Mopping up

Since it snowed, all the zombies have been slow and deaf to foreign objects. Although Ning and others do not understand the mystery, they know it is a great happiness.

At least for human beings, this is an exciting thing.

Although the zombies are likely to recover after the snow stops, at least they have been given enough time.

Quietly speculated, perhaps at the beginning of the end, after the earth was hit, some substance in the atmosphere changed its quality through mutual impact, which led to the difference between the weather, rain and snow?

It was just like the inexplicable fire rain that caused heavy damage to the earth, and then the sky was yellow, with dark red mixed in the yellow

She doesn't understand these things. Neither chemistry nor geography is her specialty, so she can only guess and doubt secretly. There is no substantive answer.

Ignoring this, they hurried to several military vehicles, a total of five vehicles, just as Mahan and his four brothers were driving one, and the rear compartment was spacious. If they were just sitting, only one vehicle would be needed to sit down the remaining 13 people.

Taking advantage of the snow, people decided to clean up the gas station first, because this kind of car uses a lot of fuel. If there is not enough gasoline, it may be given to people when they are still in the wilderness.

In this way, they raided several gas stations in S City and carried barrels of gasoline into the carriages. Then they cleaned up the large and medium-sized supermarkets in S City and carried things into the carriages one by one. There were just two cars piled up!

The action like robbery made people feel very happy. It has been a long time since they walked in the street with such boldness. They only encountered some small problems when searching the last supermarket.

Those zombies in the supermarket who were not caught in the heavy snow were still acting as usual, without any delay. Fortunately, the number was small, and peaceful people did not suffer a big loss when they hurried to deal with it.

However, they did not suffer losses in the hands of the zombies, but were raided by a group of human beings when they were searching the supermarket, resulting in Anping, cousin of Anning, being shot in the shoulder and passed out!

When there are no first aid facilities, medical equipment, disinfection and other protective measures, it is almost fatal to be injured.

Fortunately, there is healing power in the peaceful energy, but the bullet must be taken out first.

At this time, Anning and others are looking for shelter to cover their bodies, and then they fight with the other people behind the row of freezers opposite!

When these people were searching for supermarket goods in Anning, they opened fire in the distance. They didn't even see their faces. Anping was shot in the shoulder and passed out in pain!

This made Ning very angry. She knew that in this end of life, human life had become so fragile and insignificant, and the indifference and selfishness of human nature were completely revealed. Zombies may not be their greatest enemy, but their greatest enemy may be the same species as human beings!

In such a time of lack of water and resources, human beings may kill their companions for goods in exchange for the chance to live. Although they have lived peacefully in peaceful times, this does not prevent her from understanding the horror of human nature.

The delivery with the other party lasted for ten minutes, because the soldiers from the peaceful side accounted for half of the total, so the advantage has been shown. At this time, two people from the other party have fallen down in a pool of blood!

Peace glanced at the left front. There was a corpse that had been bitten by a zombie. The zombie had just been destroyed by Luc and others. I think that the corpse should be the companion of this pedestrian!

A closer look shows that all the other people and horses are wearing security uniforms. Peace guesses that they should be the security guards in the supermarket, and they were trapped here after the end of life.

Just after the third person on the other side fell down and couldn't stand up, a desperate cry came from the other side, "We surrender! We surrender!"

Hearing this, An'ning and others put away their weapons, but Mahan reached out to stop people from going out. He took off his coat, threw it out, and then the gunshot started!

The coat thrown by Mahan was pierced by the other party!

Tranquility's face changed. It turned out that the other side was pretending to surrender, and wanted to lure them out, and then shot them!

At the same time, at the moment when the other side's gunshot sounded, Mahan also stretched out his arm and fired repeatedly according to the firing point of the other side, and immediately there were several screams and the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Mahan put away his pistol and made a gesture to his brother. Several men surrounded each other's bodies in four ways. Seeing that they were all dead, Mahan cursed, "Shit, you were still in your womb when I was playing with guns!"

The peaceful people also straightened up and walked out of the bunker. She didn't speak, but walked quickly to the newly sorted materials, loaded them, and pushed them out. She said, "Anping's wound needs to be treated quickly, or it will be troublesome if she loses too much blood."

Everyone hurriedly lifted up their things and ran outside the supermarket. Just after running out of the supermarket, they found that the snow had stopped slowly!

On the street, the zombies made a low grunt in their throats, and then turned their heads one after another to look at the living people who appeared boldly in the street!

The people were shocked and realized that the zombies had regained consciousness. They saw the zombies running towards the people with sharp fangs at the exit. Everyone screamed and ran to the car, opened the door, opened the door of the car, and rushed in!

The more urgent it is, the easier it is to get into trouble. Fortunately, all the people driving are soldiers with excellent quality, so the car starts smoothly. Luo Xin holds a machine gun, pulls the trigger repeatedly, and shoots the zombies rushing forward to cover for his companions who are climbing onto the car!

Aunt Liu Li and Uncle ran slowly with Anping in their arms. They were almost trapped by the zombies. Anning ran back with a knife and entangled with the crowds of zombies. Uncle and Aunt also took the opportunity to run to the car and put Anping into the carriage first. Uncle turned back and shouted, "Anping! Run!"

"You go first!" He roared in peace and raised his knife to cut into a zombie's neck! When Yu Guang swept away, dozens of zombies poured out of the street corner, threatening to surround everyone!

The fat fish, who was carrying four heavy plastic bags, just dropped the bags on the ground. When he came to his senses, he realized that these were all life-saving materials in the future, and then squatted down to pick up those things and put them into the bag.

Because of his pause, the zombies have surrounded him and trapped him!

Fat Fish has no weapons in his hands. The knife was still in the car before. He only has a pistol in his arms and has not learned to use it.

Pull the insurance like Ma Han and others. The fat fish roared and pulled the trigger. He fired several shots, but it was useless to hit the right place, which further angered the zombies!

Fat Fish looked at the nearby zombies in despair, but he was still fighting with the zombies on the other side. It was more than ten meters away. It was too late to rescue!