Chapter 282 : Yelena

"Congratulations to President Ellis for winning the election. Well, I know not everyone cares about this. Let's talk about other news. The global box office of 'Xandar War' has exceeded 2.5 billion US dollars. Press this trend, breaking records is just a matter of time."

The holographic projection TV displays the results of the general election, but hardly anyone is watching. After all, there is only one candidate, and the other is in prison.

"Those opposition parties have completely died down. It seems they were frightened. It's okay. We'll take action to clean them up."

In the Dragon Subduing Teahouse, Bert prepares the hot pot ingredients while thinking. Mindy next to him complains, "Master, are you listening to me?"

"No, there's no need to listen." Bert continues, "You give up. I can't let you participate in the war of the Kree Empire."

"Why not?" asks Mindy angrily. "Skye can participate, who joined later than me, why can't I? I won't lose to her in a heads-up match."

"Because you're underage," Bert explains sternly. "When you're sixteen, I'll let you participate. Absolutely not now. By the way, have you finished today's math problem? I'll check it later. If not, you'll not eat meat today, you'll eat chili."

Mindy bares her teeth at Bert and sits down to do her homework. She wonders why none of the cool technologies can make her grow up faster.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and a holographic projection appears in front of Bert, showing the situation outside the door.

It's Natasha, the Black Widow, and a young blond woman who looks rebellious and insecure. She looks around as if afraid of being attacked.

"Open the door," Natasha demands.

After Bert asks Jarvis to open the door, he asks Natasha, "If I remember correctly, you should be studying at a military university. Why did you suddenly return to Earth? Don't tell me you got fired for engaging in a sexual relationship?"

"You think too much. Even if I wanted to get fired, it would be because I beat up too many people," Natasha retorts.

After greeting Mindy, Natasha introduced "Let me introduce you first. This is my sister, Yelena, Yelena. This is the Blood God. Don't be nervous. He doesn't eat people."

Yelena was not nervous at first, but she immediately becomes nervous after hearing this.

"Natasha, I only eat one or two people a month. What do you say every day?" Bert says, dissatisfiedly.

Yelena's eyes widen. Is he really a cannibal?

Both Bert and Natasha chuckle. Bert glances at Yelena and says, "It really is your younger sister. She has the same short legs as you."

Yelena glares at Bert. If she knew she could beat him, she would have already pounced on him.

Natasha gave Bert the middle finger and said, "I'll let you go this time. I have a very important matter for you. I hope you can help."

Bert replied, "If you're going to tell me, that you're too lonely and want to find a man, then forget it. I've been dating too many female stars recently, and it's a bit boring."

"Long time no see, you're still such a scumbag," sneered Natasha, before sitting down to briefly explain her situation with Dreykov.

Mindy slammed her hand on the table and said angrily, "He is such a scumbag. Sister Natasha, I will help you solve him."

"Get back to your homework," shouted Bert. Mindy sat down, feeling dejected, and resumed her work.

Bert asked, "Natasha, there is only one Dreykov, you don't need me to help you, right? With your current strength, killing him is easy, not to mention there are still a group of people standing behind you."

Natasha gave Bert a dirty look and said, "I shot Dreykov a long time ago, but he tricked me into thinking he was dead. If Yelena hadn't contacted me through Hawkeye, I wouldn't have known that he was still alive and continuing his evil deeds."

Bert turned his head and asked, "Yelena, why did you inform Natasha at this time?"

"Because I've always been under control," replied Yelena. "Some time ago, Dreykov's base was occupied by a group of mages who used an altar to transform us into monsters."

As she spoke, Yelena activated her ability, and white energy lines appeared on her body, like spider legs. At the same time, a demonic energy emerged from her body, making her look quite hideous.

"While being transformed, I suddenly regained consciousness, struggled hard, and was thrown off the air base by the mage. Fortunately, I had already obtained some of the monster's abilities at that time, so I didn't die. I took care of my injuries for half a month and then tried to smuggle myself to New York to ask Natasha for help."

Yelena suddenly collapsed on the sofa in pain, and the white energy lines on her body became chaotic, as if a white spider was about to crawl out.

"Yelena! Bert, help her," cried Natasha, who didn't know what to do.

"The magic ceremony has not been completed," said Bert, who then tapped his finger and caused a mass of half-human, half-spider souls to fly out of Yelena's body. The magic ritual would not only act on the body but also on the soul.

Bert's finger lightly tapped again, and the white spider on Yelena's soul wailed as her consciousness was quickly wiped away. Then, Bert pressed his finger, and Yelena's soul flew back into her body.

Yelena, who had just regained consciousness, suddenly woke up, and at the same time, the energy lines on her body regained stability.

Yelena let out a breath and leaned on the chair, sweating profusely. She glanced at Bert in awe. He really deserved to be the legendary Blood God; he was too powerful.

Bert said, "You're lucky, this spider is of high grade."

"If I could, I'd rather not," scolded Yelena, before her eyes brightened. Like Natasha, she was also deprived of her reproductive function. The power of spiders could make her turn back into a complete woman.

"Thank you, Bert," said Natasha gratefully.

"You are welcome." Bert said, "Natasha, why did you come to me? You should go to Steve first for this matter."

Natasha replied, "Bert, those female agents are innocent. I hope you can help me save them."

Bert advised, "You should trust Steve and S.W.O.R.D. They are not S.H.I.E.L.D. and will not sacrifice others for the so-called overall situation."

Bert said, "Unless we deal with gods or demons, I will not interfere too much with S.W.O.R.D."

"Aren't you just lazy?" Natasha complained,

Bert corrected, "It's not that I am lazy, but I believe they should learn and grow from these situations."

Natasha said, "Bert, there are more than a thousand beauties, you are willing to sacrifice them? If you save them, they will repay you well."

Bert said dissatisfiedly: "Am I the kind of person who gives favors in return?"

Natasha and Mindy answered in unison, "Yes," and laughed. Bert then threatened, "In the future, the math homework will be doubled."

Mindy protested, "Master, you can't punish me for telling the truth. That will make you look bad."

Bert said, "Natasha, I won't take action this time, you don't need to say anything."

Natasha glanced at Bert in surprise, this guy is so stubborn. More than a thousand beautiful women can't make him move? That's more than a thousand beauties, one a night, for three years.

Bert ignored Natasha and ordered, "Jarvis, pass the information Natasha and Yelena said just now to Steve, Coulson, Tony, and Strange."

"Sir, it has already been turned." Jarvis immediately said, Natasha was stunned, when did Jarvis become Bert's housekeeper?

A moment later, Jarvis received Bert's consent and took over all the communications from Steve, Coulson, Tony, and Strange.

Strange's holographic projection said, "Bert, those mages must be Kaecilius and the others. It's no wonder Mordo couldn't find them. This time, Kamar-Taj will fight with you."

Bert said, "Negotiate it yourself. Mindy, come and eat hot pot. Annie and the others sent a batch of dragon cattle, and their tripe is very good."

Bert waved his hand, indicating that he would not be involved. Strange glanced at Bert in surprise. In the case of Kaecilius, he always felt that the Blood God and the Ancient One were acting a bit strange.

How to say, obviously not enough attention.

Coulson reassured Natasha, "Natasha, I know why you didn't come to us as soon as possible. Don't worry, we will try our best to be merciful and keep those female agents."

Natasha and Yelena breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, there were not only a large number of female agents in the base, but also their adoptive mother.

"To be merciful means that we can't attack by force. It's really troublesome. If an air base can be attacked by force, it's better to destroy it. Dozens of missiles will solve the problem easily." Tony asked, "By the way, does the air base have an energy defense shield? What's the name, huh, Dreykov? Shouldn't he be as stupid as S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Natasha, feeling upset, responded, "Tony, I heard that you have been robbed recently. Do you want me to call the police for you?"

Everyone laughed, and Tony shouted dissatisfiedly, "Nonsense! How can I, the dignified Iron Man? How could I be domestically abused? It was just sparring, and I kept letting Pepper win; otherwise, she would have been beaten by me long ago."

"I recorded this, I'll send it to Pepper in a while," Bert said while typing on his phone. Tony snorted coldly, "You think I, Tony Stark, will fall into the same pit twice? I tell you, Jarvis has been releasing interference waves and can't record at all."

"Sorry, Jarvis didn't interfere with my phone," Bert smiled and said. "The sentence just now has been sent, and Pepper said that she will make you recognize the reality."

Tony was furious. "Jarvis!"

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Wang is the guardian of the world. I can't interfere with his mobile phone. What if he suddenly receives something important to check?" Jarvis plausibly said, "It is my mission to protect human beings, and I will never do anything harmful to them. If anybody wants to hurt them, They must first step over My, Jarvis' corpse."

Tony was stunned at first, then he almost vomited blood in anger. Who did Jarvis learn this bastard character from?

Yelena looked at all this in surprise. It was completely different from the big man she imagined, a group of bad friends.

"Okay, about Tony's domestic violence, we'll talk about it later," Steve said. "It's not too late; we will attack that airbase tomorrow. Miss Yelena, we need more detailed information. Please tell us later."

Yelena nodded. "No problem, I know the base very well."

"I will go to S.W.O.R.D. as soon as possible to join you," Strange said. "Declare in advance that, to protect the sanctums, Kamar-Taj can't dispatch too many people. Please forgive me."

Tony said excitedly, "It's okay. I'll go with you this time. I've long wanted to fight a mage to compare with."

Strange smiled and said nothing, happy to see Iron Man get beaten up.

Steve said neatly, "Okay, Coulson, you go contact the superheroes and Inhumans immediately. The airbase is not weak, and we have to go all out."

Coulson shook his hair and nodded. "I'll call someone right away."

"Go," Steve waved.

Coulson waited for a while and found that no one asked him about his hair at all. So he went offline helplessly. He's been shaking his hair like this, why can't anyone notice that his hair is growing out? It's so depressing that he has no chance to show off.

'Coulson. It's just hair. Is it necessary to care so much?' Steve shook his head secretly, completely forgetting that he had stolen the shampoo. "Bert, please help send Yelena and Natasha to S.W.O.R.D.."

"No problem."

Bert swallowed a mouthful of hot tripe, pointed his hand, and a portal appeared out of thin air. "Natasha, Yelena, come to S.W.O.R.D. to discuss in detail."

Steve nodded and ended the communication. Natasha didn't waste any time and walked into the portal with Yelena.

Then, Tony and Strange left at the same time, leaving only Bert and Mindy eating hot pot in the villa.


Mindy was about to speak when Bert said, "It's okay to watch the play, but there's no need to talk about it."

"Got it."

Mindy rolled her eyes, nodded and said she bought a lot of magic props, which might come in handy tomorrow.


Dreykov's air base is located above an uninhabited forest in Russia. At this moment, in a hidden canyon near the uninhabited forest, three portals are opened at the same time, and a large number of fully-armed S.W.O.R.D. agents walk out of the portals. There are neat queues in the canyon.

In addition to the agents, there are many superheroes and Inhumans, and three spaceships.

It is worth mentioning that Skye was not among them. She was preparing for the expedition on the Blood God Ship and did not participate in this operation.

"There are at least a thousand strong people in the air base. Aren't we short of people?" Yelena couldn't help but ask: "They're really strong. Those female agents are strong and demonized, and each of them won't be weaker than superheroes."