home base

In the twinkling of an eye, half a year passed in a hurry, and Anning has become more and more qualified as a leader, but also more taciturn, more decisive, and more ruthless.

The base has been built well, and the city is high and solid.

The whole project went very smoothly because of the guidance of professionals in the team.

The base is much larger than Anning imagined. Instead of circling a residential building near the school, it has encircled nearly half of the city. Of course, it also took a lot of effort to clean up the zombies, even killing and injuring countless refugees.

Zombies are becoming more and more powerful, and monsters are becoming more and more crazy. They are constantly evolving and improving. However, human beings can only struggle to protect themselves while seeking their own strength, which is a very sad thing to say.

And Old Man Li and other villagers also led us to plant the land together. The seeds from the peaceful mopping up are very useful. At least, they let everyone live a self-sufficient life in this besieged city.

Outside the besieged city, there are zombies from time to time. The original tall buildings have already been rusted. The waste on the ground has already dried up and rotted. The city has been thoroughly decadent, and everywhere is desolate.

This is already a hot summer. Because of the proposal of the designer Feiyu, a solid corridor was built from one side of the besieged city to the river outside the city, from which people can go out to fetch water, wash, etc.

It's just that the distance is too far, and the cars in the city are limited, so we simply got a lot of bicycles and other means of transportation in the city. In the past six months, all the people in the base have had the experience of killing zombies, and most of them have swallowed the most basic white energy ball, and have a certain combat capacity. In general, everything is relatively satisfactory.

The peaceful friends have reached a deep red state by eating energy balls.

Now we have understood that the energy level really needs color to distinguish. Except that peace has reached light yellow, everyone else is in a deep red state.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and each color has three levels of light, medium, and deep. The darker the color, the stronger the strength to reach this color.

For example, if both of them have red eye strength, then the light red person must be a newcomer to the red eye ranks and must be defeated by the strong person with dark red strength.

Of course, light red is called the lower level of red eye, medium red is the middle level of red eye, and dark red is the upper level of red eye.

These are all the words of an orange eyed superior who escaped from the outside a month ago, but he was dying when he escaped to An'ning. On that day, he went out to hunt wild animals, which made him unable to escape death.

But he has brought a lot of external information to Anning and others.

It turns out that after months of hard struggle, human beings have formed one team after another. They accept and protect the weak, but the weak must work for them, find food, and make bait to lure zombies. This is a trade.

In the end, women were completely bullied by others. Now it is common to exchange women for food and cigarettes. Even ten women can exchange for a piece of leather armor!

Now zombies and corpse monsters are rampant outside. The higher the level of monsters, the more intelligent they are. Some even command low-level monster groups to attack humans. The human condition is very bad.

Even the plants in some places have changed. This is what she saw with her own eyes, that is, the forest in the west of the city where she hunted animals in her early days. When spring came and everything recovered, the trees did not produce green shoots, but became blood red. The branches can stretch and shrink freely, insert into human skulls, and suck brains!

One of the soldiers who had been brought to peace died under such a tree!

On this day, Luo Xin led everyone to finish the training and walked straight into a building made of solid cement. This is the base for peaceful people, and outsiders can't go in and out at will.

The base is just a solid concrete building, which is not painted outside. It looks very simple and has no appearance that the leader should have in his residence. However, at the beginning, Anning just laughed, "It's good to be solid.".

However, the interior layout was quite comfortable. Luo Xin walked into the building, and her high-heeled shoes made a clattering sound when she stepped on the ground. She walked straight up to the second floor, her arms gently swinging, and her face was expressionless.

Finally, she knocked on the inner door of the second floor.

A faint voice came from inside, "Come in."

Luo Xin shook her head and smiled. She knew that tranquility never had the habit of locking the door. She immediately opened the door and walked into the house.

"Captain, today's training is over. What can I do for you?" Now everyone in the whole base has the same name for peace.

She nodded peacefully, took red wine from one side and poured a glass for Luo Xin. She knew that Luo Xin liked this

In an instant, Luo Xin shook her wrist and nearly landed with her wine cup!

An'ning didn't look at the wine glass, but casually stretched out his right hand and held the wine glass that fell in the air in his palm. She smiled and said, "Be careful."

Luo Xin returns to her senses and does not go to pick up the wine glass, but looks at the tranquility and asks, "Depart?"

Although I had thought that this day would come, I did not expect that it would come so quickly. I'm afraid that those who have not experienced the end of the world will never realize how hard this peace of mind environment was won.

Leave here, just like everyone else, to enter this completely changed world, this dark, bloody, full of strange times!

Quietly nodded, closed his eyes, and leaned against the sofa. "Yes, the world is changing. We should not live in a corner. It is inevitable to step on the path of the strong."

Luo Xin turned to the window, looked at the children running and laughing on the open lawn under the sunset, looked at the men who sprinkled water and cultivated land, and the women who washed clothes and talked and laughed, and finally sighed, "Shall we... leave?" For more than half a year, Luo Xin has been integrated here. She likes to hear children's laughter. Every sound of Sister Luo makes her smile from the bottom of her heart.

But now, do you want to go?

"You will inform everyone later that those who do not want to go with me can stay to guard their homes. Those who are willing to go, now pack up their things and we will leave tomorrow." She spoke quietly, but the words were so loud that people could understand that she was no longer the little girl who touched the stone to cross the river.

Luo Xin nodded gently, then turned and left the room. Her mind kept replaying the previous words of peace, and finally just smiled and sighed, "She really grew up..." She grew into a leader who didn't need to ask others for advice on everything, and grew into a leader who was decisive and never sloppy

An hour later, all the people who had come with the peace gathered in the peaceful room.

Tranquility looked up from the documents on the desktop, and instead of discussing the complicated problem that made everyone feel, she asked, "How long can we keep food?"

Luc, who was sitting by to wipe the pistol, raised his head. "It's enough to last for half a year. In another three months, we can harvest in autumn. Don't worry about the food problem."

Looking at Luc calmly, after six months of wind, frost, rain and snow, Luc's changes are also very obvious. His handsome cheeks are covered with stubble, which shows the vicissitudes of life, but brings him a little unexpected flavor.

He nodded and looked at Han Ye, who had grown taller. He smiled quietly and asked, "What strength has Ye gained? It's time for everyone to listen to what he has kept secret for so long?"

Han Ye and Anping have been going out early and coming back late alone since three months ago, saying that they want to increase their strength and keep their strength secret. No wonder Anning has asked about this now.

Xiaoye smiled proudly, looked at everyone, and replied happily, "Sister Anning, I have reached the orange eye stage, and Anping has also reached the red eye stage. It is estimated that the breakthrough to the orange eye is not far away!"

Everyone was amazed! Unexpectedly, she unexpectedly cultivated her strength to the level of orange eyes alone. Although she always knew that Han Ye was the most hardworking person in the crowd, she did not expect that she would miss a big festival for everyone!

Mahan patted his forehead and muttered, "Grandma, let the girl fall. It seems I have to work hard!" During this period of time, he only focused on serving as the coach of everyone and building the Self Defense Force with Luo Xin, but he didn't expect to be left behind by Han Ye!

Luc smiled and said something unexpected to tranquility, "I also broke through the red eye last night and reached the present stage of orange."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Luc again. Unexpectedly, this guy was always silent and secretly left everyone behind.

The smile on the peaceful face is getting bigger and bigger, and the strength of the partners is greatly increased, which is tantamount to a few more chances for survival in the future.

The fat fish curled his mouth and muttered, "My friend, are you too boring? I doubt that the monsters with energy balls nearby have killed you!"

The heavy smoker cast a scornful glance at him, stamped out the cigarette butt, and said, "Don't complain if you don't have the ability."

"When I say smoking gun, why do you still say four character idioms? What kind of language do you play with me?" The fat fish choked back unwillingly.

Qijie shook her head slightly and said helplessly, "Can you two be a little decent one day? How old are you? You only know how to bicker!"

When the classical beauty spoke, they were very proud of themselves. They immediately stopped talking, but neither of them bought the other's account.

He put away his smile and said quietly, "Luo Xin should have told everyone just now whether to leave or stay. You want to tell me clearly."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Luc broke the silence first, his voice was still as usual without any fluctuation, but he said very clearly, "I will go with you."

Tranquility looked up at him, but saw that he was still wiping the gray black love gun in his hand.