8/24/2022 Schemes and Plots


"Ow..." I mumble as I rub my head, looking around in this stable environment. How did I even survive the fall? I should have splattered on the ground and broken every bone in my body. I then suddenly felt as if the entire universe was replaced with the coldness of absolute zero and I heard a single word.

"Eironeis..." The voice sounded like a jumbled-up voice of all beings in creation. I couldn't believe it. Why me? Why can't I just get some OP power and get a harem? Why do I have to interact with these beings? I don't want this...

"I just want to live a normal life..." I say before being rudely interrupted by a person standing in the room with me.

"And you might be?" The man says staring at me with an eyebrow raised. Ah, he looks like some sort of royalty... maybe he knows where I am...

"I am... Caesar." I say, lying to him while I stare at him, observing his facial expressions and how he stands. Yep most definitely royalty, but I've never seen that kind of clothing before. Maybe a European and Asian mix? Am I in the past or something?

"Forgive me, but where am I?" I ask him, watching him act completely dumbfounded.

"How do you not know where you are? Do my clothes not remind you? I am Henry Plautilla, heir to the Empire of Equiral. The strongest empire in all the year's man has existed." He says with an arrogant tone and looking at me like I just called him the worst slur known to g-

"AH!" I yell feeling a sharp pain rise through my chest. I look down and see nothing but bandages. What the hell?

"What happened to me?" I say looking towards Henry. Henry looks back towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"You fell into a cart of hay. You probably thought it was going to stop your fall. It only did that slightly. You fell into it faster than the Gihos in the south." Henry says looking at me like I am stupid.

"Giho's?" I say confused staring at Henry. Henry then looks at me before sighing, pulling out a chair, and sitting down before explaining the Gihos to me.

"The Gihos are one of the fastest humans in the world. The Fastest of them being able to cross entire continents in seconds. They are also the creators of the Lightning Sword. A sword so attuned to Lightning, a spark of it is able to fry a man in half a second 5 times over." He says before leaning forward with envy appearing in his eyes. I could tell he wanted it.

"Anyways, where are you from?" He says staring at me. I freeze up and then my mouth moves on its own.

"I am from E-Iago. An island west. It is relatively unknown so I'd be surprised if you knew it. We mostly practice alchemy and science there." I 'say' as I had no control of my mouth there. I almost asked Henry what happened but decided not to. I'd rather not appear as weird if he didn't have anything to do with it.

"I see." Henry then gets up.

"Head to the Alchemist's Dungeon as soon as you can. It's to the right of your room." Henry says before leaving the room in a rush. Did I do something?


'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!?!? THAT MAN IS NOT A HUMAN!' I THINK as I hold my hands over my mouth trying to prevent myself from puking in fear.

'HE ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! THAT TYPE OF BEING!' I think once more as I remember that feeling coming from Caesar. It was Eldritch or something of that scale. It reminded me of those stories written by that dwarf racist named A.Q. Hatesmith or something. He wrote those books about terrifying beings, maybe Caesar is one of them.

'No, they don't exist...' I think as I regain my composure. I need to speak to my Father about this. He should know. He did say something about the truth when I become ready.


As I stretch to pop my bones, I got up and begin to head to the Alchemist's Dungeon. It seemed odd for an Alchemist to exist. This only proves my theory of being sent back in time or to a different universe. I'm leaning toward a different universe. I've never heard of humans being able to cross continents in mere seconds.

As I open the door and peek in, I see an old man staring at... a ring? The old man was wearing a black cloak and had a bone wrapped around his neck. I decided to speak up to the man.

"H-Hey!" I spoke out, stuttering a bit from nervousness. I mean, after all, this is a genuine Alchemist! Someone who studies the mystical side of the world and creates potions! The old man turns and looks at me before his eyes widen and he quickly hurries to my side.

"Hello, young man! Are you volunteering for my gender-switching experiment?" He says looking me up and down as I feel an intense disgust, this fuckers is a weirdo.

"What the hell? No, I was sent here by Henry for something." I say with clear disgust in my voice. The old man looks a bit sad and then sighs.

"Fine... Are you sure?" He says giving me...puppy eyes? No that's toad eyes.

"I'm sure, what did Henry send me here for?" I say nearly beating the man to death. from his weird tone. The old man quickly runs to the ring he was just looking at before grabbing it.

"Here." He says handing it to me. Is... Is he proposing to me?

"I don't swing that way..." I say backing up before shaking my head and making an X with my arms.

"The ring fell with you when you fell into hay." The old man says before grabbing my hand and putting it on my ring finger I tried to take my hand out of his hand, but he had... unnatural strength despite his extremely thin figure. I then felt... a massive pulling toward something. It leads me to a small tooth. I reached out to grab it and when I touched it I felt... something amazing happening. I felt smarter and understood something... I understood the workings behind Philters? Oh, those are potions.

"What did you do?" The old man said from behind me with calculating eyes. Along with an expressionless face.

"I-I don't know," I say as I stare at my hand. The old man looked at the ring and then back at me.

"I see. Magic? That could get you killed you know?" He said looking at me with a smirk. Did he just get blackmail on me? I turn and look at him with fear evident on my face.

"W-What?" I could get killed for something... involving magic? What the hell happened here?

"Did you not know? By the Sun, you must have lived under the Mountain of Gom." He said sighing before pulling out a journal from his cloak. He then wrote in it for a few seconds before closing it.

"I won't tell anyone, but you must let me study it. Or else I will have your ears chopped off and your skull as my shit bucket." He said staring at me and smiling with a smile that should never have ever been on a human face. I didn't even think he could be this cruel. I was manipulated into thinking he was a perverted idiot huh? I placed my arrogance into my own reading people skills when I've been fooled many times.

God, I'm such an idiot. Very well, I'll agree. However I'll have my revenge, but you do have my thanks. I finally understand. I must become the smartest, I'll never be fooled. I will rise to the top and destroy you for making me such a fool. You old fucker. I'll ruin you.

"Fine," I say, imitating a scared tone. I need more strength before I even think of fighting him. Despite his weak build, he could easily overpower me. I might have to go Captain America in this bitch.

"Good!" Now, go speak to Henry about you becoming my assistant. Oh, and don't mention this to anyone, or else they will not be as lenient as I am! Also, my name is Glare! Nice to meet you." He said reaching out to shake my hand. What... was he doing? Is this a power play? Or is it a nice gesture?

"I am... Caesar." I lie once more as I reach out to shake his hand. As our hands touched I felt something within him, it was similar to the tooth but not the same. Did he know what it was? Is that why he is studying me?

"Anyways, leave me at once." Glare says letting go of my hand and shooing me away. I left at a fast pace as I then opened and closed the door. He... scared me. I don't know what he was thinking, but it must have been something evil. Guess I'll go see Henry.

GLARE ???? POV (His last name is relatively important to the story, Like very important. His last name is game-changing. No joke, trust.)


"Just you wait, you fuckers. I'll destroy every last one of you." I say before looking at where the Slow Tooth was. I can't help but smile.

'He' is here finally. I then clap my hands 2 times as 4 people appear and kneel before me.

"Lord Glare, what do you require?" Servant #1 says. I stare at him before pulling out a notebook.

"Begin Plan R, variation A," I say handing him the notebook while smirking.

"It will be done my lord," He says before sticking up his right hand in a fist as he and the other 3 servants chanted 'For Peace' and vanished.

Now, I just need to figure out where the other Slow Teeth are.


As I opened Henry's door he looks at me and then looks down back at his book before closing it, putting a bookmark in it.

"Finally, did Glare do anything to you?" He says putting the book away which was labeled 'The March of the Apocalypse'.

"Other than try to get me into a Gender Switching experiment? No." I said laughing a bit, trying to get Henry to trust me more. Was I too direct with my intentions? I should mask them more. Henry sighs and then runs his hand through his hair.

"He does that sometimes, he turned 4 of my guards into girls. They ended up taking their lives due to the poor living standards for women in this country." He says while acting like it is no big deal. What the fuck? That old man is... insane most definitely. I guess I should be even more careful with people.

"What did Glare want with you?" He says eyeing me up and down before leaning back on the shelf.

"He gave me this ring because he said it fell with me," I said holding my hand up and showing the ring off to Henry. Henry eyed the ring for a few seconds before nodding.

"It did." He said. Henry then grabbed my shoulder before leading me out of his room.

"Now that we are away from prying eyes, I need you to do something for me. I know you may not trust me, but I need you to get something for me." He said in a hushed tone, looking around for anyone looking at us.

"Sure," I say after thinking for a few seconds. I might be able to gain something from this.

"I need you to go into the marketplace and look for a man named Haiko. He is from a small island off the coast of Equiral. He should be wearing clothes from there and he has a fan he uses to cool himself off. He also has a pet tiger. Tell him I sent you and he will give you what I need." Henry says looking around once more before scratching his arm. Is he a druggie? Eh, fine.

"Okay, but what will I get from this?" I say looking at him.

"I will give you... access to the Plautilla library, a favor, and 500 gold. I need what Haiko has." Henry says with pleading eyes.

"Okay, also make me Glare's apprentice. I decided to take up alchemy." I say looking at him as he quickly nods.

"Quick, go, go, go!" Henry says as he pushes me forward.


Author Note - 2141 Words... Wow. I've never written so much before. I also gotten more plans for this series. I genuinely am invested into this. I'll write some more later. I actually have a direction to go in.