Chapter 4

Not noticing the door opening, she laid there thinking of how badly she wants her dad to touch her.

Moments later she felt someone caressing her thighs,. her eyes opened to see her dad, sitting by her smirking.

She sat you and said, "Dad wha..."

before she could finish her sentence, her dad shut her up with a kiss,he then push her down,making her lie on the bed.

He continue to kiss her deeply, not in her right senses, she kissed him back to.

He hands started moving round her body till it reached her boobs, he grabbed one and fondled with it.

She moans as she kept kissing him, surprisingly he tastes really good.

his hands roamed under her top and she was not wearing her bra so he got easy access to her boobs, he pressed the nipples, playing with her boobs like its a toy.

"Dad....uhh" she cried out in pleasure.

"see, y resist I know u will like it"

"but I can't u are my dad"

"trust me u will love it, no one will find out"

He said as his hands started moving downward.

He rubbed her wet pussy. " u have a beautiful pussy" he told her.

he then move his face to her pussy and licked it passionately with his tongue.

"wait dad that'"

She couldn't hold back as she moved her hips in rhythm with her dad's tongue, soon she had her orgasm ,her dad cleaned her up with his tongue