CH 77.6

"All the divine casters should take their places back, but I want you to be ready in case I asked for another combined spell if another one of those developed demons appeared again, we have to be ready for anything.", Said professor Claus while slightly moving his head to the side and looking with his eyes at the divine casters behind him, they all move in a fast manner back to their positions on the defensive wall.

"That was a fine spell, professor, thanks for applying the telepathic field by the way, this will make the communication between us easier.", Said lieutenant Arathel without opening her mouth while looking up at the top of the defensive wall, the only one hearing her was professor Claus, and that was one of the divine magic arts he has mastered, the telepathic fielding art, a type of art in which a field can be created by a single divine caster and include several persons within the range of that field, all the persons that the divine casters has allowed to enter that field can share their thoughts without talking, they can hear each others thoughts, but that doesn't mean that they can pry on each others secrets or personal thoughts, not even the divine caster himself can do that, the only thoughts that will be heard are the ones that the person are willing to share, nothing more than that.

"You're welcome, lieutenant, how are the things going down there with you?", Asked professor Claus in the telepathic field while looking down at lieutenant Arathel.

"I'm adjusting the infantrymen positions and telling them their roles, the beast riders will be ready in three minutes and I will start adjusting their positions too and telling them their roles also, I have to make sure that my men understand their roles well cause they will be having compound roles, not just a simple one.", Said lieutenant Arathel across the telepathic field.

"I see, will you take long or what? The demons will be in front of you in less than 15 minutes", Asked professor Claus across the telepathic field.

"Don't worry, I'll be ready in less than that, just be ready to open fire on them when they get close, I want to keep my men away from the battle as long as I could to avoid the attrition of the manpower I have on the battlefield.", Said lieutenant Arathel across the telepathic field before moving towards her men again.

"You got that, lieutenant.", Said professor Claus across the telepathic field.

Behind the demons hordes, precisely at the dense forest surrounding the demons, the battlefield and Taimeria divine academy, several faint laughters were echoing.

"The idiots really thought that the alpha scarlet giant was trying to damage the academy buildings from afar before the divine barrier gets active, HAHAHAHA.", Said a hooded person carrying a moderate size black gem his his right hand and it was glowing with purple aura, he gradually raised his eyes and his features appeared, deep dark demonic eyes but in the same time the face behold the features of an elf except for the grey skin color, those are the outcasts of kingdom Yarnat, the dark elves!

"Indeeeeed, that stupid Claus thought he protected his precious academy and students from further damage, HAHAHAHA, just like lord Blamore expected, they are too easy to trick.", Said another hooded dark elf while holding a similar black gem, it looks like they are communicating with each other through these black gems as their sounds were heared from it.

"Well, it looks like they took the bait, lord Blamore.", Said a third hooded dark elf while looking at the black gem in his hand, on the other side, on the palace of the Cragmoore zealots, Vex Blamore was sitting on a wide chair while looking at the large black gem over his faithful staff, he was hearing what the dark elves were talking about and then he smiled widely, during that moment, at the room where the fireball has destroyed its outer side, the fireball itself started igniting with green flames instead of the normal fire!

"Our man is inside, my lord.", Said the third hooded dark elf while smiling, and at that exact moment, a human figure stepped outside the of the large fireball while his body was surrounded by the green flames, or we should say, Bethra's ember!

The man appeared to be wearing a hooded leather black cloak, he finally put his feet which were wearing leather boots onto the ground outside of the fireball, he raised his head and his features appeared, a dark skinned man with an aggressive features, his eyes were gleaming with the green aura from Bethra's blessing, he was nearly the height of Jaxith and was having a strong built body that even the wide cloak was barely holding his strong muscles, a hell grade dark caster is inside the academy, and in the same building with Elviera and Nigel!

The dark caster walked towards the entrance of the room then out of the room, the tapping of his steps was echoing across the hall he stepped into, he looked left calmly then turned left and started walking slowly until the end of the hall then turned left again to continue walking but he stopped for a moment, the green aura of Bethra's blessing completely disappeared now, he kneeled down on the floor and put the right side of his face on the ground, more precisely his right ear( he removed his hood in the process to reveal his very short black hair), he closed his light brown eyes and focused.


The tapping of several shoes, the dark caster heared them well, he calmly stood up again and put his left hand inside a pocket of his cloak then took out several small black gems, he calmly threw them in front of him and watched them glow!

Several demonic hounds and scarlet crusaders were summoned from those gems.

"Kill whoever stands in your way.", Said the dark caster in a deep tone while looking coldly at them!