
Jacob has finally allowed me to return to school. I get up early, almost happy that I can go back. The house has become stifling, with Jacob refusing to acknowledge my existence.

It takes a while to choose something to wear. Finally, I decide that it would be best to try and disappear into the crowd. Black jeans, a black shirt, the perfect staples for not being seen.

I have to wonder what Medeia will do when she sees that I am back, but I don't really care about her. Whatever happens, I'll grin and I'll bear it, as I've always done. As long as she doesn't kill me, I'll survive it.

I saunter down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Jacob is already standing, making himself breakfast. I count more eggs and bacon strips than he usually makes.

"For you," he says, without much emotion. "Figured you'd be hungry."

"Thanks." I'm not sure how to react to that. I'm thankful that he's trying to be nice to me, but also trying not to drown in the awkward atmosphere.

This morning, Jacob is just as stoic as he's been over the last few days. He doesn't want to talk to me, that much is clear.

Even when he touches me to help with my heat, he doesn't look at me, or speak to me. I don't know what I've done to deserve that kind of punishment and I don't ask.

The sound of plates and cutlery is the only thing that fills the kitchen when we sit down to eat. Jacob doesn't look at me. He eats so quickly that I'm only halfway when he gets up.

"I'll be back tonight," he says, dumping his dishes in the sink. Then, without even a murmured goodbye, he leaves the room, and I am alone.

I finish my own breakfast, mostly because I'd feel too bad if I don't. I decide that I'm not going to think about it too much. If Jacob wants to talk to me, then he will. If he doesn't, it'll simply be the same as it has over the last few years. I can deal with that.

This morning, the sky is a fresh blue as I start walking. I still feel weak, but I am strong enough to make it to school without burning legs and lungs. I tell myself that this time things will be different, that no one is going to bother me. My life can go on.

One last year, and I will be assigned my place in the pack. I can find a place to live on the edges and focus on my job. That will allow me to avoid all of the drama of the past, and hopefully I would never have to see Jacob.

I'm not actually sure what kind of job I would be handed. I'm just an Omega, so it couldn't be anything fancy. Definitely no guard duty, or scouting, or being sent as a diplomat to another pack. Most likely, I'd be assigned to trash, or sewage.

Something befitting of my station. It is possible, of course, that some kind of miracle happens and the whole world changes for me. Maybe my long-lost brother comes to whisk me away across the ocean, or Jacob suddenly falls in love with me. Both seem equally likely.

When I spot Medeia at the entrance to the school, however, I know that everything will just go back to how it was. It's just wishful thinking to hope otherwise. She instantly notices me, and saunters over with Harley, Tanisha, and Megan, all three with sneers painted onto their faces.

They seem just as excited as she is to mess with me again. I hope that this won't be as bad as it usually gets. At the same time, I'm tired of it all. I wish she would just fucking leave me alone for once. After all, there's no way that she doesn't know I literally almost died the other night.

Maybe Derek told her, and they had a great laugh together about what a loser I was. I wouldn't put it past Medeia to be amused by my possible death. In fact, it always seems like the more miserable I am, the happier Medeia becomes.

It doesn't look like I can simply pass her with my head down today, either. I'm not going to get out of this that easily.

"Well, well, well, Ana." Medeia blocks my path with her body, forcing me to interact with her. "You've been allowed to come back? I'm surprised Jacob hasn't gotten tired enough to kick you out entirely."

"I don't see why my life has to be any of your business," I answer snidely and try to push past. Medeia shoves me backward, making me stumble on my feet. Her lackeys giggle, even if they seem slightly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Where are you going?" Medeia asks me, her tone dripping with venom. "I'm not done with you."

I sigh and grit my teeth. I haven't thought about what I'd do if Medeia started looking for shit on my first day back. Still, I suppose I should have expected that.

"Honestly, what's your problem?" I stand slightly wider on my feet, wondering if she'll start a fight this early in the morning. Knowing her, she probably will.

"Don't pretend like you don't know, Ana-whore." Medeia steps closer and pushes at my shoulder. "Why do you still have a mating bond with Derek, huh? You know perfectly well that he loves me. Do you just want to be second-best forever?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I insist, even if my confidence is faltering slightly. Harley, Tanisha and Megan have now been joined by three others. This scene is slowly drawing a crowd and I'm not too happy about that.

I want to get out of there, but it doesn't look like Medeia will allow that.

"Maybe it's something else." Medeia taps a finger against her chin. "Maybe you're trying to steal him from me. Is that it, huh? You're going to sabotage my relationship for your own gain?"

"Your relationship?" I am shocked that she would even take that angle, even if I know that Derek prefers her over me. "He's my mate, Medeia. If anyone's the thief here, it's you!"

The slap comes quickly, but the sound is harsher than the sting that I feel on my cheek. I tighten my jaw, not willing yet to stoop down to her level.

"You don't know your place, do you?" Medeia says in an accusatory voice. "Do you want me to show you, huh?"

It doesn't seem like she's giving me much of a choice. I'm sure that I'm not going to be able to avoid this fight. At the same time, I'm not planning on lying down any more. I won't let her beat me into submission.

"Why don't you?" I answer, a clear challenge lacing my voice. My wolf is just as ready as my mind to do this. I bundle my hands into fists at my side and stare Medeia down.

The crowd that has been forming all keep their eyes pinned to her, probably wondering what her response will be. It's her move. I am tense, waiting for that first hit to come.

At first, Medeia seems to be weighing her options, but that only lasts a few seconds.

"Who do you think you are?" She shrieks, advancing on me. "You think Jacob is going to save you? You are worthless. You should never have been born!"

Her fist sails through the air and connects with my jaw, making me stumble backwards. It immediately hurts, but I ignore the pain. My fury had slightly slowed down my reaction time for that one.

I decide that the next one will not land.

"You hit like a puppy," I hiss back at her, spitting on the ground and splitting my lips into a grin. "Try again. I dare you."

"Stupid little bitch!" Medeia screams. She lifts her fist to bring it down again.

This time, my hand shoots up to catch her by the wrist. I hold her arm in the air, feeling like I could start laughing at any moment. The crowd collectively gasps, and the sensation of all of their breath being held permeates the air.

"No more." I throw Medeia's arm to the side as I speak in a low, threatening tone.

"What?" Medeia is shocked. She stares at her hand as if she cannot believe that it did not connect with my face again.

"I've had enough of you trying to control my life!" I shout, loud enough for the birds in a nearby tree to scatter through the air.

Medeia doesn't have any words left to say. My sentence shook her from her daze, and she screams in fury, darting straight for me. Suddenly, her hands are pulling at my hair in between shrieks.

I topple the balance of our bodies and we end up rolling on the ground. Despite both being highly trained, our anger is getting the better of us. We scratch, pull, and bite at one another, covered quickly in dust and sweat.

Furiously, I struggle to get out of her grip. I am the first one on my feet again. Medeia is up shortly after, and aims to hit me. This time, I grab her arm, pull her past myself, and lift my knee.

It crunches against her ribs, and she groans. At the same time, she pushes her body under mine, tumbling me over her so that I am on the ground again. When she moves on top of me, I use all of the momentum I can build to roll her over.

Now, I am sitting on top of her with a sinister smile. "Now what, huh? How's it going, showing me my place?"

Medeia spits up at me, still struggling to get loose, but I am enjoying this now. Sharp flashes of pain travel across my body from where she's injured me. I feel more alive than I have in weeks.

"What the hell is going on here?" I hear Derek behind me and glance over my shoulder. The moment is enough for Medeia to pull me down beside her. "Medeia, stop! What are you doing?"

I ignore him and so does she. We're already raking our nails across each other's faces, trying to get on top.

"Hey!" Derek is on the ground now, trying to push us apart. We fight past him, despite his efforts.

Finally, he seems to decide it would be better to focus on one of us at a time. Derek gets up, and wraps his arms under my shoulders, his hands meeting behind my neck. He pulls me off of Medeia and backs away.

Medeia gets up and flips me the bird as she tries to regain even breathing.

"Tell me you're calm and I'll let you go, Ana," he whispers into my ear. The fury that has built up in me will not leave, but I slump my body on purpose to fool him.

"I'm calm," I insist monotonously. Finally, Derek releases his grip on me.

I stumble away from him, but when I am standing across from the group, I stare at him with pure hatred.

"Derek," I say, ignoring Medeia's taunting looks.

"Ana, look, we can talk about this whole thing, just wait for Jacob -" Derek starts, but I interrupt him.

"I officially reject you as my mate." The words are out before I can stop them. Derek instantly collapses, his hands grasping at his chest as if he wants to rip his heart out.

The pain that he is feeling echoes into me. My legs buckle and I fall onto my knees, releasing a scream that can probably be heard right down to the ocean. It is excruciating, and all I want is for this to end. I wonder how long it will last.