Chapter 26

' she's...she's a virgin?' he thought to himself. He smiled at her crying face and kissed her cheek.

"so that's y u behave like this,this is ur first time?" he asked her.

Lizzy nodded with her eyes still closed.

He trusted in and out of her. " gosh, I shouldn't have come here, I should have stayed home, he said that this wouldn't be painful" Lizzy cried out in her head.

Lizzy eyes opened the pain was gone and she started feeling awesome, it was the feeling from before when he fingered her.

Xander increased his speed making Lizzy moan loudly.

" Xa....xa....xa.....Xander.... wait" she cried out In pleasure.

Lizzy didn't know what to do.

he mind and body didn't agree with each other. Her mind says kick him off and run away but her body just wants more. Lizzy went ahead to follow her heart and moved her hip to follow him. Xander grunted he kissed her roughly and squeezed her boobs.

"wait ...I...I.... something Is...coming...wait"

"yes yes cum for me Liz...lets cum together".

soon enough they bought cummed.Xander fell to the other side of the bed as he breathe heavily he turned his head to look at Liz. but she had fainted from what they just did.

Xander cleaned her up and everywhere before Kelly arrived.