"Feelings for an unexpected kiss"

Stella heard her words and got up from the bed and closed the door well. She was closing the door when she spoke again, "I step away for a moment, and you begin a new job before kissing someone there. What odd behavior is that, exactly? What profession do you kiss someone on your first day?

Molly was repeatedly putting her hands on her head and shouting, "I almost died of curiosity."

"Who did you kiss?" Tell me.

"Come on..."

"Who was it? "

"Who did you kiss?"

"come on!"

She looked at her worriedly and said, "I don't know him"

Molly looked at her worriedly and said, "You don't know the man? So, did he...force you to kiss him?

She looked at her worriedly and said, "No, he did not. It was a mistake."

Molly got up from the bed worried and took the chair from another place and placed it near her and said to her, "I don't understand anything that you are saying."

Stella looked at her worriedly and said, "I started to work at the same place as my sister"

Molly was happy to hear this and spoke, "I knew it! Congrats, give me a kiss" and she gave her kiss on the right cheek. and again excitedly spoke, "Give me the details...I want to hear it all." She looked at her and said, "Forget about that. It was the 40th anniversary of the company. I entered a private suite, where it was pitch-black and we couldn't see one another. He must have believed I was someone else since he later kissed me. It was unusual, I was breathless, and it felt as though the earth was giving way. I fled, but I still feel strange.."

Molly smiled and said, "Yes, it is strange. So, why do you think it was? Does he work with you?

She looked at her worriedly and spoke, I'm not sure...there were lots of visitors. Since it was so dark, I could only make out his shoes, but it might have been anyone. They came in stylish black." Molly got up from the chair and started circling the room and spoke, "if he's a chic man who wears tuxedos, he has to be someone important."

Stella nervously replied, "I have no idea, but he was massive. He accidentally touched my arm, of course, and he had a beard."

Molly looked at her and spoke, "Well, that's not special, so come on. Nowadays, everyone grows a beard. Can't you recall any other details? Think deeply." She said okay, Let me think

She moved the chair to her side and put her face on it and started thinking.

She remembered the whole incident of the kiss, she started to smile while thinking

Suddenly Molly shook her and laughed and said, "We're here...where are we?...look...in your bedroom. Just the two of us...we're back, talk to me."

And she sat on that chair, Stella looked at her worriedly and said, "Tell me...am I in love, Molly?"

"Is this love or is it my imagination?"

"What's happening to me?"

"What am I going through right now?"

Molly looked at her and said, "I don't know. I don't have any answers for you, But we have to give him a nickname. Should we call him Bluto?" and they started laughing.

She started thinking, she looked at the picture in her room, which had a picture of an eagle on it, she looked carefully And said while lying on her bed, Let's call him Eagle. His nickname should be Eagle.

Hearing this, her friend got up from her chair and lay down next to her on the other pillow on the bed. He will point to the picture and say that you will see such eagles in Seychelles. Molly, there are thousands of them flying over the water. There are lovely. He is in the air 90% of the time. He soars through the air without stumbling because of his enormous and powerful wings. His wings are never weary. He is capable of sustained flight.

Mr. Manson was standing in the kitchen taking the medicine. He had just opened the medicine when Ferit came from behind. As soon as he saw his father, he put the medicine in his mouth.

He looked at his father suspiciously and asked, "what is this medicine you are taking?"

he replied, " when a person gets old, he becomes dependent on the medicine."

He smiled at his son and said, "Come, sit outside in the yard and talk."

They were walking in the yard, so Ferit said to his father, "I will go there with you tomorrow. I will have a lot of fun too", he took a deep breath and said, "Today, after listening to all Amira's talk, I have thought that I will not go on any trip and take care of my own business because my business is very important to me."

They both sat on the Wayfair lawn chairs placed in front of them while talking, then Ferit looked at his father and said father, why are you so worried about this incident, Ryan is here and he will take care of the matter.

Ryan also came home, he parked his car in the garage and entered the house.

He saw his father and his brother sitting in the yard talking and started going to them.

Mr. Manson looked at Ferit and said, "Son, how many times I have told you...Ryan is not competent enough."

As soon as Ryan entered the yard, he stopped there immediately after hearing their words and stood behind the wall and started listening to all their words,

His father said again, "He is incapable of managing. He lacks creativity. He lacks the necessary qualities..."

Ferit was listening to all your words very carefully, his father then looked at the swimming pool in front and said, "I have invested so many years in this agency...I don't want to make a mistake...I can't leave it unsupervised"

Ferit looked at his father and said don't worry I will carry your business till you come back.

His father looked worried at him and said that it can't be, you have your work too, how will you handle mine? He was very worried. Ferit placed his hand on his father's hand and said,

"You don't need to take any stress now your son is with you I will look at my project later but I will take care of your work first don't worry at all. I will catch the spy who is trying to harm my father's business and then I will kill him.

Ryan was standing behind the wall listening to all their words. After listening to all the words of his father, took a deep breath and said that "I am proud of you. I wanted you to work in the company. Now I can go peacefully." He looked at his father and told him, "to take a three-month vacation in peace and take good care of himself and not to worry about business at all."

His father started saying, "my son is very creative and practical." Ferit became amused and began to listen to all their talk and said yes, and more and more. they started laughing.

His father again took deep's breaths and said, "I am very happy." He looked at him and said, "Dad, it is late. You have to go tomorrow, so go to sleep and rest." He picked him up and hugged him for a long time, looking like he was getting a lot of comfort from the hug, then he said |goodnight son" and went back.

Ferit was sitting there alone and was looking at the moon, again and again, he didn't know why he was smiling, he was remembering the girl again and again, how she came here. He sat there for a long time thinking about it and smiling.

The next day, when Stella woke up, she heard the sound of work coming from her house, so she got up and went straight to the place where the sounds were coming from. She was suddenly surprised to see that so early in the morning In the morning her mother was cleaning her glasses, she came to her mother worried and said, "Why are you cleaning the windows ?"

Her mother let out a huge yawn and spoke again, cleaning the glasses, "Alexander's family will be visiting tonight to propose to you. She'll probably check whether every corner is sparking clean."

She asked worriedly, "Didn't you say I should either work or get married?... I am working now...what more must I do?

Her mother immediately replied, "They'll give you a month, then you can stop working, We can't miss this opportunity. Men are not exactly lining up at your door, are they?"

She got worried and called out to her father, after that he came out of his room, buttoning his shirt, he looked at his daughter.

Stella looked at her father worriedly and said, "Dad, why are you up so early?...I'll open the shop"

her father replied, "Never mind, you're working now...I'll open it, you can't do both.

She looked at her dad with her lovely eyes and said, "You are the cutest dad in the world."

He said hugging his daughter, "You are the cutest child in the world. My darling daughter."

She said to her father, "Do you know, only you understand me." He replied, "No, that can't be true. You've always been special...so special."

She looked into her father's eyes and said, "Will you solve this Alexander problem for me, Dad?"

Her father immediately stopped laughing and said, "How do I? We promised them. We are unable to break our word. Always fulfill your commitments."

"She sadly replied, "My dad is making fun of me, which makes me very unhappy."

He replied and said, "Let's have breakfast. come on"