Chapter 217 : Ivan and Frank

//** NOTE : Flame Demons and Balrogs are the same. **//

The collision between the "Sphere of Holiness" and the "Circle of Death" made no sound. The two circles merged together and vanished simultaneously, as if they never existed from the beginning.

Bert held the Vibranium spear and praised, "What a Gabriel, you're not worthy of the name 'Archangel'."

"Blood God, you're stronger than Lucifer said. It's hard to imagine you're only in your twenties."

Gabriel said, "Heaven needs talents like you, Blood God. I'm willing to give you one last chance. If you hand over the 'Spear of God' and believe in God, I'll forgive your sins and help you become an angel."

"Your forgiveness?" Bert smiled disdainfully and attacked once again. Seeing Bert's stubbornness, Gabriel snorted coldly and approached him, spear in hand.

Immediately, the two engaged in a battle in the sky, teleporting from one place to another. Each blow was enough to shatter mountains and the white clouds in the sky quickly dispersed due to the air waves they generated.

"A clone can block Gabriel's projection. The Blood God has grown too fast. A few years ago, he was still a copycat of Dracula, unable to hold the power of the gods," Lucifer observed the battle in the sky and sighed. He hesitated and finally decided not to attack.

There was only one clone of Blood God, and the situation was uncertain. So, taking risks was not advisable. Although there was a constant stream of reinforcements, the situation of the Angel Alliance did not improve.

Lorelei remained arrogant, and the male angel was constantly being controlled and unable to fight.

In addition to her appearance, Lorelai's charm is also in her voice. Even if you don't see her face, you'll still be captivated by her voice. Furthermore, Lorelai's voice is so powerful that it can't be ignored. It contains a divine power.

Recognizing this, Lucifer and Gabriel decide to send only female angels. The issue is that their numbers are too small to make a significant impact in the battle.

"Lucifer, we must find a way to stop Lorelei or the war will be lost because of her alone," Grandmaster proclaimed while activating the demon altar.

"I told you all beforehand, but you didn't prepare anything? Are you all useless?" Grandmaster scolded.

"Be quiet. We just underestimated the charisma of Asgard's god," Lucifer replied.

"Quick, open another altar and overwhelm them with numbers," Lucifer ordered.

Grandmaster took out a wine glass and offered a sacrifice to the two demon altars. The altars lit up and two new portals opened. An army of Balrogs and Gargoyles emerged from the portals, but they didn't join the battle immediately. Instead, they waited for their lord to arrive.

Soon, the lord's consciousness appeared, but they did not dare to use their physical form. The Balrog Lord (Flame Demon Lord) glanced at the battlefield and sneered at Lucifer and Gabriel, "You birdmen can't handle this. Fighting two against one, you're like birds."

"Quiet! Remember, don't send any male demons out," Lucifer scolded.

"When did the Balrogs are divide into male and female?" Balrog Lord asked.

"Gargoyles have no gender," added the Gargoyle Lord.

"Just go," Gabriel and Lucifer eagerly ordered the Balrog and Gargoyle Lords. The two armies rushed towards the battlefield without hesitation.

"Aren't you being too cautious?" Grandmaster asked. "In this case, how could we possibly win? Can't we just win while lying down?"

"Hurry up and send out your true body," Grandmaster ordered.

"Wait, wait, wait," the three devil kings of Hell replied in unison, causing Grandmaster to roll his eyes. He realized that it was no wonder Hell had been unable to make progress for so many years - the lords were more afraid of death than anything else.

Tired of talking, Grandmaster activated the Dragon altar and nourished the last two altars with a large number of souls. The two altars were important and needed to be warmed up before activation.

When the Balrogs and Gargoyles appeared, Frank on the battleship said to Doom, "Dr. Doom, it's your turn."

"Leave it to me. The thing I hate the most, besides Reed, is the devil," Doom replied before teleporting outside the battleship. He summoned two huge space doors and a swarm of explosive Zergs flew out.

As the Zergs accumulated, Doom pointed forward, and they flew towards the demon army. Lucifer and the others were not surprised by Doom's appearance, as the exploding Zergs had already caused them trouble in the past.

Balrog Lord ordered, "Use a group spell to burn all the explosive Zergs to ashes."

Balrogs obeyed, gathering the flames from their bodies into a sea of fire that burned the sky and boiled the sea. The sea of fire rushed towards the explosive Zergs, destroying them all.

"It seems that the devils aren't too stupid," Doom said with disdain as he activated more than a dozen translucent Zergs, teleporting them to the Balrog's square with thousands of other Zergs.

Immediately afterwards, the Zergs flapped their wings and slammed into the flame demons, causing them to explode. The force of the explosion was so great that even the flame demon was torn apart and died instantly.

As a result of too many flame demons (Balrogs) dying, the sea of fire in the sky became uncontrollable, with dense fireballs falling and burning many angels and fallen angels to death.

Gabriel roared out, "Balrog, what are you doing?" Balrog Lord ignored Gabriel's question and shouted in anger, "These Zergs can teleport?"

Doom smiled disdainfully and replied, "You demons all know how to play target tactics, will I, Doom, stay put?"

Gargoyle lord stepped in, smiling, and ordered the gargoyles to use their petrified rays of light to restrain the exploding Zergs.

The petrified rays of light could petrify as many Zergs as necessary as long as the energy inside was not used up. The exploding Zergs were weak and soon turned into stones and fell to the ground.

The lords rejoiced at finally having the upper hand. Doom teleported the explosive Zergs into the gargoyle camp and they exploded, causing many gargoyles to be blown apart.

To Doom's surprise, however, many of the gargoyles were not dead. They absorbed power from the ground and quickly regained their limbs.

Gargoyle lord laughed and declared, "I said, I'm your nemesis." As long as the core of the gargoyle was not destroyed, the body could be recovered from any explosion.

Doom narrowed his eyes but did not do much else, merely continuing to send explosive Zergs to entangle the gargoyles.

Gargoyle lord looked on disdainfully, leaving some gargoyles to deal with the explosive Zergs while the rest followed the Balrog to the next battle.

"Die!" The Flame Demon army, eager to redeem themselves after their previous defeat, launched a barrage of fireballs at the unmanned spaceship. The tide of the battle began to shift.

"Well done, keep sending troops and overpower them!" Lucifer and Gabriel exclaimed in joy as four portals opened and a variety of creatures, including angels, fallen angels, Balrogs, gargoyles, and other monsters, charged onto the battlefield.

The various layers of Hell were teeming with creatures, including the flame beasts and birds. At this moment, they were all rushing out in a frenzy.

Gabriel swung away Bert's Vibranium spear and declared proudly, "Blood God, It seems like you'll be defeated today."

"It's still uncertain who will come out on top," Bert replied coldly, but sneered inwardly, thinking, 'A bunch of fools, they think Doom is so easily defeated?'

As the battle took a turn for the worse, Frank told Korath, the pursuer, "Korath, you control the Blood Ship. Ivan and the others will fight."

Korath nodded in agreement, "Okay, leave it to me."

"Finally, it's our turn! My new armor can finally be revealed," Ivan exclaimed as he spat a toothpick into a steel tabletop.

Frank sighed, "Although this display of strength is impressive, isn't it unsanitary?"

Ivan retorted, "When have I ever cared about hygiene?" and added, "Let's go fight, I want to eat devil sashimi."

Frank shook his head, impressed by Ivan's rude behavior but still considered himself a nobleman in comparison.

The hatch of the Blood Ship opened, and Ivan and Frank led their unmanned army of uniformed soldiers, war-lizards, and creatures towards the battlefield.

Tony, who had been watching the battle, cried out in shock, "Ivan, Frank, are you two insane? Your armors have at least four Ark reactors!"

"Don't compare us to weak chickens like you," Ivan sneered. "Tony Stark, I have won the competition between us. No matter how advanced your technology is, the power of Mark's armor will not increase much because your body can't handle more Ark reactors."

Tony said, dissatisfied, "I've already researched the antidote for the perfect version of the Extremis virus. By then, I'll be able to access at least three Ark reactors."


Ivan grinned, and the magic armor on his body was fully activated. His chest, back, shoulders, thighs, and the eight Ark reactors protected by Vibranium all glowed.

Frank also smiled and activated the Ark reactor on his body. Then, the unmanned battle armors behind him opened the boxes in his hands one after another, releasing a large number of unmanned forts that flew out and hovered beside Frank.

Frank was fully connected to these unmanned turrets, and he appeared as intimidating as a fortress.

Tony exclaimed in shock, "Wow, you really don't want to die?"

"You have no idea how strong we are," Ivan and Frank laughed. Frank raised the energy cannon in his hand and launched an attack with the unmanned cannons. A large number of energy balls shot at Balrog's army.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The energy balls hit the flame demon army and exploded, the violent energy swept around, and many flame demons died on the spot.

Balrog(Flame Demon) Commander was angry, and while ordering the Balrog General to rush to Frank, he ordered the Balrog to fire fireballs at the unmanned battle armors.

"Weak chickens are all weak chickens," Ivan said as he flicked the keel war whip in his hand.

The whip was electrified and quickly became longer, binding the rushing Balrog General. The Balrog roared as the temperature of the flame on its body increased sharply, igniting the surrounding grass and trees.

However, even with such a high temperature, Ivan's keel war whip was not burned. He pulled hard, tearing the Balrog General into several pieces with the whip, and it fell to the ground crackling.

This pair of whips, made of Dragon Bone, Vibranium, Uru, and magic crystals, was crafted by the dwarf king himself. In the words of Asgard, they were artifacts.

Tony sucked in a breath of cold air, that Balrog general was at least comparable to the five Captain America, and was actually killed by Ivan.

"You get a lot of good stuff from Bert," said Tony grudgingly. Although he and Bert were friends, he was arrogant and unwilling to accept too much help from Bert, preferring to work on his own research and development.

Leaving Tony's thoughts aside, Ivan led some unmanned armors to attack the Gargoyle army while Frank took another group to fight the Balrog army. Frank's brutal artillery fire quickly killed many Balrogs, and there was no time to deal with the unmanned spaceship and the clone army.

With vigorous swings of his double whip, Ivan easily defeated the gargoyles, whose cores could be easily locked by technology.

War Lizards also joined the battle against the gargoyles, but Ivan's individual strength had surpassed theirs, and his continuous improvement made it a matter of time before the War Lizards were eliminated from the top legion.

Balrog Lord and Gargoyle Lord were furious at the sight of Ivan and Frank's power and sent more demons to help escalate the battle. The sky and ground were filled with fighting, roaring, and screaming.

"Your people are indeed strong," commented Gabriel, "but no matter what you do, you're fighting a losing battle. Our reinforcements will only keep increasing, and our sheer numbers will eventually kill you. Both heaven and hell have millions of elite troops."

"In this universe, Quality is more important than quantity," retorted Bert coldly. "Black Bolt, It's time for you to shine."