Chapter 249 : Ambush

"It's the way it is."

Bert repeated the intelligence provided by General Ross and continued, "The threat of supreme intelligence is too great, and we need intelligent life that can fight against it."

"Supreme intelligence, Anti-matter bomb?"

Tony gasped in surprise. He didn't expect HYDRA to have such a significant role to play. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "You're not going to demolish Jarvis, are you going to upgrade it?"

"That's right," Bert nodded. "Tony, we can't make any mistakes in this matter. Otherwise, the Earth is really in danger."

"You've watched too many movies. How can the machine life created by Tony Stark destroy human beings?"

Tony scoffed, "The situation you just described will never happen. Jarvis will do his best to protect the Earth and human beings. This is his core procedure."

Bert sneered, 'If I hadn't intervened, you would have created Ultron.'

Tony was horrified by Bert's comment. He waved his hand and said, "First of all, I'm not sure if I can upgrade Jarvis. There is still a technical gap. It will take a year or two to write the rest of the code."

Bert replied, "I'll upgrade it."

"You?" Tony was amused. "Bert, I'm not trying to belittle you, but a degree bought with money is useless. You can't even understand the infrastructure of Jarvis."

"Turtle, do you know what a construct is, and what a magical life is?"

Bert looked contemptuous. "Just you Muggles dare to despise me? I am a Doctorate in Magic, who graduated from Kamar-Taj."

"Magical life?"

Tony was stunned and asked incredulously, "Are you going to use magic to help Jarvis level up?"

"Yes, If anything goes wrong with Jarvis, I'll kill it immediately."

Bert nodded. Tony frowned and said, "Can magic and technology be integrated? Bert, won't this create a bigger problem?"

"Don't worry. I've experimented, and there's no problem. Even if there is, we can destroy it as soon as possible. Magical life is much easier to deal with than intelligent life."

Doom, who was reviewing the procedure, interrupted, "Bert, Jarvis needs a body. Are you ready?"

"Ready," Bert replied.

With a wave of Bert's hand, a huge robot appeared outside Tony's villa - the Supremor. Bert said, "This is the body I prepared for Jarvis, and it will become the new patron saint of the Earth."

Bert did not believe that Wanda would fall in love with a super robot that was hundreds of meters high.

As for Pym particles, who would dare to use them on an Anti-matter furnace? If you're not careful, the Earth may be destroyed.

Tony didn't know Bert's sinister intentions. He looked at the Supremor and said excitedly, "Bert, do you really intend to give the Supremor to Jarvis? Wow, the core and power of the Supremor is the best in the universe."

"It's too cheap, isn't it?" Ivan said unhappily. "I also want to continue studying the Anti-matter power furnace on the Supremor. Antimatter and black holes are a perfect match."

"It can still be studied in the future," Bert replied. "I will ask Wakanda for a batch of Vibranium to replace the shell and some special parts of the Supremor."

"Vibranium?" The three of them exclaimed, looking at the size of the tall machine, the Blood God is real tyrant.

Tony couldn't help but ask Bert, "What are you trying to do? This is obviously beyond the scope of confronting the Supreme Intelligence."

"I said Jarvis will be the new patron saint of Earth," Bert said. "With it, the Earth will be much safer, so I can relax a little and don't have to worry about anything. In addition, the best thing about robots is that they can work every day without taking a break, and they don't even need to be paid wages."

"It sounds like you're just being lazy," Tony remarked. He looked at the Supremor outside, and the soul of Iron Man was burning. "I will do my best to transform it so that it has the power to kill God."

Ivan snorted coldly. "You can't Sissy. If you want to kill God, you still want me to come."

"This is the protector of the Earth, not the lunatic of the Earth," Tony sneered.

Bert saw this and said with a smile, "You will transform this Supremor together, and treat it as the crystallization of your love. The whole world will witness and bless your love."

"It's pretty romantic," Doom said.

"Fuck Off," Tony and Ivan scolded in unison.

Bert and Doom couldn't help laughing. The "feelings" of these two guys will run through their lives, even stronger than their other halves.

"Doom, I hope you and S.W.O.R.D. will send troops to deal with Sokovia," Bert said.

"No problem," Doom replied. "This battle can raise our image in Eastern Europe so that the world doesn't ignore us."

"Besides, I think Sokovia has been upset for a long time. I want to save Eastern Europe, how dare they ignore me?" Doom added.

"You're becoming more and more like a villain," Bert complained. "Then give them a good beating. Humans who collude with aliens don't deserve to live,"

"Exactly," Tony, Ivan, and Doom nodded at the same time. Although they have different identities and hobbies, they share the same position - the human position.

After about half an hour, Doom and Ivan finished their inspection. Ivan said disappointedly, "No problem. After being promoted to intelligent life, it will not pose a threat to human beings, but only for the first 100 years."

Bert asked, "Why is it limited to the first hundred years?"

"Because a hundred years later, the program can no longer trap it. At that time, only its consciousness will determine its thoughts. Real life is free, and no one can restrain it forever," Doom replied.

"In simple terms, people change, and so do machines," Ivan added.

"What happens in a hundred years, We'll talk about it in a hundred years," Bert said indifferently. In a hundred years, the Earth will definitely enter the interstellar age, and then intelligent life will be nothing.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and snorted coldly. "My Jarvis, let alone a hundred years, it won't change in a thousand years."

Jarvis quickly showed his loyalty, "I will not change."

"You are now, not you in the future," Bert pointed to the Supremor outside and asked, "Jarvis, are you satisfied with the new body outside?"

"Thank you, Mr. Wang. I'm very satisfied," Jarvis exclaimed excitedly. With such a powerful and mighty body, it's no surprise that he's content. As for finding a girlfriend, he doesn't have any such thoughts now.

"That's good," Bert said. "Ivan, you stay and help Tony upgrade Jarvis a little more. Pepper is about to give birth, and he doesn't have much time. Doom, you are indispensable to the soul, and you should work harder."

"No problem," Doom replied. "Anyway, the Celestial's heads have been fixed. When Jarvis is upgraded, I will return to my kingdom immediately and prepare for war."

Ivan snorted unhappily. "Sissy, protect Pepper. Don't make me despise you."

"Is that what you need to say?" Tony said unhappily. "No one can harm my wife and children."

"Oops," Bert heard the conversation and was shocked. He quickly called, "Mercury, send half of the Blood God guards to protect Pepper. She may be in danger."

Tony angrily asked, "Bert, what do you mean?"

Bert replied confidently, "Everyone knows that Tony Stark gets slapped in the face every time he speaks too loudly. I'm taking precautions."

Ivan and Doom laughed at the same time. Ivan even told Doom about Tony's scandal, causing Tony to grit his teeth angrily. He couldn't do anything about these guys.

After listening for a while, Tony looked a little weird. Has he been slapped so many times? Does he have the same setting as Dr. Reed, whose investments must fail, to be slapped in the face?


On a street near the Blood God Manor, Rumlow and Pietro looked at the stinky tofu shop below with a depressed expression.

"It's too stinky. Why would anyone eat this kind of thing?" Pietro covered his nose and said unhappily. "Also, why can this kind of shop be opened here, and why doesn't the police care? Don't the surrounding shops protest? Rumlow, can we change the location?"

"The reason is very simple," Rumlow replied. "Most of the shops in this street are owned by the Blood God Group. As long as the rent of the shop is reduced, more people will rent it. The apprentices of the Blood God like to eat stinky tofu very much. They pass by here every day. This is the best ambush location. Pietro, you and I will take a few Inhumans to take over the stinky tofu shop, and we'll wait for the apprentice of the Blood God to take the bait. Scar, you are in ambush here with the other people to deal with the bodyguards of the Blood God apprentice."

"No problem. Five bodyguards, just a few seconds," the bald-headed Inhuman with scars all over his face said grimly. There was something wrong with the Kree experiments, and the Inhumans they created were all full of ill will.

Pietro instinctively felt that these people were not good, but when he thought of his sister, he still didn't say anything. After all, saving his sister was the most important thing.

Then, Rumlow spoke sensibly and took Pietro and a few Inhumans to the tofu shop where Odin and the drunk Valkyrie were frying tofu.

Upon seeing Rumlow and the group, Odin's eyes flashed slightly, feigning enthusiasm, and asked, "Do you want to try some stinky tofu? It's just fried."

"It's disgusting! Who would eat this kind of thing?" Pietro scolded, while Rumlow looked around and suddenly jumped up, grabbed the iron gate, and pulled it down.

"What are you doing?" Odin exclaimed in horror, and the Valkyrie glanced at him contemptuously. She knew that this old man could easily take down the group with a single sneeze.

An Inhuman yelled with a pistol, "Raise your hands, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"Don't kill me, the money is in the locker," Odin immediately surrendered and raised his hands, while Valkyrie ignored it, picked up a bottle, and poured it into her mouth.

Inhuman was annoyed and shouted, "Can you raise your hand when spoken to?"

The Valkyrie glanced at Inhuman unhappily, raised her hand, but the wine bottle in her hand fell into the frying pan. Then, the pan burst into flames, and a large amount of hot oil splashed around.

Rumlow and the others were hit by the hot oil and embarrassed. At that moment, a female Inhuman raised her hand, and the flames flew into her hands and disappeared.

Immediately, Rumlow stepped forward and turned off the heat of the frying pan, and covered it.

"Do you want to die?" Male Inhuman was furious and wanted to shoot at Valkyrie, but Pietro stopped him and reminded him, "You promised me not to kill anyone."

Male Inhuman looked at Rumlow, who hesitated and said, "Let's lock them up first. The smell of blood may arouse suspicion."

Male Inhuman understood that if he didn't kill them now, he would have to later. He snorted and took out a rope to bind Odin and Valkyrie.

Quicksilver looked around at the chaos and asked Odin in confusion, "Why did you hire an alcoholic as an employee?"

"Her wages are low, and there are tax cuts for hiring people of color," Odin said. The Valkyrie glanced at Odin speechlessly, knowing that he was taking advantage of the situation.

Odin looked back at his empty landlord's house. The "Superhero" game was too expensive, and he needed to make more money. Frigga's flower shop was also losing money, and his wife had no business sense.

Rumlow said, "Don't talk nonsense. Take them to the backyard. Let's tidy up here quickly. They are coming soon."

Pietro stopped talking and quickly moved the two captives to the backyard. Then, everyone cleaned up and restored everything to its original state.

When they were ready, Rumlow and a few Inhumans hid while the previous male Inhuman used his abilities to disguise himself and Quicksilver as Valkyrie and Odin.

It's just an illusion, not a real change.

Pietro opened the iron door and took a deep breath outside. The stench inside had almost killed him.

In the backyard, the Valkyrie asked Odin in a low voice, "They are obviously going to be detrimental to Hela. Do you care?"

"For Little Hela, it's just a lively event," Odin replied with a smile. "Someone dares to kidnap the apprentice of the Blood God. It will be fun to watch."

Valkyrie snorted and was too lazy to say more. She didn't like either the Blood God or Little Hela. If it weren't for the promise of Odin to resurrect other Valkyries, she would not work here at all.

About ten minutes later, Mindy, Lina (who had grown up a lot), and Little Hela walked over from a distance. Little Hela said happily, "I thought of another way to kill Odin yesterday. Let's go talk to the old man and see if he approves it."

"Master said that if you collect 108 ways to die, you can unlock special plots and also obtain the only item, the Spear of Eternity."

"How much do you actually resent Odin to design dozens of ways to kill him?" Minty complained. Meanwhile, Lina took a deep breath and said, "The smell of stinky tofu today is a bit strange."

"What's wrong? Doesn't it smell as bad as before?" Minty asked, puzzled.

"I can't tell, but I can be sure that today's stinky tofu is definitely not as good as yesterday's," Lina replied.

Mindy was speechless. Was this the sixth sense of foodies? "Eighty percent it's that Valkyrie who got drunk again,"

Little Hela shook her head. She didn't like the Valkyrie, who always stared at her drunkenly with a look of fear and hatred.

"I've always suspected that Valkyrie is the illegitimate daughter of the grandpa. Otherwise, why would he tolerate her so much? Who is the boss?" Mindy complained.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the stinky tofu shop. They glanced inside and all stopped, even Lina.