Chapter 177 : Escape

"We're approaching Knowhere, a billion, a full billion, I don't know how to spend it," Star-Lord said as he beamed inside the Milano spaceship, looking like he wanted to stand up and sing and dance.

Rocket laughed, "It's easy! Go to the casino and turn one billion into two billion, and then turn two billion into four billion."

"I am Groot," Groot said in his usual monotone.

Rocket retorted, "Shut up, when have I ever lost? I just put the money with them temporarily, I'll get it back in the future."

Drax the Destroyer interjected, "I'm not interested in money, I just want to kill Ronan and avenge my family."

Rocket scolded, "I don't care what you do with the money, because it has nothing to do with me."

Drax asked, "Why does your fart have anything to do with me?"

"Your farts are yours, not mine. My farts can kill you," Drax said with a straight face.

Star-Lord cursed, "It's disgusting."

"God," Rocket sighed as they flew through the space. He found it hard to understand the big guy's stubbornness.

Gamora shook her head helplessly. It wasn't that she couldn't help it, she just didn't want to mix with these weirdos.

'If only I had met the Blood God before, everything would not be a problem,' Gamora thought to herself.

Thinking of the woman who they had fought dozens of times before and ultimately tied with, Gamora felt a ripple in her heart. She quickly shook her head, knowing that it was important to focus on the task at hand.

Not long after, Star-Lord excitedly shouted, "We're here."

"Knowhere," Star-Lord announced as they approached the huge head of Celestial. Rocket and Groot, who were visiting for the first time, were both a little surprised, as was Star-Lord.

But the more they drove in, the more uneasy Star-Lord felt. Why was everyone looking at their spaceship?

"Something may be wrong, everyone be careful," Star-Lord warned. Rocket scoffed, "If you can't handle it, give me the spaceship. I'm the number one pilot in the universe."

"Sorry, the number one driver in the universe is me, not you," Star-Lord retorted coldly. He thought for a moment and found a place where they could park the spaceship without being seen.

Then, the five got off the spaceship one after another and went to Collector's collection hall. Suddenly, a large number of people appeared in the originally empty surroundings. They rushed towards Star-Lord and his team.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, these people are definitely not my fans, hurry back to the spaceship!" Star-Lord shouted urgently, but it was too late. A barrage of energy bullets shot violently from a distance, and the five of them quickly hid behind the Milano.

Star-Lord was about to start the Milano's counterattack, but several energy blasts hit the ship and it was destroyed, leaving them in a dire situation.

"Milano!" Star-Lord shouted in horror. He couldn't understand what was happening, why were so many people attacking them?

Rocket said angrily, "Gamora, is this a trap you set up?"

Gamora roared back, "Shut up! Didn't you see them attacking me too? Get out of here quickly!" She held the Godslayer's sword in her hand ready to fight.

Rocket gritted his teeth and fired a heavy cannon at the front, forcibly blasting a gap with flames and explosions.

Then, the five people escaped through the gap, but to their despair, there was still a dense crowd outside the gap, rushing towards them frantically.

These people's eyes were filled with greed, the kind that wants to swallow people whole, bones and all. This time, they were afraid it would be worse than before.

"Fool, throw the Orb away, or you'll die," a voice suddenly sounded. Star-Lord turned his head and saw that it was his former captain, Yondu - He had betrayed them before.

"Are they here for the Orb?" Star-Lord was stunned for a moment, then took out a fake Orb from his bag and threw it at Yondu, shouting, "Yondu, the Orb is for you."

"No!" Gamora quickly tried to retrieve the Orb, but was shot back by an energy gun. Everyone rushed towards the Orb, which was worth four billion.

"This little white-eyed wolf, I was kind enough to save him, but he actually plotted against me," Yondu gritted his teeth in anger. He whistled, and an arrow flew out, shooting the Orb into the sky.

The crowd immediately turned and chased after the Orb. Soon, someone got their hands on it and shouted, "I've done it, I'm about to become a God like Bert."

But as soon as he picked it up, he was directly blasted into smithereens by an energy gun, and then, others rushed forward to grab the Orb.

As more and more people rushed over, the situation became increasingly chaotic, and a fight broke out. Star-Lord and his team were stunned and quickly escaped from the area.

Gamora turned to Star-Lord and exclaimed very angrily, "You bastard, why did you throw away the Orb?"

"That's right, bastard, you owe me a billion," Rocket added his own yell. Star-Lord said angrily, "If I didn't throw it, we would've been dead, okay? Don't talk nonsense, something is wrong here, let's run away."

"No, you must get the Orb back," Gamora said as she turned and ran back. Rocket and Groot, and Drax followed closely, Rocket was reluctant to lose the money, Groot was a friend, and as for Drax, he would use the Orb to lure Ronan.

"A bunch of idiots," Star-Lord thought to himself as he watched them run back. They would never have imagined that the Orb was fake.

This is good, I can keep the 4 billion for myself.

Gamora and the others did not expect this, but Yondu did. He surrounded Star-Lord with a smile and said, "Boy, hand over the Orb, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude, I'll feed you to others."

Star-Lord cursed, "Threaten me with this again? Yondu, you are an asshole." He took out the real Orb and shouted loudly, "The real Orb is with me, those who want it come and grab it."

Star-Lord's voice quickly attracted a group of people. When they saw Yondu and other Ravagers, they immediately shot at them. Yondu yelled and hurriedly fought back. Star-Lord wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but was caught by Yondu who had expected it, and he sent someone to stop him.

"Damn," Star-Lord swore as he had to put away the Orb and fight against the Ravagers. At that moment, someone suddenly shouted from a distance, "The Orb is here!"

A group of people were immediately attracted towards that voice, and while Yondu fought, he asked in astonishment, "Idiot, where is the Orb?"

"Why should I tell you? Yondu, I'm no longer your subordinate," Star-Lord replied coldly.

Yondu said angrily, "Boy, without me, you would have been eaten by those people long ago."

"Which normal person can eat people? You are all a bunch of bastards," Star-Lord yelled back.

At that moment, someone shouted from another place, "The Orb is here!"

The criminals who had already killed the guy rushed over immediately. Yondu and Star-Lord looked at each other, it was obvious that someone was playing tricks on them.

It's true, someone was indeed doing something, that was Natasha, the Black Widow. Under her arrangement, it didn't take long for the entirety of Knowhere to become chaotic, with everyone desperately trying to grab the Orb.

However, they didn't know that there were already dozens of fake Orbs appearing now.

Natasha laughed as she called to her men behind her, "Ready? let's go rob Collector's warehouse."

"Yes!" her subordinates agreed loudly. They had already surrendered to Black Widow, not to mention robbing Collector's warehouse, even if they were asked to kill Collector, they wouldn't hesitate.

In the collector's warehouse, Tivan a.k.a Collector frowned while listening to the reports of his subordinates. With his wisdom, he could see that someone was playing tricks.

"Is it because of the Orb? It's really troublesome," Collector said shaking his head. He looked at the two terrified red-skinned maids and scolded, "What are you afraid of? Even if they have 10,000 people, they wouldn't dare to provoke me. We can just watch the play quietly."

"Yes, Master," the two maids nodded respectfully. At that moment, the intelligent robot suddenly reported, "Warehouse number 13 has been breached, and a large amount of supplies and materials have been stolen."

"What? Someone dares to rob me?" Collector was furious and immediately ordered, "Send combat robots to destroy all those daring guys."

"Yes, Master," the smart robot immediately followed suit, and soon, hundreds of combat robots rushed to warehouse number 13 in full armor.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," Natasha said as she saw the combat robots appear. Suddenly a battleship appeared in the sky and started shooting frantically towards the robots.

The combat robots were caught off guard, and soon they were all destroyed and turned into wreckage.

This battleship was obtained by Natasha herself. Black Widow's combat power is not strong, but she is a top agent. Given time and resources, she can easily overthrow an organization.

"Next step," Natasha coldly ordered. Collector had offended many people, and he had offended the Blood God, so he was doomed to be unlucky today.

"Someone took advantage of the chaos to rob Collector's warehouse. Wow, Collector is very rich, and the items in the warehouse are worth at least one billion," people began to talk about the news.

"Collector will definitely send robots to kill them," some said.

"Collector's robots were wiped out," others reported.

"Wow, Collector was killed," some exclaimed.

It's not clear if Collector was actually killed or not, but it is known that someone orchestrated the whole situation to rob Collector's warehouse, and it was successful.

It was a small rumor at first, but it turned into an exaggerated one. The problem is that the criminals didn't know the truth. They heard that Collector was dead, and that Collector's warehouse and store were full of valuable things, so they turned around and attacked Collector's industry.

Stealing the Orb is one thing, stealing Collector's warehouse is another, but for them, it's all the same.

Knowhere was in complete chaos.

"I'm not dead," Collector roared, but unfortunately, the signal in this area was blocked by someone, and his voice couldn't reach the outside at all.

The two maids shouted in horror, "Master, what should we do?"

"I am an Elder of the Universe, should I be afraid of a group of criminals? If I go out in person, they will definitely not dare to shoot again when they see me," Collector said, snorting coldly and striding out of the door.

He saw a group of thugs burning his store and was about to say something, but when they saw him, they immediately shot at him in shock.

The store has been robbed, what's the point of turning back? Collector thought as he fought back against the thugs.

Collector waved his hand, and an energy barrier appeared out of thin air, blocking the attack of the thugs.

The thugs were surprised, they didn't expect Collector to be so powerful. Collector snorted coldly and was about to kill the thugs when others found Collector and rushed over

Collector blocked the attack with an energy barrier once again. He looked at the head of the Celestial, which was full of flames and slaughter, and his heart sank. He thought, "No more Knowhere. It's over. Those criminals no longer care about me. Unless I can kill everyone, otherwise, Knowhere is really over."

Unfortunately, Collector knew that he couldn't kill everyone. He had lived a long time and his strength was not strong, in fact, he was not good at fighting at all. In Collector's words, "I am a civilized man and I don't get involved in fighting and killing."

Collector ordered the combat robots to guard the gate and fled back to his warehouse. Then, he shouted, "Take my collections and let's get out of here."

The maid was stunned. "Master, are we going to escape?"

"We are transferring, understand? Don't let me find the mastermind behind it, or I will definitely tear him to pieces," Collector gritted his teeth and shouted.

"What are you still standing around for? Hurry up and move!" he shouted as he ran towards the back of the estate, where a gorgeous spaceship was parked. This was the back road he had prepared for himself.

"Quick, transfer everything up," Collector shouted as he jumped into the spaceship. Just then, a loud roar came from outside. "Collector is inside! Kill him! The treasures inside are worth hundreds of millions!"

"Kill him, if he don't die. He will definitely take revenge on us," shouted countless people as the sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air. The combat robots quickly collapsed and could only be barely resisted by the defensive dome.

"Quick, hurry up and transfer," Collector shouted frantically as the maids and robots moved the collectibles to the spaceship as quickly as possible.

After a while, the two maids suddenly shouted, "Master, the pulleys for the space dog and Howard the Duck are broken and can't be moved."

"Dammit, fix it quickly," Collector yelled. At that moment, there was a clicking sound, and the defensive dome began to crack. Collector was shocked. Seeing that most of the collection had been transferred, he gritted his teeth and pressed the button. The ceiling above the collection hall quickly opened.

Immediately afterwards, the spaceship's plasma engine spurted out flames, the spaceship slowly rose, and the two maids shouted in horror: "Master, wait for us."

How could Collector pay attention to them, he opened the defensive dome, controlled the spaceship to soar into the sky, and flew towards the distance with extreme speed.

The criminals attacking from outside attacked the spaceship, but they couldn't stop it at all.

Seeing Collector leave, the two maids who were still terrified just now breathed a sigh of relief One of them took out a small communicator from her arms and reported: "Master, Collector has escaped. ."

"Very well, did that space dog stay?"

Natasha asked about the space dog as it was mentioned by Blood God. In fact, Natasha was also very interested in it. After all, it was a space dog from the earth, and it also carried that piece of history.

The maid replied respectfully: "Yes."

Natasha said: "Very well, I declare that from now on, you are free, as long as I am here, no one can treat you as slaves anymore."

"Thank you, Master."

The two maids wept with joy. The reason why they betrayed Collector was for freedom.

That guy Collector is a scumbag. Countless maids died at his hands, and some of them were even treated as exhibits.

After confirming that Collector escaped, Natasha instructed her subordinates: "Get rid of those criminals, the contents inside belong to us."


The subordinates agreed loudly, and aimed their guns at the former 'comrades'.