Abhishree POV
I was stunned by his words. He wanted me to dance on my own loss and the death of my brother. He didn't have any emotions or feelings and he only was a heartless animal.
I cried my heart out because of him once again. How could I celebrate my own loss? I kept sitting there until a girl came and said.
"Princess, There is a lady outside, whose name is Sakhibai, asking for you" She bowed finishing her words. I looked at her and hearing that name made me walk quickly outside. I came outside covering my face with a veil and hugged her. She grabbed me tightly back and I cried loudly feeling some family around me. She patted my back to calm me down.
"What happened, Abhi?" She patted on my back while hushing me to calm down. I couldn't take it anymore. It was already more than enough. I couldn't hold his torture anymore. He was insane and animal. He didn't even consider me human, I guessed. My tears were not stopping as they were continuously rolling down. I missed my family, I wanted them back. I didn't know with what curse I had born with.
"Calm down Abhi, we should go in our room," She said and I nodded.
We moved towards our Room. I wanted to know about other people there. So, I thought to ask her.
"What about other ladies?" I said washing my tears away.
"They all settling here, they always thanks you for everything. If, you were not there God knows what happens. We all love you Abhi. You are truly a fighter, you saved our lives and we will never forget this favor of yours on us. They started working as their choice" She said.
"And what about you? What kind of work you got?" I asked.
"You know I am good at nursing. So, they assigned me under Maa saheb. She is the Queen here and her heart is of Gold. She is a nice-hearted person. Though, she is old but quite active. I liked her a lot. She cares for everyone. She asked me about myself and I told her everything. I also told them about you, She seems interested in meeting you any day."She finished smilingly.
I nodded and felt good as my efforts for my empire's ladies didn't go to waste. Some victory wave ran through me hearing that they are happy and adjusting here.
"What happened to you? and why are you staying in Prince's chamber?" She asked that catching my attention.
I thought to tell her the truth but not that word. I hate listening to that word, saying that word, and feeling that word the most. "She made me his Servent in exchange for your liberty" I stated.
"What?" She asked in amusement that made her stop
"Yes," I stated and with a heavy and crying heart I told her " And he wants me to dance in the celebration tonight"
"What? Dance on Celebration? You? Why?" She asked so many questions and I thought to tell her everything from the beginning except the Slave part. We walked to our Room while discussing.
"You are really a fighter Abhi," She said just then I finished and we entered the room. My reaction was flat because I still didn't see myself In that state.
"Look" She made me sit on the bed and stared directly into my eyes.
"You are a warrior, you learned fighting and everything from childhood. You are an inspiration to all of us. We didn't even know that you are suffering this much for us. All I can do is Thank you from the bottom of my heart but I can't see you in this state. We can suffer together. You don't have to be his servant. we can fight together." She assured gripping my hand.
But, I couldn't back out now. I had made up my mind to suffer all he wanted to throw at me. It was not about my life but all the lives that were saved in exchange for it. I couldn't think of backing out now.
"No, I am okay with it" I assured her, which was not true. My Existence already didn't matter to anyone and I was not afraid of dying.
"No, Abhi you are not okay, I won't let you suffer alone." She insisted again.
"This fight is of mine alone. I will fight alone. This is my destiny and I am happy to see it. Trust me" I assured her.
She nodded looking at me in acceptance of the lie that I told her. I couldn't let that insane animal play with everyone. I couldn't see my hard work go to waste by backing out now.
Although my pain was unbearable to me, I couldn't disclose it to anyone for the sake of their Happiness. I had to suffer alone.
I rested for a while Gathering the Palace's information from Sakhibai. But, my brain couldn't forget the words that I shared with the Prince. How he disrespects me always makes me vulnerable more and more. I was losing my strength But one thing was sure I wouldn't lose without fighting.
In our culture, we were always taught to fight back and prefer dying over accepting loss. My brother died fighting with him. He was my inspiration and his pierced head that I saw, was the fuel that was burning the anger in me towards him more and more. I couldn't hold his torture anymore.
I lay on the bed thinking about tonight. I couldn't plan my way to escape. Begging him was surely out of the Plan and asking for help in this heartless kingdom was the plan with surety of Failure. But, I couldn't dance. I was the Princess for God's sake.
"Princess" The voice caught my attention as I looked at an attendee. My heart raced looking at her that made me sense something Horrible.
"You are asked to get ready for the celebration of tonight" She bowed ending her words.
My body was frozen at that moment realizing it was time. He didn't have any emotions for girls, I guess. Was he the same If I were his mother or sister? He wanted to ruin the Pride of Pratapgarh but I was not ready to let him do that.
She might have sensed my denial as she said.
"Please, Princess otherwise The Prince will kill me," She said with an innocent face that made my heart melt. I couldn't play with anyone's life here.
I nodded to her and with a heavy heart joined to walk after her.
She made me walk through the same galleries and to the chamber of courtesans again. I covered my face with a veil because I didn't want to see anything there or anyone to see me too. My life became a living hell but still, I couldn't manage that environment at all. Those Chamber didn't suit the Princesses.
I walked and reached the same lady which made me ready last night. She bowed to me and I accepted.
"Welcome Princess," She said and somehow I doubted how everyone knows that I was Princess. They hardly knew me. But, Ignoring that I chose to sit as she signaled me to.
I looked at her and said "Today, Groom me as everyone keeps watching me. Especially Prince" I had something on my mind for which I wanted to look the best.