Is Julia fired from the company or has someone trapped her??

All the employees of the company were sitting in the meeting room. Everyone was sitting there waiting For Ferit to come because he had arranged the meeting.

Stella was standing on the side and taking pictures of every bearded man on her phone.

Julia and Vera were sitting on the chairs talking, Julia shockingly asked, "How is that possible? So, Mr. Ferit is in charge now? What about Ryan?"

Vera surprisingly looked at her and, Shame, did you envision yourself as the executive assistant to the big boss?"

She furiously replied, "I have no idea what you're referring to. Now that Mr. Manson has left, you are just standing around."Vera smiled and said, "I have news for you. This place can't operate without me. Don't you worry about me?"

Ferit was coming down the stairs and Diana was also coming down with him as soon as everyone saw Ferit coming down and everyone sat quietly on their chairs.

Ferit stood near the table and began to catch the stones by throwing them up and down in his hands and moving around saying, "Good morning to all. For those of you who prefer to ignore them and those of you who have heard the rumors. I'm replacing my father in this role. Anyway please get me a cup of tea" and he sat.

Ryan stared at his brother from the stairs and ignored him and left.

Everyone started looking at each other and started talking in gestures tea? Did He say tea? Where to get tea? Tea? Everyone looked at each other strangely...Do we even have any tea?... I don't know.

Diana looked at him and nervously said, "Tea?... Where will we find any tea?"

Ferit looked at her and said, "Yes tea, Ordinary tea, Teabag with boiling water. What's wrong?"

Immediately Stella spoke, "I drink only tea and I have not seen any. They say there is no tea here."

Everyone looked at her, Diana looked at her furiously and said to Ferit, "Could I make another suggestion for you, Ferit? A nice cup of espresso would be lovely. Perhaps a sizable non-fat latte? very good health Or about a thin cappuccino without cream, or an almond milk-based Americano? Which one do you like best?"

Ferit looked at her and said, "What could be so difficult? milk."

He pointed to himself and Stella and said Diana bring two cups of tea for both of us."

Stella looked at KD and said, "I wonder what she's going to do" He replied, "turn everything upside down for a tea bag."

Ferit looked at Stella with a smile and turned his to the other side.

* * *

After a while, she brought two cups of tea

A cup of tea was placed in front of Ferit, and the other was with Stella with whom she was drinking tea.

Ferit looked at everyone and spoke, "I'm sure everyone is wondering why we are here. We do have a problem, though. We have a spy in the company. He became silent after saying this, everyone started talking to each other after hearing this saying I am not, I am not too, what's going on? everyone started saying to each other in this way. Ferit was watching them all silently.

Ferit looked at everyone and said, "This spy is providing Amira with essential information about our projects as well as other information. The individual might be present here right now."

Stella spoke lightly while turning to face KD, "Why would anyone do that? Who could be so stupid?"

He looked worriedly at Ferit and spoke lightly to Stella, "Shh...not now"

Ferit again spoke to everyone, "I want to reassure that person...that their time in this company is running out. He or she will wish we had never met when I told them. No one among you will discuss our work with anyone outside of this company as of today. There are now new security measures in place. I will hold you all responsible if I find any of our projects or ideas being used by any other business."

Stella pointed to a girl sitting in front of her and spoke softly in KD's ear, "That girl looks like she's hiding something...She always wears loose clothes."

Immediately Ferit again spoke, "This is my company. That's what you should be saying. I can't. I can't say that!"

Stella got up from the chair holding a cup of tea in her hand and started looking around worriedly. Diana angrily looked at her and said, "What is the matter with you?" Then her sister grabbed her hand and said, "you are embarrassing me", everyone started talking to each other that what happened to her. She looked around worriedly., and said to Ferit, "I can't say it's my company if you're in charge."

Ferit questioned as he gave her a kind look, "When did you start working here?"

She immediately replied, "Yesterday."

He looked at Stella and picked up a cup of tea from the table and started drinking. Julia looked at her angrily and said, "sit down"

She got worried and asked her, "Am I fired?" She replied, "I hope so"

Ferit again looked at everyone and spoke, "I hope everyone knows what's going on now. Thank you, back to work."

And he took his two stones from the table in his hand and rose from his chair and went away.

Ryan was sitting in his office working on his laptop and suddenly he got an error sign on his laptop. He picked up the phone from the telephone on his table and spoke, "Dude, What's wrong with our network?... What do you mean, it's off?"

He glanced outside his door. He saw that Ferit was coming to his Office, he hung up the phone as soon as he saw him. Ferit came into his office whistling, Seeing him, Ryan stood from his chair and said, "Did you ask the network to relaunch? He answered, "Mm-hm. Every month, everyone receives a new password. It'll be functioning in a short while."

I don't understand the reason behind all of this, he shouted angrily.

Ferit turned to face him and said, "We need to identify the spy if we're going to survive. We've had too many of our campaigns taken over by Amira."

Ryan grinned at him and added, "This is my laptop," while pointing "How come I can't log in? Am I also a suspect?"

He answered, "Don't exaggerate. Or do you want to hide something?

Ryan was listening to him very quietly.

Ferit said, "As of today, only Stella will be able to access our confidential files." She will deliver the proposals. Only you, Stella, and I are present."

Ryan questioned, "Stella, why? She is who? Ferit replied doubtingly."

Seeing that she had just started working here yesterday. That is the reason. Is anyone else here?"

Ryan said "She lacks any experience! That's the key: We can't afford to make any mistakes."

Ferit answered, "She's smart. She'll pick it up as soon as possible.

We are without other options."

If you say so, I suppose not, he replied bitterly. Ryan angrily sat on his chair and closed the laptop and took out the phone from his pocket and began to use it when Ferit came near him and said, "The most beneficial outcome for you is what has happened. Without using your computer, five minutes. It's time to learn to relax... Go feed the park pigeons or whatever." then he went.

Ferit came out of Ryan's office and was throwing stones up and down in his hand when he saw Stella and other employees coming up from the front, he went to her and said to Stella, "Stella?... Please report to Ryan."

She looked around a bit worried and left after indicating yes.

Ferit spoke to all of them, "I forget to note that the network is rebooting. Everybody will get a brand-new password, which will change every month. every department. Admin, Creative, and Finance will be kept distinct."Julia asked him, "But Mr. Ferit, what happens if you work in Finance and Admin like I have all these years?"

"We've changed the system You'll only have access to your department" Ferit replied shrugging his shoulders.

He looked at everyone and asked, "Are any of you using your computers in the office?

Julia raised her hand and said, "I do, I use it to take minutes at meetings"

Pointing to her laptop, Ferit asked, "is it?" So she got a little worried and said, "Yes." So he said, "May I have it."

She nervously replied, "I don't believe this, Mr. Ferit. Do you think I am the spy?

He said, "That's not what I said. but we have to make sure. I am sure you have nothing to hide."

She again replied, "But Mr. Ferit, I can't do anything without my laptop. I am going to sit here twiddling my thumbs."

He looked at her angrily and said, "In that case, take a few days off. I'll call you if everything is fine"

Everyone was looking at her with strange eyes. She got worried and gave her laptop to Ferit.

He took the laptop from Julia and left.