Chapter 290 : Uriel


Gabriel and Michael both snorted coldly. They looked at each other without speaking. Michael dashed forward with a long light and shadow in front of Bert, beheading him.

At the same time, Gabriel uttered a prayer, and a beam of light composed of holy light, hundreds of meters thick, descended from the sky, slamming into Bert as if to destroy the sky and the earth.

"What's the use of bells and whistles?" Bert smiled disdainfully, waved his hand, and distorted space, causing the beam of holy light to turn a corner and hit the gathering place of the monsters below, instantly purifying thousands of them. Then, the ground disappeared at an amazing speed. It was clear that when the beam of light disappeared, a deep pit with an invisible bottom would appear on the ground.

After diverting the beam of holy light away, Bert raised his left hand and grabbed the giant lightsaber that had been chopped down.

"This is impossible," Michael shouted in disbelief, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out the lightsaber.

"Impossible? Archangel, there are many impossible things," Bert grinned. With a wave of his hand, the lightsaber shattered, turned into a spot of light, and dissipated. Michael groaned and stepped back again.

Gabriel and Michael looked at Bert in shock at the same time. What was going on? Why was he so strong? Not to mention that he was just a clone, even if he were the main body of the Blood God, there was no reason for him to be so strong.

"Have you heard of a palm technique that falls from the sky?" Bert smiled and suddenly appeared in the sky. Then, with his right palm down, he swooped down from the sky. "In the world, I alone am the Only One."

As Bert descended, the space below quickly distorted and overlapped, and the sky suddenly became pitch black. This kind of black was not without light, but the black from which the space was stripped.

From the perspective of Tony and the others, the sky seemed to collapse. Even if they were not in the attack range, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, as if they were going to die at any moment.

Gabriel and Michael's faces changed drastically. They couldn't understand how he managed to squeeze such a large range of space. This palm was unstoppable with their own abilities. Gabriel hurriedly shouted to Michael: "Michael, activate the Shield of God with me."

"Okay," Michael nodded hurriedly. The two poured holy light into the Shield of God, and it turned into a huge Shield-shaped mask to firmly protect them.

At this time, the squeezed space turned into a giant palm hundreds of meters long, pressing down towards the Shield-shaped mask. The void shattered instantly, and then the Shield-shaped mask was pressed down by the palm of the space, hitting the ground like a meteorite.

The entire Earth was shaking, and countless buildings collapsed, while all life within a thousand kilometers was wiped out by the aftermath of the space. From the sky, a bottomless palm print could be seen below, with all the buildings around it collapsed and turned into ruins.

"God's Shield? Is a tortoise shell good for a fart?" Bert sneered. With a palm, the big hand of space held it, trapping a large amount of dirt, Gabriel, and Michael, who were protected by the Shield of God. The big hand then flew up, leaving behind a bottomless pit that was hundreds of meters wide. The space began to repair itself, albeit slowly and differently from ordinary space cracks.

"Is this guy still human? This palm is more terrifying than Hulk," Tony remarked, feeling impressed but intimidated.

"Of course, he is not human. He is a god, the Guardian of the Earth," Steve replied, feeling reassured with such teammates.

"Damn, how can the clone of the Blood God be so capable?" The Hulk, who was fearless, quickly retreated from the battlefield along with the Spider Demon God and fought towards the edge of New York in a very tacit understanding.

In the big hands of space, Gabriel shouted in horror and anger, "Blood God, with the Shield of God, you can't kill us."

Bert replied, "The Shield of God does not have weaknesses, but you do. How long can you last?" He then grabbed with his big hand, capturing tens of thousands of angels and imprisoning them in the small world.

Gabriel thought that all the angels were dead and roared angrily, "Blood God, Heaven will not let you go."

"Heaven won't let me go?" Bert laughed coldly. "The weather is good today, and it's suitable to do something that I wanted to do before."

"What's the matter?" Gabriel asked, feeling a sense of dread.

"Attack Heaven," Bert grinned. He then raised his right hand and shouted, "Let's go to Heaven with me and set things right."

"Yes, My lord." Annie and the other angels cheered and, under Bert's leadership, flew towards the gate formed of angels in a mighty manner.

Gabriel and Michael's souls were terrified, and Gabriel hurriedly shouted, "Raphael, close the Heaven's Gate immediately."

When Raphael in Heaven heard the words, he closed the gate, and it rapidly shrank. But Bert's hands grabbed both sides of the gate, and he abruptly opened it. Annie led the crowd and rushed in with a roar, aiming to set things right, eliminate the rebels, and let God return to the throne of God.

"Wow, attacking Heaven is too... too fun, isn't it?" Tony whistled. The expressions of the others were more complicated, as they were all believers once and then shook their heads.

"Blood God, God will never let you go," Gabriel and Michael roared furiously, but they couldn't do anything. They didn't even dare to leave the protection of God's Shield; otherwise, the big hands of space would crush them to death.

After all, the Shield of God is just a Shield. Without the cooperation of the Spear of God, it is of little use.

"God? Am I not God?" Bert laughed and was about to step into Heaven. When Steve saw this, he hurriedly shouted, "Bert, you need to stay here and guard."

At the same time, a phantom of power like a black mist suddenly appeared, and a dimensional demon was about to arrive.

The Black Mist Demon God laughed and said, "Haha, Earth, I can finally come in."

"Idiot" Bert smiled disdainfully and the Spear of God appeared out of thin air in his hand. The Black Mist Demon God turned pale in shock and his body turned into nine black mists and fled in different directions. However, the Spear of God suddenly split into nine, instantly breaking the magic protection on the demon's body and destroying it.

Immediately afterwards, the Spear of God rolled up the soul and core of the Black Mist Demon God and flew back to Bert. Bert suppressed the Black Mist Demon God with his backhand, saving it for the Original body to come back and devour it.

Looking at the disappearing shadow, Steve couldn't help but swallow. Bert was too powerful. He killed the dimensional demon in one move!

In fact, this was mainly because Bert used the Spear of God. Otherwise, it would still take some time, maybe even two minutes.

Steve said happily, "Bert, with your suppression, those demon gods will definitely not dare to come in again."

"I'm not free. I'm going to settle Heaven, and you can solve the matter here yourself," Bert said as he took the Spear of God and strode into the Heaven's gate. How could such a big game be ended hastily? If he didn't force out a few more god-level beings, won't this award-worthy 'feigned death' wasted? Everyone was ready to scatter flowers.

The Hulk had succeeded, and Strange and the others had a certain chance. Next, it was up to others.

With more god-level beings, not only would the Earth become safer, but more importantly, Bert could concentrate on picking up girls in the future, and superheroes could deal with ordinary crises by themselves.

Looking at the back of Bert leaving, Steve was speechless, and Tony sighed, "Although this avatar(clone) is also Bert, there are many differences from Orginal Bert. For example, he will not try his best to protect the Earth."

"Clone? At the very least, he blocked Heaven for us and killed a demon god," Steve said. "The rest, let's do it ourselves."

"Gods and Devils!" Tony clenched his fists bitterly. Although he was unwilling, he was still far from the level of gods and demons.

Scientific and technological capabilities develop rapidly in the early stages, but in the later stages, they often fall into bottlenecks and cannot break through. For example, the nanotechnology that Tony was currently researching had not progressed for more than a year.

Tony made up his mind. "Others can slaughter gods, so can I, but the data is only a little short. This time, I want to face a demon god."

As soon as Bert entered Heaven, he saw a mountain full of holy light and angelic runes pressing down. He wanted to teleport to escape but found that the space solidified like a diamond. It would take a second or two to leave.

The problem is, within a second or two, the mountain would've already smashed down.

"Stubborn," Bert snorted coldly and thrust the Spear of God in his hand, blasting a large hole directly at the bottom of the holy mountain. The holy mountain fell, trapping Bert inside.

However, Bert continued to use his Spear to pierce the holy mountain.

"Suppress him! If he comes out, we will all die," Archangel Raphael led a group of angels desperately sending holy light into the holy mountain, preventing Bert from escaping. At the same time, countless angels in the nearby city prayed devoutly, transmitting holy power endlessly.

Heaven had not only four gods(Main angels, with powers closer to God) but also many minor gods. Without such strength, Heaven would not dare to compete with hell.

"You can't stop me because I am God! Surrender, and you still have a way to live," Bert shouted coldly.

"You are not God; you are just a vampire! Blood God, you will be purified by us," Raphael shouted back confidently. Reinforcements were coming in an endless stream, and they had a lot of paradise in the background.

"When I sit in that seat, who dares to say I'm not God?" Bert laughed, but he didn't try his best to break through. If he had done his best, it would not have been difficult to break through the holy mountain.

This was Ancient One's request. She said that Heaven should not be too much, let alone really destroy Heaven. That was the reason why Bert didn't kill Gabriel and Michael before.

If his guess was correct, Ancient One had some ulterior insider dealing with God.

On the other side of the holy mountain, two groups of angels fought fiercely. Although they were both angels, they were merciless in the fight because in their eyes, the other party was a traitor.

At the same time, the nine angels of vengeance merged to fight against the three angel gods. Elektra wore the Cloak of God and fought against the last of the four archangels, the angry angel Uriel.

Uriel roared while throwing the fire of purification on Elektra. "Dirty creature, how dare you blaspheme God's cloak?"

"A dirty creature?" A cold killing intent flashed in Elektra's eyes. She used the cloak of God to travel through space and suddenly appeared behind Uriel. Then, she raised two Vibranium daggers and stabbed Uriel's back like in a flash.

Uriel's six pairs of flame wings slapped hard together, as if six big hands slapped hard at Elektra. Elektra sneered and disappeared like a water pattern. The real Elektra appeared in front of Uriel, opening her mouth and spewing a lot of cold air at him.

Uriel was instantly frozen into ice, but in the next second, the ice was melted by the fire. Uriel was about to fight back when Elektra kicked him in the chest like a ghost, sending him flying. He slammed into the holy mountain with a bang, causing a lot of holy light to fly away.

"What about the archangel? I have even fought the Ancient God's projection," Elektra sneered. She had the bloodline of Gladiator (Kallark), and the stronger her confidence, the stronger her strength. Her experience of the last draw with the Ancient God's projection had greatly improved her confidence.

Seeing that Uriel was doing a disservice, Raphael shouted in dissatisfaction, "Uriel!"

"No next time," Uriel scolded, flapped his wings, turned into a rain of fire, and shot at Elektra. Elektra smiled contemptuously, and disappeared instantly. She was an assassin, good at sneak attacks, not head-on combat.

"For Elektra, this is a good experience. Although she is not famous, her strength is no weaker than Hulk and the others," Bert nodded with satisfaction. To be honest, Elektra was a little wasteful to hide in his shadow.


Leaving aside the battle in Heaven, in New York, although Bert left, the morale of the crowd was still high. After all, the Blood God was not dead, and the sky must have hit him first. No, he must have supported him first.

The morale of everyone quickly harvested the lives of monsters and spiders. The space fleet saw that the situation gradually stabilized and did not continue to bombard. After all, the energy was limited.

The Blood God Ship quickly created a Extremis human legion. At this time, the more cannon fodder, the better.

Not long after, another space crack was torn open, and a large number of bat people about the size of eagles flapped their wings and flew into New York. The leading bat leader took a look at the situation and led the bat to launch a sonic attack towards the humans below.

Bang bang bang, the sound waves exploded on the ground one after another, and several power users could not escape, and they were blown to pieces.

Seeing this, Steve was about to transfer an unmanned battle armor to help. At this moment, Black Bolt flew over, opened his mouth, and made a soft whisper.

Black Bolt said through a vibrating sound, "Director, leave these bats to me. I have practiced a new song, and I am planning to find someone to enjoy it."

"Do you want to sing here?" Steve was surprised. The biggest problem with the high-pitched sound wave attack was that it could attack in all directions. When Black Bolt finishes singing, it is estimated that there will be no people alive in New York.