
"What color satin should we use to drape the hall, Alpha?" "The starters, sir? May we use the deer you killed last week, or should we save that for the main dish? It's still frozen and fresh in the Kitchen freezer." "Alpha, we need you to confirm the seating chart." "Purple satin, I guess," I say, obviously not too sure of my color choice. "Keep all food as finger food. It's about networking and moving around, right?"

At least the chefs seem satisfied with that response. "There won't be formal seating. So, we shouldn't need a seating chart. I want people to dance as much as possible."

All these decisions seem irrelevant and obvious to me.

I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at every annoying question. And they keep coming. Like ants to sugar. Everyone wants to know my opinion.

The entire pack is buzzing like a hive preparing for the first ball since I became

Alpha. Usually it's exciting, a new Alpha is joyous. But I can't help feeling sad, and a little lost with all this additional responsibility.

I walk around, checking that everyone is fulfilling their duties.

I feel silly though, as everyone is working with such eagerness. I don't need to monitor them at all. But they seemn to want me around.

The constant questions and confirmations are driving me insane.

I get out of the hall and into the fresh air.

The midday sun is baking down on our territory and the heat isn't helping me stay calm.

I see young girls twirling and weaving white flowers into decorations, men carrying chairs and tables from all over the place, gathering them by the hall.

There are even people weeding the sides of the street.

It's hard to feel like any of this is important.

It all seems like a big charade. An act. I don't feel like a powerful Alpha ready to show off my pack and territory.

But I know it's necessary. We must have a social gathering so I can introduce myself to the nearby Alphas. It's vital to cross pack politics and relations to host events like these.

My pack seems to understand that more than I do. Everyone else is taking this so seriously. Especially the elders. They are directing people. They know the importance and effects a good Gala can have on pack dynamics.

It's important that I appear strong and put together. I know the other Alphas will sniff out my insecurities. I need to hide my feelings deep down. I have to have a brave face.

In the past, I have certainly enjoyed attending a few similar events in neighboring packs. I had a lot of fun, maybe too much fun. Especially accompanying my dad, he'd always sneak me a little diluted wolfbane, a strong elixir to remove inhibition, which helped my confidence greatly.

What I never realized, though, was how much work goes into a Gala like this. My father always made things look so easy and effortless.

To make matters worse, I'm extremely nervous because my father demanded a lot of respect from all the guests attending.

Everyone, at some point, has bowed to my father. That's a giant show of respect in wolf culture. It's something he was always proud of.

Instead of worrying about what music to play, I worry if Ill even be accepted or taken seriously. I worry I won't be the

Alpha he was. ThatI cannot live up to his example.

I knew my father was the anchor in the wolf world of our country. He was a skilled negotiator. He threw the best parties. His events were notorious. Wolves shared tales across the land. He always bought packs together in harmony. He was the problem solver for everyone around. He's always been famous, respected and reliable.

He's left me giant paw prints to fill.

Beads of sweat collect around the collar of my shirt. I wipe my forehead.

Can't this be done already? I think to myself. I have much bigger issues to worry about.

One of my sentries comes up to me. He's obviously just gotten back from a midday run. He looks very young, probably fresh out of school. But he has a seriousness in his eye, I can deny. "Sir," he greets me formally. "What can I do for you, wolf?" I respond.

I think we need to do a sweep of the greater territory. There's been sightings of abandoned rogue camps. I've just seen an old fire myself. I'm sorry, I know I should have gone to a lower rank, but I didn't expect to see you right here. I suggest we take precautions, considering we're about to host some high-profile guests," the sentry says. "Thank you for notifying me. You did the right thing. I need to know this now, not later, but normally through a chain of command." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Gather my Beta and the rest. We'll spend the afternoon on a scout mission," I say, impressed by this young wolf's insight and confidence. "Hey" I add. "Good work."

A compliment like that from your Alpha is enough to make any pup's mother proud.

The young boy barely contains himself.

Pride shines straight out of him.

To be honest, I'm grateful for the escape.

Enough party planning.

We need to protect our lands and our community. I had put the thoughts off for too long, We need to prepare ourselves for anything.

I order some of the elder females to continue with executive decisions with the party. They seem relieved and excited. I see the one woman immediately drop the purple satin I requested and pick up the silver instead.

As I walk away, I can hear her whisper to her friend, "It's a Full moon Gala. Silver makes more sense, like the light of the moon.

I smile to myself. I think I've made the right choice leaving this to those two.

My first response cavalry is already there, waiting for me. I'm impressed again. I spotted the young wolf who gathered everyone so fast and gave him another nod. He could control an important role in this pack someday, it's nice to see young warriors with direction. "Alright troops, listen up," I begin. The

Alpha voice has settled nicely in my throat.

I'm starting to not feel so embarrassed giving orders. "We're going to do a full perimeter sweep. I want every leaf looked under to make sure we've got no rogues on the land."

Everyone nods in agreement. "Once we're done, I want a specialized hand-to-hand combat training session.

Every wolf here is going to be prepared for a battle-whenever that might be. We can't let our guard down. We've got to stay on top of any potential threats coming in.

Alright, follow me.

Irun towards the ancient trees. There's a bright blue sky without a cloud in it. I leap over a fallen log and transform into my wolf. My transformation has a ripple effect, and each wolf behind me changes a second after the last. We take a standard triangle battle formation and run the line of our perimeter.

It's a long run and takes us a few hours. We find one or two clues to rogues possibly crossing our borders. Not enough evidence for action, but certainly enough to raise concerns.

We return to the fields, and I immediately separate everyone into sparring pairs.

We're back in our human forms. I don't allow any breaks. Not even a sip of water from the river. "We need to know and be capable of fighting in dire conditions!" I announce.

My wolves are tired, I can see that, but their warrior spirits kick in and they fight like it's for their lives.

We're practicing every type of combat we can. I focus on my training too, trying to slow my focus down between throws and blocks.

Half way through, I interrupt the training for another sprint.

Another run. Eyes are wide with shock, but everyone does as I say. "We must push through our exhaustion.

We have to train to never give up. Rely on your body, rely on your inner wolf," I say, fueling their warrior's driving force.

Everyone howls in response.

It's hard to stay focused when there's a threat coming over my community. Dad, I think. Why did you have to leave me now?

Im not ready for this. But I keep those thoughts to myself. I can't let anyone know

Im not sure about what I'm doing.

One has to lead by example, not by fear.

We train and train until the sun sets.

It's exhausting. But everyone leaves the session feeling a little more ready. A little more alert.

I'm the last one left on the field. I look at the surrounding land, the houses that my wolves are walking back to. In the evening light, it all looks so beautiful. Picturesque.

Im proud of this little village.

This is my land to protect, this is my home.

And I will do anything I need to make sure nothing happens to this pack.