Prince is Interested in Princess II

Rajvardhan POV

She greeted everyone by bowing a little and said. "King, Sorry I am intervening in the Proceedings of the court. But the girl you call Dancer repetitively is none other than the Princess of Paratapgarh" She said in a very angry tone and looked sharply into my eyes as if she would kill me.

A kind of Noise blurred in the environment of the court and The king asked in Shock "A Princess?"

"Yes," She said confidently. "I would like to have a word with you in Private," She said looking at him.

"Privacy" The king roared without taking any more time.

Everyone left leaving him, me, and the queen behind.

"King, She is the Princess of Pratapagrh," The queen stated.

"She is Princess, then why she danced in the Royal celebration?" He asked with a questioning tone.

"Someone misunderstood her to be," She said and I felt that I didn't need anyone's pity. I was not wrong.

"Not someone, It was me and I did it purposely" I spat back. She looked at me with an angry glare.

"She is a Princess," She said looking sharply into my eyes. I could sense that she got to know everything but I was not afraid of anything.

"She is my slave now," I said giving her the same glare.

"You are taking her curse," She said in an angry tone with tearful eyes with the same sharp glare in my eyes.

I laughed a little. "I am okay with it" "She is the Princess of Pratapgarh, she is the Pride of that territory. You took her here, that's fine but you can't treat her like this" She said.

"Do not tell me what I can do or not. Her empire lost the Battle, I made her my slave and I will make sure that she suffers the hell here" He spat back in a way angry tone. For some reason I was not as close with my mother as all my life, I was trained in the heat, and dust to be a ruthless King.

"You are taking it personally, Raj" She shouted. "This is personal, I hate everything related to him," I said remembering her brother "She is his sister and I make sure that I make her life hell here," I said in a roaring and low voice that made her angry more.

She laughed looking at me and laughed harder and stopped suddenly. "You, you make her life hell? Mark my Words, Raj She will never bow in front of you. She is fearless, she challenged you in front of all. I can tell you, She is a diamond, She is a real satrap. She is Abhishree, Raj... If you hate her the most then listen, she even hates you more. She is not afraid of you" she was saying that in a furious tone and serious one.

I smiled and said "Whatever," For a moment I thought she was her mother not mine.

"King," She turned to him, who was listening to all this for a long. "I, being the Queen want that Abhishree should be honored with the Royal Treatment. She should not suffer in all this. I want that Chandra Mahal should be open for her to stay here, Comfortably." She finished and I was shocked.

"Chandra Mahal?" I asked.

King also looked at her with a questionable face but then said.

"I agree with the Queen, Prince. She is a Princess, a girl, and this type of treatment doesn't suit our Pride. And I don't think there is any mistake of her in all this." He said looking at me.

I laughed and then being serious I said. "Then fine, give whatever treatment you want to give her. But she will be my Slave forever" I said looking into my mother's eyes.

"You are doing wrong, Prince," My father said. "Everything is fair in Love and war and She deserves it, King," I replied with a serious and furious tone and marked that debate ended.

"With your permission, I want to leave now" I bowed in front of both and then moved towards my chamber taking the long steps in the way.

My anger was bursting inside me. Whatever I was doing was working opposite than I think. I will make her suffer and no one can stop me from this.

The announcer was about to announce my presence when I reached but I showed my palm to stop. I walked inside and saw her running towards out. Looking at her made my anger burst even more. Holding her hand. I pulled her inside with me, Angrily.

I shouted and screamed at her, But attitude her was never giving up. Frightening the hell out of her, she still managed to say.

"I am not afraid of you"

I looked in her direction and smiled and laughed because that was funny. Tears are shedding out of her eyes and still saying that.

I moved towards her calming my anger by taking a few long breaths and Holden her hand softly directing her towards the edge of the bed.

"Sit," I asked her softly and she did.

I moved to the table and started removing my jewels and all. Coming back in her direction, I purposely removed my upper revealing my strong body.

Her eyes opened wide and the beads of tension were clearly visible on her forehead. Now, I wanted to see if was she afraid or not.

Moving very slowly towards her like a lion to his victim, I sat beside her. She was shivering to be close to me.

My glare was fixed on her face but she was not daring to look at me. Purposely I fanned a hot breath of mine near her cheeks that must have sent some thrills to her body as she shivered and was about to run but not daring to.

I laughed lying on the bed, she was funny. "You said, you are not afraid of me, Hahahaa" I laughed more. "Look at your face" I couldn't stop laughing but suddenly stopped as the cut on my chest started hurting. Looking at her sharply I ordered.

"Get some paste for this cut" I roared which made her jump in fear that send some kind of relief in me. I love when she gets frightened because of me.

But before she could go and get something an attendee came and said.

"Prince, The queen called for Princess now," She said and I signed to take her with her.

The rest of the day passed with some Meetings and proceedings and at night I drifted into a beautiful sleep until the sounds of Swords clashing filled my ear which made me woke up in the early morning with bursting anger.

I walked outside quickly to see who the hell was doing such an idiotic thing around my Chamber. Coming outside my sight fell on two people Practising swords Fighting in plain white warrior clothes covering their faces and heads leaving their eyes open to the air.

Moving closer to them I tried to figure out those persons. One of them had a long height and his tactics were so good. I watched them closely as the body of one of them reminded me of someone I saw, Someone I noticed before.

He was clearly defeating the other one very easily. His eyes were someone I saw, I remembered.

He saw me and we had eye contact. Sharp eyes, long lashes, and Then I remembered.

She was My Slave, Princess.

Looking at me she furiously attacked the other one and he fell to the ground. Her breathing was fast, eyes bursting with anger and then I said.

Looking at the other one lying on the Ground, a sarcastic smile appeared on my face.

"Get me a sword" I roared with a Sarcastic smile.