Chapter 22

Kelly's pov:

Kelly was starting to feel irritated by this man, why was he rubbing her shoulders.

This time he crossed the line, he moved his hands to Kelly's breast and squeezed it, faster than lightening she stood up and slapped him hard on his face. "how dare you,I respect you as a teacher sir but that doesn't give you right to touch me anyhow you want and this doesn't stay between us, I am going to report you to the school board, Kelly grabbed her bag and was about to leave when,he grabbed her hand and tossed her to the wall.

Kelly hit her head hard and fell down, Mr Tony was grinning evilly "I've had my eyes on you miss Kelly Anderson and your lateness was a perfect excuse to get this close to you, don't worry I wont hurt you, I just want to make you happy, make you feel pleasure".

He told her as he bent down to look at her.

"how dare you, I just lost all respect I had for you, I trus....." her lips were capture by Mr Tony before she could complete her sentence.