Chapter 215 : Battle on Ego

"Enough, I've had enough, Grandmaster! Put a stop to this," Runner exclaimed in frustration.

Grandmaster shook his head, "I can't stop it. Once the bow is drawn, there's no going back, as they say."

"Do you have any idea how many lives will be lost?" Runner asked, his anger growing by the minute. He tried to walk over and confront Grandmaster, but was held back by Astronomer.

Astronomer spoke to Grandmaster with a cold tone, "I'm done with this. At the next council meeting, I will propose to revoke your status as an Elder."

With that, Astronomer took Runner and Obliterator with him, using a treasure to teleport away.

"Hypocrites," Grandmaster spat, "Astronomer is far more malicious than I am. He's the real villain, not me."

"All the dirty work is done by others, while he always presents himself as noble and bright."

Grandmaster is not worried about Astronomer's dismissal at all, as Astronomer is expected to handle the dirty work. He simply sets himself apart.

"I hope you don't die," Grandmaster cursed, unaware that his curse would soon become true.

In a flash of light, Astronomer and other two appeared in a desolate world filled with the smell of sulfur. They gazed at their strange surroundings, shocked. "Where is this?" they asked.

"Astronomer, Obliterator, Runner, welcome to Hell," a voice said.

At that moment, Adam appeared beside them with a smile. "I am the most handsome guy in Hell," he said. "Also, The future Satan, Adam."

Yes, this was Hell, but not Adam's Hell. It was the Demon Dragon Lord's Hell Dimension.

Astronomer looked at Adam and shouted towards the sky, "Blood God, why did you transfer us here?"

Only Blood God, who possessed the Space Stone, could cut off space teleportation. Grandmaster had guessed correctly: Blood God had returned to the main universe.

"Isn't that obvious? Bringing you to Hell, of course," Adam laughed as he clapped his hands. Dragon Lord and Succubus Lord, along with a group of high-level demons, appeared and surrounded three of the Elders.

"Is Blood God going to kill us?" Astronomers asked, shocked and angry.

Astronomer voiced his anger, "Blood God, are you going back on our Bet? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the powerhouses in the universe?"

"I thought you were human before, so I bet on the fact that you are all beasts," Bert's indifferent voice echoed from the sky.

"Die obediently. I will extract your souls and let them be bitten and swallowed by tens of millions of resentful souls. This is the punishment you deserve," Bert added.

Astronomer hurriedly said, "That was Grandmaster's idea, and it has nothing to do with us."

"Astronomer, as an Elder of the universe, please have some backbone and don't make me look down on you," Bert said disdainfully. "Of course, you can continue to deny it, that's not important because you will be dead today. I Blood God said so."

Astronomer was starting to panic, "You dare to kill me? I am an Elder of the universe. Do you know how many people I know? I even know the gods of creation."

Bert replied, "So what? If I, Blood God wants to kill you, who can stop it? Adam, do it. Remember, you must keep their souls."

"You're a villain," Astronomer cursed.

Adam smiled and, with a wave of his hand, the two Hell Lords and the high-level demons rushed forward, ready to smash the three Elders into thousands of pieces.

"Do you dare, Blood God?" Astronomer was in a state of complete panic, but Runner remained calm. He shot the Astronomer a disdainful look and said, "I know I'm going to die, but I won't go down without a fight. Come on, catch me, and let me run for the last time in my life."

With that, Runner took off into the sky and raced away at breakneck speed. Adam transformed into a stream of light and pursued him.

Astronomer cried out in fear as the demons approached, "Blood God, I surrender! I can help you kill the other Elders. I'll be your slave and help you protect the universe together."

"The universe doesn't need you," Bert replied contemptuously.

Astronomer had no time to say anything more, as the demons surrounded him. His piercing screams filled the air.

A minute later, Astronomer and Obliterator were destroyed. Meanwhile, Runner was caught by Adam, who snapped his neck.

Bert collected the souls of the three Elders and shouted, "Assemble the army and prepare for battle."

"Yes, Blood God," the three Hell Lords replied in unison, excited for the coming battle. Demons were all warlike, it was ingrained in their very souls.

Blood, killing, soul, death — these were the very essence of a demon's existence.

Ego was controlling Star-Lord to carry out his plan, when suddenly there was a loud bang. Thor had broken down the gate to the palace with his hammer.

Thor stormed in and yelled, "I always knew you were no good. Release him!"

"You're wasting your time. Attack directly." Rocket fired at Ego with the energy cannon.

Ego's body was obliterated. Gamora seized the opportunity to rush in, cut off the energy whip with her sword, and escape with Star-Lord.

The ceremony was disrupted, causing all energy mudslides on every planet to solidify and freeze. But this did not mean the end. Ego could still activate them.

"Why are we running away? With Me leading us, we will be unbeatable!" Thor expressed his dissatisfaction, but everyone ignored him and quickly escaped to the spaceship.

Thor, unable to defeat Ego's clone, decided to flee with Rocket and the others.

As they reached the spaceship, a long energy whip appeared from the ground and destroyed the Milano in half. The sober Star-Lord cried out in pain as Rocket fired at the whip and yelled, "Quiet and fight now!"

Just then, a huge beam of energy light appeared, destroying the energy whip, and a Ravager main ship descended from the sky. Yondu's voice came from the radio, "My son, your blue dad is here to pick you up."

Star-Lord, still wary, asked, "Why did you come to pick me up? Do you have any ulterior motives?"

Yondu replied, "Your dad is here to pick you up, what motives could there be? Come on up and let's talk."

Everyone except Thor was sucked up by Yondu's traction device. Thor, confused, shouted to the main ship, "Hey, what's going on?"

Four figures then flew down from the Ravager's main ship: Carol, Ares the God of War, Man-Thing, and Bi-Beast.

Carol declared, "Let's take care of Ego. If you're afraid of death, you can run away."

Thor, indignant, proclaimed, "Afraid of death? I'm Thor, the God of Thunder, the bravest man in the Nine Realms."

Ares smiled and said, "Yeah, the most reckless man in the Nine Realms."

Thor shouted, "Hold on, weren't you defeated by Bert?"

Ares answered, "Blood God asked me if I wanted to work for him after knocking me out or work for him directly. I chose the latter."

Man-Thing and Bi-Beast stated, "The salary offered by Blood God is higher than Grandmaster's, and since Grandmaster is about to die, we decided to change jobs."

"Okay, then let's fight together," Thor raised his hammer and shouted. Carol gave him a disdainful look and flew towards the palace. Thor chased after him, shouting, "You're stealing my limelight again. I'm the leader."

Star-Lord, In the main ship of the Ravagers, ran to the control room, ready to speak, when Yondu lightly struck him with a small silver hammer, causing his memory to instantly return.

"Ego is a real bastard," Star-Lord gritted his teeth and scolded.

"Yondu, I'll control the weapon, and we'll shoot him to death," Star-Lord declared.

"That's Rocket's job," Yondu replied as he patted the small hammer, which disappeared into the hands of Blood God. Then he said, "Your job is to control the light of the gods."

Star-Lord was stunned, "Control my power?"

"Yes," Yondu said. "Blood God said that Ego can't take away your power. As long as you learn how to control it, you will have just as much power as Carol on this planet."

Star-Lord responded, "Are you kidding me? I've already tried using the power on this planet. Carol can crush me with her toes."

"Knowing how to use it is different from learning it," Yondu explained. "You must control the power with your heart, just like I control the arrow with my mind."

Yondu smiled, "Ego isn't a good teacher. Let your father in blue, me, teach you, Quill. Everything you know was taught by me."

Star-Lord was momentarily stunned, and he said awkwardly, "Can you stop talking like this? It's uncomfortable, and, to be honest, it's disgusting. I prefer it when you scold me fiercely."

"Peter, it seems that you have a hobby," Rocket said, as he took control of the main ship's attack system, while Gamora took over the seat from Yondu and was responsible for piloting the spaceship.

Yondu smiled and said, "Don't waste time, let's start quickly. Quill, it's up to you to beat Ego."

"I have to kill him to avenge my mother," Star-Lord shouted through gritted teeth. Gamora added, "You need to avenge your brothers and sisters too. Ego killed hundreds of his descendants, and there are skeletons buried below."

"This is my fault," Yondu sighed and added, "Quill, help me make amends."

"I will," Star-Lord nodded fiercely. He was determined to kill Ego, whether for himself or for Yondu.

Inside the palace, Ego looked at Carol and the others as they rushed in and said, "You can't stop me. This is my planet."

"Where does all this nonsense come from? Ego, you're full of evil and still want to harm the universe. I'll destroy you," Carol said and sent a dazzling energy wave directly at Ego. The others joined in with their attacks.

"I said, this is my planet," Ego roared, and energy whips emerged from the ground, blocking all of Carol and the others' attacks, then slamming into Carol and the others.

Everyone fought back against the energy whips. After Carol fought off several attacks, she teleported behind Ego and kicked him fiercely in the waist.

Just then, a long energy whip poured out from the void behind Carol, binding her firmly.

"As I said, your understanding of space is very limited," Ego said, squeezing Carol tightly with his big hand. Carol roared in anger, her body shining brightly. The energy whip exploded, turning into a spot of light and dissipating into the air.

Ego quickly controlled three energy whips to attack Carol simultaneously. Carol was about to teleport when Ego clapped his hands and froze the entire void.

This was Ego's planet, and he had the power to slightly affect space. Carol threw the three energy whips into the air with her fists and kicks, then charged towards Ego with all her might. Even if she couldn't teleport, she could still beat Ego.

Ego snorted coldly and was about to control more energy whips to attack when a hammer smashed into him, reducing half of his body to ashes.

"Don't forget about me," Thor said, as he retrieved his hammer and roared in anger.

Ego quickly regained his body and controlled the energy whip to sweep towards Thor.

Ares, charged with Man-Thing and the Bi-Beast, helped Thor resist the energy whip and shouted, "Kill that guy with the ultimate trick."

"Didn't you say we couldn't just use the killer move?" Thor asked.

Thor's body was full of thunder and he flew high, crashing down towards Ego with thousands of thunders.

Ego pushed forward with both hands, launching a large amount of energy whip towards Thor. The energy whip and thunder collided fiercely in the air, causing a lot of thunder and energy to explode. The roof and pillars were impacted and they fell down.

At that moment, Carol shredded three energy whips, condensed a large amount of space energy, and turned it into a tornado that enveloped Ego, instantly tearing him apart. At the same time, all the surrounding energy whips disappeared.

Thor was momentarily stunned, then he reacted and roared at Ares, "Did you use me as bait?"

Ares was about to respond when an energy whip several times thicker than before emerged from the ground and sent Thor flying. The entire palace then shook violently and a large number of whips emerged one after another from the ground.

"Get out of here," Carol said, startled, as she hurriedly led the crowd away from the palace. As soon as they left, the entire palace collapsed and countless energy whips shot up into the sky, waving like tentacles.

"You think you can kill me? Now, let you see my true strength," Ego said as he slowly walked out of the ruins. His strength was too strong, and he needed time to fully wake up.

"It's just a defeated guy, let's kill him," Carol said fearlessly as she rushed towards Ego, with Thor and the others following closely behind.

On their way, Carol and the others launched attacks with energy waves, thunder, red light, shock waves, and vines, blasting towards Ego one after another.

"In front of me, you are all just ants," Ego roared, swinging hundreds of energy whips in unison. Whether it was energy or thunder, they were all swept away, and the energy whips swept towards Carol and the others.

Even Carol and the others had to repeatedly dodge and temporarily avoid its front in the face of such a powerful energy whip. At that moment, dozens of energy cannons fell from the sky, and the long energy whips shattered one after another, with Gamora and Rocket providing support.