chapter 40

"I have been maltreating a lot of girl and been using them and I would like to apologize for it for it was an addiction and now I would like to repent of the evil deeds I had done to you"

"Mr. tony can you please get to the main point' "Am sorry sir, I have been using my abuse of power to punish girls with detention even if what they did was meaningless or they didn't do anything at all and after everyone had gone home, I will remain with the girl till late and then blackmail her or trick her into having sex with me *students gasps* *murmurs* but I am not the only guilty party because some willingly have sex or even be the one to ask for sex but the rest are forced, my first victim was amni from senior class12E when I was teaching them history and she was chewing gum loudly and I gave her detention, during detention I sat in front of her reviewing today lessons when she removed her top exposing her breasts she kept doing more seductive things till i lost it and had sex with her but she also wanted it and it was not rape.

there are many others too but to save time I'll just call out their name.

Rian, candy, silver, Amanda, Raya, Preetis, Aliyah, Linda, Kendall..."

He kept on calling the girls name and Kelly was sweaty and shaking waiting for her name to be called.

"and Elizabeth that's all" my tony said. Kelly was dumbfounded by this, he didn't call her name, she looked at him and found that she was staring intensely at her before he looked away. "What's mr tony thinking" she tried to read his facial expression to know what he was thinking but he held on to his stern cold look.

"Well everyone say you farewell to mr tony cause this is the last day you will see him in this institution" the principal stated.

We all bowed to him and told him "farewell sir, thank you for the Knowledge you have impacted in us, we hope to see you again thank you" but this time we might not see again.

A man escorted me tony out of tree school, the principal then turned to us "those of you who's name was mentioned please report to my office immediately after this assembly and don't make me call you or your punishment will be worse" the principal said and he walked out.

Everywhere was scattered as everyone rushed into their class in orderly, the whole school became noisy, while some girls are crying others are shouting in disgust, some quiet, some laughing and making the matters worse.

While I just sat there absent minded ask Izzy kept on ranting as how she was right that there was something fishy about him.

"Kelly?, is everything all right"

Lizzy jerked me out of my thoughts "hmm yeah yeah… am good"

Lizzy shrugged her shoulder and took her bottle to drink water.

The day then went on with us usual activities, but mr tony was still in the mind of some people.