Chapter 27 : The Darkness Speaks

"how is he doing?"

Sariel spoke in a monotone voice, so emotionless and calculating that no one with a soul would presume that he was inquiring about his own child.

"I apologize master, he still refuses to come out. We tried everything but he simply ignores us when we try and speak to him, and we couldn't risk moving him forcefully after the incident two days ago."

A maid answered his question. Dressed in black garb and carrying a broom, she stood as the ideal image of a servant. Her eyes never met her master's, a show of respect that all in the Ash'ai family participated in when it came to Sariel, even his own children.

"ah, yes. I heard he attacked another maid when she tried touching him, how is she doing?"

"she died instantly I'm afraid."

"…I see…how unfortunate. I trust that a replacement has already been chosen."

There was no change in his expression or tone, not even a slight twitch in his eye could be seen upon receiving the news.

"yes, she is in training currently but I'm confident that she will meet your standards once her education is finished."

The maid showed no surprise at his coldblooded reaction, it was known amongst the clan that Sariel, the clan head, was an emotionless demon. It was a common thing among the great clans, only the most cold and cunning can reach the top, and he met that description perfectly.

"good, I must speak to my son now, you are dismissed."

The maid bowed deeply but did not stand up and walk away.

"may I speak my mind honestly master?"

"you may"

Sariel answered instantly, with no arrogance or egotism plaguing his words but she already knew that he would allow it. Sariel always heard the ideas of others, regardless of their position or strength. He was a cruel demon, but he wasn't a conceited one.

"the young master…his condition…I don't believe it's caused by magical means. He seems lost at times, like he isn't even in this world with us. The room is enchanted so that his voice doesn't leak out, but sometimes when the enchantment weakens we can hear him speaking to himself. He also makes strange demands at times, asking for things like the blood of specific demons from other clans, and even empty vials of certain substances, it's nonsensical. I think that speaking with you might be the only way to fix him, so please, do be considerate when speaking to him. foul words are likely to worsen the situation."

The maid bowed again after speaking, showing the root of her horns to Sariel who remained silent and processed her words.

"…I will take that into consideration. You are dismissed."

With a single, swift motion, the maid walked away and Sariel entered the room, the darkness and smell of stagnation hit him as he made his way into the bed where Uzan sat rocking back and forth like a child.

He looked around the room in disgust, his son, the demon carrying the title of strongest locking himself away in a dark chamber out of his own volition. It was a miserable sight to behold for anyone, let alone Sariel.

He noticed more than a few disturbing details, cracked walls painted dark red in places. Scratches and torn fabrics with gibberish written on them with various substances littered the ground, some more foul smelling than others.

"look at you…you miserable mutt, hiding away here while the world moves on."

The sight of Uzan, his shaggy unkempt hair draping over filthy, stained clothes erased the words of the maid from Sariel's mind completely, replacing them with anger, revulsion, and disappointment.

"your whore of a mother was a lowborn, yet she was the only one to bear me a child…I raised you, trained you, and gave you every advantage possible, even though I knew you'd turn out to be a failure… I thought I was mistaken for a time, I thought that you might just be worthy of taking over the clan, but look at you now…you pathetic worm won't even look me in the eye."

Uzan's rocking stopped for a second before resuming, now even faster and paired with rapid breaths.

"there is no point in me being here. You are not cursed nor diseased, you simply are a—"

"it is funny how someone who knows so little can act like he knows so much."

Sariel's eyes twitched at the sound of Uzan, raspy and shallow as it was, it was still the voice of his son mocking him.


"you are nothing but a rooster in a small chicken coop, you rule over the hens and pluck at the hand that feeds you thinking you are the king of the world…you have no idea what exists out there, the true king remains in the mist, hidden from all but those he deems worthy. This…joke you call a clan, a kingdom…a race, they are nothing but pebbles on the road for him."

Sariel was speechless. He analyzed Uzan's words and while they seemed like the ramblings of a madman, they were too calm, too composed, and far too coherent for that.

(A king? The human? no, it can't be. I have a feeling that he wasn't defeated by Uzan in that forest but he was defeated regardless, his power and near immortality is truly the stuff of legend, but even he can't single-handedly take down the entire demon race. Wait. If this is not nonsense then how did he come to know of it at all? He's been here since he came back from that mission.)

"the truth is so far beyond you, beyond everyone. go cluck the days away father, and leave me be."

Uzan returned to his rocking, now with his head tucked firmly between his knees.

"…if you don't get your act together and leave this room in two days…I will have you killed in this very bed."

The rocking slowed down for a second and picked up again, faster and more vigorous than before. Sariel watched in bewilderment as his son began laughing hysterically, barely sneaking breaths between the fits of psychotic laughter.

Suddenly the feeling of being watched by something just out of vision sent a chill down his spine, causing Sariel to shudder slightly. He looked all around but saw no one, he even activated his magic to scan the area to no avail.

(What is happening? Am I…afraid? Paranoid? there can't be anyone here, can it? no, I'm just overthinking it…I need to go.)

Sariel took one last look at his son and walked out of the room, flooding it with light for a second before the door closed shut behind him, finally muting the sound of Uzan's hysterical laughter.

The room returned to its usual darkness, and Uzan's laughter stopped at last.

"he left, so please, please speak to me. The silence is torture, please let me hear your voice again."

Uzan looked to the ceiling as he spoke, pleading with it to talk back.

"I haven't told that old fool anything important, nothing that will hinder your plans, so please tell me more, give me more knowledge…WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME? PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU."

His pitiful pleas turned into screams of anguish and he swiftly leaped from his bed and slammed his head repeatedly into a wall. Cracking It and painting over the delicate layer of white in deep crimson.

"PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME MO—ah…lord…thank you for speaking to me again, I can't handle it without your divine voice in my ears, please tell me more."


"I-I told him too much? I'm sorry my lord, please forgive me, please don't let go of me


"yes, lord…thank you, I will serve forever."

Not a voice other than his own replied to him yet a sense of ease and calm washed over Uzan's face. he stopped smacking his head against the wall and returned to bed, rocking back and forth again, smiling and mumbling words of gratitude to the darkness as if it was alive. as if it was talking back.