Cigarettes and beer

The people in the fence took the cigarettes and immediately smiled. They had just seen the heavy smoker lighting cigarettes for the head. Although they were greedy, they did not dare to go out.

I didn't expect the leader to be so generous.

The men led Liang Gui and his party into the fence, but no one stopped them. Since the leaders agreed, they naturally did not dare to say anything more. What's more, they just received benefits from others. As the saying goes, taking people is short, eating people is shortest.

In this way, Anning and others entered t County smoothly. According to the leader, they did not dare to let people in. The most important reason is that, besides food shortage, a group of people came a few days ago with high strength. After they mixed into the county, they stole the grain depot. Fortunately, they were limited in number and the amount of grain they took was also very limited. However, they also caused considerable losses in today's food shortage.

After that, the county issued a death order, never allowing outsiders to enter t county again!

This is also the main reason why Anning and others are blocked today.

After knowing this situation, he nodded quietly, sighed again that people are not old enough, and reminded himself to be more careful when walking outside.

After entering t county, we found that, as the leader said, there were signs of being bombed everywhere, bones everywhere, buildings collapsed, roads were destroyed, roads were very difficult to walk, and garbage was everywhere.

Compared with S City half a year ago, it is more depressed here.

Accompanied by the leader and his two brothers, they went straight to the busy road where the Mahan family lived. They found that there was no way to get a foot out of it. Small white buildings had collapsed, and there was no way to hide!

What can we do!

All of them stared at the mess in front of them. Although they had been prepared for it, they saw Mahan as a man, but their eyes were red now, and they didn't know what to say.

"Brother, I told you that this piece had been bombed long ago. Alas! I guess..." The leader didn't say anything later, because it was really easy to attack the man in front of him.

"Let's go to the base. Maybe they have escaped to the base!" Mahan's voice was a little choked. He had seen that the situation in t county was under control, but he suddenly felt that maybe his hope was not so slim, but now

This mood of ups and downs made Mahan's eyes red.

Looking at the bombed buildings in particular, he remembered his past life more clearly. He had never left t county since he was born. Except for later enlistment, he was transferred to s city, where he spent all his childhood and youth.

Here are his father, mother, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and a pair of younger sisters in bloom!

"No!" The leader immediately interrupted Mahan's thoughts and refused, "It's all right to let you in. If you enter the base, how can I explain it?"

Mahan turned around and said, "You must have a way. Take us in and I'll look around. If not, I'll admit it!"

The leader's face turned red with anxiety. He felt that he had entered the tiger's jaws. Now he did not promise, nor did he promise. If this group of people wanted to rush over and expose themselves, they would be afraid that the last thing would happen again, and he would never be able to atone for his sins!

At this time, Tranquility put her hand into her backpack and produced a can of beer. Then she took it out. A series of actions seemed like beer taken out of the bag.

She went forward, handed the beer to the leader, and said with a smile, "Brother, you are going to do what you want to do, and try to help us get into the camp. If we can't find anyone, we will never embarrass you again. How about leaving immediately?"

The leading man did not expect that they still had wine on them. He was immediately stunned. When he responded, he found that the wine had been taken unconsciously.

It's not his fault. It's really because of the environment. Now life is too difficult. The benefits of smoking and drinking are more exciting than the gift of 100000 yuan before the end of life.

Don't forget, this is a time when there is no money to spend.

At this time, a team of men and horses wearing leather armor came out of the street. The leader immediately hid behind the ruins with a group of peaceful people and whispered, "These people are patrolling on the street. It's bad if they find them!"

The crowd nodded silently. After those people left, they quietly got up from the ruins. The leader sighed, turned around, looked at the crowd and said, "I have a way to bring you in, but this time you have to do what you say. You must leave before dark, otherwise things will become big!"

Mahan nodded, "If I can't find someone, I'll leave immediately. If I can find someone, you can help me find a way to take them away."

The leader nodded and said, "That's OK. It's OK to lose two people. The worst thing is to say you left. But if you are found, the consequences will be serious!"

Seeing the leader repeatedly saying that the consequences were serious, An'ning and others had to reassure. Then they went on the road, bypassing the patrol team in the county, and walked to the camp in the center of the county.

The camp is also surrounded by a circle of big fences, with the county government as the center, and the surrounding area is expanded to form a circle. Then all the refugees are put in tents and settled inside. Every day, some people send porridge to barely fill their stomachs. Especially now, food is scarce and they can not communicate with the outside world. The refugees eat rice porridge like thin water every day, which is becoming thinner and thinner.

However, the good news here is that it can avoid the invasion of zombies and monsters, which gives people a place of peace of mind, so we also accepted this life.

An'ning and others put on rags, tied a white cloth on their chest, and walked into the refugee camp with the leader.

Quietly frowning, this look, how can you see, has a sense of running and mourning.

Anyway, the people finally got in smoothly. Later, An'ning and others followed the leader in the camp. From the way others greeted him, this petty leader didn't have a high position in the camp, so he was sent to guard the border gate.

"I said, Lao Liu, it's not dark yet and the shift hasn't been handed over. Why did you come back?" When An'ning and others were looking into the tent in front of them, a voice interrupted their movements.

Gao Wei and others were too obvious. They hurriedly spread out to the side, covered themselves with tents, or simply sat on the spot to show that they were basking in the sun.

The man didn't pay attention, but he just looked at the leader called Lao Liu, the little leader who brought peace and others in.

Liu Hai was surprised, and his smile was a little stiff. He looked back at the tall, thin, middle-aged man. "Oh, I came back to find something. I have arranged someone to take my shift. You don't sleep at this point. Why do you come out and do nothing?"

The man seemed to show a slight contemptuous smile and said casually, "With your casual attitude, how can the leader serve you as a team leader? I can tell you, if you want to continue like this, you should be responsible for anything."

Liu Hai breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I must be responsible for something that happened in my class. Is it difficult to find you responsible? Well, I still have something to do. Let's go first."

As he said this, Liu Hai turned around, and his back was already in a cold sweat. This man was his enemy, and he was against him everywhere. If he found himself leading people in, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The peaceful people had already scattered. The refugee camp was not small, at least 800 people. It was normal that they did not know each other. But these leaders often wandered in the camp, and it was inevitable to see when they met strangers.

The tall thin man then turned his eyes to see the peaceful people, frowned and shouted, "Come here, you guys!"

He was a little stunned, and Liu Hai also stopped leaving. He thought it was bad. Why did he not expect that the refugee camp was all skinny and sallow? Few girls like them have white and rich skin!

An'ning and others didn't know that they were short of food to this extent before, so they didn't take this into account. Liu Hai even didn't take this into account. The so-called details determine success or failure. At this time, he was deeply regretful, touched a can of beer in his arms, and immediately had an idea.

He suddenly turned around, and a can of beer in his arms suddenly fell to the ground. Then his face changed and he hurried to pick up the beer, which was already seen by the tall and thin man.

He strode to the fringe, grabbed his wrist and said in surprise, "Beer? Where did you come from?"

Seeing that the tall and thin man did not speak out, but lowered his voice, Liu Hai knew that his plan had worked. He suddenly showed an uneasy expression, "I said Lao Wang, you..."

"I asked you where you came from! You stole it from the leader?" The tall, thin man stared at Lao Liu and asked.

Liu Hai hurriedly waved his hand, "How can I? How can I? I picked it up from the ruins. It was because I picked it up that I wanted to steal it and send it back. Don't make a noise to me!"

"Why don't I tell you that I didn't hand in this thing when I found it? Do you want to keep it for yourself? Are you ashamed to trust the leader?" The tall and thin man did not blush and gasped, but stared at the beer with greedy eyes.

The bangs wriggled the most and finally gnashed their teeth

The tall thin man hesitated a little, shook his head and said, "Give me the beer and I'll give it to the leader. If it's a big deal, I'll say I picked it up. You can't sell it!"

Liu Hai said, "Oh, can you give it to the leader?"? I'm not hiding myself. What can I say? Can we ask the leader if we can?

However, the other side's suggestion is very obvious. I can not betray you, but the wine belongs to me!

An'ning and others looked at the scene coldly. She sighed in her heart. What kind of world has become now? Just when she came into contact with a county, she saw such a scene because of a cigarette and a can of wine?

If someone told her such a thing before the end of the world, she would think the other party was crazy, right?

In the end, Liu Hai admitted that he was dead and gave the beer to the tall and thin man. However, he felt relieved, but the sense of flesh pain was very obvious. The tall and thin man turned around again, but he had lost the figures that made him suspicious just now.