Chapter 187 : Collector's Trump Card

It was beyond Ronan's expectations. When Doom saw Drax flying towards him, he didn't intend to catch him. Instead, he stepped sideways and avoided him.

With a loud bang, Drax slammed into the steel wall and passed out on the spot.

Ronan sneered, "It seems that you are also a ruthless person."

"Your tricks are just inferior. Even if you didn't do anything, I wouldn't have picked him up. I don't even know him." Doom smiled disdainfully, "Ronan, you are now qualified to be my opponent. I will play with you."

With that, Doom put his hands together and placed Ronan in a mirror space. There was almost no difference between there and the outside, except for the nine small satellites in the sky.

Ronan looked around in surprise and then sneered, "I don't know where this place is, but it doesn't matter. I'll kill you and I'll naturally be able to go out."

"I'm sorry, you can't do it. Please remember that the one who killed you was Doom, Supreme Leader for the Kingdom of Latveria."

Doom held his hands together and a space portal appeared out of thin air. A large number of explosive cockroaches flew out of it and rushed towards Ronan.

"What the hell is this?"

Ronan was taken aback and pointed his Cosmi-Rod war-hammer at the exploding cockroaches, releasing a huge energy wave.

Doom, unfazed, continued to release cockroaches and pointed to the sky. The nine small satellites turned their direction at the same time and then, nine thick high-temperature laser rays blasted down at Ronan in unison.

These were magic satellites created by Doom.

Ronan was startled and quickly raised his war-hammer to form a defensive shield to protect himself.

The nine high-temperature rays slammed into Ronan's defense dome, causing it to vibrate as if it would shatter at any moment.


Ronan cursed inwardly and tried his best to maintain the shield. At that moment, hundreds of explosive cockroaches slammed into the shield and exploded, shattering it on the spot.

Doom said lightly, "If you're just like this, then I'll be very disappointed. I'm not even using 30% of my strength now."

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like that?"

Ronan was furious and sacrificed his life to gain strength. With the help of The Destroyer(Shuma-Gorath), his aura skyrocketed wildly. He swung his war hammer vigorously, and a huge shockwave slammed into Doom.

"Why are you angry? I'm just telling the truth!"

Doom opened a portal to transfer the shockwave behind Ronan, Ronan quickly avoided it. He was about to attack again, but a large number of explosive cockroaches surrounded him from all directions, densely packed, making his scalp tingle.

At the same time, the nine small satellites activated their second attack mode, and one by one, explosive fireballs fell from the sky and slammed into Ronan like missiles.

Doom's combat strategy has always been simple: attack, keep attacking, explode, and keep blasting. The other party either blocks or dies.

'This guy, I'm afraid he's not weaker than Carol.'

Ronan's heart was extremely solemn, he clenched his war hammer, and his eyes were full of determination. Today, even if he sacrificed all his life, he would also destroy Doom and Xandar. Ronan can die, but his mission cannot end.

Seeing Ronan desperately trying, Doom smiled slightly. It seems that a lot of battle data can be collected today.

"The previous nuclear explosion was pretty good. Maybe I can combine technology and magic to create a clean nuclear explosion without pollution."

Doom thought to himself, "Blood God said that as a guardian, you must have a trump card. I think the clean nuclear explosion is very armorable for me."

Meanwhile, Dark Aster was pinned down and unable to participate in the War. Nova Prime took the opportunity to lead the Nova Corps to destroy the remaining Kree fleet.

The strength of the Nova Corps is not weak. In addition, Black Bolt has been 'singing' next to them, making the Kree fleet no match for them at all.

"Today will be a super victory."

Nova Prime was excited. Ronan the Accuser of Kree who had been causing trouble for decades will meet his demise today. And all of this was thanks to Earth's allies.

"Earthlings are really strong."

Not only was the Nova Corps progressing smoothly, but their left and right wings were also one-sided, completely crushing the opposition.

On the left, under the siege of the Earth Federation army, the Skrull coalition was already in jeopardy, and Tony even led an unmanned battle armor to attack a Skrull main ship - he wanted to capture this main ship.

The Skrulls saw Tony's intentions and were furious. They led a group of combat robots to fight back. These native wants to capture them, which was ridiculous.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring high-end weapons, otherwise these natives wouldn't be so arrogant!"

Captain Skuru of Skrull scolded bitterly. After all, it is a disguised identity, and it is impossible to bring the unique high technology of their empire.

The strength of the three major empires is still very strong. Although the current batch is a regular army, there is still a lot of gap between it and the real army.

"Deal with these steel armors as quickly as possible, then, we retreat."

Captain Skuru shouted loudly: "I declare in advance that this time, we cannot be prisoners. If something happens, I will control the main ship and will perish together with the enemy."

"Just these battle armors are not qualified to let us perish together, we will destroy them immediately."

The Skrull soldiers roared loudly, led the battle robots, and fought desperately with the unmanned armors in the aisle. With various energy attacks flashing, the unmanned armors and robots exploded one after another.

This battle was not only related to the life and death of the Skrulls, but also to their glory!


Tony gritted his teeth. He found that he was a little too greedy. The resistance of the main ship far exceeded his expectations. As one of the three major empires, the Skrulls were still very powerful.

"Should I give up the main ship and capture an ordinary warship?"

Tony hesitated, and at that moment, a group of huge unmanned battle armors rushed in from the outside and suppressed those robots.

Tony was overjoyed at first, then scolded, "Lunatic, what are you doing? I can handle it here."

"You've made a fool of yourself, and you actually want to capture the main ship. Is there a hole in your head? Don't say you can't beat it. Even if you can really beat it, how can you stop the main ship from self-destruction?"

Ivan flew in wearing magic armor and scolded, "You stay here, I'll take down the power room and the energy room."

"That's right, this group of people won't surrender."

Tony reacted, but refused to admit defeat. "Do you think I didn't think about it? I have prepared a perfect plan to prevent them from self-destruction."

"Hopefully your perfect plan wasn't to find a few beauties to scare them into hiding in the study."

Ivan smiled disdainfully and said to the empty air behind him, "I have already found the location of the command room, you are good to go."


Two voices sounded at the same time, they were Absorbing Man and Wind Demon —— Wind Demon's ability has evolved, and it can turn into wind that others can't see.

Over the years, everyone has been working hard, after all, the Earth has never been safe.

After sending Absorbing Man and Wind Demon to the command room, Ivan didn't waste time and went to the power room with some unmanned battle armors. Tony cursed angrily. This time, he was indeed a little impulsive.

Tony Stark's biggest problem is that he easily gets carried away.

At the same time, on the right, the army of Ravagers has been defeated, and they were running wildly to the back.

That's right, escape, Ravagers, after all, they're just Ravagers, they can only fight against the odds.

"You can't escape."

Ghost Rider Damon grinned, and controlled the Vibranium chariot to keep attacking. Wherever he passed, the spacecraft would explode and shatter.

The Ravagers were terrified and fled wildly, the chariot was so terrifying, they couldn't deal with it at all.

The army of wanted criminals was overjoyed and chased after them: "Hahaha, a bunch of trash, weren't you arrogant just now? What are you running for now?"

"Surrender to avoid death. You will become the slaves of the Blood God and work for him, but not forever. Wait for the next war and you will be free," Natasha shouted on the public channel. "If you don't surrender, we will kill without mercy."

The wanted criminals laughed. They would love to see others as unlucky as they were, especially since they were about to go ashore.

"Surrender, we surrender," many of the Ravagers said, under the powerful threat of the Vibranium chariot. It was better to be a slave than to die.

However, some Ravagers still chose to flee. How do you know you can't escape until the last moment?

Damon laughed menacingly and started hunting them again.

Overall, Xandar now had the upper hand and was only one step away from victory.

On Dark Aster, after Ronan was brought into the mirror space, the remaining elites could no longer stop the attack of the superheroes and were quickly defeated. Some superheroes took the opportunity to rush towards the command room.

With a bang, the door of the command room was blown open by Human Torch. He glanced around, and his eyes quickly locked on a leather-clad, one-eyed guy.

"This one-eyed guy, I knew at a glance that he wasn't a good thing, so I'll deal with him," said Human Torch as he rushed towards Fury excitedly, followed by several superheroes from S.H.I.E.L.D. They wanted to beat Fury, the bastard.

The Inhumans had no grudge against Fury, they rushed towards Collector under the leadership of Skye.

"These bastards," Fury gritted his teeth, angry. He snorted and did not avoid the small fireball that was shot, but just showed his middle finger to everyone.

The next moment, Fury's figure disappeared, and everyone sighed in disappointment. It was actually a holographic projection. This one-eyed dragon is really cunning.

'Damn, Earth's superheroes are too powerful!' Collector thought, as he faced the attacking Skye and others. He once again held up his defensive dome. Among all his abilities, this is the most proficient trick, after all, life-saving comes first.

"I'm gonna break the defensive dome, you guys keep an eye on him, don't let him attack me," said Skye as she smiled, put her hand on the shield, and it started vibrating violently. After a while, the shield shattered like glass, and Collector was stunned. This woman's shock wave was too strong!

"You're not dead? Great, my control has improved," said Skye happily. Collector's face darkened, so if she didn't control this power, he would die?

"I think it would be better if he died," said Laser Eyes Inhuman as he took off his glasses, and two laser beams shot towards Collector. Collector turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared instantly.

The telepathic Inhuman shouted: "I locked him, he is above the Main ship!"

"Above the ship?" Everyone was stunned, all looked upwards, and then naturally saw the ceiling.

"I said this before, this battle, I will win. I am The Collector, not someone who is open-minded," Collector said as he floated in space. He then took the kettle out of his arms and shouted: "Evil Lord of Hell, I summon you to the main universe with a large number of souls."

Accompanied by Collector's voice, the demon runes on the kettle lit up one after another, and then these runes floated up and turned into a small demon altar in the air.

Finally, the altar exploded, a spatial vortex emerged, and the evil breath of Hell poured out from it.

"What's the situation?" The movement made by Collector made everyone look at the vortex of space. Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering who was coming.

Of course, it doesn't matter who, he has to loosen the muscles and bones anyway.

"The breath of the soul, the breath of the main universe, I like it," said a black-light as it flew out of the vortex, quickly grew larger, and turned into a hideous demon with a height of hundreds of meters and a severed horn on its head. He asked excitedly, "Where is my sacrifice?"

"The sacrifice is here," Collector sent the kettle to the Broken Horn Demon, the water in the kettle are souls, the souls of the dead in the battle of the Ronan coalition.

This is Collector's trump card, summoning the Lord of Hell.

"Very good," said the Demon as he held the souls and was overjoyed. Recently, he was chased by a son who pits his father, and he was in need of soul replenishment.

The souls of the main universe is a great supplement.

"What? Pretending to be a ghost." A Xandarian didn't believe in ghosts and gods. When a centurion saw this, he immediately directed the battleship to shoot at the Horned Demon one after another.

"Die," the demon snorted coldly, grabbed it from the air, and a large amount of black gas appeared around the battleship, pushing it to fly quickly in the direction of the demon.

"What's the matter? Hurry up and turn around!" The centurion was startled and hurriedly shouted, but unfortunately, the power of the spaceship couldn't match the demon's magic energy.

Soon, the spaceship came to the Demon. It raised its claws and swung it down.

The demon sucked in a big mouth, and all the souls of the crew flew into his mouth. The enjoyment on his face, the soul of the main universe, was as delicious as ever.

Nova Prime was furious and shouted: "Damn, Xandar fleet gathers to destroy this monster together."

Xandar's fleet was about to take command, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Mephisto, you still have the courage to come to the main universe?"

Accompanied by this voice, a blood-colored figure hundreds of meters high appeared in space, it was the Blood God.

"Blood God?" Seeing Bert appear, the demon, that is, the Lord of Hell, Mephisto was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed horribly: "Blood God, you black-hearted bastard, I can finally take revenge."

Mephisto was miserable because of Bert, and the half-truncated horn on his head has not recovered yet.

"Revenge? Are you sure?" Bert sneered, "You are in my hands, not the other way around"