Chapter 16

Kelly freshened up and tied herself in a towel and sat on her bed browsing through the web when her dad came in.


"hi dad"

"so u made a new friend on ur first day of school huh?"

"who Lizzy, yea she's cool and pretty cute too"

"u know u owe me something right"

"excuse me,when?"

"well when u asked me to drop off ur friend at her house" "and how do I owe u something?"

" I wasted 30mins of my time so u owe me 30mins"

"pfttttt" Kelly laughed "dad are u serious okay tell me what can I do for u"

"well am kinda"

"No" Kelly said with a straight face "what do u mean no"

"am tired dad, maybe some other time"

"oh, so u admit that u like it?"

"I never said I like it and I never said I didn't,now please leave I want to change"

"well change, am not disturbing u am I, after all I've seen everything".

Kelly's face turned het like a bug red tomato 🍅.her dad just laughed his way out.