Who is Ozan?

Ryan was anxiously pacing around his Office talking to Amira on the phone.

Ryan: "A task force under Ferit is scouring each computer in the building. I don't know what to do anymore. H e's driving me crazy."

Amira: "You shouldn't be worried. Our emails have vanished without a trace. I have got nothing at all regarding the campaign."

Ryan: "They're still working on it. I don't know how I'm going to get it to you."

Amira: "How about the girl who borrowed money from you?

Ryan: "Yes, she's doing her part."

Stella stands outside his office and knocks a little on the door. Ryan motioned him to come in and said to Amira, "I'll call you later." and hang his phone.

Ryan came to Stella and said, "Stella, Ferit will shortly have a meeting. Diana will make her campaign presentation. Please sit down and pay attention. After that, promise to tell me everything."

Stella nervously said, "I don't know. I heard something I didn't understand. What did you mean by sabotage when you spoke to your brother earlier?'

Ryan pointed to a chair and said, "Sit down."

Stella sat on the chair and nervously looked at Ryan.

Ryan lowered his eyes and said, "Only you, Stella, can help me; my brother wants to sell the business and follow his interests. My years of employment in the organization are not valued by my father. He decided to replace me with my brother. He picked him. He doesn't know what is up to. Stella, you are necessary. Ferit must not be allowed to take on any additional tasks. Do you understand?"

She confusedly said, "Yes and no...Why would he take on new projects if he's selling the company?"

Ryan moved around in his office and looked at Stella and said, "to improve the company's share price and increase profits. Making the most money feasible is Ferit's primary concern."

Stella replied while sitting on the chair, "Share price and things like that aren't my specialties."

Ryan angrily came to her and said, "Let me put it this way."

Stella confusedly said, "Okay, I understand. I don't have a choice. I owe you all that money."

Stella again looked at her and asked, "I have one last question for you, Mr. Ryan.?

Ryan looked at her and asked, "What is it?"

She immediately said, "My sister? She's sorry, but she doesn't know why."

"I promise you, she'll be back soon," Ryan replied assuring her.

Stella happily got up from their chair and started to walk out of the office when Ryan immediately called her from behind and said, "Stella, Go to the meeting and see what you can find out."

She happily replied, "Okay, don't worry." and left.




Ozan was the most handsome man in the neighborhood, All the girls in the neighborhood used to love him.

Ozan who have blowout black hair, a day stubble beard, blue star eyes, broad shoulders, and a back.

He was Molly's elder brother and he had his meat and food shop in this neighborhood.

Molly entered her brother's shop and was again disturbed to see that all the girls had gathered around him.

Ozan was standing in front of the table, wearing a grey apron cutting the meat and everyone was looking at him very lovingly.

Molly said to everyone, "Excuse me, may I pass?

And entered the shop with difficulty, she turned towards all the girls and said worriedly, "You wouldn't mind if I watch my brother too, to see what is so interesting, right?" and looked at her brother and asked,

"If you don't mind, Can we talk?"

and She looked at the girls and said, stand aside, please. I want to go outside of the shop but they are were still lovingly looked at him.

Molly angrily said, "Don't you have homes to go to?"

Ozan came to Molly and asked, "What is it?"

Molly looked behind him, all the girls still looking at him. She nervously said to his brother, "Can we talk over there."

She said to his brother, "Bro, I require 1 000 rupees. I'd like to open an online store. Everybody is engaging in it. A lot of money can be made. I'll then be able to look after you too. I'm telling you, it will work."

Ozan angrily asked her, "When is this going to stop?"

She politely said, "It's not my fault. I'm not suited for a business career. I run my own business. Some people can't tolerate my creativity."

Ozan tiredly replied, "I see. You're unemployed again"

Molly tried to understand him, Suddenly Ozan looked at Julia who was coming back from the grocery shop. As soon as Ozan looked at her, he started to smile and comes to Julia and asked, "Julia, How are you?"

Julia stopped and said, "I am good, Ozan."

Ozan again said, "I haven't seen you in a while."

Julia tiredly said, "Yeah, I don't eat meant anymore. I am vegan now."

Ozan innocently asked, "Vegan? Why"

Molly immediately said, "It must be because of the vegetative state she's in these days."

Julia smiled and stared at her and said, "You're so funny, you're breaking my heart." and looked at Ozan and said, "It was good to see you, Ozan and she left.

Ozan was constantly looking at Julia and worriedly said, "The butcher and the vegan...tragic..."

Molly nervously looked at Ozan and said, "You can say that again. It's as if Cupid has shot you with a kebab stick."

Ozan looked at Molly and asked, "What?"

She immediately smiled and said, "Nothing...Will you give me the money, or not?"

Ozan came to his shop and open the drawer where all his money was kept. He take out 2000 rupees and looked at Molly and said,

"This is the last time, you hear?"

Molly nervously said, "Uh-huh, promise. Give it"

As Molly grabs money from him, he smiles pointing the money towards his cheek.

Molly came to him smiling and kissed his cheek, and happily said, "You're the best! You won't regret this, my handsome brother" and she left his shop.

Stella held a thermos in her hand and was trying to open it and was going straight ahead. Ferit was in the front meeting room and had a meeting.

Ferit suddenly looked at her through the glass door. But Stella was too busy to open the thermos and she neither looked nor looked around and kept walking straight.

Ferit was constantly looking at her as those who were in the meeting, started looking at Stella from behind.

Stella did not know that there was a glass floor in front of her and she was going straight toward it. Suddenly, her head hit the door hand.

As soon as Ferit saw her, he immediately ran outside and worriedly looked at Stella and asked, "Stella, are you okay? let me see"

Ferit worriedly started looking at her forehead and started removing the hair from his forehead

Stella spoke with innocence, "Feels like a bump. It hurts."

Ferit was pushing the hair back from her face with both his hands and looking at the bruise on her forehead.

Stella worriedly said, "I tried not to be late for the meeting, and look what happens."

Ferit looked at her forehead and said, "This is a campaign brainstorming session. You're not needed there."

Stella immediately looked at him and asked, "Really?... Okay. Then, I'll leave."

Ferit looked at her head and asked, "Are you sure everything is still working?"

Stella confusedly touched her head and said, "yeah, I am fine. Thanks."

Ferit pointed toward the thermos and asked, "Is that tea?"

She nods yes and hands him the thermos. Ferit asked, "Are you sure?."

She smiled and said, "Absolutely. You can Enjoy."

And he takes one look at her and took the bottle and goes to the meeting room.

Vera looked at Ferit and said, "I have something...I'll start." and she

And got up from her seat and stood in front of the big table and started showing her how she would fulfill the duties of an air hostess.

Feri was looking at Vera very surprised, when Ferit went to her and said, "Thank you, that's enough for now." he opens the door and motioned for her to go out and says, "You can go now." shut the door.

Ferit looked at Diana and said, "We need another team if this is what we've created after working all night. The campaign should succeed. anything inspiring. Anything else?"

Immediately, another guy stand from his seat and said to Ferit that I have also made a presentation. Ferit indicates him to present.

He stands with a chart in his hand and places it on the table on which The Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, and the Statue of Liberty were built.

He looked at Ferit and the other members and said, "An alternative is to create a photographic illusion."

Ferit looked at his work and said, "Much better. Work on that."

Diana immediately looked at Ferit and said, "It's just a basic idea. We might not have a successful campaign ready by tomorrow, in my opinion."

Ferit interrupted her and said, "Don't worry, Diana. The printing will be handled by myself. Never allow anyone else to see it. Send it to me as quickly as you can." he came out of the meeting room.

Ryan was checking some files. Stella knocked on his door and entered his office and secretly told him, "I couldn't attend the meeting, so I have nothing to report.

He angrily asked, "I asked you politely, why weren't you there"

Stella confusedly said, "Mr. Ryan, I am just a general assistant. I know nothing about creative meetings. Anyway, Mr. Ferit wouldn't allow me,"

Immediately Ferit knocked on the door. Ferit wore a Black leather jacket, had a handkerchief tied around his neck and he was holding glasses with his teeth and as usual wearing a lot of chains around his neck.

He looked at both of them and said to Mr. Ryan, "Ryan, I am off due to the printers."

Ryan questioningly asked him, "Can't you send someone else?"

Ferit replied, "Nobody else is trustworthy to me. We're behind the deadline. It should be done by tomorrow morning."

Ryan asked him, What are you planning to do there by yourself until the next morning? and looked at Stella and again said, "Take Stella with you"

Stella confusedly looked at Ryan.

Ryan immediately holds Stella's hand and brings her to Ferit and said,

"Stella has a photographic memory."

Ferit looked at Stella and said, I'll meet you downstairs. Are you coming?"

Stella nervously turns her face towards Ryan, and he gives her a yes sign, Stella smiles at Ryan and immediately looked at Ryan and said, "I am on my way." and Ferit left.

As soon as Ferit left, Stella nervously looked at Ryan and asked, "I don't know anything about printing, Mr. Ryan. How will I do there?" Ryan looked at her and said, "Relax, just go with him. Take photos and send them to me. That's all, okay?"

She confusedly said, "Alright" and went behind Ferit.