
I felt the weight on my hand. My eyes were still closed as I fought my way through the darkness, using the weight on my hand as a guide through the darkness, but as I fought, the harder it was to follow.

The darkness snaked around my ankles, gripping them as it wrapped around me. It was like a vine, covering my leg in an intricate design as it pulled me down. My fighting became futile; the darkness weighing me down, making it impossible to overcome. The feeling succumbs me as I let go, falling back into the darkness.

My hand shots through, my Omega growing restless as she makes me fight. Giving me the energy I need, I become excited, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I pull myself out of the darkness, fighting harder to escape it.

My eyes open, a gasp leaving my mouth as I stare around the room. I look down at my hand, noticing the larger hand over it. I slowly glance up to see who the owner of the hand is. Shock evident in my eyes as I see Jacob, sitting next to me.

The growl that graces my ears sends my eyes to the figure standing behind Jacob. My body vibrates at the feeling of being so close to him. Finally, my mate is here.

Derek rushes towards me as our eyes remain united. His presence helps me to breathe again. Each breath becomes easier as he steps closer to me.

I see the anger in his eyes as he looks down at Jacob, shifting him out of the way. The feeling of Jacob's hand being yanked out of mine hurts, but Derek quickly places his hand in mine.

A sense of calm rushes over my Omega. I let out a whimper from the touch of my mate.

"Ana, are you okay? I sensed your despair, and I had to find you," Derek says, his shoulders relaxing as his eyes rake over my body ensuring I am okay. I feel warmth spread across my cheeks and I know that a light blush covers them.

His wolf has calmed down now that he was in my presence. My heart slowing as I squeeze his hand, shocked at the concern in his voice, his worry causing me to bow my head in shame. Worried that my weakness could have hurt him.

"I'm sorry," I say, hoping that he isn't cross with me, my Omega whimpers at the idea of him being upset.

"No, no. Ana, I'm not angry," Derek says, squeezing my hand tighter as he hears the whimpers leaving me and sensing my fear of having disappointed him.

"What the hell is going on?" Jacob asks, reminding me of his presence in the room.

I notice Derek's shoulders tense at the sound of his voice, his body full of anger as he turns and faces Jacob.

A whimper leaves my mouth as Derek's hand disappears from mine. I'm confused by how Derek has Jacob pinned against the wall.

I struggle to look past Derek's frame as I try to look at Jacob? Derek was blocking his view of me, trying to shield me from Jacob. Protecting me from the potential threat.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Derek growls out to Jacob.

Jacob and Derek are silent for a few minutes, staring at each other as Jacob tries to figure out what is happening

"He brought me here after I fainted," I replied, providing a reason for Jacob's presence, hoping that it will help to relieve the awkward tension that fills the room.

Derek holds him against the wall for a few seconds longer before releasing him, stepping back slightly as he nods his head in understanding.

I notice how Derek is still blocking Jacob's path to me. Derek still regards him as a threat, and he is trying to defend me in the only way his wolf will allow. The air fills with testosterone as they square off, Derek and Jacob's chests are puffed out as they try to seem bigger.

Jacob attempts to walk around Derek, trying to get to me, but Derek grabs him again, another growl leaving his mouth.

"Dude, we need to talk," Jacob says, growling in return, reminding Derek of his position.

Derek nods, his head low as he listens to his Alpha. As Jacob leaves the room, Derek stares at me, waiting for my permission before he leaves me and, after I give a nod, he leaves the room.

I could hear them speaking in the hallway, but the door blocked out most of the words making it hard to focus on what they were saying.

Instead, I look down at my hands, staring at my right hand. The feeling of both Derek and Jacob's hand had felt different. One felt freeing and welcoming, whereas the other felt like home and safe.

Derek felt safe, but him being here has confused me. Even if his wolf needed him here, the sincerity in his voice caused me to question our bond. Wishing it could be more than what we agreed on.

"You know green isn't a good color for your skin tone?" The voice makes me jump as I look at the door, seeing Medeia.

The sound of Jacob and Derek's voices tells me they aren't aware of her presence.

"What do you mean?" I ask, gulping as I watch her mouth turn into a sneer as she walks towards me.

I hear the machine beeping next to me, telling me my heart rate has increased. "First the bathroom and now here? Seriously mutt, what have you done to Derek to make him rush out of class to come and see you?" she questions, her voice full of disgust at the idea of me seducing Derek.

I take a calming breath after hearing her words, trying not to let my cheeks betray me and showcase how Derek's concern affects me.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Derek burst in here and pulled Jacob aside," I partially lied, remembering the promise I had made to Derek about not telling anyone.

I didn't want to disappoint him any more than what I have.

"I heard him say something about the border before they left the room," I add, shrugging my shoulders and acting as if Derek's presence, even if he is a few meters away, doesn't affect me.

"Besides, why would me being in here, have anything to do with Derek?" I ask, trying to get her to believe it was just a coincidence and that Derek couldn't be bothered to be near me.

She gives me a sickening smile, her eyes flashing with anger as she takes in my words.

"Ana, sweetie, you suck at lying," she says before lunging at me.

"Medeia, I swear to you that I am telling the truth," I say as her body connects with mine, the force causing me to fall off the bed and bringing her with me. The machines go crashing to the floor with us.

Her hands are on me, pulling my hair as I try to get away from her. I use my hands to cover my face. Knowing she will be on me in seconds. She grabs my wrists, her nails digging in and causing me to scream out in pain, as she digs them into my open cut. I pull my hands away from her, reaching out as she hits me, my cheek swelling from the impact of her first hitting it.

My hand comes into contact with something cold. I pull on it. I hear metal hit the ground as the contents of the table fall before the table follows. Medeia, not expecting the noise, loses her focus and turns to stare at it.

I use her distraction to bring my hands up and push her off me, before turning over and crawling away, hoping to get some distance between us before she attacks me again.

I feel a tug on my ankle. I turn to see Medeia is already standing. She grabs my ankle and pulls me towards her, my hands scratching against the tile as I try to get purchase of something. I turn on my back when I am close, staring at her as she towers over me.

"Why is Derek here?" she screams at me.

My eyes are wide with fear as I wait for her next move.

"What the hell is going on?" both Medeia and I stare at the doorway. Noticing the shock on Derek and Jacob's face.