
"Come back quickly. If you leave the team and are caught by a monster, you will be in trouble!" Cai Heng strode to the front.

Tranquility and Jin Ergou looked at each other face to face. Finally, Tranquility put away the food and ran to the team with Jin Ergou. Jin Ergou said, "This boy, I don't appreciate it!"

Tranquility smiled, "I like him more and more."

Jin Ergou's face changed greatly. He looked at Anning with a troubled face and said, "In fact, I think Brother Lu and Brother Zhao are both good, and this boy can't catch up with him even if he is a flatterer!"

Quietly wondering, I look at Jin Ergou. What does this have to do with Lu Ke and Zhao Zheng?

Then, he looked up quietly and smiled, "I like this guy's calm and calm, straightforward and enthusiastic. Don't you think it's very rare in this period?"

Gold Er Gou sighed, "I thought..."

Halfway through, Jin Ergou suddenly came up to her and asked in a low voice, "Sister Anning, I'm curious. Everyone can see that Brother Lu and Brother Zhao like you. What do you think?"

After a pause in his peaceful walk, he lowered his eyes and said, "Now every step is faced with the threat of death. Where can I have time to think about these children? Besides, I only have brotherhood for them, and I can't have other feelings."

The meaning of peace has been very clear. The golden dog bowed his head in disappointment and stopped asking questions.

The two returned to the team. At this time, all refugees were squatting or sitting in the team. They did not dare to stand up, and the army also ordered them to squat down, otherwise the monster would have noticed that the crowd rushed.

Monsters have a single idea. When they meet in the front, they usually only attack those soldiers. Soldiers attack with cannon and machine guns, while cultivators assist in the attack, which is usually very effective.

The team rarely encounters a large number of mutant creatures. Generally, dozens of mutants come in groups, which is the most.

Watching the cannons burst out in the open space in front of us, we can almost see the things around us without wearing night vision goggles, and people can also take the opportunity to see the faces of their relatives and friends around us. This is extremely rare when walking in the dark for five days.

Nearby, a thin old man pushed her arm. Looking back, he saw the old man ask her, "Are you the new boy?"

He nodded quietly. The old man said, "Why did Captain Cai ask you to come over just now?"

Quietly frowned, "What's the matter?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Don't get me wrong. I figured out that Captain Cai's life was in danger. I don't think you are ordinary. Captain Cai has taken good care of you. Can you help him?"

"Calculate?" He was stunned. How dare he be a fortune teller before the end of his life?

But the old man said, "Believe it or not, I have received the favor of Captain Cai, and that's all I can say!"

After being funny, she gradually frowned and looked at Jin Er Gou, who could not explain why. She fell into deep thought.

The old man doesn't seem to be joking. He can't get any benefit by deceiving himself. What's more, how dare he cheat?

He just figured it out? Is it too mysterious?

Although he doubted in his heart, Ning Ning decided to go forward to find out. After all, that young man took good care of himself, and it was not reasonable for him to die like this.

Moreover, if she encounters mutant animals and insects, she can also pick up some corpses.

In addition, the tranquility has almost recovered in the past two days. In addition to the rapid rotation of the internal vortex, the tranquility has also mastered the key points of absorbing the surrounding energy in meditation. Now the recovery is much faster than before.

In spite of the surprised eyes of the people around, she walked to the front with Jin Er Gou and passed the refugees all the way. With the light of gunfire, she felt the sufferings of people more clearly. But she could do nothing but sigh.

This strange world has not yet been fully displayed in front of her, and she also felt frightened and powerless for the unknown future.

God seems to be playing with human purely. When they just saw the hope, there was a second change, and when people were completely desperate, there was another chance of dawn.

In this way, people wander between despair and hope, ups and downs, and finally, both physically and mentally exhausted.

At this time, Anning had come to the front of the team. Several soldiers stopped Anning and shouted at Anning in the deafening gunfire, "Go back to the team! It's dangerous ahead!"

Settle down quietly and look at the battlefield. There are a large number of zombies besieging the army, but the number is not very large, just more than 30.

Not to mention, the power of weapons and cannons is really great, especially when the cultivator releases bullets with energy, the effect is very amazing! Only after the second evolution of the zombies, the heads that could be exploded with one hit of energy bullets obviously need two bullets now!

It is difficult for ordinary bullets to pierce the body and head of zombies. Unless they are fired at a range, they may not destroy their defense. But few people except practitioners have such accurate vision and attack power.

The closer they got to the crowd, the more they realized in peace that not most people became cultivators after the end of life, especially those who lived in big cities and were protected by the army. They enjoyed the protection of the army from the very beginning. They were not like those people in small places who were close to death, who generally mustered the courage to survive and developed skills.

Like those villages and towns, or some urban residents who did not resist at the beginning of the end of the world, some of them survived hard because they were lucky to eat energy balls after killing zombies, but more people died in the hands of mutant creatures.

At the earliest stage, people did not realize that the energy ball could be swallowed. Even killing zombies would not do them any good. They simply avoided for survival. Later, the matter that the energy ball could be swallowed gradually spread. However, more people wanted to increase their strength to hard touch zombies, and finally the bones were gone.

So there are very few people who really rise up and survive. Most of them are spontaneous groups or convoys organized by small towns. They cooperate with each other to kill zombies and distribute energy balls.

Although we have met many teams and strong people along the way, the real people, who account for a large proportion of human beings, are ordinary people or low-level red eyed strong people.

There are only more than ten practitioners above the orange level in this team. Why are they fighting? Naturally, it is for the army's food, and for the sake of seeking refuge in the army in the future.

More than thirty zombies were killed by the cultivators and the army without half an hour's effort. They frowned in peace and did not find any great danger. The old man really pretended to be a ghost.

The soldiers who blocked themselves began to drive people out impatiently and acted rudely. They even took up the handlebar of a long gun and hit Anning's back, but the latter dodged. He knew that most of these soldiers regarded ordinary people as people. Although people were sheltered by the army, they also suffered from their evil spirit.

After the end of the world, the army expanded massively and joined many local ruffians and hooligans. Although they fought bravely for food, they also committed many evil deeds. For example, most of the women in the army had a very sad fate.

Gradually, this kind of behavior also formed the so-called unspoken rule. Although it is impossible for soldiers to give food to women in exchange, as long as soldiers fight bravely, refugees will give women to reward soldiers, even senior officers will turn a blind eye. Finally, during the war, men need to vent, otherwise it is easy to explode camps, collapse of people's hearts and other chaos.

I don't know whether other migration teams are like this in the dark, but this team we saw in peace is like this

After the battle, Commander Zhao ordered the army to speed up, so as to avoid the second wave of mutant creatures attacking the huge noise just now!

She only walked back to the team angrily. In addition to seeking shelter to recover her strength, the other purpose of joining the team was to think that she could meet cockroaches or other insects, so that she could take advantage of them. Don't forget that the shells of those insects are very hard. Collecting them to refine armor can naturally play an unexpected role.

But in the past, things went against my wishes. Along the way, I encountered several battles, but all of them were zombies.

The team marched again, but they were forced to stop again without going back to their own team in peace. There was an emergency whistle in front of them, and all people consciously squatted down. What happened today? They were attacked by two groups of mutant creatures!

An'ning heard Commander Zhao yelling at the top of his voice, "It's a beetle. Be careful!"

The Beatles? Tranquility's eyes sank. She once met this kind of thing in the forest. At that time, she was surrounded by more than a dozen such insects and nearly died under the siege. The shell of this kind of thing was several times harder than that of cockroaches, and its attack power was extremely strong. That time, they were eating the withered bark. They were surprised by the sudden intrusion of Tranquility's two men, and then began the siege!

After surviving peacefully, she walked out of the forest and met this team, so she said she remembered the Beatles very well!

Quickly walked to the front of the team. The soldiers were furious when they saw An'ning coming again and drove her back to the middle of the team. At this time, the Beatles had broken the first wave of defense of the army and rushed into the middle of the soldiers!

The initial ammunition and even cannons could not hurt their bodies, and the bullets of those cultivators could not penetrate their shell defense, so they were finally forced into close combat!

In close combat, the cultivators use energy to wrap the blade and stab it straight. They often stab several times before breaking their shell defense, but it is far from damaging the worm!

This time, there were only six beetles, but they lost dozens of soldiers' lives and the lives of two strong practitioners!

However, there are still four bugs attacking desperately, which is obviously red eyed.

When the Zhao Regiment grew up, it roared and fired, and the soldiers shot dead on the armored vehicles. Cai Heng was also ordered by the commander of the Zhao Regiment to lead a team of men and horses into the Beatles' battle circle!