Chapter 20

everyone had gone home and Kelly was in a classroom for her detention while Mr Tony sat on the teachers desk looking at her weirdly. He gave her history questions to answer and she had to be done in less than an hour, Kelly was sitting uncomfortable because of his massive stares.

' Lizzy should have reach my house by now, and not I can't make a call because of this grumpy man,I should just leave it, I already told dad about everything, he'll let Liz in' Kelly thought.

Mr Tony stood up from the desk and walked towards her.


I'd reached Kelly's home and rang the doorbell,I was expecting kel to open the door but to my surprise it was her dad. He looked at me then smiled " hey, kel told me to let you in, I think she's still in detention". "Good evening sir, thanks. it's kinda not fair, since on our first sleepover she gets to be in detention"

Liz said as she walked in, she only saw the front of Kel's house the time Kel's dad dropped her off, to think the outside was amazing.

My jaw dropped when I saw their parlor, it was surprisingly huge, kel didn't tell me that she was this rich.There was a lot of paintings, and a huge screen TV, like times 3 of mine, a diamond chandelier, and a big fan in the middle of the ceiling.

Her dad took me to Kel's room, kinda of girlish which I loved, pink walls with stickers on it, a purple bed with rainbow coloured pillows there were three other doors in the room, one was the bathroom,so cool the other was her closet and dressing room with was filled with expensive looking cloths and the last shocked me even more, it was filled with designer shoes,bags and makeup.

If felt so jealous for a moment.Kelly was living like a princess. "I guess I'll leave you to this" Xander said as he shut the door.

Liz was wearing her SpongeBob's pajamas. She looks cute but yet sexy.