Absorb energy

With energy? " Luk made a slight movement and gently squeezed the energy ball with his fingertips.

Nodding peacefully, she can feel that this thing contains a lot of energy. If she takes it, it may increase her own energy.

After she said this idea, Luc handed the energy ball to Anning, "In this case, if you eat it, you may increase your energy."

He looked at the energy ball calmly, and finally shook his head slightly. "Even if this thing can increase my energy, it must be a drop in the bucket. Why don't you take it and see what effect it will have?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and stared at the energy ball.

Quietly frowned, and said in a solemn voice, "Don't forget, we are tied to a boat at the moment, and we must help each other. Since energy balls can be found in the body of a cadaver dog, it means that these things will appear one after another in the future. I don't want you to do anything you regret for it."

Everyone was surprised when they heard the news. In this end of life, things that can bring strength to themselves are indeed too precious, but the sentence of peace is even more true. These things will appear one after another in the future. If it is difficult to compete with one person, it is necessary for the whole team to improve its strength.


"Then who is more suitable to take this energy ball?" Mahan asked.

He thought for a while, looked at the fat fish, and said, "Since the fat fish and the smoker are the weakest here, and the fat fish found this thing, I think he should take it."

The fat fish opened his mouth wide. Why didn't he think that such a good thing could happen to him?

"Friend... are you kidding?" Fat fish can't believe it.

Quietly took the energy ball in Luc's hands and handed it to Fatty Fish, "I think it is safer to start from the weakest person to promote, and when everyone gets the strength, the loot of who will kill in the future will belong to him. Do you have any opinions?"

With these words, she swept her eyes one by one from the faces of all the people, letting those eager hearts gradually settle down.

"I have no problem." Luc nodded, and he also agreed with the idea of peace. These weak people cannot always rely on everyone to protect them. If they improve their combat effectiveness, they will save us a lot of trouble.

"I agree." Mahan nodded. Anyway, this thing was killed peacefully. No one was entitled to question it if she was willing to give it to anyone.

The heavy smoker took out his cigarette and lit one. "Let Fatty eat." Anyway, according to the meaning of tranquility, he is the next one to improve his strength. Of course, he has no problem.

The reason why Anning didn't give the energy ball to her parents and family is to avoid estrangement. It is not too late for her parents to take the spoils when she plays them.

In this way, the fat fish took the energy ball unsteadily and swallowed it into the stomach in everyone's nervous eyes.

When he got up, he did not feel much. The fat fish looked puzzled and winked in peace. I wonder if it is effective for ordinary people to eat it.

Suddenly, the fat fish felt cold in his body, and he was as pale as dead!

Everyone was stunned. Even peace was very nervous. She did not know what effect these things would have after swallowing them, let alone whether ordinary people could accept energy.

The fat fish began to shake vigorously and fell to the ground slowly. Everyone was surprised and quickly surrounded. The big smoker threw away the cigarette, frowned and asked, "Fatty, how are you?"

The fat fish stared at the sky with wide eyes, without any response.

Peace of mind sank.

Watching the fat fish's body gradually cold down, he was nailed to the spot peacefully, and could not move any more!

The big smoker put his finger on the tip of the fat fish's nose, then slowly raised his head and said in a trembling voice, "... dead, dead."

She fell to the ground peacefully and killed Zhao Yu

All the people were stunned at the place. Xiaoye sobbed even more. Anping was also turned around by the uncle and others with their eyes covered and dared not look again.

"Peace, it's not your fault." When Luc turned his eyes, he saw that his peaceful face was bloodless and fell to the ground. He opened his mouth and said.

She didn't reply, but just stared at the fat fish 'corpse'

But at that moment, a voice suddenly came into everyone's ears, "Friend, are you swollen?"

She stared at her eyes in peace, and there was an infinite surprise in her eyes. "Fatty fish, you are not dead?"

At this time, the fat fish had already supported the ground and sat up. His pale face also slowly recovered its color. He looked at the people with doubts, "I'm fine. I was cold just now, but now I'm all right."

With these words, the fat fish stood up and exercised his muscles and bones. All his bones suddenly made a crackling sound.

The fat fish clenched his fist in surprise. "It seems that it really works. It seems that his strength has increased!" With that, he walked to a small tree with a thick mouth and punched it!

The little tree clicked and broke!

Everyone looked at the fat fish in surprise. How much strength did it take to break the small tree with one fist?

Luo Xin had just been patted by a corpse dog, and at this time, her life was still surging. She nodded and said, "The corpse dog has great strength. I think Zhao Yu must have inherited the strength of the corpse dog."

Everyone nodded and looked at the fat fish admiringly.

However, the smoker suddenly asked, "It seems that the corpses and zombies killed before have not found anything like energy balls in their bodies?"

A brother of Mahan immediately took a knife to the zombie and cut its head open. There was nothing but black blood.

He waved his knife again and cut the abdomen of the zombie, but there was still nothing.

Quietly, she knew everyone's desire for power, but she still felt a little queasy when looking at the debris on the floor.

Finally, the man shook his head and sighed and walked back, "There is really nothing."

Mom An came forward at this time and said through analysis, "It seems that this kind of thing does not necessarily exist in all infected organisms. Now there are two possibilities. First, the energy ball only exists in mutant animals. Second, whether it is a mutant animal or a zombie, there is a certain probability that the energy ball appears in the body."

Quietly nodded, "I think the second possibility is relatively large. There is no such thing found in the body of the dead rat that was killed previously. Of course, we may not have noticed it."

In any case, since there can be energy balls in the body of a corpse dog, this kind of thing is bound to reappear in the future.

After packing up, they went to the destination again, carefully avoiding all the zombies, and came to my aunt's home peacefully.

Climbing through the wall, a big wolf dog rushed from the yard, barking wildly. Everyone was surprised, and finally found that the big wolf dog had no mutation!

The big dog rushed at them with a fierce face, but when he was close to the fat fish crowd, he gave a low cry. It seemed that he had met something terrible, and then he turned and ran away!

Quietly stunned, he noticed that the dog looked scared and looked at the fat fish, then turned and ran away!

There was no time to think about these things. An'ning and others trotted all the way to the window of my aunt's villa.

The curtain was pulled so tightly that we could not see the inside. She frowned and walked to the gate.

Seeing that there were no signs of fighting in the little aunt's family yard, and it was very clean, Ann put her heart down slightly.

When he reached the door, he hesitated for a moment, then cut a hole in the door with his knife and looked in.

It was dark in the room. He put his hand into the hole calmly and carefully, trying to open the door from inside