Chapter 17 : The Great Escape, part 2

The head of clan Dra'ig sat alone in his office, thinking about the disasters occurring in the capital one after the other. The increase in terror groups, Adam's attack on the palace, and now the grand library break-in. these instances can't be unrelated he thought, perhaps the great spirits were angered by the demons' lack of devotion, or perhaps it was in preparation for the coming of the red harvest once more…he shivered at that thought.

"the folly of the Ash'ai clan and the meddling of that old snake Onvyr must've brought this upon us…they have invoked the ire of the great spirits with their careless actions."

His long white hair and beard served as a mask to hide a few of the many scars adorning his face and body, scars he earned fighting many grueling battles alongside his clansmen.

"death and starvation plague this land yet none of the other clans care. They squabble like children in a bid to increase their own standing, disregarding the will of the spirits along the way…I fear that their punishment would be too severe for us to handle once more."

The white-haired demon was deep in thought when a knock on the door pulled him up from the pit of anger and spite he was sinking deeper into. He shook his head and pinched his nose bridge, trying to clear his head before welcoming the unexpected visitors.

"come in"

The door swung open on his command and a demon walked in along with two of his guards. An air of authority and pride followed him as he walked, sending shivers down the spines of any who would think to oppose him.

"greetings Guardian Raou, I apologize for coming unannounced but I'm afraid the matter I am here to discuss is of grave importance."

"I did not know who was behind that door, but I certainly didn't expect it to be you Sariel. What business would the head of the Ash'ai clan have with me I wonder."

Sariel and his guards instantly noticed the hint of sarcasm and mockery Raou purposefully injected into his words.

"have I offended you somehow guardian? If so then I do apo—"

"there is no need"

Raou stood up from his seat, revealing the full might of his armor-clad body. The stained, cracked armor he donned was unfit for combat, let alone for high-class social meetings, but he wore it nonetheless. He was the most dedicated of the Dra'ig clan, and as such he practiced every single tradition of theirs with great zeal.

His armor was more than just a tool for him, the Dra'ig clan saw armor as a reflection of themselves and one is not to shy away from his truth, no matter how ugly and battle-scared it is. They also saw every dent and scratch as the final mark of a worthy opponent and should be as respected as their graves.

Only a few hold on to the clan's traditions as strongly as he does. Most other members are much like normal demons and secretly think that the traditions of old are outdated, but that truth never diminished Raou's own belief.

"your mouth says one thing but your eyes say another, why don't you let your guards have some time for themselves and actually speak truthfully for once in your life."

He signaled for the guards to leave but they did not move. They feared Raou's wrath, but not as much as Sariels. The fate of those who betray the Ash'ai family was an open secret amongst their ranks. Most don't know where they are taken or what happens to them, but they know that by the end of it, they will be wishing for death.

"…fine, leave us"

Sariel's stare cut through Raou like a thousand knives. The hatred and malic he usually kept beneath his mask of diplomacy climbed up to the surface, revealing his true face. The unexpected turnaround of Adam's trial and now the issue with Shiira left him furious and unable to deal with provocations as he usually could, and Raou knew it the moment he walked into his domain.

"you wish to know what I really think Raou? I think you're a pathetic failure of a demon. You hold the title of guardian yet your forces were slaughtered by that prehistoric, hornless thing at the heart of our capital, and he would've kept going had Onvyr not talked him into surrendering. Worse of all, you remained silent during its trial, you didn't even advocate for a harsher punishment. you are so close to the demon lord yet too stupid to make use of your position. Had your title not been exclusive to your clan, I would've claimed it a long time ago."

A smile of satisfaction formed on Raou's face, he hated the shallowness of Sariel and those like him, he saw it as a plague on the demon race as a whole. Truth and honesty were rare outside of battle, and even rarer within the royal capital.

He was a warrior not a politician, a demon who took life on the battlefield, not one to attend ball dances and speak politely to those who deserve no respect.

"the human was a strong warrior, my soldiers fought him bravely and died with honor. I have no hatred for him, he gave them the best death they could ask for, on the battlefield with their swords in hand… you on the other hand hate him for what he did to that son of yours, the one who's still suffering from the effects of a powerful "mental magic attack" as you put it, I personally think—."

"you better pick your next words very carefully Raou, they might just be your last."

Malic, hatred, and fury mixed within Sariel. His eyes suddenly became bloodshot from the amount of magic circulating through his body, he knew what Raou was about to say and he dreaded hearing it.

"…I think your son was simply shocked into that state by the human, I've seen it before with some inexperienced soldiers. It's almost as if the reports were falsified as if your son was outmatched and lost against the human so miserably that he was left in a state of perpetual fear… but that leaves the question of who did defeat—"


Sariel stood up, finally matching Raou's posture. the size difference between the two was staggering, but what Sariel lacked in stature he made up for in magic power.

Just when a fight seemed imminent, Raou stood back down and raised his arms up in surrender, still smiling from ear to ear.

"well, that's just speculation on my end. Perhaps your boy is under some ancient human curse, I can't lie about a warrior's courage as the great spirits watch, that would go against our faith. anyway, what matters have come here to discuss."

Raou ended the conflict as quickly as he started it, leaving Sariel even more bitter than before, however, he knew that a fight is the last thing he needs. Regardless of the winner, two clan heads fighting in the middle of the capital would be unforgivable, and they'll both become the laughingstock of the other clans.

Sariel took a deep breath and sat back down, trying to suppress his anger before speaking.

"the girl, Shiira. She was a member of my clan not too long ago, she soiled our honor with her little stunt so I'll need you to give her to me."

"the girl goes nowhere, last I heard the demon lord gave control over everything related to this case to Onvyr. So, until he gives the order she stays here, but don't worry, I have my best team guarding her."

"and I have my best team on standby waiting to transport her, but once Onvyr himself gives the word I'll hand her back over of course, so there is no need for us to—"

Suddenly the door flew open, and a guard of the Dra'ig clan appeared from beyond, interrupting Sariel's speech.

"we have an emergency sir, the prisoner escaped somehow. the cell is still locked but she isn't there, we looked all over the place we can't find her!!"