Chapter 196 : To Hell

"Eve seems malnourished. You help me nurture her. He will be your assistant," Bert said. High Priestess Ayesha glared at Bert with gnashing teeth. Not only had he taken Adam, but now he wanted to breed Eve too. How ruthless could he be?

Dr. Lizard looked around and said excitedly, "This is Sovereign. I like this place."

Bert said, "High Priestess Ayesha, prepare for battle. The power of the Elders of the universe is definitely stronger than you think."

"I know how strong the Elders of the universe are," High Priestess Ayesha snorted. She then asked, "How many troops can the Earth Federation and Xandar send over?"

"The Earth Federation just experienced a big battle and is not suitable to participate in the war again. This time, I will only let my direct subordinates participate," Bert said.

"As for Xandar, I can only guarantee that they will not participate in the war. I am just the richest man in Xandar, not the owner of Xandar," Bert said.

"This force is far from enough," High Priestess Ayesha said, dissatisfied. The Elders of the universe are ancient monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years and the power they can wield is far beyond imagination.

"With me here, you don't have to worry about anything," Bert said lightheartedly. He then asked, "How many troops can you use on Sovereign?"

High Priestess Ayesha replied, "We're taking the elite route. Additionally, the lives of the Sovereigns are very precious, so we will only send Omnicrafts to fight."

"So, not many people?" Bert asked with a frown. "Then do you have a servant army on Sovereign?"

"We don't need minions," High Priestess Ayesha said proudly. Bert was speechless. It seems that in terms of military strength, they would be at a disadvantage.

After thinking for a moment, Bert tapped on his wristband, and a list of resources popped up. He then asked High Priestess Ayesha, "Do you have these resources? My clone army can be ready in just three days, and we can go to war."

"Yes, we have all of them. Sovereign never lacks resources or money," High Priestess Ayesha said, glancing at the list and speaking proudly. Sovereign Star is all about money.

"That's good, mobilize resources quickly," Bert said, nodding in satisfaction. He then began making long-distance calls across the galaxy.

"Ivan, come help me with the unmanned army. Oh, and bring the War Abomination and War Lizards with you," Bert said.

"Korath, get the Blood Ship ready," Bert said.

"Erik, is my Vibranium chariot ready? I'll use it now. Also, get Shuri ready, I need her Phantom Legion," Bert said.

"Frank, Max, Carol, you all come and help me," Bert said.

"Skye, bring your Inhuman Legion and prepare for battle," Bert said.

Bert called them one by one, and his direct forces immediately began making preparations. Tony and Steve noticed their movement and called to ask what was happening.

"Bert, you're so disappointing. Why didn't you call me for such a great opportunity?" Tony said, dissatisfied after listening to Bert. "I can't wait to see how arrogant the Sovereigns will be this time."

"Tony, Steve, the Earth just got the resource planet, and you can't leave it to others," Bert said, shaking his head. "I'll do it myself this time, don't worry, I'm sure."

"There are indeed many things," Tony and Steve both said, sighing. There were not only the resource planet, but also many other things happening inside the Earth Federation.

Tony shouted, "Bert, call us anytime for help."

Bert smiled and said, "Don't worry, if I really wanted help, I will never do it alone. I am the big boss of the Earth, and you should work for me."

"Fuck Off."

Tony rolled his eyes, but Steve didn't have any objections, after all, Bert was really his boss. Half of the funds for S.W.O.R.D. came from Bert's company.

After contacting everyone, Bert put down the phone. He looked at High Priestess Ayesha, ready to speak, but suddenly sensed movement in Hell and said coldly, "Elders, you are truly presumptuous."

Bert shouted, "Annie!"

"Master!" Annie stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, and said, "The Angel of Vengeance is waiting for your orders at any time."

Bert commanded, "Recall the other Angels. You and Frank will lead the army. Crystal will help you open the portal, and I will come back as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master," Annie replied. High Priestess Ayesha was stunned when she heard the words and hurriedly asked, "Blood God, where are you going?"

"To Hell," Bert said without any hesitation, and raised his hand to create a space vortex in front of him, then strode through it.

"Blood God!" High Priestess Ayesha looked at the vortex of space that was gradually disappearing and her face was extremely ugly. At this time, Blood God actually said that he would leave? Could he be any more unreliable?

Annie stood up and said coldly, "Don't waste time, start preparing for battle immediately."

"What did you say? Don't forget your identity. Blood God is gone, I will call the shots here," High Priestess Ayesha shouted to Annie in dissatisfaction. "I can't fight the Blood God, but why should I be still afraid of you a mere maid?"

"I am in charge here," Annie replied, her eyes burning with holy flames. As soon as High Priestess Ayesha saw the holy flame, she immediately felt her soul being burned to ashes.

"I said, don't waste time, start preparing for battle," Annie shouted coldly. Although High Priestess Ayesha was extremely unwilling, she didn't dare to say anything else, so she obediently started to prepare for the battle.

In Mephisto's hell, it was even more chaotic than it was a few months ago. Mephisto, who was covered in wounds, held a half-gnawed leaf and asked the phantom of the cloak in front of him, "This thing can really restore my wisdom? Also, this is leftovers from others, right?"

The cloak phantom said coldly, "This is the leaf of the tree of wisdom, and there is probably only so much left in the entire universe. Do you want to eat it or not?"

"I didn't expect me, Mephisto, to be reduced to eating other people's leftover leaves," Mephisto sighed and stuffed the leaves into his mouth. His mind, which was originally empty, immediately became full.

"What have I been doing for more than a year?" Mephisto, who had regained his IQ, recalled the experience of the past year and was ashamed to find a crack to crawl into. The IQ of Blackheart was too low.

At that moment, Mephisto thought of something and urgently said, "Take me out of here quickly, Blood God is coming soon."

"Blood God is coming? How come? He shouldn't know what's going on here," the Phantom asked, pretending to be stunned. Mephisto was about to explain, when a space vortex suddenly appeared in the sky and Bert flew out from it.

"Mephisto, congratulations on your recovery of your IQ. Now, please die!" Bert held both hands to block the surrounding void, then turned into thousands of blood-colored spears that roared down towards Mephisto.

"You really did something to me. Is it related to that dark elf?" Mephisto gritted his teeth, using the Hell fire to form a defensive shield to protect himself, and then shouted coldly, "Blood God, it's a pity that you came a step too late. I have recovered my wisdom. Hell is my home again, you can't kill me."

Seeing that Bert had really come, the Phantom next to him smiled proudly and quietly stepped aside.

"This is not just your home, but also the home of Blackheart," Bert controlled the attack of the blood spear while bringing Blackheart over.

The demonic Blackheart was overjoyed when he saw Mephisto, and immediately shouted, "Mephisto, your time of death has come."

"Idiot," Mephisto sneered. "Blood God doesn't kill me because he wants us to kill each other."

Seeing the son who pits his own father, Mephisto became angry and cursed, "Now that I have recovered my IQ, Blood God will not only kill me, but also kill you."

Blackheart looked at Bert suspiciously. Bert sneered, "Blackheart, you're not so foolish as to be fooled? Besides, what are you afraid of? Once you gain the full power of the devil, who will be able to kill you?"

"Right, when I become the Demon King, who can kill me?"

Blackheart took it seriously. He thought to himself, 'I will first use the power of the Blood God to kill Mephisto, and then turn around to deal with Blood God. Haha, Blood God is so stupid, to actually come to Hell in person. What's the difference between that and dying?'

The devil can fight with the power of hell in Hell's Dimension. In addition, the devil has the ability to block hell, and it is not so easy to escape.

With this idea, Blackheart immediately tore off the magic fire shield and fought with Mephisto. The surrounding ground kept sinking.

"A self-righteous idiot, you think you can manipulate Blood God, but you don't know that he is smarter than you, you worthless fart."

Mephisto was not at all surprised that Blackheart was persuaded by Blood God. If this pitiful son was not so stupid, how could he have fallen to this point?

To be honest, Mephisto sometimes wonders if this idiot is his seed.

Blackheart was completely provoked, and he roared, "Mephisto, you were almost killed by me, how dare you look down on me?"

'Blackheart is really a good person. Without him, it would not be so easy to deal with Mephisto.' Bert smiled slightly, changed back to his original appearance, and released space confinement magic on Mephisto one after another.

With Mephisto's strength, it is easy to solve the space confinement. It doesn't even take a breath. The problem is that a breath is enough for Blackheart to attack dozens of times.

So, Mephisto began to be beaten, and Blackheart beat the old father frantically, while laughing wildly, "Mephisto, you will die today, Hahaha, I will step on your corpse and become the new demon king, Even Satan."


Mephisto opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a look of disdain, "You will die with me soon."

Blackheart stabbed Mephisto's chest with a claw, took out his heart, and then shouted fiercely, "I, Blackheart, the future Satan of Hell, who dares to kill me, who can kill me?"

Mephisto lost his strength and knelt on the ground. He raised his head and shouted to Bert, "Blood God, I'm not finished with you."

"Sorry, you're done," Bert replied as he waved his hand. The heart in Blackheart's hand flew to his own hand and he put it away.

The Heart of the Demon King can greatly increase his powers.

Blackheart turned his head and glared at Bert. Bert said lightly, "Isn't it a matter of course that the spoils are divided equally?"

"I'll let you be arrogant for a while," Blackheart gritted his teeth, and then he activated the armor on his body and frantically absorbed Mephisto's power.

This armor was made by Ancient One, and most of Blackheart's power was from this armor — his original power was taken away by Bert.

"Remember my lesson, don't give birth to a foolish son."

Mephisto sighed to the sky, and at the same time, his soul broke away from his body and planned to sneak away. Bert was already prepared and took a shot from the air to seal Mephisto's soul with space energy.

Mephisto's soul kept roaring like a defeated dog, "Blood God, I will never let you go."

"It's a little too smooth, it's not like Mephisto who has regained his IQ," Bert frowned and carefully sensed Mephisto's soul. He found that there was a part of this soul missing. Obviously, Mephist had escaped.

Bert sensed the surroundings but couldn't find any trace of Mephisto at all. He snorted coldly, "There are no loopholes in my blockade, which means that your soul was incomplete from the beginning. Sure enough, you are not as good as I thought. You're killed."

Seeing that he had been discovered by Bert, Mephisto no longer pretended. He said triumphantly, "Blood God, I will give you a surprise, a big surprise."

Bert was too lazy to pay attention to it and completely sealed Mephisto's soul. With this soul in hand, even if Mephisto counterattacked him in the future, he was not afraid. He was also proficient in the secret of the soul.

"I, Blackheart, the new Demon Lord," Blackheart who had absorbed all of Mephisto's power opened his hands and laughed loudly. Then, the entire Mephisto's Hell shook violently, and the lord's authority turned into a scepter which fell from the sky towards Blackheart's body.

Blackheart was about to touch the scepter. At this moment, Bert cast a spell with both hands, and the armor on Blackheart suddenly flew up by itself, trapping the lord's scepter in the air.

Blackheart was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled at Bert: "That is impossible, I have carefully checked the armor, Ancient One didn't keep any marks!"

Blackheart may be stupid, but not so stupid that there is no cure. He had once carefully inspected the armor that Ancient One gave him, and put it into the abyss of Hell that can erase all marks.

After confirming that there was no problem, Blackheart brought it around to fight. Therefore, Blackheart did not understand why the armor was controlled by Bert.

Bert smiled and said, "Time magic, have you heard of it? The armor that my master gave you at first didn't have any problems, but she placed a time magic on it. When the time was up, this armor would be branded with my master's mark."

"Time magic?" Blackheart was stunned. He roared, "Ancient One, you are too despicable."

"In hell, that is a compliment," Bert replied.

He looked at the armor in the sky and said with a smile, "Blackheart, thank you for making this armor so powerful."

"Blood God, I'll kill you," Blackheart flew up, intending to fight Bert desperately. Bert raised his hand, turned his five fingers into five spears and shot out, instantly penetrating Blackheart's body.

Immediately afterwards, Bert began to absorb the blood of Blackheart, and Blackheart instantly turned into a mummified corpse.

This is not over yet, Bert clapped his hands and sealed the soul of Blackheart into the space to be with Mephisto.

"Idiot, I said earlier, you will die with me," Seeing Blackheart, Mephisto sneered. Blackheart rushed towards Mephisto, "I will kill you."

"Exactly, I want to kill you too," Mephisto grinned wickedly, and got into a ball with Blackheart.