and asked Bert, "Master, I don't have a diploma from Xandar, can I still enter the Film and Television Academy?"

"Don't worry, I'll spend money to buy you a spot," Bert said angrily. After a few months, his wallet had become very full, and it would be no problem to buy a spot at the Xandar Academy.

"That's good," Lorelei smiled and said flatteringly, "Master, since we came to Xandar, we haven't even gone out to go shopping and I don't even have any decent clothes. Can you give me your unlimited credit card?"

"Unlimited? You are really greedy," Bert said, speechless. It seems that Lorelei's vanity and materialistic nature hasn't changed at all.

After thinking it over, Bert transferred one million units to Lorelai's account. "I will check your acting skills once a week. If you improve, you will be rewarded, otherwise, there will be nothing."

"Thank you, master," Lorelai said, happily kissing Bert. Then she took Bert's arm and said, "Master, will you go shopping with me?"

Bert was about to answer when he suddenly sensed something and said, "I have some business, you can go by yourself."

Lorelai was about to say something more but Bert had already disappeared. She could only stomp her feet in anger and go shopping to vent her dissatisfaction.

The master is good at everything, strong, rich, and handsome, the only problem is that there are too many women around, and he doesn't have much time to spend with her.

The reason why Bert left is very simple. The protagonist of "Guardians of the Galaxy", Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, has arrived on Xandar. He is preparing to sell the Orb at Boker's shop.

Bert, who was invisible, looked at the chatting Star-Lord and Broker, and smiled slightly. He stretched his hand forward, took out the Orb from Star-Lord's bag, and replaced it with a fake one.

Bert still found the plot useful and didn't want to change it.

'It's so easy to get the Power Stone, so easy that I'm embarrassed to take it,' Bert thought, nodding with satisfaction. It was too easy, and it was a super treasure, so there was no reason not to take it.

Star-Lord did not know that the Orb had been replaced, and he said casually, "Speaking of which, who wants this Orb? I'm dying to get rid of it."

Broker shrugged and said, "Why don't we have Mr. Wang's ability to earn millions from one delivery?"

"How much can you make from one delivery?" Star-Lord asked, surprised.

"Don't think about it, it will be delivered across the planet within ten seconds," Broker replied. "In just a few months, that Mr. Wang has become the richest man on Xandar. I don't think I can earn as much as he does in a month in my whole lifetime."

Star-Lord asked, "Delivery across planets in ten seconds? Is he running a scam?"

"Do you think we Xandarians are all fools?" Broker said angrily. "Don't talk nonsense, get the Orb quickly."

"Got it," Star-Lord replied while holding the Orb. "Speaking of which, those people claim to be Ronan's subordinates, who is Ronan?"


Hearing this name, Broker was shocked, he immediately said to Star-Lord, "I'm sorry, I don't do this business anymore, I won't do any business related to Ronan."

"Why?" Star-Lord asked. But before he could say anything more, Broker pushed him out of the shop. Star-Lord looked stunned, and then slapped himself on the forehead. "What's Ronan?"

Star-Lord was sighing when he suddenly felt that someone was looking at him, he turned his head and saw it was a beautiful green-skinned beauty. Star-Lord immediately launched his "ancestral approaching skills" but Bert couldn't help shaking his head. Star-Lord's taste is really good, unlike him, he can only accept aliens similar to humans.

This made Bert have less opportunity to interact with beauties.

This green-skinned woman is naturally Gamora, and everything that happened next was the same as in the movie - Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot fought in the Xandar, and then they were apprehended by the Nova Corps.

"The show is over." Bert was about to leave when the surrounded Rocket suddenly shouted, "You dare to arrest me? Do you know who my friend is?"

A Nova Corps officer asked amusingly, "Little mouse, who is your friend? I'd like to hear it."

"If I tell you, it'll scare you to death. My friend is the super-rich man of Xandar, Bert Wang. If you dare to arrest me, he will never let it go." Rocket said arrogantly, "I have a life-long friendship with him."

"Bert Wang?" the officer was stunned for a moment, his face was a little ugly, he didn't like that guy at all.

In fact, many people in the Nova Corps do not like Bert, which is normal. On one hand, they have worked all their lives and may not earn as much as Bert in a day. On the other hand, Bert, the jerk, had a relationship with Centurion Lindy. And Centurion Lindy is the goddess of many soldiers' dreams.

However, dissatisfaction is one thing, and actually offending such a powerful man is another. The officer did not dare to offend Bert easily, he said, "You're under arrest, I'll send someone to notify Mr. Wang at Earth Express to bail you out."

"Get me something nice to drink," Rocket said becoming more and more arrogant. Groot wanted to cover his face, it was too embarrassing. Gamora rolled her eyes, she also knew Blood God, the problem was, she couldn't tell.

Gamora thought of something and her eyes lit up. 'If I can see the Blood God, then this matter will be easy to handle.'

"Earth Express?" Star-Lord said, confused. "I'm from Earth and I also know Mr. Wang."

"What is it about you that looks like an Earthling?" Rocket said disdainfully. "Earthlings are super powerful, aren't they? The five Ravagers' main ships didn't last even ten minutes in front of them."

Star-Lord looked blank. "No way? I remember when I left, Earthlings were still in the moon landing stage."

Rocket said contemptuously, "I said earlier that you're fake, and Earthling companies have already opened to Xandar."

Star Lord said angrily, "I am a 100% pure-blooded Earthling."

"Shut up and take them back," the officer shouted in dissatisfaction. Several officers agreed in unison, pulling the four of them to the detention center.

"What is this? Am I familiar with Rocket?" Bert thought, hesitating whether to save Rocket or not. With his status, it would be easy to get Rocket out of jail. However, the problem was that in that case, the Guardians of the Galaxy would not be complete.

After thinking about it, Bert decided to ignore it. They would be fine anyway, and he needed this group of people to know about the realm of Knowhere.

"Poor Rocket, I hope you don't be too arrogant, otherwise you'll be repaired badly by Nova Corps." Bert said insincerely, then he teleported to the Earth Express headquarters, and opened a portal to return to Earth.

"Odin, lend me the copycat Infinity Gauntlet," Bert shouted.

Odin threw the Infinity Gauntlet to Bert and shouted, "Take it and get out of here, don't interfere with me, today we will be able to crush that dungeon and beat Odin, I mean the Dungeon Boss to death. This is the first try and it will be announced on all servers. Little Hela is really excited about it."

"Aren't you going to ask me why I want the Infinity Gauntlet?" Bert said, stunned. "And what's the matter with you crushing yourself?"

Just as Odin was about to answer, Frigga shouted: "Odin, don't be distracted! Odin is going to become a god-king. Who designed this Odin? It's so hard to beat!"

Odin shouted: "That's right, how can Odin be so powerful? He only destroyed a planet in his heyday."

Looking at the two internet-addicted elderly people, Bert rolled his eyes speechlessly and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, Little Hela's team finally defeated Odin, who was in his state as the King of Death. They were about to cheer when Odin suddenly appeared, wearing the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand. Then, under the blood-red light, Odin quickly resurrected and turned back into a young state.

"I, Odin, am immortal," the young Odin shouted arrogantly.

"Fuck!" Little Hela, Odin, and the others yelled at the same time, how is this possible?

Odin even scolded the Blood God without grace, it was definitely added by that guy secretly.

On a barren planet, Bert took out the Space Stone and asked the Spear of God, which kept attacking the space barrier, "One last time, are you willing to surrender to me?"

It laughed at the suggestion. How could God's weapon surrender to a vampire?

"Then there's no way."

Bert took out the Orb, opened it, and tapped the Power Stone inside with his finger, a burst of purple energy rushed into his body through the finger, frantically destroying it.

Bert immediately retracted his finger, then annihilated the purple energy with blue-red flame.

There was no accident, the Power Stone was very resistant to Bert, wishing to destroy his resistance.

"If that's the case, don't blame me."

Bert snorted coldly, put on the Infinity Gauntlet and blood-red lightning flashed around him.

Then, Bert sensed Loki's position and then quietly opened the portal to let the Aether sense each other, so that the sacrifice does not have to be doubled.

After doing this, Bert held up the Infinity Gauntlet and made a loud wish: "Aether, I sacrifice the energy in the Power Stone to change the ownership of the Spear of God and make it my property."

The red light of the Aether put in a great effort and at the same time, the purple light of the Power Stone disappeared quickly, representing that the Aether accepted Bert's sacrifice and began to modify reality.

Although the spear of God is a conceptual weapon, it cannot stop the power of the Reality Stone and its ownership was quickly erased.

"What's the matter? God, save me quickly."

The Spear of God sensed the change in itself and shouted in horror, unfortunately, God did not appear, and there was only the 'Devil' Bert beside it.

After a while, the holy light on the Spear of God dimmed, and the Reality Stone sent a reminder to Bert: "Let it recognize with your soul."