Chapter 37

The class went silent, " good morning class " Their new teacher said. Everyone was still dumbstruck by this that no one answered her.

" oh sorry class I forgot to introduce myself, my name is mrs Ellen and I am your new history teacher since your last one got fired " she said while writing her name on the board.

" fired for what ma'am?" Tiffany asked. " oh I can't say a tell you that but one thing, there will be a general assembly today and it will be announced, so I suggest you all be patient, you will be as shocked as I was when I heard it, okay now enough dilly dally and let's get on with our work, open your history textbook to page 158, we will start with...."

Kelly drifted off to her thought. " why was he fired, could it no no... maybe they somehow found out what

happened that day?... nahhh...Kelly stop thinking about that, no one can find out ...but if they do find out what happened that night when Mr tony and I?..... ugh" she Shaked her thoughts away and tried to focus in class.

She wasn't able to focus well in her other classes ,she was still wondering about what happened to him. During lunch, when every student stood in line to get their food, Lizzy noticing she had been half minded the whole time " Kelly are you okay? " "hmm...yes I am, is there anything?" "oh well nothing, you have been spaced out since this morning, is anything bothering you?" "hmm not really but thanks for asking" "sure".

They grabbed their food and headed towards their table, a group of boys blocked their way smirking at both of them. "please excuse" Lizzy said and intended to move when Aden the so called leader of their group grabbed her hand and pulled her back "where are you going beautiful" he said.

"let go of me " she screamed at him but he didn't budge instead he tighted his grip on her arm, " let go" she shouted at him again "come on babe, let's skip the food , if you're hungry I can fill you up with food way better than this" she said deeply.

She dropped her plate on the table beside her and said. " thanks but am not interested, maybe find yourself a slut who can do as you please not let go asshole", he pointed his other finger on her face and said " hey watch your tone or you might just get hurt.

He continued squeezing her arm tightly, She screamed for help but no one dared to go up against Aden who was known as the king of the school, whose father has a share of the school.

They kept making fun of her pushing her around when a hard blow landed on Aden's face making him fall to the ground. Everything happened so fast Lizzy did not have time to process it, she raised her head up to look at and thank her savior, she widen her eye in shock, she never thought this would happen in a million years. how could he?

Send comments on who you think it is.Oh and Merry Christmas to all my fans ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💃 ⛄ 💜 💜 💜