Chapter 329 : Collecting Stones (II)

In the arena, Hulk smashed the Kronan warrior on the opposite side with one punch and shouted loudly, "I want more!"

"Hulk, Hulk, Hulk..."

The audience was completely boiling, cheering loudly, and Grandmaster was also very excited. He knew this was the perfect Champion, and he was determined to win this game.

"This guy is truly remarkable. If only I had a good temper now, I would definitely go and challenge him. By the way, I once fought him in the arena before," Fat Thor said unhappily. Tony and the others scoffed, not believing that Thor stood a chance against Hulk.

"I mean it..."

Fat Thor was about to explain when an excited figure ran over and shouted, "Mr. Stark, Thor, Captain, I finally found you!"

Everyone turned their heads and were overjoyed to see that the visitor was none other than Future Ant-Man Scott Lang. Tony happily exclaimed, "Scott, we thought you were dead."

"You don't need to speak if you can't speak," Future Ant-Man rolled his eyes and said, "Ever since I arrived in this world, I've been hiding in the garbage dump outside. I just saw Hulk in the ring and learned that you were here, so I came to find you immediately."

"You're living the good life, and I hope your father-in-law is doing well," Tony lamented, knowing that Dr. Pym was lost in the quantum space, making Future Ant-Man's situation even worse.

"That's Scott's father-in-law, not mine," Future Ant-Man shrugged and asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's like this..."

Future Tony briefly explained, leaving Future Ant-Man stunned. "So many of you are looking for one Stone, and the Blood God is looking for five?"

"There's no other choice. We have to act quickly. If Bert dares to make such a plan, he must be confident," Tony shook his head and said, "Let's not dwell on that. Scott, you'll come with us. Once we find all the stones, we'll go back immediately."

Future Ant-Man's eyes flickered, and he nodded, saying, "Okay, you have the final say."

Meanwhile, inside the shrunken Sanctuary II, attached to Future Ant-Man's waist, Thanos scolded angrily, "What Blood God? How dare he be so arrogant? Getting five gems in three days? Even I wouldn't make such a boast. Damn it, if he fails, our plan is ruined."

Ebony nodded in agreement, saying, "You're right father. That guy is too arrogant. Now all we can do is hope for his success."

"Damn it," Thanos cursed, sincerely hoping in his heart that Bert would succeed, though it seemed unlikely.


"Achoo! Damn it, who the hell is cursing at me?"

Bert touched his nose and grumbled unhappily. The Cosmic Elder across from him, Champion with long red hair, asked coldly, "Boy, why have you come to my domain?"

Bert first bowed and then stood straight, saying, "I wish to collect the Infinity Gems, Champion. Can you give me your Power Stone? I can offer you a deal."

"You want the Power Stone? Simple, just defeat me. But let's be clear, I'll be using the Power Stone," Champion said with great satisfaction. His name alone indicated that he was a skilled fighter.

Bert sighed, "Can't we settle this without a fight? I'm a gentleman."

Impatiently, Champion replied, "Enough with the chatter. Either fight or leave."

"In that case, Champion, let's do it," Bert said, cutting off the unnecessary talk. He pointed his left palm at the Champion, and a magic circle quickly emerged. A wave of spatial fluctuations enveloped Champion's body, banishing him through space magic.

Champion's face changed slightly, and his right fist immediately lit up with purple light, poised to smash through the space and destroy Bert's magic.

However, Bert was already prepared. The Infinity Gauntlet materialized out of thin air in his right hand. The Soul Stone glowed, drawing the Champion's soul, attempting to separate it from his body.

Champion hastily suppressed his soul, but in that moment of delay, the space magic took effect, banishing the Champion directly into space.

Controlling the phantom, Bert addressed the disoriented Champion, who appeared quite unsightly in his current state. "Give me the Power Stone, and I will allow you to return to your planet."

Champion possessed immense strength, but like mortals, he needed oxygen to survive due to his race, making it his Achilles' heel.

"Who leaked my information?" The Champion was visibly annoyed. He clenched his right fist, glowing with a purple hue, and said coldly, "Even without oxygen, I can live for twelve hours. Twelve hours is more than enough to kill you a thousand times."

Bert maintained a smile on his face and replied, "That is assuming I remain here."

Champion paused for a moment, then unleashed the purple light in a devastating blast towards Bert. As if dissolving into water, Bert disappeared, only to reappear in another location. "Are you willing to spend twelve hours with me, or will you immediately hand over the Power Stone and return to take a hot bath?"

Champion's expression turned extremely ugly. The vastness of space made it uncertain whether he could find a planet with oxygen within twelve hours.

Even if he were able to find one, it would be pointless, as Bert could banish him once again.

Champion said, "How can I be sure that you won't kill me as soon as you possess the gem?"

Bert knew that the Champion had relented, and he responded, "We can make a contract, written with the Reality Stone. But I'll add one condition: within seven days, you are forbidden from revealing my existence to anyone, or else I will perish."

"You possess the Reality Stone as well?" Champion was stunned, asking, "Has Collector met his demise?"

Bert activated the power of the Reality Stone, revealing the scene within the Collector's chamber to the Champion. Upon seeing the frozen Collector, the Champion snorted coldly and said, "Let's sign the contract."

"Very well," Bert nodded satisfactorily, utilizing the power of the Reality Stone to manifest a contract in the air.

Observing that Bert's physical form had still not reappeared, the Champion couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that he had no chance at all.

Then, the Champion honestly signed the contract and proceeded to remove the Power Stone from his arm. "Take your gem and send me back to my planet," he said.

Bert was highly satisfied and used space magic to transfer the Power Stone to himself.

"Power Stone, acquired," Bert declared as he raised his right hand, and the Power Stone flew into the socket of his index finger. Immediately, a violent surge of purple energy poured into his body. Even Bert felt like his body was on the verge of bursting.

"It truly is a gem of immense power, incredibly strong," Bert remarked with satisfaction. He then opened a portal and appeared in front of the Champion, wearing a smile. "Please," he gestured.

"After seven days, the Cosmic Elders will surely hold you accountable," Champion snorted coldly as he stepped into the portal, returning to his planet.

"After seven days, you can come find me and settle the score," Bert smiled and moved on to his next target: the Space Stone.

The Space Stone was in the possession of Runner, who traversed the universe daily. Even Collector had no knowledge of his current whereabouts. Fortunately, with the Reality Stone in his possession, Bert could locate Runner if he made a wish.

Using the Reality Stone for combat was the most foolish choice; its true value lay in its supportive capabilities.

After completing the wish, Bert shook his head and remarked, "It's a place I haven't been to yet. Let's take it slow."

"Changing positions again? Does this bastard have ADHD?" exclaimed Dark Phoenix, growing increasingly frustrated. After a moment of contemplation, she flew straight towards Knowhere. Based on her previous encounters, Knowhere was the likely location for bastard, and she hoped to apprehend him there. Anything was better than aimlessly flying around.

Inside the spacecraft, Doctor Strange turned to Professor X and asked, "Dark Phoenix keeps changing direction. Could she already be aware that we're searching for her?"

Professor X shook his head and replied, "Highly unlikely, as she wouldn't deliberately avoid us."

Doctor Strange sighed and said, "You're right. Let's adjust our course."

"No need to rush. Let's take our time," suggested a woman with an alluring figure. She was the mutant known as the White Queen, possessing powerful psychic abilities. Professor X had specifically invited her to assist in their mission.

Wolverine snorted disdainfully, "Of course you're not in a hurry. You're just hoping she has an accident so you can have a chance with him."

"Speak for yourself. Don't you fantasize about her every day too?" retorted the White Queen with a cold snort. The rest of the people in the spaceship rolled their eyes simultaneously, clearly exasperated by their ongoing bickering.


"Runner, I hope you'll consider giving me the Space Stone. I can offer you a proposition," Bert began, maintaining his polite demeanor. It's important to be courteous when dealing with others, especially as a protagonist.

Runner, with his exceptionally developed legs, responded cheerfully, "If you can catch up to me, I'll give you the Space Stone. But I'll use the Space Stone."

'Why are all these guys so righteous? Can't they just run away?' Bert complained. He sighed, "Never mind, let's not waste any more time."

With that, Bert raised his right hand, causing the Soul Stone to emit a dazzling glow. Suddenly, Runner's soul uncontrollably attempted to leave his body.

Alarmed, Runner activated the Space Stone in an attempt to escape. However, the Power Stone emitted a bright light, amplifying the energy of the Soul Stone several times. As a result, Runner's soul was forcefully stripped from his body and suspended in the air.

"Collecting the Infinity Gems proves to be challenging at first, but once you have three in hand, acquiring the remaining gems should be easier," Bert remarked after retrieving the Space Stone from Runner. Runner shouted, "The Elders of the universe will not let you get away with this!"

"Can you find a different way to threaten me?" Bert complained. He then used the Soul Stone to manipulate Runner into falling asleep, and subsequently discarded his body and soul on an uninhabited planet.

"It's done," Bert declared with a smile as he placed the Space Stone into the socket of his middle finger. A surge of spatial energy immediately flowed into his body, reestablishing his connection with the main body.

Bert's physical form (Main body in Original Universe) was filled with joy, "Huh? It's actually connected across the universe?"

In fact, not only was the connection established, but Bert could even travel to another universe.

"That means as long as I acquire Space Stones from other worlds, I can freely traverse to that universe?" Bert exclaimed with joy. He contemplated the idea and instructed his projection to keep a close eye on Earth while he ventured into another universe himself.

The matter should only take a few dozen minutes at most, and even if there were any complications, he could simply teleport back.

Bert's original body appeared in the new Universe using the connection. The Dragon Soul clone understood Bert's intentions and raised his right hand, inquiring, "How much time do you need?"

"It takes a long time for an ant to swallow a dragon, but it is not that hard for a dragon to swallow another dragon," Bert replied with a smile. With a gesture, the Space Stone on the Infinity Gauntlet flew into his body and was quickly absorbed.

"Three hours is still a bit long. Make a wish," Bert sensed, and the dragon soul clone nodded in agreement. He clenched his fists and declared, "At the cost of a star core, accelerate the absorption speed of the main body for Space Stone."

The star core, the core of a planet, was present in the Collector's collection. While it held immeasurable value to others, it meant nothing to Bert. After all, he possessed the power to destroy stars.

The Reality Stone emitted a radiant red light, and Bert's absorption speed skyrocketed. After just half an hour, he opened his eyes and laughed heartily, "Excellent! Not only has my strength increased by half, but this universe has also become my home field."

The Dragon Soul clone inquired, "Is it possible to continuously absorb the Stones like this?"

"It's possible, but the power of space is too strong, which would result in an imbalance of my power," Bert shook his head. He pondered for a moment and then said, "This universe also houses a Dragon World. Before you return, absorb the Dragon World's source and those malevolent dragons to enhance the power and energy of the Blood God."

"No problem. It's a minor task that can be completed within a day," the Dragon Soul clone assured. Pointing to the slot on the Infinity Gauntlet, the Dragon Soul clone requested, "I need a Space Stone."

"Then, here you go," Bert opened his hand, and a Space Stone flew out, merging seamlessly with the Infinity Gauntlet.

This Space Stone had been transformed by Bert's power and was under his complete control. He stated, "The Space Stone has been absorbed by me. Regardless of whether there's a Nemesis in this world, it will never be resurrected."

"Indeed. With this Space Stone, no one can wield the Infinity Gauntlet unless we allow it," the Dragon Soul clone grinned. "Alright, you can leave. Remember, don't remain outside the main universe for too long."

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" Bert retorted, gesturing with his middle finger before teleporting back to Earth to continue his role as a guardian — or, more accurately, to continue picking up girls.

"It's wonderful to have another home field," the Dragon Soul clone chuckled, sensing the surrounding space. Without wasting any more time, he immediately headed towards the planet belonging to the Gardener.

Gardener's planet was teeming with vibrant plants. Bert approached the Gardener, who was tending to flowers with numerous plants adorning his body, and spoke, "Hello, Gardener. I hope you'll give me the Time stone, and I can offer you a proposition."

"It is my duty to safeguard the Time Stone," Gardener replied warily, eyeing Bert.

"Fine, then. I won't waste any more words," Bert responded, his patience wearing thin. Activating both the Power Stone and the Soul Stone simultaneously, he instantly stripped the Gardener's soul from his body.

Gardener was shocked and attempted to activate the Time Stone's power from a distance. However, Bert waved his hand, severing the spatial connection, causing the Gardener to lose contact with the Time Stone.

Bert then retrieved the Time Stone from the Gardener and placed the green gem into the slot on his thumb.

"Five gems, all in my possession. It took some time, two days," Bert nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the enraged Gardener and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Since you love plants so much, be a plant for seven days."

With that, Bert used the Reality Stone to transform the Gardener into an apple tree, planting it firmly in the ground. For the next seven days, the Gardener would remain unconscious, and afterward, he would return to his normal state.

While the Elders of the universe were far from likable, Bert had never been one to indiscriminately kill innocent people.

//** FUN FACT:

The Fallen One or Champion no longer possesses the Power Gem. As a result, his physical strength and stamina, while still considerably high, are now only a fraction of what they once were. Also, his immortality is at least partially connected to Death's banishment. Without the banishment, his continued existence could depend upon his self-obsession and it would also then be possible for him to sustain fatal injuries.

But the author changed his weakness, to make him surrender quickly.
