Chapter 303 : Quantum space

"Master, there's no misunderstanding, don't worry. I'm just a little bit of a prankster, and I won't cause any trouble," Bert reassured the Ancient One with a smile. Despite his other talents, she couldn't help but shake her head at his mischievous hobby. However, she didn't say much since she and Bert were different in many ways.

"Let's get back to business," the Ancient One said. "This mutant Earth is a derivative of the original Earth, and it has always wanted to return to the Earth."

Bert was taken aback. "Returning to Earth? How would that be possible?"

"Through fusion, the fusion of two planets, similar to the fusion of parallel worlds," the Ancient One explained. "If the people inside are the same individual, one will be randomly wiped out, and the other will survive. According to my investigation, superheroes and mutants are unique and only exist on one planet, but ordinary people are basically the same individuals."

"Superheroes and mutants are the only ones, but they all have loved ones and people they care about," the Ancient One continued.

Bert frowned. "If the two Earths really begin to merge, there may be a war, and no one wants to be obliterated along with their relatives."

"That's why I've been blocking this planet," the Ancient One nodded. "When I discovered this mutant planet, I immediately blocked it with the Time Stone and my own power, preventing it from getting close to the Earth. Later, God also discovered this matter. He not only left the power of God in the chaotic void to help me, but also gave me his blood to help me look at heaven. After that, He entered the world of mutants and never came back."

Bert was stunned. "God is on the mutant planet?"

"Yes, God is on that planet, but I don't know who He is. He has blocked his power and memory, and he is an ordinary person," the Ancient One replied.

Bert smiled. "Is this an experience of life or a private visit? The boss really knows how to play."

"Bert, you will take care of this place in the future, and you must not let the two planets merge," the Ancient One instructed.

"No problem," Bert answered confidently. Half of the Ancient One's strength could block this place, so he felt he could handle it with ease.

"Bert, it's not as simple as you think. Chaos is blocked, and God's power is the main force. I'm just an assistant. The problem is that God's power is almost exhausted," the Ancient One warned.

Ancient One saw though Bert's thoughts and said, "Since Wanda became a superhuman, the attraction of the two planets has been increasing. If I'm correct, the stronger Wanda becomes, the more attractive the two planets become."

"God's power is running out?" Bert was stunned, and he exclaimed, "Master, you're filling the hole with me!"

"You are not only the guardian but also the direct responsible person for the mutant planet. If you don't fill in the pit, who will? Besides, you're also Wanda's future husband, and you should share her responsibilities," the Ancient One replied with a smile, as if she finally threw the pot out.

Bert complained, "Master, your image, your image is about to be ruined."

Ignoring Bert's tricks, the Ancient One instructed, "By the way, people from the two planets cannot be allowed to communicate with each other, otherwise the suction force will increase."

Bert asked, "Like that guy Deadpool?"

"Yes, fortunately, that guy didn't recover his memory; otherwise, it would be troublesome."

"Bert, don't go to see Deadpool. The best way to treat him is to trap him somewhere," the Ancient One said.

"Don't worry, I don't want to be infected with the Deadpool virus," Bert replied. His eyes flickered as he asked, "Master, besides God, who are the strong ones on the mutant planet?"

Glancing at Bert, the Ancient One replied, "Your old enemy, Phoenix."

Bert was stunned, "Master, when did Phoenix become my old enemy?"

"Phoenix invaded Earth and was smashed by Iron Fist Wu Fongji. You are Iron Fist, and naturally, you are his mortal enemy."

"Don't underestimate Phoenix. What Wu Fongji shattered was just a fragment, and the Phoenix in the mutant planet is almost complete, with strength comparable to the Elder God," the Ancient One continued.

"Elder God?" Bert narrowed his eyes. Is this the fate of Iron Fist?

"In addition to Phoenix, there are many powerful mutants over there," the Ancient One continued. "For example, the professor who can kill all humans with the help of that instrument, Magneto who can control the magnetic field to destroy the world, Apocalypse with the Four Horsemen, Dr. Reed's son, Franklin Richards, and so on."

"Dr. Reed's son?" Bert was stunned. "Wait, isn't Dr. Reed from our planet? How did his son go to the mutant planet? How was he born without Reed? Could it be that Reed is cheated?"

"Dr. Reed's son is a very powerful mutant and can even travel through time. As long as he wants to be born, he can be born, and there is no need for Dr. Reed at all," the Ancient One explained briefly.

"The threat of the mutant planet is greater than the tyrant you have always worried about. It is the biggest crisis on Earth," the Ancient One warned.

"The threat is indeed bigger than Thanos," Bert nodded in agreement. This mutant planet is undoubtedly a bigger problem.

The Ancient One let out a sigh of relief and said very easily, "Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said, and I'll leave it to you in the future."

"Master, you're always relaxed; the pressure is all on me," Bert sighed. Ignorance is indeed bliss, and knowing too much can take away one's ability to laugh.

"It's the guardian's responsibility," the Ancient One waved her hand, turned around freely, and walked away.

Ancient One, officially resigned.

"One-day guardian, life-long guardian, how can there be a real possibility of retirement?"

Bert shook his head, If Ancient One really wanted to retire, she wouldn't do something like the Ancient One of light and the Ancient One of darkness. She wanted to be promoted to the ancient god and come back to deal with this trouble.

This is Ancient One, the selfless Ancient One. She has devoted almost all her life, and what is even more commendable is that she never expects anything in return.

Although Bert was not as selfless as Ancient One, he did not refuse this troublesome matter. After all, it was the responsibility of the guardian, and he did not want the Earth to be harmed at all.

Besides, this matter was originally the fault of him and his future wife.

"Let's see how much power is needed first."

Bert thought for a while, activated the magic circle, and input the power of the Blood God and the power of space into the chaotic blockade.

The power of the chaotic blockade was almost exhausted, and when he sensed the energy input, he immediately devoured it frantically. The power of Bert's Blood God and the power of space quickly drained like a dyke.

"It's okay, although it requires a lot of energy, but I can handle it."

Bert breathed a sigh of relief, and said more generally, a little pressure, but not much.

After thinking about it, Bert summoned the Blood God projection and asked him to act as a 'power source' instead of himself.

The Blood God Projection complained: "Take me as a coolie again? I thought that the new Sorcerer Supreme was born, and I can relax for a few days."

With Strange in charge of Kamar-Taj, and Bert's shock to the heavens, the Blood God projection is no longer needed.

"What is a coolie if you don't project it? This is the value of your existence."

Bert rolled his eyes and said, "Be obedient and observe the strength of the mutants by the way. We and them might really fight. In addition, try to find out God as much as possible. I always think he has some conspiracy."

"You are the body, you have the final say, but my energy may not be enough." The projection shrugged, this is the projection's life.

"I will always pass on energy to you. In addition, we are not short of energy."

Bert summoned the Skeleton Demon God and the Blood Demon God. Then, he activated his space ability, and one dimension after another appeared in the void.

Bert said: "We are different from others, we can absorb a lot of dimensional power."

The projection smiled and said: "The Dimension Demon God brand battery, whoever uses it is good."

"Of course, if it's not enough, then I'll catch a few more demon gods."

Bert smiled and said, with his strength, the devil is not enough to see.

The only problem is that Wanda's strength has been improving, and he must find a way to completely solve this planet, otherwise, sooner or later, it will start a war.

Bert said, "Okay, I'm out of the loop, and I'm hurt by Master. I'm very sad. I'm going to find a beautiful woman to make up for my damaged heart."

The projection silently sent a middle finger to express blessings.


The year was 2014, and for over a year, superheroes had been busy preventing disasters like Dr. Octopus' artificial sun from destroying New York, stopping aliens from kidnapping the president, and preventing evil scientists from destroying the world. The world was at peace, thanks to their efforts.

Without Bert's intervention, the superheroes had handled everything on their own, and the world remained peaceful.

Bert's focus, apart from promoting the Earth Federation, was primarily on finding his humanity, which would help him stay on Earth forever.

One day, at noon, Madame Gao was teaching the Kun-Lun disciples at the Dragon Subduing Teahouse while the Dragon Soul clone was lying lazily on the sofa, snacking on spicy sticks and watching entertainment programs, occasionally giggling.

Suddenly, a stunningly beautiful woman with a perfect figure walked into the room. She saw Bert lounging comfortably and complained, "You're supposed to be a guardian, can't you be a bit more motivated? Behaving like this will only disappoint your fans."

"I'm very motivated. I just took more than a dozen actresses from 'Kamar-Taj' out to sea with me." Bert smiled and said, "I may not be back for a few days."

"You're such a scumbag! You've been seducing Hollywood stars for over a year. When I go out to buy ice cream, I can run into three women you've had affairs with."

Wanda took off her coat, sat on the sofa, and said in dissatisfaction. She was currently in college and working part-time as Pepper's assistant.

"My body is a scumbag, but I'm not. I'm very particular."

Bert reached out to embrace Wanda, and she snorted, adjusted her position to get more comfortable, and said, "You're still lying. Why did I ever believe you? I must have been too naive."

"I'm not lying..."

Bert kissed Wanda's face and said with a smile, "This face, this avatar, will always belong to you alone."

"Good, or else I'd cut you off."

Wanda said viciously, but it was just an excuse to deceive others. She loved Bert very much.

Bert said, "It's true. It was fate that brought us together."

Wanda blushed and gave Bert a playful elbow, saying, "You're insufferable."

"Wanda, our fate was predestined by God. Since I came into this world, you were destined to be my wife."

"You're being too sweet today, Bert."

Although Wanda complained, her eyes were smiling, and she wanted Bert to say more.

"How can honey be sweet to you? Come and give me a kiss."


After having some food, Wanda thought of something and said, "By the way, Dr. Pym's quantum space channel has been built, and Mr. Stark invites you to visit."

"That guy is trying to make me feel ashamed of the past."

Bert rolled his eyes. Despite having fabricated a lot of knowledge about quantum mechanics, Bert was still bragging. Going to discuss with those professionals was purely a shame.

"Maybe it's revenge for the last time you embarrassed him."

Wanda smiled and said, "Last time you let him get kicked by his son in public, and from Pepper, he swore to make you look good."

"Who made him so useless?"

Bert complained, "I still say every day that I hide my secrets and don't give him the dragon soul. With his virtue, can he hold the dragon soul?"

"Mr. Stark relies on his brain after all."

Wanda said, "Bert, the Oscorp Group has made a lot of money with the quantum space channel, so I still have to send someone to see it."

Bert thought for a while and said, "Then let Dr. Banner go. That guy recently skipped work every day to come home to see his wife and takes my salary for nothing."

"That's because Betty is pregnant."

"By the way, will Betty give birth to a little Hulk? If so, will it be Banner's child or Hulk's child?"

"You're smiling so wickedly."

"Aren't you laughing too?"


The next day, at the experimental base outside New York suburbs, Tony Stark, Dr. Reed, Dr. Banner, Dr. Pym, Hope, Ant-Man Scott, and Dr. Bill Foster, Ghost, were making the final preparations before the quantum space channel opens.

Dr. Bill Foster was a former partner of Dr. Pym, and they also developed the Goliath project together, turning Ant-Man into a giant.

As for Ghost, she was a poor woman - her father forced her to do quantum experiments, which caused her to be constantly transformed between normal and quantum states. HYDRA used her ability to cultivate her into a killer.

Later, HYDRA collapsed, and Ghost followed Dr. Foster, trying to get out of this state - quantization is like a thousand cuts.

Dr. Foster was very distressed about Ghost. When he heard that Dr. Pym was going to build a quantum space channel, he took the initiative to find S.W.O.R.D. and seek cooperation, so he and Ghost were both here.

By the way, the reason why Ghost's father forcibly conducted quantum experiments has a great relationship with Dr. Pym's character, but let's not talk about it.

Dr. Pym in uniform pointed at Scott and asked dissatisfiedly, "I can understand everyone else here, why is this bastard traitor here?"

"Dr. Pym, I'm here to monitor this experiment on behalf of S.W.O.R.D.. After all, this experiment has certain risks."

Scott said, "Besides, how can I stand by and watch such a big thing as saving my future mother-in-law?"

Dr. Pym was stunned for a moment, then asked in shock, "Who is your mother-in-law? Wait, Hope, are you with him again?"

Hope glared at Scott and said, "He's a stalker, I just want to be left alone."

Dr. Pym gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could kill Scott.