Chapter 30 : Reflection

"we've been on the road for three days now, the demon lord couldn't give us some mounts or better yet a damn car."

Adam mumbled to himself as he and Shiira walked through an empty, barren wasteland. No trees, grass, or animals roamed about, only lifeless dirt and dried-up rivers decorated the background.

"there are demonic beasts that can be used as mounts but it's rare to come by one in the wild, so they are usually reserved for nobility and are treated more as a status symbol than an actual tool, but what is a car?"

Shiira walked a few feet behind Adam, her face carrying an expression of curiosity and wonder unlike his. She looked around her constantly, gazing upon the faraway deadlands and answering any of Adam's questions, even the ones that are clearly not meant for her.

"again, that was a rhetorical question, and stop asking me about irrelevant things."


"ugh, what the hell, a car is a type of metal mount I guess you can call it. it can carry multiple people and go a long distance before needing to be recharged."

"I see. I've heard of metal steeds that are hidden beneath the palace. weapons of war that can make any rider a menace on the battlefield, but those are just rumors, and we can always just use our powers to cover more distance if you're discontent with our current pace."

The two came across a sharp incline spanning miles, as they went down it and walked through the dry, cracked dirt Adam stopped moving and crouched down, picking up a handful of it just to look at it for a moment and toss it to the wind.

He felt a strange sense of remorse, seeing what was once a vibrant land full of life and laughter became nothing but a wasteland. It was a painful feeling, different than that of losing a friend in battle or failing to save a city, it was one that hit even deeper.

"…as I said, those demons we met at the city were able to teleport somehow, if I use my augments to speed things along we might get attacked while I'm exhausted."

Adam got back on his feet and resumed walking, leaving his handprints on the dirt behind, the first human hand to touch that soil in centuries.

"this place was probably a lake or river from the looks of it, a place full of life…now look at it…is this the prize we fought so hard for?"

Shiira remained silent as they traversed through the bone-dry lake, her curiosity and wonder turning against her as she imagined what the world looked like before the super weapons of man, and the forbidden magic of demons turned it into what it was today.

There were forests and rivers left here in there, in areas that were spared from the relentless bombing and sieges, but they were few and far between, at least compared to the old world.

"sir, can you please tell me, is the world really so much bigger than what we know of? Is it true that most of it is so destroyed and hazardous that we can't even step foot in those parts?"

Tales of the forbidden dead lands were common. Entire worlds, massive in scale and in diversity. ruined beyond repair. So dangerous and toxic that even the most powerful and resilient of demons are unable to survive a minute amidst the ruins.

The stories she heard were mostly shared amongst children, and are often regarded as fantasies by most lowborns, but she always had a feeling that there was truth to them, especially when she saw how powerful a warrior of old was, and how much destruction he was capable of.

Adam looked back at her for a moment before turning back and taking a deep breath. He pondered if he should just tell her to mind her business but ultimately decided against it. There was nothing left, no more war, no more military court, and no more reason to hide the truth for the most part.

"yes, much of the world is too toxic for my kind or yours to step foot in. Africa, most of Asia, and much of Europe and the Americans…all gone, and that's just as far as I know. I died before the war ended, so things probably got even worst. hell, even the black sea became a toxic pit during the battle of dead water."

Shiira didn't know any of those names, but she understood the meaning behind them, and with her understanding, came momentary silence but lasting sorrow. Sorrow for a world that neither she nor anyone else was going to see.

"the stories told of great lands and seas that were forever corrupted by vile forbidden magic, depriving the very earth of its soul and spreading disease and death where ever it went…the elders despised the use of that magic and still do to this day."

"it doesn't matter, the use of nuclear weapons, virus bombs, and pathogenic warheads was met with a lot of scrutiny as well but it didn't matter once enough people died. war is war, and destruction will follow it no matter what weapons are used…if only your kind didn't come to our world on mere superstition and blind obedience."

Shiira didn't respond to that for there was nothing she could say. The war was a horrible mistake, that much she knew, but beyond that, she had nothing to say to Adam. Nothing that would make things better.

They continued walking for a few hours until the sun began to set, and the visage of a beautiful moon took its place in the sky, providing a grim view and hiding the dead land in a veil of darkness.

It was then that Adam saw something in the distance. Something big, blurry, and extremely far away. It was like a cloud descended to the earth and got trapped in time, still warping and shifting yet unable to move or fly away.

"I assume that's our destination?"

He pointed at the anomaly, a smile of satisfaction and longing appearing on his face as he imagined the possibilities that lay behind the mist.

"well not exactly, but since the mist city is already visible we are nearly there, but we'll need to head to the merchant gathering in the town of Horta."

Adam sighed and looked back at Shiira with annoyed eyes, clearly not approving of her detour idea.

"can you remind me again why we aren't heading directly for the city? going to a merchant gathering seems like something you do when you need groceries, not information."

"we've been through the briefing ten times already but if you insist. once every three months, merchants from all nearby towns gather in Horta for a few days to sell and trade in all manner of goods and services. there is no better place to find accurate, detailed information on the city and the creatures that appear from within it. we simply have to go."

Adam turned around once again, but this time his eyes did not have the slight look of annoyance about them. they were cold and brutal, the faint moonlight revealing the malice and bloodlust within them to Shiira.

Her breathing immediately got heavy as the fear Adam instilled in her the first day they met reared its horrifying head once more.

"have to? are you giving me orders, demon?"

Sweat ran down Shiira's face and her eyes struggled to keep contact with his.

"n-n-no, I'm just relaying the demon lord's words…s-sir."


Adam finally broke the very once-sided staring contest after what felt like an eternity for Shiira and walked away, leaving her behind to compose herself in silence.

putting me in my place? is that it?

Shiira understood the reason for his sudden change, she was even warned that it was going to happen at some point by Onvyr, but it was still a horrifying experience non the less, especially for someone who'd seen his power fist hand such as herself.

s-saying that he's likely to be angry and volatile was an understatement, he's been on the verge of annihilating Tyra City twice and now he almost made me hurl from fear just to remind me of who's in charge.

the night turned into day once more as their journey continued on, but this time the sunshine actually greeted the two with a good sight, one brimming with life and energy, the town of Horta.

Demons of all ages walked about, chatting, laughing, and brawling amid the sea of endless carts and wagons displaying mountains of goods that changed hands multiple times in approximately the same spot.

"what's with the shape?"

Adam quickly picked up on the strange position the merchants arranged themselves in, the one thing that he found odd about the town so far.

"Horta is also called the crossroads town. it's right in the middle of all the other towns and serves as a center for trade and services, thus the merchants mostly congregate around the four main roads leading in and out of the town. you should cover your head, the demons here worship humans so your appearance may cause an uproar."

Adam nodded and covered his head, leading the two into the merchant town. The first real step in solving the mystery of the mist city.