Chapter 327 : Split Up

"Damn, who will pay for my building?" Iron Man cursed angrily. At that moment, Jean suddenly let out a roar, shattering all the surrounding gravel. Wolverine was shocked and quickly rushed to push Professor X away, but he himself was destroyed by the invisible power of the Phoenix. Flesh, blood, and even alloy bones were exposed.

When Storm saw this, she swiftly controlled the wind and dragged Wolverine out.

"Jean, that's not you," Professor X said.

Attacked by the power of the mind, Professor X vomited blood, but he didn't forget to help Jean repair the seal.

"Damn you," Jean fumed, raising her right hand towards Professor X, intending to destroy him completely. Witnessing this, Doctor Strange urgently used space magic to teleport the professor away.

Simultaneously, Iron Man fired a crimson laser at Jean. Jean swiftly turned his head, causing the laser to shatter on the spot. The remaining power of the Phoenix spread towards Iron Man.

Sensing the danger, Iron Man hurriedly evaded, but he was still grazed by the power of the Phoenix. Half of his battle armor was instantly shattered, and his body was heavily damaged, causing him to fall with a scream.

"So powerful?" Everyone took a deep breath. This mutant was too terrifying.

Of course, they're scary. Omega-level mutants.

As Spider-Man swung towards Iron Man, he pondered, "I told you not to mess with Mr. Wang, but now you're unlucky. But then again, Mr. Wang's small punishment and big admonition are too exaggerated, right?"


Let's not dwell on the drama of the Dark Phoenix fighting the Avengers and Mutants for now.

Bert addressed everyone, saying, "The Infinity Stones are not on Earth. We won't be returning to Earth. We'll establish our base camp on Xandar. I'm familiar with this place."

"Okay," everyone agreed.

Tony sighed, "I never expected that the Iron Man in this world would possess such virtue. It's truly embarrassing for me."

Tony added, "Absolutely. There's serious business to attend to. Otherwise, I would definitely give that guy a beating."

"Don't worry, someone will take care of him for us," Bert said with a smile. Given Iron Man's character, he would undoubtedly suffer a major loss at the hands of the Dark Phoenix.

Tony hesitated and asked, "Bert, the Phoenix seems incredibly powerful. Will she cause any catastrophes?"

"Don't worry, those superheroes aren't pushovers. Even if I didn't trigger this event, it would have happened eventually. I just sped up the process."

Bert shook his head and continued, "Let's not dwell on that. According to what I've heard, the Infinity Stones are in the possession of Elders of the Universe. Let's devise a solid plan."

Tony was stunned, "The Elders of the Universe? The same Elders you wiped out half of?"

"You make it sound like I'm some big villain. I didn't kill that many," Bert said angrily.

"Never underestimate the enemy. The Elders of the Universe in this world are stronger than ours, and most importantly, they possess the Infinity Stones."

Everyone nodded cautiously. They knew the immense power of the Infinity Stones since most of them had experienced their influence.

Future Tony couldn't contain his curiosity and asked eagerly, "Blood God, what are they like?"

Bert explained the obtained information in detail and concluded, "I suggest we act swiftly. The power of the Elders is formidable. The longer we delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for us."

"I agree. We need to seize all the Infinity Stones within a few days," Future Steve affirmed. "Then we'll return to our world and save half of our lives."

"In that case, the best approach is to split up," Tony proposed.

"Splitting up is a good idea, but we're outnumbered," Bert contemplated. "Thor, if I recall correctly, you participated in the Grandmaster's arena, right?"

Fat Thor grinned and replied, "Indeed, I did. I even defeated the Hulk in the arena."

Dr. Banner snorted, "Are you sure? It wasn't a real fight at all."

"That's what you said at the time," Fat Thor retorted.

"Grandmaster is a seasoned gambler. Tony, you and the others should go to the arena together and use a gambling game to win the Mind Stone from him," Bert suggested. "It requires intelligence, cunning, and strength. It shouldn't be too difficult."

"Are we all going to the arena?" Future Tony was taken aback. "Bert, how can we divide our forces like that? You're responsible for five stone, and we're responsible for one?"

"Blood God, it's not that we doubt your abilities, but it's impossible to acquire five Infinity Stones within a short period, right?"

Future Tony added, "You should be responsible for three, and we'll handle three. That seems fair."

"I can teleport, so there's no problem," Bert reassured them with a smile. "I'll transport you to the arena. You retrieve the Mind Stone within three days, and I'll secure the remaining five. Rest assured, I won't take any unnecessary risks. If you all want to help me, obtain the Mind Stone as quickly as possible."

"Okay," Tony and the others nodded in agreement. Bert wasted no time and opened a portal to send them to the arena. With their strength and intelligence, they should be able to accomplish their task within three days.

Meanwhile, Bert himself headed to the Celestial's head (Knowhere) to complete unfinished business.

"The Collector is quite the character. I'll probably keep robbing him in every universe in the future, won't I?"


In Sanctuary II, Thanos looked up, snapped his fingers crisply, and intoxicatedly proclaimed, "I am destiny."

"Bro, aren't you tired of saying that dozens of times a day?" Future Ant-Man complained. Since Thanos regained his memory, he would snap his fingers every day and utter the word "destiny," which greatly annoyed Future Ant-Man.

Thanos paid no attention to the future Ant-Man's complaints. Feeling unsatisfied with just one snap, he slapped his fingers again and declared, "I am destiny."

The future Ant-Man exclaimed, "You've gone mad!"

Disdainfully, Thanos retorted, "What do you insects know? Not only do you lack fear of destiny, but you also dare to challenge it. Hmph! If I hadn't needed you, I would have killed you long ago. Let me make it clear, this time I will destroy the Earth completely."

The future Ant-Man shouted back, "You alone? We will definitely defeat you."

Thanos didn't bother to respond. He raised his hand, preparing to snap his fingers once more. The future Ant-Man silently lowered his head.

At that moment, Ebony Maw, who had been lurking on Earth, sent an excited message, saying, "Master, they have arrived."

The future Ant-Man's heart sank, knowing there was no way to stop this. He sighed, accepting that this was their destined path.

Anything that defies fate will inevitably face a counterattack.

"They're finally here?" Thanos exclaimed with joy. "Are you certain?"

"Absolutely, Master. They had a confrontation with the Avengers before, and even destroyed the Stark Building," the gloating Ebony Maw reported. "To make matters worse, a super fierce woman emerged during the fight, incapacitating the Avengers. If not for Doctor Strange banishing her, New York would have been completely devastated."

"I care little for those details. I only want to fulfill my destiny now," Thanos declared. "Ebony Maw, return. We're heading to another world."

"Yes, Master," Ebony Maw acknowledged, opening the spaceship and swiftly leaving Earth.

After ending the communication, Thanos spoke into the void, "Tell me, where are they?"

Curious, the future Ant-Man asked, "Who are you talking to? This isn't the first time."

Ignoring the future Ant-Man, Thanos remained silent for a while before saying, "The Grandmaster's arena, is that where they are? I understand, my dear. This time, I will undoubtedly fulfill my destiny. No, I am destiny."

Unable to resist, Thanos snapped his fingers once more. The future Ant-Man rolled his eyes, convinced that the Thanos of this world had a serious mental problem.

Thanos commanded, "Supergiant, possess this man."

"Hey, stay away! I'm willing to cooperate with you," the future Ant-Man hurriedly pleaded. However, Supergiant paid him no mind, transforming into a phantom and entering his body. After a moment, the future Ant-Man respectfully announced, "Master, I have complete control over this body."

"Very well, Supergiant. Infiltrate the arena with the shrunken Sanctuary II and await the arrival of those superheroes," Thanos instructed with excitement. "The rest of us will conceal ourselves in the Sanctuary II and follow you to other worlds. This time, we will not only acquire the Infinity Stones, but also the super collider to maintain the balance of all universes."

Thanos raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and shouted frantically, "I am... Destiny!"


On Earth, a group of disheveled superheroes stared at the devastated streets, their expressions filled with anger and disgust.

Professor X paid no attention to the heart that was being devoured and shouted urgently, "We must find Jean. If her second personality fully takes over, she will be completely unstoppable."

"Professor, are you kidding? We've seen how powerful she is. If it weren't for Strange, we would all be dead here today," Iron Man, bloodied and injured, complained while receiving medical treatment.

"The problem is, what we witnessed earlier was not Jean's full potential. Her primary personality has been suppressing the second personality. Once the second personality takes control completely, her power will increase tenfold, reaching a level where she can destroy Planets," Professor X exclaimed. "And when that happens, do you think she will spare the Earth? She has been trapped for decades and harbors deep hatred for our world."


Everyone gasped, and Doctor Strange voiced his dissatisfaction, "Professor, you kept such a dangerous person hidden from us?"

Professor X fell silent, and Captain America said, "He didn't hide it from you; he intended to take action against Jean. If it weren't for your interference, this battle wouldn't have occurred."

"Our fault? We're trying to protect the world, alright? This incident proves that my plan was correct," Iron Man shouted. "They need to be driven away, or they will cause significant trouble. Actually, they already have."

"Mr. Stark, you should know that this was just a minor punishment from Mr. Wang. If you provoke him further, he can single-handedly destroy the Earth," Spider-Man protested. "Mr. Wang and the others have shown restraint, while you're acting like an ant taunting a giant."

Iron Man's face grew ugly. "Are you saying we're ants?"

"In Mr. Wang's presence, you certainly are ants, ants who don't know their place."

Spider-Man retorted, "If you hadn't been so arrogant before, none of this would have happened. They are good people. Even after you attacked them, they remain good people who don't hold grudges."

Iron Man snorted coldly, "Letting it go? What about Jean Grey?"

Barton added, "That's because you and the Sorcerer were too arrogant. If you had let them go, nothing would have happened."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have done my best to protect the world," Iron Man replied sarcastically.

"Are you really protecting the world? Or is it just your greed, wanting to possess someone else's super collider?"

"Are you blaming me?"


As everyone continued to argue, Professor X shouted, "It's pointless to argue about who is right and wrong now. We must bring Jean back as soon as possible. You absolutely do not want to face her at the height of her power."

Silence fell over the group upon hearing his words. After a moment, Doctor Strange said, "Let's form a team to find Jean. I've left a mark on her, which should help us locate her."

"Good," Professor X breathed a sigh of relief. "I need to come along."

"I'm going too," Wolverine and Cyclops said simultaneously, exchanging glances with visible disdain. Cyclops was Jean's boyfriend, and Wolverine had always harbored feelings for her.

"We shouldn't waste any more time. Let's get started right away," Iron Man said after a brief pause. "I have a spaceship that can take us to outer space."

In this universe, spaceships were not uncommon, and Iron Man had acquired several.


"I'm going to kill you! I'll destroy the Earth!" The Dark Phoenix, who had been banished by Doctor Strange using spatial magic, roared on an abandoned planet. The ground beneath her feet disintegrated rapidly, creating a massive pit over a thousand meters in diameter.

After calming down slightly, the Dark Phoenix transformed into flames and soared into space, heading towards Knowhere.

Dark Phoenix sensed that the person who had set her free previously was present within the Knowhere. She desired to find him, request his assistance in eliminating Jean Grey entirely, and then kill him.

Yes, killing him. There was an aura about that person that greatly annoyed the Dark Phoenix!


Within Knowhere, Bert strolled through the streets accompanied by a large group of individuals. However, these people were not sent by the Collector to monitor him. In fact, the Collector remained oblivious to Bert's return.

This group of people consisted of Bert's newfound subordinates, his soon to be younger brothers.

"Hey, aren't you the spineless coward from before?" an expert hired by the Collector sneered upon recognizing Bert. Bert smiled faintly, and a thread of blood shot out, piercing the expert's forehead. The expert's eyes immediately glazed over.

After a moment, the controlled expert spoke respectfully, "Master."

"Shut your mouth and follow behind," Bert replied casually. These individuals had all been manipulated by his blood puppet technique. Since his crossing to this world, he had upgraded the technique, allowing him to control individuals weaker than himself even without blood consumption.

Furthermore, before arriving in this world, Bert had bestowed a portion of the Blood God's power to his dragon soul clone. As a result, the dragon soul clone could also utilize the power of the Blood God.

"Yes, Master," the expert obediently slapped his mouth, causing his teeth to rattle as if they were on the verge of falling out. Then, he followed Bert, walking alongside him through the streets.

By the time the Collector realized something was amiss, Bert had already encircled the Collector's collection house with a majority of Knowhere's inhabitants. Bert spoke calmly, "Reality Stone. Hand it over, or I'll kill you and take it from your lifeless body."