The cold breeze of the night started getting a bit stronger, the assassin was standing in his place, still mesmerized by the show Jaxith has just put.

"You made your moves depending on your information for the black gem, but still that wasn't enough to expect all of my tactics, how could you plan all of this? How can you know all my moves?!", Said the assassin while looking surprised from Jaxith's cunning, he literally cornered the assassin using his own tactics, mixing that with his serious facial reaction and those scarlet red eyes were disturbing horribly, his black long sword still pointing from distance at him while the assassin was still reviewing his limited options with his left hand on his sheathed sword by his lift hip, but what are the chances? He butchered the butcher without trouble, like they were his own prey, what's worse is that he must be having some tricks under his sleeve, meaning that he still doesn't know his limits as a warrior, the way he uses his sword is perfect, for an assassin like him seeing a long sword like that must be hard, its metal looks heavier than normal metals, something rare, he couldn't mistake it, but just how he is perfectly moving and slicing like that? His composure and confidence in every move is the translation of the precision, he is even younger than him, but looks like he has more experience than him in combat, he needs to evaluate the situation well if he wants to get out of here alive.

"I'm your normal monster hunter, nothing more than that, I've some old memories about that black gem of yours, so I made up that little plan, and you weren't that hard to predict, your way to get her from the beginning clarified your style, you are the careful type, the one who is sent to get the job done calmly, leaving no trace behind him, that maybe the reason your agent sent you that piece, right? To wipe out every existing evidence of her presence, anyone who knows her, that made it easy to know that you will never attack her in open place, and by knowing the tracking property of the gem I knew that you will keep tracking her just the next day to ensure that I have lost her, unlucky for you I'm a hunter and I'm good at my job, all what I needed is that she do a little show to attract your attention in the town then lure you into an open place, of course nothing better than the hills or the outskirts in Orstone, coming back to the outskirts will be suspicious so the hills was my best decision, waiting to reveal yourself and your hounds was important to not get trapped, you also spilled that you were given this gem shortly, which means that waiting completely wasn't a wrong move, but that brings me to the same question, who is the person that would give already a dangerous assassin like you an expensive black gem just to get a demon hybrid? You know they aren't much loved, not worthy that money or effort, more like an outcast, so could you tell?", Said Jaxith who was still fully focusing on the assassin, Irene looked at him, his words were somehow harsh to hear as he was talking about her kind as a lowlife but she decided not to interfere.

The assassin stood there completely outsmarted by Jaxith, he literally illustrated him like he was in his mind, he didn't know how to respond now, like he forgot what he should say, he even forgot the meaning of the words from fear!

"That's nonsense, you maybe strong but don't underestimate my mind, a normal monster hunter? Are you insane or what? With a sword like that just for monsters? Huh, I haven't seen a metal like that before, black but still shining, that's a sword a general would have or a rich man putting it in his collection, a skillful blacksmith too is involved for sure, if not, you sure you aren't a spiritual knight, maybe undercover for the government.", Said the assassin.

Jaxith narrowed his eyes, what does he mean by that? For sure he isn't working for the government.

"First of all if I was a spiritual knight you would've been done from yesterday, second thing why would a government agent help a hybrid, I thought you were smart and I just outsmarted you, but looks like you're just a fool to say something irrational like that, or maybe you started saying something you shouldn't be saying?", Said Jaxith before a light smile draw on his face.

The assassin's hands started getting shaky, he has just made a mistake, of course he's not a government agent nor a spiritual knight, he just cornered himself more by saying that, he shouldn't have said it.

"Looks like you're way more than a fool, you just told me something important, what does the government need from someone like her and your agent also needs her? Don't tell me that this stupid ring made all this mess, you surely know something, TALK!", Said Jaxith while raising his voice at the end, he was trying to make the assassin loss control, burying fear inside him to tell him what he knows, something is definitely wrong, all what's happening and what he's bluffing now is somehow not coherent, something is missing.

The assassin deeply thought of his options, he looked at the gem in his left hand.

"This must be worthy, but I need to make it my last winning move, the message of the crow was clear, this gem has something special than other normal black gems, but using it will make it useless afterwards, I can't summon more hounds now, that's my limit and the gem's too, if I just had time to train more or summon stronger demons then surely this fight would have been easier.", Thought the assassin.

"You know I can summon more, right?", Said the assassin trying to manipulate Jaxith.

"No you can't, you just said that you are totally new to this forbidden art, that's your limit, but if you still got something then do it, although I doubt you can do something except running and that's a thing I hate for sure, cause I will get you but you will regret making me run after you, it's simple, just tell me what you know.", Said Jaxith confidently.

"Sorry to disappoint you, young man, what I know can't be told, let's see how good you are with your sword, you totally picked my intrigue with your swordsmanship.", Said the assassin while drawing his sword, he even couldn't confuse him with saying that he can summon more, he has planned it all right, all he has now is to try and hurt him, and if things went wrong, he still got the gem in his pocket, he will do anything to get out alive even rendering that gem useless afterwards, nothing is more important than his life now, he didn't expect that simple contract to be so complicated, if only this man didn't appear, and yet he doesn't know anything about him.

Jaxith looked at the assassin curiously, he didn't expect him to draw his sword, a double edged normal steel sword, much shorter than his black sword and looks lighter too, typical sword for a an assassin.

"Well well, I guess you finally attempted something, but I will make it easier for you.", Said Jaxith before he sheathed his sword back on his back, Irene looked surprised from what Jaxith did, it's like he doesn't care about the assassin at all.

"I'll make a little bet, if you could hurt me with your sword then you win, and I will leave you unharmed.", Said Jaxith confidently.

"WHAT?", Shouted Irene while looking surprised, she can't understand him.

"You sure of that, I won't complain at all.", Said the assassin while looking surprised.

"I'm sure, but if I crashed you right now without any weapon then I win, you tell me what you know, fair?", Said Jaxith.

"Fair enough.", Said the assassin, he thought that Jaxith went overconfident there, whatever his skill was using his hands or legs a single cut by the sword means his loss, that must be his way out, he'll even go right for the fatal spots to take advantage and complete his task.

"Stand aside, Irene, I think that you want to watch what will happen, I know you're still burning from inside, consider it as a show of gratitude for trusting me.", Said Jaxith while taking a fighting posture, his physical build is something the assassin should be aware of, he still can't remove from his mind how he nearly tackled the hound by his shoulder dash, his legs stood firmly on the floor.

"Single cut?", Asked the assassin.

"That would be enough to prove you're worthy.", Said Jaxith.

The assassin sprinted towards Jaxith, that's a chance that shouldn't get wasted, he recklessly slashed his sword upwards, Jaxith calmly stepped aside and instantly raised his right foot directly kicking the assassin's face.

The assassin staggered back while putting his left hand on his mouth before maintaining his balance, he spitted blood out of his mouth while looking angrily at Jaxith.

"Too predictable, come on, I think you have got more than that.", Said Jaxith boldly without even a single blink.

The assassin furiously attacked Jaxith again, swinging his sword vertically, horizontally and every possible angle, but Jaxith was cold as a mountain's peak, agile and fast but also steady, the sword didn't even scratch his coat, suddenly the assassin got hit directly by Jaxith's elbow in his nose sending him back again, his nose started bleeding, he didn't notice that he left a gap for a direct hit like that! Was he going clumsy or Jaxith is even a master in hand combat?!

"Come on, don't let me down like that, I'm sure that this is not how an expert assassin would handle a sword, come on, try again, maybe you can do it, who knows?", Said Jaxith calmly like he was having a workout.

The assassin was confused from this masterclass, he doesn't know what to do, even without a weapon he is still untouchable.

The assassin moved again trying for a last time, he walked calmly side by side with Jaxith, reckless rush isn't the solution, he is predicting every move, maybe baiting him then going for a direct stab in his chest would be a good idea.

The assassin moved his sword in a quick fake slash trying to bait Jaxith, but Jaxith stood like nothing is happening, he tried again but nothing happened.

"Well if that bastard won't react to any bait then going directly is the solution.", Said the assassin to himself.

The assassin in a quick stance pushing his sword tip directly towards Jaxith's chest in this close range while they were walking around each other, but Jaxith in a quick reaction got a hold of his sword then grasping his hand and revolving it to force him to leave the sword before he held the sword then headbutting the assassin hard in his nose again sending him to the floor this time while aching from pain, his sword sword now in Jaxith's hand.

"Ahhhhhhh, f*ck!", Shouted the assassin loudly while holding his nose and bleeding.

"That's frustrating, really frustrating, you should know that more than me, okay, one last time, but without your sword.", Said Jaxith before throwing the assassin's sword behind the trees.

"Maybe you're better without your sword, a hand to hand expert, that's the only explanation for your miserable swordsmanship.", Said Jaxith in a bold manner, Irene was watching the assassin getting humiliated by Jaxith, she somehow felt happy for what she is witnessing, but also hatred started raising again in her chest, seeing him like that made her grasp her dagger while looking at him!

The assassin stood up again his vision become a little blurry from the hit on his nose, he felt that he will surely need to use that trick with the gem, the only problem is that he doesn't know exactly what will happen, but at least he will be able to escape.

The assassin took a fighting stance, holding both his fists up, his face covered in blood and he's feeling a little dizzy, he tried sending several punches for Jaxith but also all of them for nothing.

He tried again before Jaxith grasped his fist again, pulling him aside fast before kicking the assassin's right knee hard who in turn fell off, screaming from pain, he just heard his bones shatter, his knee twisted slightly, his pain was relentless, Jaxith totally destroyed him!

"Enough, enough, okay?", Shouted the assassin trying to stop Jaxith from completing beating him while crawling away.

Jaxith looked at the assassin, he didn't break a sweat even.

"Then I assume you're ready to talk, right?", Said Jaxith boldly.

The assassin noded for Jaxith, he was sensing the gem in his pocket, it's now or never.

"Let's start easy, who is the agent?", Asked Jaxith seriously before he sensed movement by his side, and in a flash he grasped Irene's hand and took the dagger out of her hand before pushing her away from the assassin, she just tried to stab the assassin!

"What's wrong with you? You're gonna waste everything by that, I never thought you were an idiot?", Said Jaxith while looking at Irene angrily, her eyes are full of hatred, he could sense it, the fallen assassin on his right awakened the urge to kill him and avenge her friends.

"Give me my dagger, Jaxith, hand it over.", Said Irene seriously, she is clearly interested only in avenging her friends that she isn't concerned with knowing who is the one really after her.

"That's simply not possible, you kill that man you lose everything starting from your humanity.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"JUST HAND IT OVER.", Shouted Irene before she rushed at Jaxith before he slipped aside protruding his leg tackling her, she fell on the ground, she turned and looked at Jaxith but still on the floor.

"You need to calm down, that's not you", said Jaxith calmly.

"Yeah, and what do you know about me? You just met me yesterday, quit playing the role of the hero and bring me my dagger.", Said Irene angrily but Jaxith stood silent while looking at her eyes.

"HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BREATH, THAT BUTCHER TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO WATCH HIM HUMILIATED LIKE THAT AND WASTE THE CHANCE TO AVENGE THEM.", Shouted Irene furiously before standing up, she was furious, she is still young and hotheaded, Jaxith needs to calm her down, to make her understand the right from wrong.

"I know much, 24 hours you were shaking from fear and tried to suicide, you were completely lost, now look at yourself now, you're trying to take someone's life, that's not you, you haven't killed a human before.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Then this will be my first time, I can't leave him, Jaxith, you said you were going to give him an easy death, why don't let me do it? It doesn't matter right?", Said Irene seriously.

"It does, I wasn't going to kill him, idiot, I was trying to make him talk, taking someone's life isn't an easy thing girl, you took that road and you will never come back, once you do it then you're no different than him, and I know since the moment I saw you that you aren't like him, that's why I helped you, you are good at your heart, don't waste it.", Said Jaxith in a calm tone.

"Stop it, you don't understand what I'm feeling now, I'm a hybrid, Jaxith, not an angel, I was raised in the streets, not in a palace, I lost everything except Lance, I don't need your lecture and I will pay for your help once you help me, just give it to me, you aren't losing anything, you won't even see me again.", Said Irene seriously.

"You're bluffing now, being a hybrid isn't the problem here, there are demons everywhere Irene, there are beasts too, they kill humans and we kill them, but the difference is that we don't kill each other, that way we are becoming demons, just like him, it's not by the blood inside your viens, it's choices, you are the one responsible for your own actions, every choice you make will have its consequences, depending on the seriousness of the choice the impact will change, a choice like that is life changing, young girl, you're responsible for how the people view you, you want to be seen as the demon or the human, that's the point.", Said Jaxith before he stretched his hand with the dagger in it.

Irene looked carefully at Jaxith then looked back at the assassin, somehow she felt that Jaxith is right.

"It's not about him, me or even your guild, it's about you, don't make someone filthy like him destroy the goodness inside you, he will get his punishment as a first grade assassin by the authorities, maybe even take his own life, but as I said, it's your choice and I won't interfere, I just wanted to clarify some things for you, but I don't want to regret the moment I decided to help that girl.", Said Jaxith warmly, he was clearly giving her the choice just like before when she tried to suicide, she could take the dagger and do it, she could stop that fire inside her or she could remain pure like she is now.

She took the dagger from Jaxith who looked at her in precision, he hoped that he made the right choice.

Irene looked at the assassin who was still on the floor, he smiled at her.

"How ironic, now you're the one holding the weapon not me, come on do it, I won't beg a filthy blooded hybrid for my life, at least prove to me and him that you aren't good, you are just a demon waiting to get freed, maybe I've freed that demon and made you a great service.", Said the assassin in a sly faint smile.

"Don't make him affect you, remember that he has killed a lot and just wants to not make himself feel guilty, he can't believe that you could be human more than he could, he can't believe that he is the demon in here not you, you are smart, you know the right thing to do.", Said Jaxith calmly while looking at Irene's back, she was focusing on the assassin.

Irene looked at the assassin's eyes, Jaxith's words echoed in her mind, her eyes started tearing.

"Why? Just tell me, WHY DID YOU KILL ALL OF THEM? You wanted me only, not them, you could have just kidnapped me.", Said Irene while sopping, her feelings are just mixed, she is still too young to witness all that violence and hatred, Jaxith wanted her not to get polluted to by that hatred or violence, he wanted her to make her choice now, if she made it right then that girl standing in front of him isn't a weak one, and she could be the person he missed in his life.

"Orders, that's my job.", Said the assassin.

Irene grasped her dagger tightly, yesterday she was going to take her life with the same dagger she is trying take another one's life now, both of these situations Jaxith gave her the choice, he was right yesterday, there is still hope, maybe he is right now too, she turned her head to Jaxith, her crystal blue eyes completely filled with tears, she shook her head.

"I can't do it, maybe I'm weak to even try it.", Said Irene innocently while tearing.

"You aren't weak, only the weak would submit to his violent desires, his inner demon, you've just proved to be stronger than him, strength isn't about taking someone's life, it's being able to do it but suppressing it, you made the right choice, Irene.", Said Jaxith while smiling to her, for the second time he was able to deal with her, she's good, she just need guidance.

Irene looked at him in hesitation before she nodded positively then wiped her tears, she put her dagger in her small bag before taking a final look at the assassin, she was going to do it, but everything changed, she moved back to Jaxith's side.

"Now what?", Asked Irene.

"Who's the agent?", Asked Jaxith.

"Maybe you are good with words, Jaxith, just like being good with your sword or even your hand, but we have gone far enough, I just can't tell who is my agent, he even left me a little gift to deal with a situation like that.", Said the assassin before he took out his black gem and smashed it by his side!

"YOU'RE INSANE!", Shouted Jaxith.

"Jaxith, what has he done? Oh god what's happening.", Said Irene while looking a bit afraid.

The gem started emitting black vapor around the assassin completely surrounding him like a mist!

"Get back, and whatever happens don't ever stray away from me, understood?", Said Jaxith, Irene immediately stood behind Jaxith and grasped his coat from worry.

"Fine, What's happening?", Asked Irene in worry while looking at the assassin who is now completely surrounded by black vapour.

"Remember when I told you not to surrender to your inner demon?", Asked Jaxith.

"Yeah.", Said Irene.

"He decided that surrendering to his inner demon wasn't enough so he totally refused his humanity.", Said Jaxith while narrowing his eyes.

"Wait, do you mean he is becoming a demon?", Asked Irene in surprise while looking up at Jaxith.

"Yeah, but he just sold his soul.", Said Jaxith seriously.

"Power, I'm feeling it through my veins, now you're gonna pay the price for humiliating me, WITNESS THE POWER OF A COMPLETE DEMON.", Said the assassin proudly behind the thick vapor, still nothing is visible of him, only the vapor getting higher and higher.

"Wait, AHHHHHHHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, STOOP, PLEASE STOP, AHHHHHHHHHHH.", Shouted the assassin, there were bone crashing sounds, flesh being raptured, the sounds were horrifying especially for young Irene who was afraid, Jaxith noticed her.

"Don't get afraid, gather yourself, we're just getting started, you're safe with me, okay?", Said Jaxith confidently to decrease the fear inside Irene before he drew his sword and stood in full focus, both his hands grasping his sword tightly.

"I trust you, but are you sure yourself?", Asked Irene worryingly.

"Don't worry, remember what I told you if he was having a second plan or something like that? We will improvise Irene.", Said Jaxith calmly, Irene nodded to him in approval, she seemed calmer now.

A loud sound hit the air, whatever was being created there is getting out.

"ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.", A loud and scary roar echoed across the hills!