so be it as well.

As soon as the quiet voice fell, a low voice of reprimand sounded in the crowd, "Peace!"

When she heard the words and turned around, she saw Wang Feng, the mother-in-law of Xiao Yi Xu Meixin.

She glanced at her quietly, without words.

Wang Feng coughed a little, and then walked out of the crowd with a straight face. She was originally a lady. When she was young, she did not seldom participate in activities on various occasions with her husband, so she was eloquent and fearless.

She looked at An'an with a straight face, then turned her eyes to Xu Meixin and Ann's mother and said, "I think what Lieutenant Liang said is very reasonable. Think about it, since everyone is a member of the team and is protected by Lieutenant Liang's power, it is also appropriate to do something within our power. If Lieutenant Liang doesn't distribute food these days, how long can so many people persist?"

Wang Feng did not know that Anning has special ability.

At that time, when Tranquility released its energy to protect itself in front of the police station, Zhang Wuling's family had already sat on the ground in fear. In addition, the scene was chaotic and the flames were burning, so they did not notice the peace surrounded by zombies and fire.

In this battle, Anning suddenly encountered an evolved red eyed zombie, and was caught unprepared. In addition, she did not know any fighting skills, so she did not play any more than ordinary abilities.

In the eyes of Lieutenant Liang and others, it is obviously an overpowering practice to rush into the zombies peacefully.

So should Wang Feng.

And now we finally find the police force, including soldiers and officers.

In this crisis of desperation, aren't these the people they expect from ordinary people?

So Wang Feng immediately agreed with Lieutenant Liang's decision. In her mind, even if Zhao Yu died, it would not be a big deal. But if she sacrificed a policeman, it would be enough to make her nervous.

The surrounding people immediately agreed, and there was a lot of talk, saying that Zhao Yu should do something for everyone.

Of course, there are also some people who understand the truth, have a good conscience, and see things through without saying a word, because they know that the social system has been broken at the beginning of the end of the world, and no matter what police or soldiers, they are just like refugees, just fleeing!

They only rely on their sophisticated weapons and strength to dominate the mountain and control their common people at this juncture.

Or maybe, just because people like them can't escape here, they let them eat and drink here with the idea that there will be more people and more power in the future.

Most of the food and water were collected from their homes or supermarkets nearby, but were confiscated by Lieutenant Liang.

To put it bluntly, everyone was trapped here, and Lieutenant Liang provided them with a place to rest.

They may be the first people to die in the future. This can be seen from Lieutenant Liang's treatment of women and children.

Is it far from starvation to be fed three times a day?

Just because everyone is blinded by this fear of impending death, and can feel a sense of security for this kind of constrained and responsible life, we don't think about these problems.

Like tranquility and others, they do not believe that these policemen can risk their lives and sacrifice themselves to save them when the social system is broken.

So some people lowered their heads and didn't follow the crowd.

Fat Fish smiled angrily. He looked at Lieutenant Liang with a big grin and said, "Friend, I said that you are not sick? When did I rely on you to protect me? I think I brought more goods and materials than you put together. It's better for you to sit back and enjoy your success. Now you still want me to work hard. Do you dream?"

Lieutenant Liang gave a cold snort, and the voices around him became quiet. He said in a deep voice, "Well, we don't need to protect you? Then you can go now and take away all the old and young people!"

Fat Fish was waiting to speak again, but she was interrupted by a peaceful hand raising. She said expressionless, "Lieutenant Liang, what you say is the water you spilled. Don't regret it in the future."

Tranquility no longer intends to pay attention to these people. For them, it is also necessary to feel no anger.

Because she is not only responsible for herself, but also for her parents and relatives, as well as a group of friends who follow her. She has no ability to manage too many people, and originally only hopes to unite forces and do something within her power.

Now, killing zombies and monsters can gain strength, which also represents that human beings have a little more hope for survival and reproduction. And she is not the savior. At least now, she is just a tiny existence struggling to survive in the end of the world.

Lieutenant Liang also laughed angrily and coldly.

Peace immediately stepped up and led people to the window opposite the first floor door, which was the back door of the police station. It was relatively weak for the zombies. If they were killed from here, they would not have a glimmer of hope.

Now, some zombies have evolved, and tranquility can't hope to attract zombies' attention with leather balls, but everyone's strength has been improved, so it's not a problem to kill a way!

However, I have a premonition that Lieutenant Liang will not let them go so easily!

Sure enough, when everyone walked to the window, guns were loaded behind them!

Lieutenant Liang's cold voice was also heard behind the crowd, "You've been eating and drinking for so many days. Do you want to go?" He didn't expect that Anning and others would dare to rush out. He wanted to keep these people. At least he had to detain the old, weak, women and children and let fatty fish and others find food.

He could see that all Mahan were soldiers, so it would be a pity to let them go?

Quiet eyes squinted, there was no turning back, and the strength in hand was secretly gathered.

Don't forget, besides decomposing objects, meteorite energy can attack from a long distance. Although her energy can only reach within 30 meters, it consumes much less energy than decomposing objects.

That is to say, this ability can be used many times. It is only more thorough than cannot be decomposed in terms of group attack power.

Of course, it was a last resort. Now she did not want to expose her ability in public.

When I think of this, I can't help sighing. In this last world, human selfishness and desire are far more terrible than those zombie monsters who only know how to eat human flesh and blood.

To be honest, facing the scene at this moment, she is a little confused. Where should she and her partners go?

Should we unite the living human beings according to the original idea, or should we go with the tide to find a large human team and join them, as now

Or simply seek strength with your partners first, and everything else will follow suit?

He breathed a sigh of relief and had an answer in his mind.

In the final analysis, she is not a saint. Let's go with luck!