Chapter 207 : Furnace

"You're right, I can't kill you," said Bert, stunned by the Dragon lord's words. "Why do I feel like I've lost even though I've won?" he asked Adam.

"Because you really can't kill him," Adam replied, shrugging. He then summoned the power of Hell's origin and wrote a contract in the air. "Lord Demon Dragon, sign this contract and become my subordinate for 200 years."

"You're not worthy," Demon Dragon Lord replied haughtily. "Only Blood God is qualified to be my ally."

Everyone was left speechless by Dragon lord's arrogance. "I thought Mephisto was the most shameless in Hell," Lucifer remarked with a black face. "But I didn't expect this broken dragon to be."

The other lords nodded in agreement, feeling that the existence of this dragon simply degraded their rank as Hell Lords.

The Elders of the universe looked at the Hell Lords with disdain. "Is he also a Hell Lord?" they thought contemptuously.

Bert wouldn't be foolish enough to sign a contract with the Demon King. "You sign a contract with Adam," he said coldly. "You're both Demon Kings, so you can't play any tricks on the contract."

When the Demon Dragon Lord realized that his plan had failed, he turned to Adam and said, "The Blood God can last for 200 years, but you, at most, only 100."

Adam sneered, "Two hundred years, not a second less. If you don't agree, I'll have the Blood God kill you right now."

"Okay, 200 years," Demon Dragon Lord relented, though he added, "But you're not qualified to order me around." He then signed a contract with Adam, agreeing to obey Adam's orders for 200 years. If he defied the contract, Adam could take his life at any time.

"Blood God, can you let me go?" Demon Dragon Lord asked, still proudly. "I will fight alongside you and kill those Hell Lords."

Bert couldn't help but ask, "Why do I feel like you're the one who won?"

With a wave of his hand, Bert removed all the space chains from the Demon Dragon Lord. Demon Dragon Lord breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to have saved his life, and even more grateful to have not lost any momentum.

"Since you have surrendered, use this magic on the Succubus Lord."

Bert turned his gaze to the Succubus Lord who knelt down before Adam reacted. "Lord Adam," she said, "I am willing to serve you for five hundred years."

Adam sneered before writing a new contract. "Five hundred years, that's what you said."

"Five hundred years is not a long time," Succubus Lord replied, signing the contract. In Hell, her position as a concubine of the strong was secure.

Bert nodded, pleased to have two more Hell Lords on his side.

As Lucifer and the other Hell Lords saw the Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord surrender, their expressions turned ugly. Lucifer snorted, "Blood God, even with three Hell Lords on your side, you will still die today."

The other Hell Lords also joined in, shouting, "Blood God, all four of you are going to die today!"

Bert snorted and the magic formation in front of him formed a small formation. In a flash, Lucifer and the one-eyed Lord were both enveloped by a rapidly shrinking space aperture.

Lucifer, shocked, split the aperture with a pitch-black giant sword and fled, flapping his wings. Despite the one-eyed Lord's attempts to break the aperture with his eye's power, the aperture held and he disappeared with a flash.

In Adam's Hell, the one-eyed Lord, five meters tall with two horns and wearing jet-black armor, swallowed as he faced Adam, the Dragon Lord, and the Succubus Lord.

"Dammit," Lucifer thought, grateful for his escape. Lucifer's expression was extremely ugly, and at the same time, he was a little fortunate.

Without hesitation, Lucifer and the other Hell Lords changed into their projections and their real bodies went back to their Hells. The Elders of the universe looked down on them. 'What big things could they do if they were afraid of death?'

Lucifer sneered, "So, the Elders of the universe aren't afraid of death? If you truly had no fear, you would have fought the Blood God long ago."

Astronomer replied calmly, "We must preserve valuable life to protect the universe."

Grandmaster added, "Our lives are much more precious than your Lords."

The Hell Lords laughed, if they are the real villains, then the Elders of the universe are all hypocrites.

Ignoring the contempt of the Hell Lords, the one-eyed Lord surrounded by them was not afraid and yelled, "Blood God, you dare not kill me."


Everyone chimed in, and the dragon lord said, "One-eyed, don't copy me, okay?"

"Two hundred years is fine, right? I'm starting to write the contract."

Adam began to harness the power of Hell, and the Elders of the Universe became increasingly contemptuous of the Hell Lords. They all had this trait. No wonder the Hell Lords always failed to defeat the Ancient One.

The one-eyed lord was taken aback, realizing that they had misunderstood. He frantically waved his hands, "Blood God, I'm not surrendering. You really won't dare to kill me."

"I get it, I understand. I really don't dare to kill you. After three hundred years, I'll feel uncomfortable now." Bert shook his head, wondering why the Hell Lords had such traits.

"I said, I'm not surrendering."

The one-eyed lord stated firmly, but everyone looked at him as if they understood, thinking that the one-eyed lord was crazy. He wasn't surrendering.

Dragon Lord kindly reminded, "Dude, your acting is a bit too much. Don't act any further. Be careful or you'll add more time."

"That's right. Just sign it quickly. In three hundred years, we'll all be our own people. I'll invite you to eat some dragon meat, which is freshly cut."

Adam handed the contract to the one-eyed lord and spoke, but the Dragon Lord immediately shot a glare at Adam. "I've become your subordinate and you're still eating my dragon tail?"

"Then sign it... Dammit, I'm not surrendering," the one-eyed lord growled as he raised his hand.

Suddenly, he reacted angrily and said, "Blood God, someone is above me. You wouldn't dare to kill me."

"Is this not surrender? If you had said it earlier, I would have put you out of your misery." Bert was elated. The magic circle, which had momentarily stopped, lit up once again with a dazzling light.

"You're wasting my time," Adam sneered. "This is not surrender."

He turned to the Demon Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord, saying, "Stabilize the space and don't let him escape."

"Understood," they both replied in unison. Now that they were in league with the Blood God, they had to behave accordingly.

The one-eyed lord, now visibly angry, said, "I swear, you didn't listen. There is someone above me."

"As Earth's Guardian, when have I ever been afraid of a backer?" Bert jeered.

"Die obediently for me. As for your backer, if he dares to seek revenge, I'll kill him too."

Demon Dragon Lord mocked, "One-eyed lord, Blood God is a lunatic. You think anyone with a bit of influence can stop him?"

"You'll never understand the mind of a madman," added the Succubus Lord.

Bert glared at the Dragon lord. How could he have a subordinate like him? Daring to disrespect his own boss?

Demon Dragon Lord smiled awkwardly. He was not used to being a subordinate and should have kept his thoughts to himself.

"One-Eyed Lord, surrender or you will truly die," the Demon Dragon Lord yelled at him.

"Do you think everyone values life as highly as you do? I'll only meet my end in a fierce battle," the one-eyed lord retorted coldly, eliciting applause from the other Hell Lords.

They were finally glad to see someone with backbone. If the one-eyed lord surrendered again, all the Hell Lords would lose face.

"In that case, I will grant your wish," Bert declared, as he didn't want to force all the Hell Lords to surrender. The formation in front of him began to take shape, and the surrounding void trembled like rippling water.

"You cannot kill me. Supreme Destroyer!" the one-eyed lord declared, as he knew he was no match for the Blood God. He performed a blood sacrifice, summoning his ancestor.

Suddenly, the Hell's sky darkened, and an eye larger than a lake opened from the dark clouds, glaring at everyone below with malevolent chaos.

"It's the Destroyer Shuma-Gorath!"

Both the Hell Lords and the Elder of the universe gasped in awe. This was a Demon God from ancient times, and no one knew how much stronger he was than the newer generation of demon gods.

The Hell Lords and Elder of the universe were pleasantly surprised to find out that the one-eyed lord had someone backing him up.

"This time, the Blood God will pay the price," they all laughed happily. Blood God may be cunning, but unfortunately, he had picked a tough opponent this time.

Although this wasn't Shuma-Gorath's physical body, the strength of both the one-eyed lord and Shuma-Gorath was more than enough to give the Blood God a hard time.

"Shuma-Gorath," Bert interrupted with annoyance, but it was only annoyance, not a hint of fear.

Shuma-Gorath looked at Bert with interest and said, "Lunatic Blood God, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Don't call me crazy, who's insane one?" Bert shouted in dissatisfaction.

"You dare to provoke me, so you must be crazy," replied the Shuma-Gorath.

"It's called arrogance, self-confidence, and dominance. Do you understand?" Bert sneered. "What my master did back then, in your eyes, seemed insane, but the outcome was universally praised, wasn't it?"

"Praised or not, in our eyes, the Ancient One is still a lunatic," Shuma-Gorath stated. "That being has carved many full-body images of me in its dimension and beats them every day. But it never had the chance to kill me because of that you'll die in my hands today. I'll hold your body and soul to shame it."

Bert complained, "Are all the Elder Gods so meticulous?"

Shuma-Gorath closed its eyes and turned into a ray of light that descended upon the One-Eyed Lord. The One-Eyed Lord's eye turned red, full of endless evil and chaos, and a massive amount of demonic energy emerged from him. These energies quickly evolved into tentacles.

Just as the tentacles were about to take shape, Bert suddenly hit him with a space light on the one-eyed lord or the Shuma-Gorath, and the Shuma-Gorath disappeared instantly.

It's Bert's trump card, Dimensional Exile.

"Goodbye," he added, waving his hand. "If you want to beat me, you'll have to fight me. Go ahead."

The lords were stunned, waiting to see what would happen. They were left wondering why Shuma-Gorath had disappeared so suddenly.

The next moment, Shuma-Gorath reappeared outside of Adam's Hell, attacking the energy barrier of the universe Elder with his tentacles while frantically roaring, "Blood God, you dare to mock me?"

"Can't I" Bert snorted coldly and pushed his hands forward, causing the magic circle that had been maintained for a long time to instantly appear outside of Adam's Hell.

The formation was then activated, causing a large number of cracks to appear in the void and the Lords of Hell were swept away densely, each one like the sharpest blade.

If there is only one Hell demon king outside, then he will not die or be seriously injured. The problem is that there are a group of demon kings outside, and there is even a one-eyed lord possessed by a Shuma-Gorath. The suppressed cracks in space prevented them from spreading.

"Blood God, do you think you can challenge the entire Hell by yourself?" Balrog Lord sneered. "It's beyond your power."

"That's right," added the other lords. "It's beyond your power. When we enter, your death will come."

Bert smiled disdainfully and pointed his finger to the sky, causing a huge space portal to appear above the Hell Lords. Suddenly, a power room fell from the sky.

The lords, who were not too familiar with high technology, subconsciously attacked the energy-emitting object, trying to destroy it.

"No! That's the Anti-matter furnace from the Kree Empire!" shouted Astronomer in shock, but it was too late.

The attacked Anti-matter furnace exploded instantly, and the dark energy swept through the surrounding area. Coupled with the previous space magic circle, the entire void shattered and even the demon kings of Hell had to fear the space storm.

In just a moment, the projections of the Hell Lords were smashed into pieces, with only Shuma-Gorath struggling to hold on during the storm.

The energy barrier built by the Elders took Space storm's hit, which held for a while before eventually crumbling and shattering. All of the projections of the Elders were sucked in and destroyed.

"Adam!" Bert shouted. Adam nodded and blocked off Hell, protecting it from the outside space storm.

Grandmaster, who was fortunate to still be alive, roared: "Blood God, you cheated us?"

"It's just a projection. The main body is not dead. What's the problem?" Bert replied.

"Forget it," Bert continued. "Since you care so much, I'll fulfill my promise early. You can leave now."

Grandmaster gritted his teeth, realizing that Bert had done this on purpose. He had not only manipulated the Hell Lords, but also the Elders of the Universe.

"I said, you can leave," Bert commanded coldly. Grandmaster gave him a hateful look before returning to the main universe from Hell.

As soon as he returned, Grandmaster's projection was caught and beaten by the angry Elders. They had used their full power in projecting themselves to block the Hell Lords, and now they were livid at the loss.

"Letting you make a bet, pit us, and cause us heavy losses..." The Elders couldn't get enough, continuing to hit Grandmaster. This time, it was a huge loss for them.

"This is all your fault!" The Elders yelled as they continued to beat Grandmaster.

With the projections falling, the Elders' strength was greatly reduced, and they would not be able to recover for a hundred years. Under these circumstances, it was understandable that they were angry and couldn't calm down without venting their frustration on Grandmaster.

"It's not my problem," Grandmaster cried out, covering his head as he was beaten. The Elders' anger only increased with his words, leading to even more intense beatings.